Year | Age | Bishop | Event | Title | Current Title |
1938 |
| Sam Joseph Galip Jacobs | Born | | Bishop Emeritus of Houma-Thibodaux, Louisiana, USA |
1943 |
| Gabriele Mana | Born | | Bishop Emeritus of Biella, Italy |
1945 |
| Manuel Ureña Pastor | Born | | Archbishop Emeritus of Zaragoza, Spain |
1946 |
| Richard John Grecco | Born | | Bishop Emeritus of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada |
1947 |
| Edward Michael Deliman | Born | | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA |
1948 |
| Edson Tasquetto (Taschetto) Damian | Born | | Bishop Emeritus of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas, Brazil |
1950 |
| Alfredo Enrique Torres Rondón | Born | | Bishop of San Fernando de Apure, Venezuela |
1957 |
| Esteban María Laxague, S.D.B. | Born | | Bishop of Viedma, Argentina |
1958 |
| Francisco Antonio Ceballos Escobar, C.Ss.R. | Born | | Bishop of Riohacha, Colombia |
1959 |
| Joseph Ha Chi-shing, O.F.M. | Born | | Auxiliary Bishop of Hong Kong [Xianggang], China |
1961 |
| Luis Dario Martín | Born | | Auxiliary Bishop of Santa Rosa, Argentina |
1965 |
| Edmar Perón | Born | | Bishop of Paranaguá, Parana, Brazil |
1976 | 43.7 | Elden Francis Curtiss | Appointed | Bishop of Helena, Montana, USA | Archbishop Emeritus of Omaha, Nebraska, USA |
1980 | 45.7 | José Lizares Estrada | Appointed | Bishop of Ciudad Altamirano, Guerrero, México | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Monterrey, Nuevo León, México |
1988 | 47.3 | José María Arancedo | Appointed | Auxiliary Bishop of Lomas de Zamora, Argentina | Archbishop Emeritus of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz, Argentina |
47.3 | José María Arancedo | Appointed | Titular Bishop of Selemselae | Archbishop Emeritus of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz, Argentina |
1993 | 52.8 | Charles Michael Jarrell | Ordained Bishop | Bishop of Houma-Thibodaux, Louisiana, USA | Bishop Emeritus of Lafayette, Louisiana, USA |
2000 | 64.4 | Santos Abril y Castelló | Appointed | Apostolic Nuncio to Argentina | Cardinal, Archpriest Emeritus of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore {Saint Mary Major Basilica} |
52.2 | José Luis Fletes Santana | Ordained Bishop | Titular Bishop of Thunusuda | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of México, Federal District |
27.0 | Thulani Victor Mbuyisa, C.M.M. | Ordained Priest | Priest of Congregation of Mariannhill Missionaries | Bishop of Kokstad, South Africa |
54.8 | Vincenzo Paglia | Appointed | Bishop of Terni-Narni-Amelia, Italy | President of the Pontifical Academy for Life |
57.0 | Nicolas Sawaf | Ordained Bishop | Archbishop of Lattaquié {Laodicea} (Melkite Greek), Syria | Archbishop Emeritus |
2004 | 64.9 | Lawrence Eugene Brandt | Ordained Bishop | Bishop of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, USA | Bishop Emeritus |
50.0 | Hlib (Borys Sviatoslav) Lonchyna, M.S.U. | Appointed | Apostolic Visitor (Visitator) | Bishop Emeritus of Holy Family of London (Ukrainian) |
50.0 | Hlib (Borys Sviatoslav) Lonchyna, M.S.U. | Appointed | Apostolic Visitor (Visitator) | Bishop Emeritus of Holy Family of London (Ukrainian) |
48.7 | Adolfo Armando Uriona, F.D.P. | Appointed | Bishop of Añatuya, Argentina | Bishop of Villa de la Concepción del Río Cuarto, Argentina |
2006 | 51.0 | Bernardo Miguel Bastres Florence, S.D.B. | Appointed | Bishop of Punta Arenas, Chile | Bishop Emeritus |
53.0 | George Beluso Rimando | Appointed | Auxiliary Bishop of Davao, Philippines |
53.0 | George Beluso Rimando | Appointed | Titular Bishop of Vada | Auxiliary Bishop of Davao, Philippines |
46.3 | Tadeusz Bronakowski | Ordained Bishop | Titular Bishop of Tigisi in Mauretania | Auxiliary Bishop of Łomża, Poland |
61.1 | Martin Tetsuo Hiraga | Ordained Bishop | Bishop of Sendai, Japan | Bishop Emeritus |
62.9 | Antonio Javellana Ledesma, S.J. | Appointed | Archbishop of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines | Archbishop Emeritus |
2007 | 54.6 | Jean-Abdo Arbach, B.C. | Installed | Apostolic Exarch of Argentina (Melkite Greek) | Archbishop of Homs (-Hama-Jabrud) (Melkite Greek), Syria |
74.5 | Gaudencio Borbon Rosales | Installed | Cardinal-Priest of Santissimo Nome di Maria in Via Latina | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Manila, Philippines |
68.4 | Rodrigo Mejía Saldarriaga, S.J. | Ordained Bishop | Titular Bishop of Vulturia | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Soddo, Ethiopia |
2009 | 50.1 | Giovane Pereira de Melo | Appointed | Bishop of Tocantinópolis, Tocatins, Brazil | Bishop of Araguaína, Tocatins, Brazil |
61.0 | Edson Tasquetto (Taschetto) Damian | Appointed | Bishop of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas, Brazil | Bishop Emeritus |
2010 | 49.9 | Anthony Colin Joseph Fisher, O.P. | Installed | Bishop of Parramatta, Australia | Archbishop of Sydney, Australia |
43.5 | Arūnas Poniškaitis | Ordained Bishop | Titular Bishop of Sinna | Auxiliary Bishop of Vilnius, Lithuania |
2012 | 54.3 | Joaquim Wladimir Lopes Dias | Ordained Bishop | Titular Bishop of Sita | Bishop of Lorena, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
52.6 | Daniel Fernando Sturla Berhouet, S.D.B. | Ordained Bishop | Titular Bishop of Phelbes | Cardinal, Archbishop of Montevideo, Uruguay |
2014 | 56.0 | Peter Leslie Smith | Appointed | Auxiliary Bishop of Portland in Oregon, USA |
56.0 | Peter Leslie Smith | Appointed | Titular Bishop of Tubunae in Mauretania | Auxiliary Bishop of Portland in Oregon, USA |
2015 | 58.3 | Emmanuel Hanna Shaleta (Challita) | Installed | Bishop of Mar Addai of Toronto (Chaldean), Canada | Bishop of Saint Peter the Apostle of San Diego (Chaldean), USA |
47.9 | Jorge Cuapio Bautista | Appointed | Auxiliary Bishop of Tlalnepantla, México, México | Bishop of Iztapalapa, México, México |
47.9 | Jorge Cuapio Bautista | Appointed | Titular Bishop of Bisarcio | Bishop of Iztapalapa, México, México |
57.3 | Joaquim Wladimir Lopes Dias | Appointed | Bishop of Colatina, Espirito Santo, Brazil | Bishop of Lorena, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
75.6 | Francisco Ramírez Navarro | Retired | Auxiliary Bishop of Tlalnepantla, México, México | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus |
2016 | 49.9 | Paolo Borgia | Appointed | Assessor of the Secretariat of State | Apostolic Nuncio to Lebanon |
2017 | 69.9 | John Ha Tiong Hock | Resigned | Archbishop of Kuching, Malaysia | Archbishop Emeritus |
53.8 | Simon Peter Poh Hoon Seng | Appointed | Archbishop of Kuching, Malaysia |
50.1 | Mario Enrique Quirós Quirós | Appointed | Bishop of Cartago, Costa Rica |
76.4 | José Francisco Ulloa Rojas | Retired | Bishop of Cartago, Costa Rica | Bishop Emeritus |
2018 | 50.8 | Paul Gerard Martin, S.M. | Installed | Bishop of Christchurch, New Zealand | Archbishop of Wellington, New Zealand |
2019 | 65.6 | Pedro López Quintana | Appointed | Apostolic Nuncio to Austria |
2020 | 45.6 | Farly Yovany Gil Betancur | Appointed | Bishop of Montelibano, Colombia |
2021 | 75.0 | Richard John Grecco | Retired | Bishop of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada | Bishop Emeritus |
59.8 | Ranko Vidović | Appointed | Bishop of Hvar (-Brac e Vis), Croatia |
2022 | 86.4 | Santos Abril y Castelló | Appointed | Cardinal-Priest of San Ponziano | Cardinal, Archpriest Emeritus of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore {Saint Mary Major Basilica} |
79.4 | Giuseppe Bertello | Appointed | Cardinal-Priest of Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia | Cardinal, President Emeritus of the Governatorate of Vatican City State |
74.8 | João Bráz de Aviz | Appointed | Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Elena fuori Porta Prenestina | Cardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life |
79.0 | Domenico Calcagno | Appointed | Cardinal-Priest of Annunciazione della Beata Vergine Maria a Via Ardeatina | Cardinal, President Emeritus of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See |
83.9 | Francesco Coccopalmerio | Appointed | Cardinal-Priest of San Giuseppe dei Falegnami | Cardinal, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts |
84.7 | Walter Allison Hurley | Ceased | Apostolic Administrator of Gaylord, Michigan, USA | Bishop Emeritus of Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA |
83.9 | Manuel Monteiro de Castro | Appointed | Cardinal-Priest of San Domenico di Guzman | Cardinal, Major Penitentiary Emeritus of the Apostolic Penitentiary |
82.9 | Edwin Frederick O’Brien | Appointed | Cardinal-Priest of San Sebastiano al Palatino | Cardinal, Grand Master Emeritus of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem |
84.0 | Antonio Maria Vegliò | Appointed | Cardinal-Priest of San Cesareo in Palatio | Cardinal, President Emeritus of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development |
78.5 | Giuseppe Versaldi | Appointed | Cardinal-Priest of Sacro Cuore di Gesù a Castro Pretorio | Cardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Dicastery for Culture and Education |
56.2 | Jeffrey Joseph Walsh | Ordained Bishop | Bishop of Gaylord, Michigan, USA |
2023 | 77.1 | Victor Agbanou | Retired | Bishop of Lokossa, Benin | Bishop Emeritus |
52.6 | Jesús Omar Alemán Chávez | Ordained Bishop | Bishop of Cuauhtémoc-Madera, Chihuahua, México |
50.5 | Coffi Roger Anoumou | Appointed | Bishop of Lokossa, Benin |
66.9 | Antonio Giuseppe Caiazzo | Appointed | Bishop of Tricarico, Italy | Bishop of Cesena-Sarsina, Italy |
64.7 | Jorge Enrique Concha Cayuqueo, O.F.M. | Appointed | Bishop of Temuco, Chile |
52.3 | Giuseppe Laterza | Ordained Bishop | Titular Archbishop of Vartana | Apostolic Nuncio to Central African Republic |
49.2 | Levente Balázs Martos | Ordained Bishop | Titular Bishop of Treba | Auxiliary Bishop of Esztergom-Budapest, Hungary |
54.1 | Stefano Rega | Installed | Bishop of San Marco Argentano-Scalea, Italy |
52.8 | Piotr Wawrzynek | Appointed | Auxiliary Bishop of Legnica, Poland |
52.8 | Piotr Wawrzynek | Appointed | Titular Bishop of Rusuccuru | Auxiliary Bishop of Legnica, Poland |
2025 | 59.8 | Herman Guinto Abcede, R.C.J. | Appointed | Bishop of Daet, Philippines | Bishop-Elect |