Catholic-Hierarchy DC

24th day of April

Living Bishop Events

St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, priest and martyr (Opt. Memorial)

See Also: Diocese Events

YearAgeBishopEventTitleCurrent Title
1934 Carlo GhidelliBornArchbishop Emeritus of Lanciano-Ortona, Italy
1943 Shlemon WarduniBornCurial Bishop Emeritus of Babylon {Babilonia} (Chaldean), Iraq
1945 Giacinto-Boulos MarcuzzoBornAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme}, Palestine
1946 Giuseppe Piemontese, O.F.M. Conv.BornBishop Emeritus of Terni-Narni-Amelia, Italy
1947 João Bráz de AvizBornCardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
1951 Giuseppe Bausardo, S.D.B.BornVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Alexandria of Egypt {Alessandria di Egitto} (-Eliopoli di Egitto-Port-Said)
1954 Kevin C. McCoyBornRector Emeritus of the Pontifical North American College
Anthony Basil TaylorBornBishop of Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
1955 Brian Edwin Charles Butterley FermeBornSecretary of the Council for the Economy
1957 Joseph Gontrand Décoste, S.J.BornBishop of Jérémie, Haïti
1959 Cristián Contreras VillarroelBornBishop of Melipilla, Chile
196026.3Luca Brandolini, C.M.Ordained PriestPriest of Congregation of the MissionBishop Emeritus of Sora-Aquino-Pontecorvo, Italy
1961 José Miguel Gómez RodríguezBornArchbishop of Manizales, Colombia
1963 Carlos Alberto SánchezBornArchbishop of Tucumán, Argentina
1964 Gabriel Bernardo BarbaBornBishop of San Luis, Argentina
1968 Gabriella GambinoBornUnder Secretary of the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life
197126.6Joseph Võ Ðức MinhOrdained PriestPriest of Ðà Lạt, Viet NamBishop Emeritus of Nha Trang, Viet Nam
197232.6Joseph Kunnath, C.M.I.Ordained PriestPriest of Carmelites of Mary ImmaculateBishop Emeritus of Adilabad (Syro-Malabar), India
1973 Marián Andrej Pacák, C.Ss.R.BornBishop Emeritus of Saints Cyril and Methodius of Toronto (Slovak), Canada
197425.9Justin Bernard GnanapragasamOrdained PriestPriest of Jaffna, Sri LankaBishop
197625.0Guillermo Dela Vega AfableOrdained PriestPriest of Davao, PhilippinesBishop of Digos, Philippines
26.1Domenico CornacchiaOrdained PriestPriest of Altamura-Gravina-Acquaviva delle Fonti, ItalyBishop of Molfetta-Ruvo-Giovinazzo-Terlizzi, Italy
26.2Patrick James DunnOrdained PriestPriest of Auckland, New ZealandBishop Emeritus
197740.6George PunnakottilOrdained BishopBishop of Kothamangalam (Syro-Malabar), IndiaBishop Emeritus
198038.9Basile Mvé Engone, S.D.B.AppointedCoadjutor Bishop of Oyem, GabonArchbishop Emeritus of Libreville, Gabon
198125.7Alberto Germán Bochatey Chaneton, O.S.A.Ordained PriestPriest of Order of St. AugustineAuxiliary Bishop of La Plata, Argentina
198223.4Claudio Dalla Zuanna, S.C.I.Perpetual VowsMember of Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred HeartArchbishop of Beira, Mozambique
198349.9Gregory Karotemprel, C.M.I.Ordained BishopBishop of Rajkot (Syro-Malabar), IndiaBishop Emeritus
42.9Adrian Thomas Smith, S.M.Ordained BishopTitular Bishop of VissalsaArchbishop Emeritus of Honiara, Solomon Islands
28.0Dagoberto Sosa ArriagaOrdained PriestPriest of Puebla de los Ángeles, MéxicoBishop of Tlapa, Guerrero, México
198525.5Francesco Antonio SodduOrdained PriestPriest of Sassari, ItalyBishop of Terni-Narni-Amelia, Italy
198726.7Alessandro DamianoOrdained PriestPriest of Trapani, ItalyArchbishop of Agrigento, Italy
198827.4Theodore Mascarenhas, S.F.X.Ordained PriestPriest of Society of the Missionaries of Saint Francis XavierBishop of Daltonganj, India
29.2Jesús Ruiz Molina, M.C.C.I.Solemn VowsPriest of Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of JesusBishop of Mbaïki, Central African Republic
199052.1Paolo RomeoAppointedApostolic Nuncio to ColombiaCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Palermo, Italy
199140.9Alberto Taveira CorrêaAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Brasília, Distrito Federal, BrazilArchbishop of Belém do Pará, Brazil
40.9Alberto Taveira CorrêaAppointedTitular Bishop of SinnipsaArchbishop of Belém do Pará, Brazil
199232.9Anand JojoOrdained PriestPriest of Ranchi, IndiaBishop of Hazaribag, India
199326.6Eraldo Bispo da SilvaOrdained PriestPriest of Barreiras, Bahia, BrazilBishop of Patos, Paraiba, Brazil
27.4Charlie Malapitan Inzon, O.M.I.Ordained PriestPriest of Oblates of Mary ImmaculateVicar Apostolic of Jolo, Philippines
31.9Celestino Ocampo GaonaOrdained PriestPriest of San Juan Bautista de las Misiones, ParaguayBishop of Carapeguá, Paraguay
199425.7Paul Ji ZengweiOrdained PriestPriestBishop of Chengdu [Chengtu], China
25.8Ángel Román IdígorasOrdained PriestPriest of Alcalá de Henares, SpainBishop-Elect of Albacete, Spain
199864.6Francisco Javier Errázuriz Ossa, P. SchönstattAppointedArchbishop of Santiago de ChileCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus
199945.1Grzegorz BalcerekAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Poznań, Poland
45.1Grzegorz BalcerekAppointedTitular Bishop of SelendetaAuxiliary Bishop of Poznań, Poland
26.2Amancio Francisco Benítez CandiaOrdained PriestPriest of Villarrica del Espíritu Santo, ParaguayBishop of Benjamín Aceval, Paraguay
31.4Luiz Gonçalves KnuppOrdained PriestPriest of Maringá, Parana, BrazilBishop of Três Lagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
41.7Włodzimierz Roman Juszczak, O.S.B.M.AppointedBishop of Wrocław-Gdańsk (Ukrainian), PolandBishop of Wrocław-Koszalin (Ukrainian), Poland
30.9Georges MasriOrdained PriestPriest of Alep [Beroea, Halab] (Melkite Greek), SyriaArchbishop
47.6Lawrence MukkuzhyAppointedBishop of Belthangady (Syro-Malabar), India
24.8Massimiliano PalinuroOrdained PriestPriest of Ariano Irpino-Lacedonia, ItalyVicar Apostolic of Istanbul, Turkey
49.6Tadeusz PikusAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Warszawa {Warsaw}, PolandBishop Emeritus of Drohiczyn, Poland
49.6Tadeusz PikusAppointedTitular Bishop of LysiniaBishop Emeritus of Drohiczyn, Poland
50.9Joseph Mugenyi SabiitiOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of Maximiana in NumidiaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Fort Portal, Uganda
58.5Silvano Maria Tomasi, C.S.AppointedTitular Archbishop of AcelumCardinal, Permanent Observer Emeritus to United Nations Office and Specialized Agencies in Geneva
200026.6Anthony Das PilliOrdained PriestPriest of Nellore, IndiaCoadjutor Bishop
200152.3Gaetano Di Pierro, S.C.I.AppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Ambatondrazaka, MadagascarBishop Emeritus of Farafangana, Madagascar
52.3Gaetano Di Pierro, S.C.I.AppointedTitular Bishop of GuardialfieraBishop Emeritus of Farafangana, Madagascar
48.3Ludovick Joseph Minde, ALCP/OSSAppointedBishop of Kahama, TanzaniaBishop of Moshi, Tanzania
56.5Vincent RakotozafyAppointedBishop of Tôlagnaro, MadagascarBishop Emeritus
45.4Misael Vacca RamirezAppointedBishop of Yopal, ColombiaArchbishop of Villavicencio, Colombia
42.5Zygmunt Robaszkiewicz, M.S.F.AppointedBishop of Morombe, MadagascarBishop of Mahajanga, Madagascar
64.8Lawrence John SaldanhaAppointedArchbishop of Lahore, PakistanArchbishop Emeritus
60.9Denis Wiehe, C.S.Sp.AppointedCoadjutor Bishop of Port Victoria o SeychellesBishop Emeritus
200251.0Guillermo Dela Vega AfableAppointedCoadjutor Bishop of Digos, PhilippinesBishop
46.6Paulo Romeu Dantas BastosAppointedBishop of Alagoinhas, Bahia, BrazilBishop of Jequié, Bahia, Brazil
59.7Caetano Ferrari, O.F.M.AppointedCoadjutor Bishop of Franca, Sao Paulo, BrazilBishop Emeritus of Bauru, Sao Paulo, Brazil
53.8Joseph PerumthottamAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Changanacherry (Syro-Malabar), IndiaArchbishop Emeritus
53.8Joseph PerumthottamAppointedTitular Bishop of Thucca in NumidiaArchbishop Emeritus of Changanacherry (Syro-Malabar), India
200458.3Piero CocciaOrdained BishopArchbishop of Pesaro, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
37.1Jon Paul Christian Hansen, C.Ss.R.Ordained PriestPriest of Congregation of the Most Holy RedeemerBishop of Mackenzie-Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, Canada
55.5Salvatore LigorioInstalledArchbishop of Matera-Irsina, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus of Potenza-Muro Lucano-Marsico Nuovo, Italy
200556.8Hubert Marie Michel Marcel HerbreteauOrdained BishopBishop of Agen, FranceBishop Emeritus
200760.0John Clayton NienstedtAppointedCoadjutor Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, USAArchbishop Emeritus
62.8Konrad ZdarsaAppointedBishop of Görlitz, GermanyBishop Emeritus of Augsburg, Germany
201054.1Norberto do AmaralOrdained BishopBishop of Maliana, Timor-Leste
66.7Stanislav LipovšekOrdained BishopBishop of Celje, SloveniaBishop Emeritus
50.9Vincenzo PisanelloInstalledBishop of Oria, Italy
62.8Luis Quinteiro FiuzaInstalledBishop of Tui-Vigo, SpainBishop Emeritus
52.3Montfort Stima (Sitima)Ordained BishopTitular Bishop of PuppiBishop of Mangochi, Malawi
201149.8David Arthur WallerConvertedOrdinary of Our Lady of Walsingham, England, Great Britain
201355.7Eugenio CoterOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of ThibiucaVicar Apostolic of Pando, Bolivia
58.7Liro Vendelino MeurerAppointedBishop of Santo Ângelo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
58.7Moacir SilvaAppointedArchbishop of Ribeirão Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
75.5José Clemente WeberRetiredBishop of Santo Ângelo, Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilBishop Emeritus
201475.1Orlando Beltran Quevedo, O.M.I.InstalledCardinal-Priest of Santa Maria “Regina Mundi” a Torre SpaccataCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Cotabato, Philippines
201551.7Piergiorgio BertoldiAppointedTitular Archbishop of HispellumApostolic Nuncio to Dominican Republic
51.7Piergiorgio BertoldiAppointedApostolic Nuncio to Burkina FasoApostolic Nuncio to Dominican Republic
51.7Piergiorgio BertoldiAppointedApostolic Nuncio to NigerApostolic Nuncio to Dominican Republic
76.0Lawrence Eugene BrandtRetiredBishop of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, USABishop Emeritus
61.5Francisco Eduardo Cervantes MerinoInstalledBishop of Orizaba, Veracruz, México
47.4Luiz Gonçalves KnuppOrdained BishopBishop of Três Lagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
57.8Josef GrafAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Regensburg, Germany
57.8Josef GrafAppointedTitular Bishop of Inis CathaigAuxiliary Bishop of Regensburg, Germany
54.6Edward Charles MalesicAppointedBishop of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, USABishop of Cleveland, Ohio, USA
61.9Vito RalloCeasedApostolic Nuncio to Burkina FasoApostolic Nuncio
61.9Vito RalloCeasedApostolic Nuncio to NigerApostolic Nuncio
201657.9Renato MarangoniInstalledBishop of Belluno-Feltre, Italy
201849.9Abel Cahiles ApigoOrdained BishopBishop of Mati, Philippines
77.9Domenico Berni Leonardi, O.S.A.RetiredPrelate of Chuquibambilla, PeruPrelate Emeritus
43.5Edinson Edgardo Farfán Córdova, O.S.A.AppointedApostolic Administrator of Chuquibambilla, PeruBishop of Chiclayo, Peru
55.7Victor Manuel FernándezCeasedRectorCardinal, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith
53.2Prosper Bonaventure KyAppointedBishop of Dédougou, Burkina Faso
202148.6Peter BeňoOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of AmudarsaAuxiliary Bishop of Nitra, Slovakia
51.7Edwin Mwansa MulanduAppointedBishop of Mpika, Zambia
48.7Claudiu-Lucian PopInstalledBishop of Cluj-Gherla (Claudiopoli-Armenopoli) (Romanian), Romania
202242.9Maciej MałygaOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of UlciniumAuxiliary Bishop of Wrocław {Breslavia}, Poland
64.5Gabriel MalzaireInstalledArchbishop of Castries, Saint Lucia, Antilles
60.2Maurice Nyunt WaiOrdained BishopCoadjutor Bishop of Mawlamyine, MyanmarBishop
202475.2Francisco Canindé PalhanoRetiredBishop of Petrolina, Pernambuco, BrazilBishop Emeritus
62.4Antônio Carlos Cruz Santos, M.S.C.AppointedBishop of Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil
50.1Johannes Gorantla, O.C.D.Ordained BishopBishop of Kurnool, India
202558.9Luiz Antônio Lopes RicciInstalledBishop of Itapetininga, Sao Paulo, Brazil
64.4Paul Prakash SaginalaOrdained BishopBishop of Cuddapah, IndiaBishop-Elect


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