Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | | Born | Léon (Michel Rey-Golliet) des Avanchers, O.F.M. Cap. † | | Prefect Emeritus of Seychelles |
18.0 | Professed | Tomás Badía, O.P. † | Member of Order of Friars Preachers | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Fo-Kien, China |
25.0 | Ordained Priest | John Brady † | Priest | Bishop of Perth, Australia |
46.1 | Appointed | Joaquín Briz, O.P. † | Master General of Order of Friars Preachers | Bishop of Segovia, Spain |
| Born | Manuel Cerón † | | Bishop of Cartagena, Colombia |
17.0 | Professed | Geremia Nicola Antonio Cosenza, O.F.M. Obs. † | Member of Order of Observant Friars Minor | Bishop of Foggia, Italy |
20.0 | Professed | Jerónimo José de Mata, C.M. † | Member of Congregation of the Mission | Bishop Emeritus of Macau, China |
58.1 | Ordained Priest | Joachim-Jean-Xavier d’Isoard † | Priest | Cardinal, Archbishop of Auch, France |
26.1 | Ordained Priest | Joaquín Fernández Cortina † | Priest | Bishop of Sigüenza, Spain |
85.0 | Died | Antoine Etienne Aconcius Köver, C.M.V. † | Abbot General of Congregazione Mechitarista di Venezia |
17.7 | Entered | Chrysostome-Charles-Auguste Liausu, SS.CC. † | Member of Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary | Prefect of Southern Oceania, Pacific (Oceania) |
24.6 | Ordained Priest | Joachim Anselmo Llorente y La Fuente † | Priest | Bishop of San José de Costa Rica |
56.0 | Ceased | Ambrose Maréchal, P.S.S. † | Apostolic Administrator of Richmond, Virginia, USA | Archbishop of Baltimore, Maryland, USA |
52.0 | Appointed | Cölestin (Jakob Josef) Müller, O.S.B. † | Abbot of Maria Einsiedeln, Switzerland |
29.6 | Ordained Priest | Francis Murphy † | Priest | Bishop of Adelaide, Australia |
16.3 | Professed | Francesco Domenico Reynaudi (Raynaud), O.F.M. Cap. † | Member of Order of Friars Minor Capuchin | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Sofia e Plovdiv, Bulgaria |
62.1 | Appointed | Giuseppe Antonio Sala † | Secretary of the Congregation of the Council | Cardinal, Prefect of the Roman Curia - Other |
| Born | Michael Warren † | | Bishop of Ferns, Ireland |
| Ordained Bishop | Gregoire Zeitoun † | Bishop | Titular Archbishop |
7 Jan | | Born | José Nicanor Corona e Izarraraz † | | Bishop of San Luis Potosí, México |
8 Jan | 88.8 | Died | [Matthieu Asselin] † | Bishop Emeritus of [Pas-de-Calais (Constitutional), France] |
48.3 | Selected | Manuel Bernardo Morete Bodelón † | Bishop of Astorga, Spain |
10 Jan | 20.5 | Professed | José Maria González Rúbio, O.F.M. † | Member of Order of Friars Minor | Former Administrator of Monterey, California, USA |
13 Jan | | Born | Manuel Canuto Restrepo y Villegas † | | Bishop Emeritus of Pasto, Colombia |
15 Jan | 68.8 | Appointed | Giuseppe Maria Spina † | Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Genova, Italy |
17 Jan | | Born | François Laurencin † | | Apostolic Administrator of Guadeloupe et Basse-Terre, Antilles |
19 Jan | | Born | Arsène Aïdynian, C.M.Vd. † | | Abbot General of Congregazione Mechitarista di Vienna |
21 Jan | 76.2 | Died | Karl Friedrich von Wendt † | Auxiliary Bishop of Hildesheim, Germany |
23 Jan | 22.4 | Ordained Deacon | Nicholas Patrick Stephen (Nicolás Patricio Esteban) Wiseman † | Deacon of Northern District, England, Great Britain | Cardinal, Archbishop of Westminster, England, Great Britain |
24 Jan | 77.7 | Retired | José Carrión y Marfil † | Bishop of Trujillo, Peru | Bishop Emeritus |
79.8 | Resigned | Salvatore Maria Pignattaro, O.P. † | Bishop of Isernia, Italy |
27 Jan | 63.4 | Selected | Julián Sanz Palanco † | Bishop of Segorbe, Spain |
28 Jan | 50.9 | Selected | Manuel Martínez Ferro, O. de M. † | Bishop of Málaga, Spain |
48.3 | Appointed | Thomas Walsh † | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Midland District, England, Great Britain | Vicar Apostolic of London District, England, Great Britain |
48.3 | Appointed | Thomas Walsh † | Titular Bishop of Cambysopolis | Vicar Apostolic of London District, England, Great Britain |
30 Jan | 55.1 | Ordained Bishop | Luis Antonio Folgueras y Sión † | Bishop of San Cristóbal de La Laguna o Tenerife, Spain | Archbishop of Granada, Spain |
31 Jan | 39.8 | Selected | François-Hyacinthe-Jean Feutrier † | Bishop of Beauvais, France |
54.9 | Selected | Claude-Louis de Lesquen † | Bishop of Rennes, France | Bishop Emeritus |
4 Feb | 65.1 | Selected | Jan Antoni de Potoczki † | Bishop of Przemyśl, Poland |
| Born | Károly Rimely † | | Bishop of Banská Bystrica, Slovakia |
6 Feb | 74.0 | Died | John Connolly, O.P. † | Bishop of New York, New York, USA |
8 Feb | | Born | Luigi Martucci † | | Bishop of Penne e Atri, Italy |
| Born | Giuseppe Ronco † | | Bishop of Asti, Italy |
10 Feb | | Born | Vincenzo Manicardi † | | Bishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy |
56.1 | Confirmed | Kyrylo Syrotynskyj † | Auxiliary Bishop of Lutsk and Ostroh (Ukrainian), Ukraine | Auxiliary Bishop of Žyrovyci (Ukrainian), Lithuania |
56.1 | Confirmed | Kyrylo Syrotynskyj † | Titular Bishop of Pińsk-Turaŭ (Ukrainian), Belarus | Auxiliary Bishop of Žyrovyci (Ukrainian), Lithuania |
14 Feb | 65.2 | Died | Leopoldo Corigliano † | Bishop Emeritus of Nardò, Italy |
18 Feb | 52.1 | Selected | Ferenc (František) Lajcsák (Lajčák) † | Bishop of Rožňava, Slovakia | Bishop Emeritus of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyvárad}, Romania |
19 Feb | | Born | Konstanty Ireneusz Łubieński † | | Bishop of Sejny o Sejna o Augustów, Poland |
20 Feb | 29.1 | Ordained Priest | Gregorio Bahadur † | Priest | Bishop of Prusa (Bostra, Brussa) (Armenian), Turkey |
30.1 | Ordained Priest | Antonio Halagi † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Artvin degli Armeni (Armenian), Turkey |
61.1 | Ordained Bishop | Tomás La Iglesia España † | Bishop of Zamora, Spain |
21 Feb | | Born | John Baptist (Jean-Baptiste) Salpointe † | | Archbishop Emeritus of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA |
22 Feb | 44.7 | Appointed | William Crolly † | Bishop of Down and Connor, Ireland | Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland |
24 Feb | 61.4 | Ordained Bishop | Serafino Matteo Ignazio Marie Carchero, O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop of Ogliastra, Italy | Bishop of Bisarchio o Bisarcio (Ozieri), Italy |
55.8 | Selected | Dionisio Castaño y Bermúdez † | Bishop of Gerona, Spain |
61.5 | Ordained Bishop | Bernardo Antônio de Figueiredo † | Bishop of Faro {Algarve}, Portugal |
25 Feb | 77.1 | Appointed | Etienne-Marie de Boulogne † | Archbishop (Personal Title) of Troyes, France | Bishop |
26 Feb | 22.5 | Ordained Priest | Fabio Maria Asquini † | Priest | Cardinal, Secretary of the Roman Curia - Other |
49.7 | Selected | József Kopácsy † | Bishop of Veszprém, Hungary | Archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary |
| Born | Hector-Albert Chaulet d’Outremont † | | Bishop of Le Mans, France |
27 Feb | 86.0 | Died | [François Marbos] † | Bishop Emeritus of [Drôme (Constitutional), France] |
| Born | Guillaume-Marie-Romain Sourrieu † | | Cardinal, Archbishop of Rouen, France |
51.4 | Ordained Bishop | Maurycy Mateusz Wojakowski † | Titular Bishop of Arcadiopolis in Asia | Auxiliary Bishop of Lublin, Poland |
Mar | 56.1 | Died | Guillaume-Auguste Jaubert † | Former Bishop-Elect of Saint-Flour, France |
1 Mar | 65.1 | Selected | Ildefonso Cañedo y Vigil † | Archbishop of Burgos, Spain |
2 Mar | 69.0 | Died | Francesco Antonio Mondelli † | Bishop of Città di Castello, Italy |
3 Mar | | Born | Laurent Blettery, M.E.P. † | | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Eastern Szechwan {Se-Ciuen Orientale}, China |
| Born | Juan José Blas Tissera, O.F.M. Obs. † | | Bishop of Córdoba (Tucumán), Argentina |
6 Mar | 50.8 | Ordained Bishop | Isidoro Bonifacio López Pulido, O.P. † | Bishop of Urgell, Spain | Bishop of Segovia, Spain |
8 Mar | 34.0 | Appointed | John MacHale † | Coadjutor Bishop of Killala, Ireland | Archbishop of Tuam, Ireland |
34.0 | Appointed | John MacHale † | Titular Bishop of Maronea | Archbishop of Tuam, Ireland |
11 Mar | 56.7 | Selected | Antal Juranitz † | Bishop of Győr (Raab), Hungary |
12 Mar | 71.8 | Died | Felipe Montoya Díez † | Bishop of Teruel, Spain |
13 Mar | 50.1 | Ordained Bishop | Edmund French, O.P. † | Bishop of Kilmacduagh, Ireland |
44.7 | Selected | Salvatore Lettieri † | Bishop of Nardò, Italy |
23.1 | Ordained Deacon | Vinko Zubranić † | Deacon | Bishop of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), Croatia |
15 Mar | | Born | Alphonse-Martin Larue † | | Bishop Emeritus of Langres, France |
18 Mar | 22.9 | Ordained Deacon | Angelo Fusinato † | Deacon of Padova {Padua}, Italy | Bishop of Concordia (Sagittaria), Italy |
69.0 | Died | Ferdinand Hermann Maria von Lüninck † | Bishop of Münster, Germany |
57.1 | Resigned | Antonio Posada Rubín de Celis † | Bishop of Cartagena (en España) | Patriarch of West Indies, Spain |
72.9 | Died | Giuseppe Maria Tedeschi † | Archbishop of Brindisi, Italy |
19 Mar | 38.3 | Ordained Priest | Jan Dekert † | Priest of Warszawa {Warsaw}, Poland | Auxiliary Bishop |
18.0 | Professed | Pietro Paolo Trucchi, C.M. † | Member of Congregation of the Mission | Bishop of Forli, Italy |
22.6 | Ordained Priest | Nicholas Patrick Stephen (Nicolás Patricio Esteban) Wiseman † | Priest of Northern District, England, Great Britain | Cardinal, Archbishop of Westminster, England, Great Britain |
20 Mar | 46.8 | Ordained Bishop | Joaquín Abarca Blaque † | Bishop of León, Spain |
59.1 | Ordained Bishop | Pablo Colmenares, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Lérida, Spain |
| Born | Pietro Saulini † | | Bishop of Alatri, Italy |
23.1 | Ordained Priest | Vinko Zubranić † | Priest | Bishop of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), Croatia |
21 Mar | 63.8 | Confirmed | José Antonio Azpeitia y Sáenz de Santamaria † | Bishop of Cartagena (en España) |
62.5 | Confirmed | András Bőle † | Bishop of Szombathely, Hungary |
59.5 | Elevated to Cardinal | Bartolomeo Alberto (Mauro) Cappellari, O.S.B. † | In Pectore | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
51.5 | Elevated to Cardinal | Gustave-Maximilien-Juste de Croÿ-Solre † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Rouen, France |
39.9 | Confirmed | François-Hyacinthe-Jean Feutrier † | Bishop of Beauvais, France |
59.3 | Confirmed | Francisco Genovés, O.P. † | Bishop of Cebu, Philippines |
55.0 | Confirmed | Claude-Louis de Lesquen † | Bishop of Rennes, France | Bishop Emeritus |
61.5 | Confirmed | Augustin de Mailhet de Vachères † | Bishop of Tulle, France |
48.5 | Confirmed | Manuel Bernardo Morete Bodelón † | Bishop of Astorga, Spain |
53.4 | Confirmed | Mariano Rodríguez de Olmedo y Valle † | Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba |
63.3 | Confirmed | Hipólito Antonio Sánchez Rangel de Fayas, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Lugo, Spain |
60.6 | Appointed | Stanislao Sanseverino † | Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria ad Martyres | Cardinal, Priest of the Roman Curia - Other |
63.6 | Confirmed | Julián Sanz Palanco † | Bishop of Segorbe, Spain |
54.6 | Confirmed | Domingo de Silos Santiago Apollinario Moreno, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Cádiz, Spain |
54.6 | Confirmed | Jules-François de Simony † | Bishop of Soissons, France | Bishop Emeritus of Soissons (-Laon), France |
63.9 | Appointed | Manuel da Encarnação Sobrinho, O.S.P.P.E. † | Titular Bishop of Nemesi |
59.7 | Confirmed | Joseph-Julien de Saint-Rome-Gualy † | Bishop of Carcassonne, France |
63.2 | Confirmed | Prosper de Tournefort † | Bishop of Limoges, France |
55.1 | Confirmed | Guillaume-Aubin de Villèle † | Archbishop of Bourges, France |
22 Mar | 64.1 | Selected | Antonio Pérez de Hirias † | Bishop of Mallorca, Spain |
| Born | Luigi Tesorieri † | | Bishop of Imola, Italy |
23 Mar | 21.3 | Professed | Francis Joseph Nicholson, O.C.D. † | Member of Order of Discalced Carmelites | Archbishop of Corfù, Greece |
25 Mar | 35.2 | Ordained Bishop | Joseph VI Audu † | Bishop of Mossul (Chaldean), Iraq | Patriarch of Babylon {Babilonia} (Chaldean), Iraq |
30 Mar | | Born | Pál Palásthy † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Esztergom, Hungary |
2 Apr | 22.7 | Ordained Priest | Francesco Bruni, C.M. † | Priest of Congregation of the Mission | Bishop of Ugento, Italy |
25.0 | Ordained Deacon | Juraj Duboković (Dubocovich) † | Deacon | Bishop of Hvar (Lesina), Croatia |
4 Apr | 25.0 | Ordained Priest | Juraj Duboković (Dubocovich) † | Priest | Bishop of Hvar (Lesina), Croatia |
5 Apr | 64.1 | Died | Carlo Maria Lenzi, Sch. P. † | Bishop of Lipari, Italy |
73.4 | Died | Feliks Łukasz Lewiński † | Bishop of Janów Podlaski (Podlaska o Janów), Poland |
18.9 | Professed | William Bernard Ullathorne, O.S.B. † | Member of Order of Saint Benedict | Bishop Emeritus of Birmingham, England, Great Britain |
| Born | Thomas William Wilkinson † | | Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle, England, Great Britain |
6 Apr | 23.3 | Ordained Priest | Ephrem (August) Van der Meulen, O.C.S.O. † | Priest of Münster, Germany | Vicar General of Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance |
7 Apr | 72.2 | Died | Konrad Tanner, O.S.B. † | Abbot of Maria Einsiedeln, Switzerland |
9 Apr | 59.3 | Died | Stanislao Mossa † | Bishop of Ampurias e Civita, Italy |
11 Apr | 61.1 | Died | Desiderio Mennone, C.Ss.R. † | Bishop of Lacedonia, Italy |
15 Apr | | Born | Federico Pizza † | | Archbishop Emeritus of Manfredonia (e Vieste), Italy |
| Born | Angelo Rossi † | | Bishop of Tarquinia e Civitavecchia, Italy |
17 Apr | 23.0 | Ordained Priest | José Miguel Arístegui Aróstegui † | Priest of Santiago de Chile | Auxiliary Bishop of Santiago de Chile |
49.1 | Ordained Bishop | Pablo Jesús Corcuera y Caserta † | Bishop of Vic, Spain |
25.3 | Ordained Priest | Heinrich Ernst Karl Förster † | Priest of Wrocław (Breslau), Poland | Bishop |
20 Apr | | Born | Francis Xavier Leray † | | Archbishop of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
22 Apr | 79.8 | Died | Sigismund Ernst von Hohenwart, O.E.S.A. † | Bishop of Linz, Austria |
24 Apr | 23.8 | Ordained Priest | Samuel Eccleston, P.S.S. † | Priest of Society of Priests of Saint Sulpice | Archbishop of Baltimore, Maryland, USA |
40.0 | Ordained Bishop | François-Hyacinthe-Jean Feutrier † | Bishop of Beauvais, France |
61.6 | Ordained Bishop | Augustin de Mailhet de Vachères † | Bishop of Tulle, France |
61.1 | Died | Peter Pustett † | Bishop of Eichstätt, Germany |
54.7 | Ordained Bishop | Jules-François de Simony † | Bishop of Soissons, France | Bishop Emeritus of Soissons (-Laon), France |
59.8 | Ordained Bishop | Joseph-Julien de Saint-Rome-Gualy † | Bishop of Carcassonne, France |
25 Apr | 79.8 | Died | Antoni de Gołaszewski † | Bishop of Przemyśl, Poland |
| Born | Angelo Jacobini † | | Cardinal, Official of the Roman Curia - Other |
30 Apr | | Born | Johann Evangelist Haller † | | Cardinal, Archbishop of Salzburg, Austria |