Catholic-Hierarchy DC

15th day of March

Living Bishop Events

See Also: Diocese Events

YearAgeBishopEventTitleCurrent Title
1932 Augusto César Alves Ferreira da Silva, C.M.BornBishop Emeritus of Portalegre-Castelo Branco, Portugal
1935 Salim SayeghBornAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme}, Palestine
1948 Darío de Jesús Monsalve MejíaBornArchbishop Emeritus of Cali, Colombia
1950 Kurt KochBornCardinal, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity
1951 Alan Stephen Williams, S.M.BornBishop of Brentwood, England, Great Britain
1952 Edward Nicholas (Hugh) Gilbert, O.S.B.BornBishop of Aberdeen, Scotland, Great Britain
1963 Pius Moon Chang-wooBornBishop of Jeju, Korea (South)
196427.5Cristiano Jakob KrapfOrdained PriestPriest of Ilhéus, Bahia, BrazilBishop Emeritus of Jequié, Bahia, Brazil
28.2Johannes Gerardus Maria van Burgsteden, S.S.S.Ordained PriestPriest of Congregation of the Blessed SacramentAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Haarlem-Amsterdam, Netherlands
196619.3Cristián Enrique Contreras Molina, O. de M.Simple VowsMember of Order of Our Lady of MercyBishop Emeritus of San Felipe, Chile
197025.2Felipe González González, O.F.M. Cap.Ordained PriestPriest of Order of Friars Minor CapuchinVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Caroní, Venezuela
24.9Vincenzo PagliaOrdained PriestPriest of Roma {Rome}, ItalyPresident of the Pontifical Academy for Life
1975 John Bogna BakeniBornAuxiliary Bishop of Maiduguri, Nigeria
25.6Alexander Pyone ChoOrdained PriestPriest of Prome, MyanmarBishop Emeritus of Pyay, Myanmar
28.2Gregory Taik MaungOrdained PriestPriest of Prome, MyanmarAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Pyay, Myanmar
197640.3Claudio Silvero Acosta, S.C.I. di Béth.AppointedBishop of Coronel Oviedo, ParaguayAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Encarnación, Paraguay
197943.7Blasius PujoraharjaAppointedBishop of Ketapang, IndonesiaBishop Emeritus
32.2Francis Daw TangOrdained PriestPriest of Myitkyina, MyanmarBishop Emeritus
198025.1Michael Brehl, C.Ss.R.Ordained PriestPriest of Congregation of the Most Holy RedeemerBishop of Pembroke, Ontario, Canada
198145.7Jorge Tobias de FreitasAppointedBishop of Caxias do Maranhão, BrazilBishop Emeritus of Nazaré, Pernambuco, Brazil
54.7Hildebrando Mendes CostaAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Aracajú, Sergipe, BrazilBishop Emeritus of Estância, Sergipe, Brazil
54.7Hildebrando Mendes CostaAppointedTitular Bishop of ArindelaBishop Emeritus of Estância, Sergipe, Brazil
198223.9Roberto Calara MallariOrdained DeaconDeacon of San Fernando, PhilippinesBishop of Tarlac, Philippines
198627.3Tarcisio Isao Kikuchi, S.V.D.Ordained PriestPriest of Society of the Divine WordCardinal, Archbishop of Tōkyō, Japan
29.4Fernando Martín CroxattoOrdained DeaconDeacon of Buenos Aires, ArgentinaBishop of Neuquén, Argentina
198727.5Yaqoub Joseph Abdel-Jalil ChamiOrdained DeaconDeacon of Beirut {Bairut} (Syrian), LebanonArchbishop of Hassaké-Nisibi (Syrian), Syria
198949.2Fernando Antônio Figueiredo, O.F.M.AppointedBishop of Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo, BrazilBishop Emeritus
28.6José Aparecido Gonçalves de AlmeidaIncardinatedPriest of Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo, BrazilBishop of Itumbiara, Goias, Brazil
56.2Emílio PignoliAppointedBishop of Campo Limpo, Sao Paulo, BrazilBishop Emeritus
199048.5Giacinto BerlocoAppointedTitular Archbishop of FidenaeApostolic Nuncio
48.5Giacinto BerlocoAppointedApostolic Pro-Nuncio to ZimbabweApostolic Nuncio
48.5Giacinto BerlocoAppointedApostolic Delegate to MozambiqueApostolic Nuncio
199154.5Dadeus GringsOrdained BishopBishop of São João da Boa Vista, Sao Paulo, BrazilArchbishop Emeritus of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
199226.2Carlos María Domínguez, O.A.R.Solemn VowsMember of Order of Augustinian RecollectsBishop Emeritus of San Rafael, Argentina
199365.5Edoardo RovidaAppointedApostolic Nuncio to PortugalApostolic Nuncio
199448.3Carlos López HernándezAppointedBishop of Plasencia, SpainBishop Emeritus of Salamanca, Spain
46.5José Eduardo Velásquez TarazonaAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Huaraz, PeruBishop Emeritus
46.5José Eduardo Velásquez TarazonaAppointedTitular Bishop of ObbaBishop Emeritus of Huaraz, Peru
199555.3Emilio Carlos Berlie BelaunzaránAppointedArchbishop of Yucatán, MéxicoArchbishop Emeritus
199664.2Eugene Jerome CooneyAppointedBishop of Nelson, British Columbia, CanadaBishop Emeritus
48.2Francisco Javier Martínez FernándezAppointedBishop of Córdoba, SpainArchbishop Emeritus of Granada, Spain
25.6Gustavo Alejandro MontiniOrdained PriestPriest of Rafaela, ArgentinaBishop of Santo Tomé, Argentina
199748.6Juan de la Caridad García RodríguezAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Camagüey, CubaCardinal, Archbishop of San Cristobal de la Habana, Cuba
48.6Juan de la Caridad García RodríguezAppointedTitular Bishop of Gummi in ProconsulariCardinal, Archbishop of San Cristobal de la Habana, Cuba
45.4Francisco Ozoria AcostaOrdained BishopBishop of San Pedro de Macorís, Dominican RepublicArchbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
58.4Juan Antonio Ugarte PérezAppointedPrelate of Yauyos, PeruArchbishop Emeritus of Cuzco, Peru
199849.5Jose MukalaOrdained BishopBishop of Kohima, IndiaBishop Emeritus
59.5Valter ŽupanOrdained BishopBishop of Krk (Veglia), CroatiaBishop Emeritus
200059.1Alfredo SchäfflerAppointedCoadjutor Bishop of Parnaíba, Piaui, BrazilBishop Emeritus
200154.1Thomas Christopher CollinsAppointedApostolic Administrator of Saint Paul in Alberta, CanadaCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
200351.0Martin Kivuva MusondeAppointedBishop of Machakos, KenyaArchbishop of Mombasa, Kenya
47.4Tomislav Koljatic MaroevicInstalledBishop of Linares, Chile
55.2Francisco Javier Martínez FernándezAppointedArchbishop of Granada, SpainArchbishop Emeritus
69.3Libardo Ramírez GómezResignedBishop of Garzón, ColombiaBishop Emeritus
53.1Callistus RubaramiraAppointedBishop of Kabale, Uganda
61.9Fausto Gabriel Trávez Trávez, O.F.M.Ordained BishopTitular Bishop of SullectumArchbishop Emeritus of Quito, Ecuador
45.4Tomás Jesús Zárraga ColmenaresOrdained BishopBishop of San Carlos de VenezuelaBishop Emeritus
200560.7Edward Kenneth BraxtonAppointedBishop of Belleville, Illinois, USABishop Emeritus
200649.9Johannes BündgensAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Aachen, GermanyAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
49.9Johannes BündgensAppointedTitular Bishop of Árd CarnaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Aachen, Germany
71.0Kévork (Georges) Khazoumian, I.C.P.B.AppointedCoadjutor Archbishop of Istanbul (Armenian), TurkeyCoadjutor Archbishop Emeritus
200738.8Emigdio Duarte FigueroaOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of BiltaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Culiacán, Sinaloa, México
36.1Paul Ma CunguoSucceededBishop of Shuoxian [Shohchow], China
50.3Tamás SzabóResignedBishop of Hungary, Military
53.2Csaba TernyákAppointedArchbishop of Eger, Hungary
200858.5Henry D’SouzaAppointedBishop of Bellary, India
57.2Tomáš GalisInstalledBishop of Žilina, Slovakia
66.1Mario GiordanaAppointedApostolic Nuncio to SlovakiaApostolic Nuncio
58.2Martín Pablo Pérez ScreminiAppointedBishop of Florida, Uruguay
51.9Edward Tamba CharlesAppointedArchbishop of Freetown and Bo, Sierra LeoneArchbishop of Freetown, Sierra Leone
200957.6Francesco BeschiInstalledBishop of Bergamo, Italy
53.8Philippe MoussetOrdained BishopBishop of Pamiers (-Couserans-Mirepoix), FranceBishop of Périgueux (-Sarlat), France
201057.7Vicente Bokalic Iglic, C.M.AppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires, ArgentinaCardinal, Archbishop of Santiago del Estero, Argentina
57.7Vicente Bokalic Iglic, C.M.AppointedTitular Bishop of SummaCardinal, Archbishop of Santiago del Estero, Argentina
66.6Stanislav LipovšekAppointedBishop of Celje, SloveniaBishop Emeritus
62.9Želimir PuljićAppointedArchbishop of Zadar (Zara), CroatiaArchbishop Emeritus
201171.0Béchara Boutros Raï, O.M.M.SelectedCardinal, Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Maronite), Lebanon
201267.9Paul LortieInstalledBishop of Mont-Laurier, Québec, CanadaBishop Emeritus of Saint-Jérôme - Mont-Laurier, Québec, Canada
72.9Edwin Frederick O’BrienAppointedGrand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of JerusalemCardinal, Grand Master Emeritus
78.5Julio César Terán Dutari, S.J.AppointedApostolic Administrator of Santo Domingo en EcuadorBishop Emeritus of Ibarra, Ecuador
201472.2Nel Hedye Beltrán SantamariaResignedBishop of Sincelejo, ColombiaBishop Emeritus
57.4Robert John Byrne, C.O.AppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Birmingham, England, Great BritainBishop Emeritus of Hexham and Newcastle, England, Great Britain
57.4Robert John Byrne, C.O.AppointedTitular Bishop of CuncacestreBishop Emeritus of Hexham and Newcastle, England, Great Britain
48.9José Manuel Garita HerreraAppointedBishop of Ciudad Quesada, Costa Rica
47.0Herwig GösslOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of BaleciumArchbishop of Bamberg, Germany
201550.0Onécimo AlbertonInstalledBishop of Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina, BrazilAuxiliary Bishop of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
45.4Adelar BaruffiInstalledBishop of Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilArchbishop Emeritus of Cascavel, Parana, Brazil
69.8Hélio Adelar RubertCeasedApostolic Administrator of Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilArchbishop Emeritus of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
55.8Franc ŠuštarOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of RessianaAuxiliary Bishop of Ljubljana, Slovenia
64.7Mario Toso, S.D.B.InstalledBishop of Faenza-Modigliana, Italy
201646.6Emmanuel AbboAppointedBishop of Ngaoundéré, Cameroon
45.9Romeo (Romy) Duetao ConvocarIncardinatedPriest of Agaña, Guam, Pacific (Oceania)Bishop of Chalan Kanoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Pacific (Oceania)
52.0Agapitus Enuyehnyoh NfonAppointedBishop of Kumba, Cameroon
60.0João Evangelista Pimentel LavradorSucceededBishop of Angra, PortugalBishop of Viana do Castelo, Portugal
201864.9Myron Joseph CottaInstalledBishop of Stockton, California, USA
61.9Manuel da Silva Rodrigues LindaAppointedBishop of Porto, Portugal
201957.5José Benedito CardosoOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of Castellum MinusBishop of Catanduva, Sao Paulo, Brazil
84.5Ramiro Díaz Sánchez, O.M.I.AppointedApostolic Administrator of Machiques, VenezuelaVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Machiques, Venezuela
68.1Jesús Alfonso Guerrero Contreras, O.F.M. Cap.InstalledBishop of Barinas, Venezuela
202056.0Milton Luis Tróccoli CebedioInstalledBishop of Maldonado-Punta del Este-Minas, Uruguay
202146.1Reginei José ModoloAppointedAdministrator of Cascavel, Parana, BrazilAuxiliary Bishop of Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
202362.8Fortunatus NwachukwuAppointedSecretary of the Dicastery for Evangelization
62.7Protase RugambwaCeasedSecretary of the Dicastery for EvangelizationCardinal, Archbishop of Tabora, Tanzania
202456.8Luis Manuel Alí HerreraAppointedSecretary of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of MinorsAuxiliary Bishop of Bogotá, Colombia
55.9Andrew Small, O.M.I.CeasedSecretary of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of MinorsSecretary Emeritus
202563.4Giancarlo DellagiovannaAppointedApostolic Nuncio to Burkina Faso
63.4Giancarlo DellagiovannaAppointedTitular Archbishop of SistronianaApostolic Nuncio to Burkina Faso
51.8Paul Nguyễn Quang ÐìnhAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Hưng Hóa, Viet NamAuxiliary Bishop-Elect
51.8Paul Nguyễn Quang ÐìnhAppointedTitular Bishop of VoncariaAuxiliary Bishop-Elect of Hưng Hóa, Viet Nam
58.6Kurian Mathew VayalunkalAppointedApostolic Nuncio to Chile


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