Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
2 Mar | Born | Daniel Jodoin | Bishop of Nicolet, Québec, Canada | ||
58.2 | Appointed | Thomas Reis † | Bishop of Zaku (Chaldean), Iraq | ||
Born | Luigi Vari | Archbishop of Gaeta, Italy | |||
3 Mar | Born | Peter Joseph Jugis | Bishop Emeritus of Charlotte, North Carolina, USA | ||
Born | William Pascal Kikoti † | Bishop of Mpanda, Tanzania | |||
25.2 | Ordained Priest | Miguel Gatan Purugganan † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Ilagan, Philippines | |
23.0 | Ordained Priest | Giovanni Battista Re | Priest of Brescia, Italy | Cardinal, Dean of the College of Cardinals | |
4 Mar | Born | Esteban María Laxague, S.D.B. | Bishop of Viedma, Argentina | ||
5 Mar | 85.9 | Died | Rafael Afanador y Cadena † | Bishop Emeritus of Nueva Pamplona, Colombia | |
7 Mar | 34.2 | Appointed | John Kodwo Amissah † | Auxiliary Bishop of Cape Coast, Ghana | Archbishop |
34.2 | Appointed | John Kodwo Amissah † | Titular Bishop of Bencenna | Archbishop of Cape Coast, Ghana | |
Born | José Reginaldo Andrietta | Bishop of Jales, Sao Paulo, Brazil | |||
46.9 | Appointed | Fernando Gomes dos Santos † | Archbishop of Goiânia, Goias, Brazil | ||
49.3 | Appointed | Antônio de Mendonça Monteiro † | Bishop of Bonfim, Bahia, Brazil | ||
8 Mar | 62.9 | Resigned | Xavier Geeraerts, M. Afr. † | Vicar Apostolic of Bukavu, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus |
43.2 | Succeeded | Louis Van Steene, M. Afr. † | Vicar Apostolic of Bukavu, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Archbishop Emeritus of Bukavu, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |
9 Mar | 45.5 | Appointed | George Joseph Biskup † | Auxiliary Bishop of Dubuque, Iowa, USA | Archbishop Emeritus of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA |
45.5 | Appointed | George Joseph Biskup † | Titular Bishop of Hemeria (Himeria) | Archbishop Emeritus of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA | |
10 Mar | Born | Fernando Natalio Chomalí Garib | Cardinal, Archbishop of Santiago de Chile | ||
Born | Armando Esteves Domingues | Bishop of Angra, Portugal | |||
68.0 | Died | Henri-Aimé-Anatole Prunier, M.E.P. † | Bishop Emeritus of Salem, India | ||
11 Mar | 49.4 | Appointed | Carmelo Canzonieri † | Auxiliary Bishop of Messina, Italy | Bishop Emeritus of Caltagirone, Italy |
49.4 | Appointed | Carmelo Canzonieri † | Titular Bishop of Caesarea in Mauretania | Bishop Emeritus of Caltagirone, Italy | |
12 Mar | 44.1 | Installed | Gérard Couturier † | Bishop of Golfe St-Laurent, Québec, Canada | Bishop Emeritus of Hauterive, Québec, Canada |
31.0 | Ordained Deacon | Enrique San Pedro, S.J. † | Deacon of Society of Jesus | Bishop of Brownsville, Texas, USA | |
54.3 | Appointed | Aurelio Signora † | Prelate of Pompei o Beatissima Vergine Maria del Santissimo Rosario, Italy | Prelate Emeritus | |
54.3 | Appointed | Aurelio Signora † | Titular Bishop of Nicosia | Prelate Emeritus of Pompei o Beatissima Vergine Maria del Santissimo Rosario, Italy | |
13 Mar | 48.5 | Appointed | Antonio María Aguirre † | Bishop of San Isidro, Argentina | Bishop Emeritus |
45.0 | Appointed | Juan Carlos Aramburu † | Archbishop of Tucumán, Argentina | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Buenos Aires, Argentina | |
36.2 | Appointed | Antônio Batista Fragoso † | Auxiliary Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão, Brazil | Bishop Emeritus of Crateús, Ceara, Brazil | |
36.2 | Appointed | Antônio Batista Fragoso † | Titular Bishop of Ucres | Bishop Emeritus of Crateús, Ceara, Brazil | |
48.8 | Appointed | Filemón Francisco Castellano † | Bishop of Lomas de Zamora, Argentina | Bishop Emeritus | |
45.9 | Appointed | Jorge Ramón Chalup † | Bishop of Gualeguaychú, Argentina | ||
48.8 | Appointed | Alberto Deane, C.P. † | Bishop of Villa María, Argentina | Bishop Emeritus | |
59.7 | Appointed | Germiniano Esorto † | Archbishop of Bahía Blanca, Argentina | Archbishop Emeritus | |
44.5 | Appointed | Agustín Adolfo Herrera † | Bishop of Nueve de Julio, Argentina | Bishop Emeritus of San Francisco, Argentina | |
48.5 | Appointed | Jorge Kémérer, S.V.D. † | Bishop of Posadas, Argentina | Bishop Emeritus | |
41.3 | Appointed | Jorge Mayer † | Bishop of Santa Rosa, Argentina | Archbishop Emeritus of Bahía Blanca, Argentina | |
49.3 | Appointed | Carlos Mariano Pérez Eslava, S.D.B. † | Bishop of Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina | Archbishop Emeritus of Salta, Argentina | |
52.7 | Appointed | Miguel Raspanti, S.D.B. † | Bishop of Morón, Argentina | Bishop Emeritus | |
57.4 | Appointed | Enrique Rau † | Bishop of Mar del Plata, Argentina | ||
14 Mar | 49.3 | Appointed | Francesco Brustia † | Bishop of Andria, Italy | Bishop of Mondovi, Italy |
39.3 | Appointed | José Joaquim Gonçalves † | Auxiliary Bishop of Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil | Bishop Emeritus of Cornélio Procópio, Parana, Brazil | |
39.3 | Appointed | José Joaquim Gonçalves † | Titular Bishop of Tanis | Bishop Emeritus of Cornélio Procópio, Parana, Brazil | |
72.1 | Appointed | Cesar Maria Guerrero y Rodriguez † | Titular Bishop of Thuburbo Minus | Bishop Emeritus of San Fernando, Philippines | |
72.1 | Resigned | Cesar Maria Guerrero y Rodriguez † | Bishop of San Fernando, Philippines | Bishop Emeritus | |
Born | Florentino Galang Lavarias | Archbishop of San Fernando, Philippines | |||
Born | Lawrence Mukasa | Bishop of Kasana-Luweero, Uganda | |||
15 Mar | 45.5 | Appointed | Emilio Cinense y Abera † | Bishop of San Fernando, Philippines | Archbishop of San Fernando, Philippines |
68.3 | Appointed | Alain-Sébastien Le Breton, S.M.M. † | Titular Bishop of Salona | Bishop Emeritus of Tamatave, Madagascar | |
68.3 | Resigned | Alain-Sébastien Le Breton, S.M.M. † | Bishop of Tamatave, Madagascar | Bishop Emeritus | |
16 Mar | 24.0 | Ordained Priest | Roberto Amadei † | Priest of Bergamo, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
25.1 | Ordained Priest | Flavio Roberto Carraro, O.F.M. Cap. † | Priest of Order of Friars Minor Capuchin | Bishop Emeritus of Verona, Italy | |
25.1 | Ordained Deacon | Marcelino Correr, O.F.M. Cap. † | Deacon of Order of Friars Minor Capuchin | Bishop Emeritus of Carolina, Maranhão, Brazil | |
23.2 | Ordained Priest | Edward Kevin Daly † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Derry, Ireland | |
22.8 | Ordained Priest | Miguel Irizar Campos, C.P. † | Priest of Congregation of the Passion | Bishop Emeritus of Callao, Peru | |
22.8 | Ordained Priest | Francesco Monterisi | Priest of Trani e Barletta (e Nazareth e Bisceglie), Italy | Cardinal, Archpriest Emeritus of the Basilica di San Paolo fuori le Mura {Saint Paul Outside-the-Walls Basilica} | |
53.9 | Appointed | Francesco Ricceri † | Prelate of Santa Lucia del Mela, Italy | Bishop Emeritus of Trapani, Italy | |
53.9 | Appointed | Francesco Ricceri † | Titular Bishop of Coela | Bishop Emeritus of Trapani, Italy | |
25.1 | Ordained Priest | José Saraiva Martins, C.M.F. | Priest of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary | Cardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints | |
28.5 | Ordained Priest | John Steven Satterthwaite † | Priest of Armidale, Australia | Bishop Emeritus of Lismore, Australia | |
17 Mar | Born | Jean-Louis Marie Balsa | Archbishop of Albi (-Castres-Lavaur), France | ||
23.2 | Ordained Priest | Pietro Brollo † | Priest of Udine, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus | |
57.3 | Appointed | Arturo Duque Villegas † | Bishop of Ibagué, Colombia | Archbishop Emeritus of Manizales, Colombia | |
52.8 | Ordained Bishop | Carlos Guillermo Hartl de Laufen, O.F.M. Cap. † | Titular Bishop of Stratonicea in Caria | Vicar Apostolic of Araucanía, Chile | |
84.0 | Appointed | Pedro María Rodríguez Andrade † | Titular Archbishop of Brysis | Bishop Emeritus of Ibagué, Colombia | |
84.0 | Retired | Pedro María Rodríguez Andrade † | Bishop of Ibagué, Colombia | Bishop Emeritus | |
46.7 | Ordained Bishop | Francesco Spanedda † | Bishop of Bosa, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus of Oristano, Italy | |
18 Mar | 31.0 | Ordained Priest | Enrique San Pedro, S.J. † | Priest of Society of Jesus | Bishop of Brownsville, Texas, USA |
38.2 | Appointed | Alberto Uribe Urdaneta † | Bishop of Sonsón, Colombia | Archbishop Emeritus of Cali, Colombia | |
19 Mar | 32.9 | Ordained Priest | Peter Takaaki Hirayama † | Priest of Fukuoka, Japan | Bishop Emeritus of Oita, Japan |
41.9 | Ordained Bishop | Marcello Morgante † | Bishop of Ascoli Piceno, Italy | Bishop Emeritus | |
51.3 | Ordained Bishop | Giuseppe Olivotti † | Titular Bishop of Samos | Auxiliary Bishop of Venezia {Venice}, Italy | |
26.8 | Ordained Priest | Lawrence Primo Sabatini, C.S. | Priest of Congregation of the Missionaries of Saint Charles Borromeo | Bishop Emeritus of Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada | |
49.6 | Ordained Bishop | Secundo Tagliabue † | Bishop of Anglona-Tursi, Italy | Bishop Emeritus | |
35.7 | Ordained Bishop | Raúl Zambrano Camader † | Titular Bishop of Risinium | Bishop of Facatativá, Colombia | |
22 Mar | 78.0 | Died | Antônio Manoel Pereira Ribeiro † | Bishop of Funchal, Portugal | |
50.9 | Appointed | Orazio Semeraro † | Bishop of Cariati, Italy | Coadjutor Archbishop Emeritus of Brindisi, Italy | |
23 Mar | 46.8 | Ordained Bishop | Jean-Marie-Gaëtan Ogez, M. Afr. † | Bishop of Mbarara, Uganda | Bishop Emeritus |
24 Mar | 40.6 | Installed | Jaime Luiz Coelho † | Bishop of Maringá, Brazil | Archbishop Emeritus of Maringá, Parana, Brazil |
25 Mar | 43.5 | Installed | Julius August Döpfner † | Bishop of Berlin, Germany | Cardinal, Archbishop of München und Freising {Munich}, Germany |
57.7 | Ordained Bishop | Justin James Field, O.P. † | Bishop of Saint George’s in Grenada, Antilles | ||
26.8 | Ordained Priest | Edward Francis † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Sivagangai, India | |
61.7 | Ordained Bishop | Vincent Ignatius Kennally, S.J. † | Titular Bishop of Sassura | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Caroline and Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Pacific (Oceania) | |
Born | Joseph Phuong Nguyen | Bishop of Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada | |||
26 Mar | Born | Núria Calduch-Benages, M.H.S.F.N. | Secretary of the Pontifical Biblical Commission | ||
27 Mar | 56.4 | Died | Gerhard Franz (Franziskus) Demann † | Bishop of Osnabrück, Germany | |
56.4 | Ordained Bishop | Gerhard Franz (Franziskus) Demann † | Bishop of Osnabrück, Germany | ||
62.2 | Died | René Henri Joseph Fontenelle † | Titular Bishop of Theudalis | ||
29 Mar | 53.5 | Appointed | Théophile Albert Cadoux, M.S.C. † | Prefect of Kaolack, Senegal | Bishop Emeritus of Kaolack, Senegal |
30 Mar | 45.5 | Appointed | John Ahern † | Bishop of Cloyne, Ireland | Bishop Emeritus |
24.0 | Ordained Deacon | Lubomyr Husar, M.S.U. † | Deacon of Stamford (Ukrainian), USA | Cardinal, Major Archbishop Emeritus of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine | |
31 Mar | 44.7 | Ordained Bishop | Guillermo Bolatti † | Titular Bishop of Limata | Archbishop of Rosario, Argentina |
Born | Franco Coppola | Apostolic Nuncio to Belgium | |||
53.6 | Ordained Bishop | Severino Mariano de Aguiar † | Bishop of Pesqueira, Pernambuco, Brazil | Bishop Emeritus | |
47.0 | Ordained Bishop | Francisco Maria da Silva † | Titular Bishop of Telmissus | Archbishop of Braga, Portugal | |
1 Apr | 66.1 | Appointed | Thomas P. Hughes, S.M.A. † | Titular Bishop of Latopolis | Bishop Emeritus of Ondo, Nigeria |
66.1 | Resigned | Thomas P. Hughes, S.M.A. † | Bishop of Ondo, Nigeria | Bishop Emeritus | |
2 Apr | 72.6 | Died | Adolfo Maria Astudillo Morales † | Apostolic Administrator Emeritus of Los Ríos, Ecuador | |
Born | Pascal Michel Ghislain Delannoy | Archbishop of Strasbourg, France | |||
Born | Ângelo Ademir Mezzari, R.C.J. | Archbishop of Vitória, Espirito Santo, Brazil | |||
3 Apr | 52.8 | Appointed | Félix César da Cunha Vasconcellos, O.F.M. † | Coadjutor Archbishop of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil | Archbishop of Ribeirão Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
52.8 | Appointed | Félix César da Cunha Vasconcellos, O.F.M. † | Titular Archbishop of Verissa | Archbishop of Ribeirão Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil | |
Born | Mariusz Leszczyński | Auxiliary Bishop of Zamość-Lubaczów, Poland | |||
38.9 | Appointed | Gregório Warmeling † | Bishop of Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil | Bishop Emeritus | |
4 Apr | 73.0 | Appointed | Bl. Giacomo Alberione, S.S.P. † | Superior General of Society of St. Paul | Superior General Emeritus |
23.5 | Ordained Priest | José Fernández Arteaga † | Priest of Tulancingo, Hidalgo, México | Archbishop Emeritus of Chihuahua, México | |
5 Apr | Born | Sebastian Adayanthrath | Bishop of Mandya (Syro-Malabar), India | ||
42.5 | Appointed | James Vincent Casey † | Auxiliary Bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska, USA | Archbishop of Denver, Colorado, USA | |
42.5 | Appointed | James Vincent Casey † | Titular Bishop of Citium | Archbishop of Denver, Colorado, USA | |
43.9 | Appointed | José dos Santos Garcia, S.M.P. † | Bishop of Porto Amélia, Mozambique | Bishop Emeritus | |
Born | James Thomas (Ty) Schuerman | Auxiliary Bishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA | |||
6 Apr | 49.7 | Incardinated | Vincent John Baldwin † | Priest of Rockville Centre, New York, USA | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus |
25.0 | Ordained Priest | Antonio Juan Baseotto, C.Ss.R. | Priest of Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer | Bishop Emeritus of Argentina, Military | |
35.6 | Incardinated | James Joseph Daly † | Priest of Rockville Centre, New York, USA | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus | |
76.8 | Died | Salvatore Del Bene † | Bishop of Telese o Cerreto Sannita, Italy | ||
Born | Célestin-Marie Gaoua | Bishop of Sokodé, Togo | |||
24.4 | Ordained Priest | Joannes Baptist Matthijs Gijsen † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Reykjavik, Iceland | |
24.0 | Ordained Priest | Walter Kasper | Priest of Rottenburg, Germany | Cardinal, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity | |
23.5 | Ordained Priest | Gonzalo López Marañon, O.C.D. † | Priest of Order of Discalced Carmelites | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of San Miguel de Sucumbíos, Ecuador | |
28.8 | Incardinated | Alfred John Markiewicz † | Priest of Rockville Centre, New York, USA | Bishop of Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA | |
32.3 | Incardinated | John Raymond McGann † | Priest of Rockville Centre, New York, USA | Bishop Emeritus | |
31.8 | Ordained Priest | Francis Michaelappa † | Priest of Bangalore, India | Bishop of Mysore, India | |
25.7 | Ordained Priest | Edward Joseph O’Donnell † | Priest of Saint Louis, Missouri, USA | Bishop Emeritus of Lafayette, Louisiana, USA | |
33.6 | Incardinated | Gerald Augustine John Ryan † | Priest of Rockville Centre, New York, USA | Auxiliary Bishop | |
25.9 | Incardinated | Emil Aloysius Wcela † | Priest of Rockville Centre, New York, USA | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus | |
7 Apr | Born | Sanctus Lino Wanok | Bishop of Lira, Uganda | ||
8 Apr | 52.5 | Succeeded | José María Bueno y Monreal † | Archbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus |
76.3 | Died | Pedro Segura y Sáenz † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain | ||
Born | Alberto Vera Aréjula, O. de M. | Bishop of Nacala, Mozambique | |||
9 Apr | Born | Paulo Roberto Beloto | Bishop of Franca, Sao Paulo, Brazil | ||
45.3 | Appointed | Almir Marques Ferreira † | Auxiliary Bishop of Sorocaba, Brazil | Bishop Emeritus of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil | |
45.3 | Appointed | Almir Marques Ferreira † | Titular Bishop of Arindela | Bishop Emeritus of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil | |
58.2 | Appointed | Manuel de Jesús Serrano Abad † | Archbishop of Cuenca, Ecuador | ||
11 Apr | Born | Edouard Tsimba Ngoma, C.I.C.M. | Auxiliary Bishop of Kinshasa, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | ||
12 Apr | 46.2 | Appointed | Gérard Bertrand, M. Afr. † | Bishop of Navrongo, Ghana | Bishop Emeritus |
47.2 | Appointed | René-Jean-Prosper-Bruno Boudon † | Bishop of Mende, France | Bishop Emeritus | |
48.9 | Appointed | Gabriel Champagne, M. Afr. † | Bishop of Tamale, Ghana | Bishop Emeritus | |
46.7 | Appointed | Jean Fryns, C.S.Sp. † | Vicar Apostolic of Kindu, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop of Kindu, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |
46.7 | Appointed | Jean Fryns, C.S.Sp. † | Titular Bishop of Ariassus | Bishop of Kindu, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |
47.5 | Appointed | Henri Alfred Bernardin Hoffmann, O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop of Djibouti | ||
35.0 | Appointed | Ignacio María de Orbegozo y Goicoechea † | Prelate of Yauyos, Peru | Bishop of Chiclayo, Peru | |
37.3 | Ordained Priest | [Simon (Andreas) Zhu Wenyu (Zhu Xiang yu, Zhu Weng, Zhu Wen Han)] † | Priest | Bishop of Chifeng [Chihfeng], China | |
13 Apr | Born | Gerardo de Jesús Rojas López | Bishop of Tabasco, México | ||
29.0 | Ordained Priest | Ricardo Antonio Suriñach Carreras † | Priest of Ponce, Puerto Rico | Bishop Emeritus | |
16 Apr | 56.7 | Appointed | Bernardus Johannes Alfrink † | Archbishop of Netherlands, Military | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Utrecht, Netherlands |
Born | Ján Čapla, S.D.B. | Superior Emeritus of Baku, Azerbaijan | |||
26.0 | Ordained Priest | William Leonard D’Mello † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Karwar, India | |
56.9 | Selected | Joseph Hasler † | Bishop of Sankt Gallen, Switzerland | Bishop Emeritus | |
55.8 | Appointed | Walter Philip Kellenberg † | Bishop of Rockville Centre, New York, USA | Bishop Emeritus | |
64.2 | Appointed | Bryan Joseph McEntegart † | Bishop of Brooklyn, New York, USA | Bishop Emeritus | |
17 Apr | Born | Marc Marie Max Aillet | Bishop of Bayonne (-Lescar e Oloron), France | ||
41.1 | Appointed | Glennon Patrick Flavin † | Auxiliary Bishop of Saint Louis, Missouri, USA | Bishop Emeritus of Lincoln, Nebraska, USA | |
41.1 | Appointed | Glennon Patrick Flavin † | Titular Bishop of Ioannina | Bishop Emeritus of Lincoln, Nebraska, USA | |
87.8 | Died | Pompeo Ghezzi † | Bishop Emeritus of Sansepolcro (Borgo San Sepolcro), Italy | ||
66.2 | Died | Thomas P. Hughes, S.M.A. † | Bishop Emeritus of Ondo, Nigeria | ||
18 Apr | 56.9 | Confirmed | Joseph Hasler † | Bishop of Sankt Gallen, Switzerland | Bishop Emeritus |
19 Apr | Born | Thomas Robert Zinkula | Archbishop of Dubuque, Iowa, USA | ||
20 Apr | 41.5 | Appointed | Victor Garaygordóbil Berrizbeitia † | Apostolic Administrator of Los Ríos, Ecuador | Prelate Emeritus |
27.8 | Ordained Priest | Georges Edmond Robert Gilson † | Priest of Paris, France | Archbishop Emeritus of Sens (-Auxerre), France | |
29.8 | Ordained Priest | Hubert Louis Marie Félix Michon † | Priest of Rabat, Morocco | Archbishop Emeritus | |
22 Apr | 85.2 | Died | Gabriel-Roch de Llobet † | Archbishop of Avignon (-Apt, Cavaillon, Carpentras, Orange, e Vaison), France | |
62.7 | Succeeded | Joseph-Martin Urtasun † | Archbishop of Avignon (-Apt, Cavaillon, Carpentras, Orange, e Vaison), France | Archbishop Emeritus | |
24 Apr | 45.6 | Ordained Bishop | George Joseph Biskup † | Titular Bishop of Hemeria (Himeria) | Archbishop Emeritus of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA |
42.5 | Ordained Bishop | James Vincent Casey † | Titular Bishop of Citium | Archbishop of Denver, Colorado, USA | |
Born | Joseph Gontrand Décoste, S.J. | Bishop of Jérémie, Haïti | |||
63.3 | Died | Mariano Vega Mestre † | Bishop of Mondoñedo, Spain | ||
25 Apr | Born | José María Avendaño Perea | Auxiliary Bishop of Getafe, Spain | ||
55.0 | Ordained Bishop | Antonin Fishta, O.F.M. † | Titular Bishop of Amyzon | Apostolic Administrator of Pult (Pulati), Albania | |
54.5 | Ordained Bishop | Aurelio Signora † | Titular Bishop of Nicosia | Prelate Emeritus of Pompei o Beatissima Vergine Maria del Santissimo Rosario, Italy | |
34.7 | Appointed | Augusto Trujillo Arango † | Auxiliary Bishop of Manizales, Colombia | Archbishop Emeritus of Tunja, Colombia | |
34.7 | Appointed | Augusto Trujillo Arango † | Titular Bishop of Nisyrus | Archbishop Emeritus of Tunja, Colombia | |
26 Apr | Born | Linus Neli | Archbishop of Imphal, India | ||
28 Apr | 66.4 | Ordained Bishop | Valeriano Ludovico Arroyo Paniego, O.F.M. † | Titular Bishop of Gomphi | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Requena, Peru |
27.8 | Ordained Priest | Lajos Bálint † | Priest of Alba Iulia, Romania | Archbishop Emeritus of Alba Iulia, Romania | |
23.8 | Ordained Priest | José Cardoso Sobrinho, O. Carm. | Priest of Order of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel | Archbishop Emeritus of Olinda e Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil | |
25.8 | Ordained Priest | Andrea Gemma, F.D.P. † | Priest of Sons of Divine Providence | Bishop Emeritus of Isernia-Venafro, Italy | |
Born | Anthony John Ireland | Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne, Australia | |||
42.0 | Installed | Marcello Morgante † | Bishop of Ascoli Piceno, Italy | Bishop Emeritus | |
44.0 | Ordained Bishop | João José da Mota e Albuquerque † | Bishop of Afogados da Ingazeira, Pernambuco, Brazil | Archbishop Emeritus of São Luís do Maranhão, Brazil | |
24.1 | Ordained Priest | Henryk Józef Muszyński | Priest of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland | Archbishop Emeritus of Gniezno, Poland | |
54.0 | Ordained Bishop | Francesco Ricceri † | Titular Bishop of Coela | Bishop Emeritus of Trapani, Italy | |
47.4 | Ordained Bishop | Jacinto Vásquez Ochoa † | Bishop of Espinal, Colombia | Bishop Emeritus | |
29 Apr | 46.6 | Appointed | Teodulfo Sabugal Domingo † | Bishop of Tuguegarao, Philippines | Archbishop Emeritus of Tuguegarao, Philippines |
59.0 | Appointed | Jerônimo Mazzarotto † | Auxiliary Bishop of Curitiba, Parana, Brazil | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus | |
59.0 | Appointed | Jerônimo Mazzarotto † | Titular Bishop of Arsinoë in Arcadia | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Curitiba, Parana, Brazil | |
Born | Néstor Montesdeoca Becerra, S.D.B. | Vicar Apostolic of Méndez, Ecuador | |||
47.6 | Appointed | João Batista da Mota e Albuquerque † | Bishop of Espírito Santo, Brazil | Archbishop of Vitória, Espirito Santo, Brazil | |
30 Apr | 30.3 | Ordained Priest | Mori Julien-Marie Sidibé † | Priest | Bishop of Ségou, Mali |
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