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The Year of Our Lord 1986

Bishop Events

September to October

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
Sep28.9Perpetual VowsOscar Nkolo Kanowa, C.I.C.M.Member of Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of MaryBishop of Mweka, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
2 Sep64.4Ordained BishopClaude Henri Edouard Frikart, C.I.M. †Titular Bishop of SummulaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Paris, France
50.5Ordained BishopAlbert Jean-Marie RouetTitular Bishop of ObbiArchbishop Emeritus of Poitiers, France
3 Sep26.0Ordained DeaconJames MassaDeacon of Brooklyn, New York, USAAuxiliary Bishop
6 Sep48.8AppointedChristian Vicente Fernandez NoelBishop of Talibon, PhilippinesBishop Emeritus
7 Sep55.2InstalledEgidio CaporelloBishop of Mantova, ItalyBishop Emeritus
8 Sep24.3ProfessedJoão Kot, O.M.I.Member of Oblates of Mary ImmaculateBishop of Zé-Doca, Maranhão, Brazil
20.6First VowsMauro Mantovani, S.D.B.Member of Salesians of Saint John BoscoPrefect of the Vatican Library
22.6ProfessedTeodoro Mendes Tavares, C.S.Sp.Member of Congregation of the Holy SpiritBishop of Ponta de Pedras, Para, Brazil
24.0Perpetual VowsJacek Pyl, O.M.I.Member of Oblates of Mary ImmaculateAuxiliary Bishop of Odessa-Simferopol, Ukraine
10 Sep65.3DiedTomislav JablanovićAuxiliary Bishop of Vrhbosna {Sarajevo}, Bosnia and Herzegovina
12 Sep65.5AppointedPackiam ArokiaswamyArchbishop (Personal Title) of Tanjore, IndiaBishop Emeritus
91.8DiedJames Louis ConnollyBishop Emeritus of Fall River, Massachusetts, USA
65.0AppointedManuel Franklin da CostaArchbishop of Lubango, AngolaArchbishop Emeritus
50.0AppointedFernando Guimarães KevanuApostolic Administrator of Ondjiva, AngolaBishop Emeritus
91.3DiedJames Ireland, M.H.M. †Prefect Emeritus of Falkland Islands o Malvinas
58.2AppointedAlphonsus MathiasArchbishop of Bangalore, IndiaArchbishop Emeritus
45.3AppointedJosé de Queirós Alves, C.Ss.R.Bishop of Menongue, AngolaArchbishop Emeritus of Huambo, Angola
81.2RetiredRajarethinam Arokiasamy SundaramBishop of Tanjore, IndiaBishop Emeritus
53.0AppointedFrancisco VitiArchbishop of Huambo, AngolaArchbishop Emeritus
13 Sep25.0Solemn VowsBryan Joseph Bayda, C.Ss.R.Member of Congregation of the Most Holy RedeemerBishop of Toronto (Ukrainian), Canada
69.1ResignedAlejo del Carmen Obelar Colman, S.D.B. †Vicar Apostolic of Chaco Paraguayo, ParaguayVicar Apostolic Emeritus
31.8Ordained PriestPhilip Adisak Phorn-NgamPriest of Chanthaburi, ThailandBishop
14 Sep66.9Ordained BishopHans Hermann Groër, O.S.B. †Archbishop of Wien {Vienna}, AustriaCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus
25.3Ordained PriestDominic KimengichPriest of Nakuru, KenyaBishop of Eldoret, Kenya
83.1DiedLouis Marie Henri MazeratBishop Emeritus of Angers, France
27.2Ordained PriestBenjamin S. PhiriPriest of Chipata, ZambiaArchbishop of Ndola, Zambia
15 Sep49.5Ordained BishopRaymundo Damasceno AssisTitular Bishop of Nova PetraCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Aparecida, Sao Paulo, Brazil
47.4SucceededRamon Barrera VillenaBishop of Bayombong, PhilippinesBishop Emeritus
70.8ResignedAlbert van Overbeke, C.I.C.M. †Bishop of Bayombong, PhilippinesBishop Emeritus
17 Sep58.3Ordained BishopAlfred John MarkiewiczTitular Bishop of AfufeniaBishop of Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
18 Sep67.9AppointedGiovanni CheliPro-Prefect of the Pontifical Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant PeopleCardinal, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People
75.3ResignedEmanuele ClarizioPro-Prefect of the Pontifical Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant PeoplePresident Emeritus of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See
19 Sep66.1SucceededConstantino AmstaldenBishop of São Carlos, Sao Paulo, BrazilBishop Emeritus
86.4DiedRuy SerraBishop of São Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil
20 Sep84.3DiedBasil Edward Christopher Butler, O.S.B. †Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster, England, Great Britain
40.7Ordained BishopJohn NjueBishop of Embu, KenyaCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Nairobi, Kenya
31.6Ordained PriestJesús Sanz Montes, O.F.M.Priest of Order of Friars MinorArchbishop of Oviedo, Spain
21 Sep25.5Ordained PriestHovsep Joseph Bezazian (Bezouzou)PriestApostolic Administrator Emeritus of Greece (Armenian)
53.9Ordained BishopHeinrich JanssenTitular Bishop of Aquae SirensesAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Münster, Germany
50.2InstalledWilliam Joseph LevadaArchbishop of Portland in Oregon, USACardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
72.7CeasedCornelius Michael PowerApostolic Administrator of Portland in Oregon, USAArchbishop Emeritus
32.9Ordained PriestPedro Ignacio Wolcan OlanoPriest of Mercedes, UruguayBishop of Tacuarembó, Uruguay
23 Sep80.5DiedJacques Henri Romeijn, M.S.F. †Bishop Emeritus of Samarinda, Indonesia
26 Sep23.9Ordained DeaconCorrado LoreficeDeacon of Noto, ItalyArchbishop of Palermo, Italy
27 Sep31.2Ordained PriestHeriberto Andrés Bodeant FernándezPriest of Salto, UruguayBishop of Canelones, Uruguay
26.2Ordained PriestCarlos Briseño Arch, O.A.R.Priest of Order of Augustinian RecollectsBishop of Veracruz, México
27.1First VowsStephen Chow Sau-yan, S.J.Member of Society of JesusCardinal, Bishop of Hong Kong [Xianggang], China
30.0Ordained PriestGiuseppe GiudicePriest of Teggiano-Policastro, ItalyBishop of Nocera Inferiore-Sarno, Italy
75.4RetiredFriedrich Helmel, S.V.D. †Bishop of Guarapuava, Parana, BrazilBishop Emeritus
DiedLuís Carlos Riveros Lavado, S.D.B. †Prefect of Ariari, Colombia
29.4Ordained PriestSanctus Lino WanokPriest of Arua, UgandaBishop of Lira, Uganda
78.4DiedValerians ZondaksAuxiliary Bishop of Riga, Latvia
28 Sep52.3Ordained BishopPierre Étienne Louis EytCoadjutor Archbishop of Bordeaux (-Bazas), FranceCardinal, Archbishop
27.2Solemn VowsDominicus (Michael) Meier, O.S.B.Member of Order of Saint BenedictBishop of Osnabrück, Germany
32.2Ordained PriestDésiré TsarahazanaPriest of Antsirabé, MadagascarCardinal, Archbishop of Toamasina, Madagascar
29 Sep64.3AppointedBernardin GantinCardinal-Bishop of PalestrinaCardinal, Dean Emeritus of the College of Cardinals
30 Sep74.9AppointedNicola Agnozzi, O.F.M. Conv. †Bishop of Ariano Irpino-Lacedonia, ItalyBishop Emeritus
57.8AppointedGiuseppe AgostinoArchbishop of Crotone-Santa Severina, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus of Cosenza-Bisignano, Italy
58.7AppointedOttorino Pietro AlbertiArchbishop of Spoleto-Norcia, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus of Cagliari, Italy
62.5AppointedLuigi AmaducciBishop of Cesena-Sarsina, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus of Ravenna-Cervia, Italy
58.4AppointedGiacomo BarabinoAuxiliary Bishop of Genova-Bobbio, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Ventimiglia-San Remo, Italy
73.4AppointedGilberto BaroniBishop of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla, ItalyBishop Emeritus
51.5AppointedAntonio BelloBishop of Molfetta-Ruvo-Giovinazzo-Terlizzi, Italy
58.3AppointedFrancesco Tarcisio BertozziBishop of Faenza-Modigliana, Italy
56.6AppointedUgo Donato BianchiArchbishop of Urbino-Urbania-Sant’Angelo in Vado, Italy
67.4AppointedMarco Caliaro, C.S. †Bishop of Sabina-Poggio Mirteto, ItalyBishop Emeritus
63.2AppointedAngelo CampagnaBishop of Alife-Caiazzo, Italy
64.7AppointedIgnazio CannavòArchbishop of Messina-Lipari-Santa Lucia del Mela, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
59.9AppointedAntonio CantisaniArchbishop of Catanzaro-Squillace, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
62.4ResignedCarmelo Cassati, M.S.C. †Bishop of Lucera, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie (-Nazareth), Italy
43.2IncardinatedBenvenuto Italo CastellaniPriest of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus of Lucca, Italy
73.0AppointedIsmaele Mario Castellano, O.P. †Archbishop of Siena-Colle di Val d’Elsa-Montalcino, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
59.5IncardinatedRaffaele CastielliPriest of Lucera, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Lucera-Troia, Italy
53.6AppointedMario CecchiniBishop of Fano-Fossombrone-Cagli-Pergola, ItalyBishop Emeritus
62.7AppointedAngelo Cella, M.S.C. †Bishop of Frosinone-Veroli-Ferentino, ItalyBishop Emeritus
55.0AppointedFernando CharrierAuxiliary Bishop of Siena-Colle di Val d’Elsa-Montalcino, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Alessandria (della Paglia), Italy
53.4AppointedGiuseppe ChiarettiBishop of San Benedetto del Tronto-Ripatransone-Montalto, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus of Perugia-Città della Pieve, Italy
55.6AppointedDomenico Tarcisio Cortese, O.F.M. †Bishop of Mileto-Nicotera-Tropea, ItalyBishop Emeritus
59.8AppointedVincenzo CozziBishop of Melfi-Rapolla-Venosa, ItalyBishop Emeritus
39.0IncardinatedGiampaolo CrepaldiPriest of Adria-Rovigo, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Trieste, Italy
61.3AppointedEnzio d’AntonioArchbishop of Lanciano-Ortona, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
66.7AppointedGiovanni D’AscenziBishop of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, ItalyBishop Emeritus
56.0AppointedSalvatore De GiorgiArchbishop of Foggia-Bovino, ItalyCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Palermo, Italy
56.0ResignedSalvatore De GiorgiBishop of Troia, ItalyCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Palermo, Italy
75.3AppointedAntonio D’ErchiaBishop of Conversano-Monopoli, ItalyBishop Emeritus
46.5IncardinatedGiovanni De VivoPriest of Siena-Colle di Val d’Elsa-Montalcino, ItalyBishop of Pescia, Italy
52.0IncardinatedMichele Di RubertoPriest of Lucera-Troia, ItalySecretary Emeritus of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints
59.8IncardinatedGiuseppe FabianiPriest of Forli-Bertinoro, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Imola, Italy
66.8AppointedUmberto FlorenzaniBishop of Anagni-Alatri, Italy
72.6AppointedBruno FrattegianiArchbishop of Camerino-San Severino Marche, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
60.4AppointedAldo GarziaBishop of Nardò-Gallipoli, Italy
62.6AppointedAlberto GiglioliBishop of Montepulciano-Chiusi-Pienza, ItalyBishop Emeritus
29.1IncardinatedNicola GirasoliPriest of Molfetta-Ruvo-Giovinazzo-Terlizzi, ItalyApostolic Nuncio to Slovakia
28.7IncardinatedClaudio GiuliodoriPriest of Ancona-Osimo, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Macerata, Italy
57.4AppointedSergio GorettiBishop of Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino, ItalyBishop Emeritus
58.4AppointedDecio Lucio GrandoniBishop of Orvieto-Todi, ItalyBishop Emeritus
42.3IncardinatedDomenico GrazianiPriest of Crotone-Santa Severina, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
70.0AppointedGuerino Luigi GrimaldiArchbishop of Salerno-Campagna-Acerno, Italy
71.5AppointedFelice LeonardoBishop of Cerreto Sannita-Telese-Sant’Agata de’ Goti, ItalyBishop Emeritus
73.7AppointedCarlo MaccariArchbishop of Ancona-Osimo, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
56.0AppointedAndrea Mariano Magrassi, O.S.B. †Archbishop of Bari-Bitonto, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
44.7IncardinatedPiero MariniPriest of Genova-Bobbio, ItalyPresident Emeritus of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses
66.2AppointedLuigi MavernaArchbishop of Ferrara-Comacchio, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
46.9IncardinatedEdoardo MenichelliPriest of Camerino-San Severino Marche, ItalyCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Ancona-Osimo, Italy
33.7IncardinatedAntonio MuraPriest of Alghero-Bosa, ItalyBishop of Nuoro, Italy
60.1AppointedAntonio NuzziArchbishop of Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi-Conza-Nusco-Bisaccia, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Teramo-Atri, Italy
75.6AppointedJolando NuzziBishop of Nocera Inferiore-Sarno, Italy
46.0AppointedDomenico PadovanoAuxiliary Bishop of Bari-Bitonto, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Conversano-Monopoli, Italy
65.3AppointedCesare PaganiArchbishop of Perugia-Città della Pieve, Italy
71.4AppointedFerdinando PalatucciArchbishop of Amalfi-Cava de’ Tirreni, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
70.3AppointedGiovanni PesBishop of Alghero-Bosa, ItalyBishop Emeritus
57.2AppointedTarcisio Pisani, O.M. †Bishop of Altamura-Gravina-Acquaviva delle Fonti, Italy
74.0AppointedGiovanni ProniBishop of Forli-Bertinoro, ItalyBishop Emeritus
38.6IncardinatedGino RealiPriest of Spoleto-Norcia, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Porto-Santa Rufina, Italy
54.3AppointedCosmo Francesco RuppiBishop of Termoli-Larino, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus of Lecce, Italy
32.4IncardinatedMarco SalviPriest of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, ItalyBishop of Civita Castellana, Italy
31.8IncardinatedFrancesco SavinoPriest of Bari-Bitonto, ItalyBishop of Cassano all’Jonio, Italy
76.0AppointedAngelo ScapecchiAuxiliary Bishop of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, ItalyAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
80.3AppointedGiuseppe SiriArchbishop of Genova-Bobbio, ItalyCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus
71.9AppointedAurelio SorrentinoArchbishop of Reggio Calabria-Bova, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
59.1IncardinatedAlberto TricaricoPriest of Nardò-Gallipoli, ItalyOfficial Emeritus of the Secretariat of State
69.6AppointedGiuseppe VairoArchbishop of Potenza-Muro Lucano-Marsico Nuovo, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
50.4Ordained BishopJulian (Yuriy) Voronovsky, M.S.U. †BishopBishop Emeritus of Sambir-Drohobych (Ukrainian), Ukraine
69.6AppointedAntonio ZamaArchbishop of Sorrento-Castellammare di Stabia, Italy
1 Oct52.5AppointedAnton Agreiter, M.H.M. †Prefect of Falkland Islands o MalvinasPrefect Emeritus
52.5AppointedAnton Agreiter, M.H.M. †Superior of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da CunhaPrefect Emeritus of Falkland Islands o Malvinas
45.4AppointedJózef MichalikBishop of Gorzów, PolandArchbishop Emeritus of Przemyśl, Poland
2 Oct25.8Ordained PriestJacob Barnabas Chacko Aerath, O.I.C. †Priest of Order of Imitation of ChristBishop of Saint John Chrysostom of Gurgaon (Syro-Malankara), India
62.7DiedNestor BihondaBishop Emeritus of Muyinga, Burundi
3 Oct25.4Ordained PriestKévork Assadourian, I.C.P.B.Priest of Institut du Clergé Patriarcal de BzommarPatriarchal Exarch of Damas (Armenian), Syria
4 Oct27.4Ordained PriestRosario GisanaPriest of Noto, ItalyBishop of Piazza Armerina, Italy
26.7Ordained PriestMatthew Man-oso NdagosoPriest of Yola, NigeriaArchbishop of Kaduna, Nigeria
23.8Ordained PriestAntonio SuettaPriest of Albenga-Imperia, ItalyBishop of Ventimiglia-San Remo, Italy
44.7Ordained BishopAndrzej Wojciech SuskiTitular Bishop of PulcheriopolisBishop Emeritus of Toruń, Poland
5 Oct90.8DiedJohn Joseph McEleney, S.J. †Archbishop Emeritus of Kingston in Jamaica, Antilles
75.0RetiredDaniel-Joseph-Louis-Marie PézerilAuxiliary Bishop of Paris, FranceAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
7 Oct77.6DiedAnthony Columba McFeelyBishop Emeritus of Raphoe, Ireland
31.4Ordained PriestPedro Sergio de Jesús Mena DíazPriest of Yucatán, MéxicoAuxiliary Bishop
48.8Ordained BishopStephen M. TiruBishop of Dumka, IndiaBishop of Khunti, India
8 Oct23.0EnteredAldo Berardi, O.SS.T.Member of Order of the Most Holy TrinityVicar Apostolic of Northern Arabia, Bahrain
9 Oct75.0DiedPhilippe Lussier, C.Ss.R. †Bishop Emeritus of Saint Paul in Alberta, Canada
10 Oct30.9Ordained PriestJacques Eric Fabre-Jeune, C.S.Priest of Congregation of the Missionaries of Saint Charles BorromeoBishop of Charleston, South Carolina, USA
83.4DiedMichele PellegrinoCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Torino {Turin}, Italy
58.9DiedWilliam Kevin Rowell, O.F.M. †Bishop of Aitape, Papua New Guinea
11 Oct24.3Solemn VowsAurelio Gazzera, O.C.D.Member of Order of Discalced CarmelitesCoadjutor Bishop of Bangassou, Central African Republic
23.0Solemn VowsJosé Demetrio Jiménez Sánchez-Mariscal, O.S.A. †Member of Order of St. AugustinePrelate of Cafayate, Argentina
45.8Ordained BishopMykhajlo Sabryha, C.Ss.R. †BishopBishop of Ternopil-Zboriv (Ukrainian), Ukraine
12 Oct59.4Ordained BishopYves-Maria Guy DubigeonBishop of Sées {Séez}, FranceBishop Emeritus
337.0CanonizedSt. Giuseppe Maria Tomasi di Lampedusa, C.R. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santi Silvestro e Martino ai Monti
14 Oct72.7ResignedMaurice John DingmanBishop of Des Moines, Iowa, USABishop Emeritus
25.0Ordained DeaconEugeniusz Mirosław PopowiczDeacon of Przemyśl, Sambor, et Sanok (Ukrainian), PolandArchbishop of Przemyśl-Warszawa {-Warsaw} (Ukrainian), Poland
71.0RetiredLoras Joseph WattersBishop of Winona, Minnesota, USABishop Emeritus
16 Oct45.4Ordained BishopJózef MichalikBishop of Gorzów, PolandArchbishop Emeritus of Przemyśl, Poland
17 Oct70.6ResignedRobert Ratna BamrungtrakulBishop of Chiang Mai, ThailandBishop Emeritus
44.5AppointedLuis Augusto Castro Quiroga, I.M.C. †Vicar Apostolic of San Vicente-Puerto Leguízamo, ColombiaArchbishop Emeritus of Tunja, Colombia
44.5AppointedLuis Augusto Castro Quiroga, I.M.C. †Titular Bishop of Aquae FlaviaeArchbishop Emeritus of Tunja, Colombia
75.0RetiredJames John HoganBishop of Altoona-Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USABishop Emeritus
58.7AppointedMaurus LibabaBishop of Lindi, Tanzania
53.6AppointedMartin LulugaAuxiliary Bishop of Gulu, UgandaBishop Emeritus of Nebbi, Uganda
53.6AppointedMartin LulugaTitular Bishop of Aquae in DaciaBishop Emeritus of Nebbi, Uganda
42.1AppointedPolycarp PengoBishop of Tunduru-Masasi, TanzaniaCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
25.0Ordained PriestEugeniusz Mirosław PopowiczPriest of Przemyśl, Sambor, et Sanok (Ukrainian), PolandArchbishop of Przemyśl-Warszawa {-Warsaw} (Ukrainian), Poland
49.9AppointedErnesto Antolin SalgadoCoadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Mountain Provinces (Montagnosa), PhilippinesArchbishop Emeritus of Nueva Segovia, Philippines
49.9AppointedErnesto Antolin SalgadoTitular Bishop of BuruniArchbishop Emeritus of Nueva Segovia, Philippines
52.0AppointedJacques Yandé SarrBishop of Thiès, Senegal
51.1AppointedJoseph Sangval SurasarangBishop of Chiang Mai, ThailandBishop Emeritus
49.9AppointedMartin VeilletteAuxiliary Bishop of Trois-Rivières, Québec, CanadaBishop Emeritus
49.9AppointedMartin VeilletteTitular Bishop of ValabriaBishop Emeritus of Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada
18 Oct26.0Ordained PriestAnthony Ovayero EwheridoPriest of Warri, NigeriaBishop
52.9AppointedLibardo Ramírez GómezBishop of Garzón, ColombiaBishop Emeritus
53.6AppointedIsidro Sala RiberaAuxiliary Bishop of Abancay, PeruBishop Emeritus
53.6AppointedIsidro Sala RiberaTitular Bishop of CluentumBishop Emeritus of Abancay, Peru
48.0AppointedJuan Antonio Ugarte PérezAuxiliary Bishop of Cuzco, PeruArchbishop Emeritus
19 Oct24.2Ordained PriestNuno Manuel dos Santos AlmeidaPriest of Viseu, PortugalBishop of Bragança-Miranda, Portugal
22.0First VowsEdgar Cuntapay Gacutan, C.I.C.M.Member of Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of MaryBishop of Sendai, Japan
56.6Ordained BishopGuy Étienne Germain Gaucher, O.C.D. †Bishop of Meaux, FranceAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Bayeux (-Lisieux), France
68.7DiedJoseph KelantharaArchbishop of Verapoly, India
20 Oct62.4ResignedYves-Marie-Henri BescondAuxiliary Bishop of Meaux, FranceAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
66.7AppointedFelix Sanchez ZafraBishop of Tagbilaran, PhilippinesBishop Emeritus
22 Oct83.5DiedBernard Joseph TopelBishop Emeritus of Spokane, Washington, USA
24 Oct56.4AppointedAlbano Bortoletto CavallinBishop of Guarapuava, Parana, BrazilArchbishop Emeritus of Londrina, Parana, Brazil
25 Oct32.7Ordained PriestTimothy John Costelloe, S.D.B.Priest of Salesians of Saint John BoscoArchbishop of Perth, Australia
26.2Ordained DeaconAlessandro DamianoDeacon of Trapani, ItalyArchbishop of Agrigento, Italy
26.1Ordained PriestJames MassaPriest of Brooklyn, New York, USAAuxiliary Bishop
27.5Ordained PriestAlain de RaemyPriest of Lausanne, Genève et Fribourg (Freiburg), SwitzerlandAuxiliary Bishop
25.5Ordained DeaconCharles Coleman ThompsonDeacon of Louisville, Kentucky, USAArchbishop of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
26 Oct25.1Ordained DeaconBryan Joseph Bayda, C.Ss.R.Deacon of Congregation of the Most Holy RedeemerBishop of Toronto (Ukrainian), Canada
59.0Ordained BishopAbraham (Ibrahim) Nehmé, B.C. †Archbishop of Homs (-Hama-Jabrud) (Melkite Greek), SyriaArchbishop Emeritus
27 Oct81.5DiedJerzy ModzelewskiAuxiliary Bishop of Warszawa {Warsaw}, Poland
28 Oct89.8DiedWilliam Joseph SmithBishop Emeritus of Pembroke, Ontario, Canada
29 Oct58.4Ordained BishopJohn Quinn Weitzel, M.M. †Bishop of Samoa-Pago Pago, American Samoa, Pacific (Oceania)Bishop Emeritus
30 Oct77.8DiedGuillermo Escobar VélezBishop Emeritus of Antioquía, Colombia
59.9AppointedAntuvan MarovitchCoadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Constantinople, TurkeyVicar Apostolic of Istanbul, Turkey
59.9AppointedAntuvan MarovitchTitular Bishop of IgilgiliVicar Apostolic of Istanbul, Turkey
31 Oct47.1AppointedJulio Edgar Cabrera OvalleBishop of Santa Cruz del Quiché, GuatemalaBishop Emeritus of Jalapa, Guatemala
45.3AppointedJohn Patrick CrowleyAuxiliary Bishop of Westminster, England, Great BritainBishop Emeritus of Middlesbrough, England, Great Britain
45.3AppointedJohn Patrick CrowleyTitular Bishop of ThalaBishop Emeritus of Middlesbrough, England, Great Britain
69.7DiedHendrik Hubert Frehen, S.M.M. †Bishop of Reykjavik, Iceland
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