Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
2 Jul | 25.4 | Ordained Priest | Abel Zaya (Zayia), C.M. † | Priest of Congregation of the Mission | Archbishop of Urmyā {Rezayeh} (Chaldean), Iran |
4 Jul | 59.8 | Appointed | Francesco Segna † | Archivist of the Vatican Secret Archive | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Index |
5 Jul | 60.4 | Ordained Bishop | Dionisio Alessandri † | Bishop of Fossombrone, Italy | |
52.2 | Ordained Bishop | Domenico Ambrosi † | Bishop of Poggio Mirteto, Italy | Bishop of Terracina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy | |
24.5 | Ordained Deacon | Pietro Cotel, C.S.Sp. † | Deacon of Congregation of the Holy Spirit | Prefect Emeritus of Oubangui Chari, Central African Republic | |
55.4 | Ordained Bishop | Angelo Della Cioppa † | Archbishop of Lanciano (e Ortona), Italy | ||
55.3 | Ordained Bishop | Giuseppe Fiorenza † | Archbishop of Siracusa, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus | |
22.7 | Ordained Priest | Ernest Hauger, S.M.A. † | Priest of Society of African Missions | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Costa d’Oro {Gold Coast}, Ghana | |
45.5 | Ordained Bishop | Francesco Isola † | Bishop of Concordia (Sagittaria), Italy | Bishop Emeritus | |
68.1 | Ordained Bishop | Raffaele de Martinis, C.M. † | Titular Archbishop of Laodicea in Phrygia | ||
22.5 | Ordained Priest | Cesare Orsenigo † | Priest of Milano {Milan}, Italy | Apostolic Nuncio to Germany | |
50.6 | Ordained Bishop | Eutizio Parsi † | Bishop of Bagnoregio (Bagnorea), Italy | ||
61.1 | Ordained Bishop | Luigi de Persiis † | Bishop of Assisi, Italy | ||
45.1 | Ordained Bishop | Carlo Vincenzo Ricotta † | Bishop of San Marco e Bisignano, Italy | ||
6 Jul | Born | Paul Bouque, S.C.I. † | Bishop Emeritus of Nkongsamba, Cameroon | ||
8 Jul | 62.8 | Died | Francesco Vincenzo Pesci, O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop of Allahabad, India | |
10 Jul | 68.5 | Died | Joseph-Christian-Ernest Bourret, C.O. † | Cardinal, Bishop of Rodez (-Vabres), France | |
12 Jul | 27.2 | Ordained Priest | Bl. Ignatius (Shoukrallah) Maloyan, I.C.P.B. † | Priest of Institut du Clergé Patriarcal de Bzommar | Archbishop of Mardin (Armenian), Turkey |
14 Jul | Born | Ferdinando Giuseppe Antonelli, O.F.M. † | Cardinal, Secretary Emeritus of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints | ||
35.5 | Died | Antonin Guillermain, M. Afr. † | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Victoria Nyanza {Victoria-Nyanza Settentrionale}, Uganda | ||
69.3 | Died | Raffaele Monaco La Valletta † | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Ceremonies | ||
15 Jul | 47.0 | Appointed | Andrea Aiuti † | Apostolic Nuncio to Portugal | Cardinal, Apostolic Nuncio |
60.3 | Died | Antônio Maria Corrêa de Sá e Benevides † | Bishop of Mariana, Brazil | ||
16 Jul | Born | Pacifico Calzolari, O.F.M. † | Prefect of Xiangtan [Siangtan], China | ||
18 Jul | 26.4 | Ordained Priest | Ignace Hummel, S.M.A. † | Priest of Society of African Missions | Vicar Apostolic of Costa d’Oro {Gold Coast}, Ghana |
Born | Patrick Aloysius O’Boyle † | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Washington, District of Columbia, USA | |||
58.2 | Appointed | Emidio Taliani † | Apostolic Nuncio to Austria | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Bernardo alle Terme | |
19 Jul | 22.5 | Ordained Priest | Johannes Baptist Filzer † | Priest of Salzburg, Austria | Auxiliary Bishop |
25.2 | Ordained Priest | Guillermo José Harris y Morales † | Priest of Cuenca, Ecuador | Bishop of Loja, Ecuador | |
56.9 | Ordained Bishop | Ignazio Zuccaro † | Bishop of Caltanissetta, Italy | Bishop Emeritus | |
21 Jul | 40.4 | Appointed | René-Michel-Marie Fée, M.E.P. † | Bishop of Malacca, Singapore | |
Born | Henry Joseph O’Brien † | Archbishop Emeritus of Hartford, Connecticut, USA | |||
22 Jul | 52.2 | Appointed | Jules-Auguste Chatron, M.E.P. † | Bishop of Osaka, Japan | |
23 Jul | 22.8 | Ordained Priest | Janez Franciszek Gnidovec, C.M. † | Priest | Bishop of Skopje, North Macedonia |
25 Jul | 24.7 | Ordained Priest | Johannes Biermans, M.H.M. † | Priest of St. Joseph’s Missionary Society of Mill Hill | Superior General Emeritus of Upper Nile {Nilo Superiore}, Uganda |
Born | Heinrich Bliestle, M.S.F. † | Superior General Emeritus of Congregation of Missionaries of the Holy Family | |||
24.3 | Ordained Priest | Albert Thomas Daeger, O.F.M. † | Priest of Order of Friars Minor | Archbishop of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA | |
50.0 | Appointed | Giuseppe Francica-Nava de Bontifè † | Apostolic Nuncio to Spain | Cardinal, Archbishop of Catania, Italy | |
22.3 | Ordained Priest | Juan Bautista Luis y Pérez † | Priest of Tortosa, Spain | Bishop of Oviedo, Spain | |
23.5 | Ordained Priest | Pasquale Mores † | Priest of Lucera, Italy | Bishop Emeritus of Nusco, Italy | |
33.1 | Ordained Bishop | Simeón Pereira y Castellón † | Titular Bishop of Diocaesarea in Palaestina | Bishop of León en Nicaragua | |
22.7 | Ordained Priest | Federico Tedeschini † | Priest of Rieti, Italy | Cardinal, Datary of the Apostolic Datary | |
26 Jul | 27.5 | Ordained Priest | Bonaventure Finbarr Francis Broderick † | Priest of Hartford, Connecticut, USA | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of San Cristobal de la Habana, Cuba |
27 Jul | 32.7 | Ordained Priest | Luis Benitez y Cabañas, S.J. † | Priest of Society of Jesus | Auxiliary Bishop of Tulancingo, Hidalgo, México |
28 Jul | 32.7 | Appointed | Hermann Bücking, S.V.D. † | Prefect of Togo | Prefect Emeritus |
Born | Joseph Calasanz Fließer (Fliesser) † | Bishop Emeritus of Linz, Austria | |||
Aug | 51.6 | Died | Emilio Alfonso Todisco Grande † | Bishop of Nusco, Italy | |
1 Aug | 54.9 | Died | Augusto Berlucca † | Titular Bishop of Helenopolis in Bithynia | |
Born | Jean-Baptiste Magenties, S.C.I. di Béth. † | Prefect Emeritus of Tali [Dali], China | |||
15.2 | Entered | Bl. Anselmo Polanco y Fontecha, O.S.A. † | Member of Order of St. Augustine | Bishop of Teruel (-Albarracín), Spain | |
2 Aug | 26.4 | Ordained Priest | João Batista Becker † | Priest of São Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | Archbishop of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil |
57.8 | Ordained Bishop | José María Caparrós y López † | Bishop of Sigüenza, Spain | ||
20.3 | Professed | Félix Couturier, O.P. † | Member of Order of Friars Preachers | Bishop of Alexandria in Ontario, Canada | |
54.7 | Succeeded | John Healy † | Bishop of Clonfert, Ireland | Archbishop of Tuam, Ireland | |
44.5 | Ordained Bishop | Hugh McSherry † | Titular Bishop of Iustinianopolis in Galatia | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Cape of Good Hope, Eastern District {Capo de Buona Speranza, Distretto Orientale}, South Africa | |
26.2 | Entered | Paschal Charles David Robinson, O.F.M. † | Member of Order of Friars Minor | Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland | |
4 Aug | 52.3 | Died | Théodore-Herman Rutjes, C.I.C.M. † | Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Mongolia {Mongolia Orientale}, China | |
5 Aug | 62.9 | Appointed | Lucido Maria Parocchi † | Secretary of the Congregation for Universal Inquisition | Cardinal, Chamberlain (Camerlengo) of the Apostolic Chamber |
6 Aug | 15.4 | Entered | José Félix Heredia Zurita, S.J. † | Priest of Society of Jesus | Bishop of Guayaquil, Ecuador |
8 Aug | Born | Louis-Marie-Joseph Durrieu, M. Afr. † | Bishop of Ouahigouya, Burkina Faso | ||
9 Aug | 44.2 | Ordained Bishop | Felipe Arguinzonis y Astorbiza, O.C.D. † | Titular Archbishop of Philippi | Archbishop Emeritus of Verapoly, India |
52.3 | Ordained Bishop | Albert-Léon-Marie Le Nordez † | Titular Bishop of Arca in Armenia | Bishop Emeritus of Dijon, France | |
25.4 | Ordained Priest | Andrew Thomas (Joseph) McDonald, O.S.B. † | Priest of Order of Saint Benedict | Archbishop of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh, Scotland, Great Britain | |
10 Aug | 54.5 | Died | Jeremiah O’Sullivan † | Bishop of Mobile, Alabama, USA | Bishop of Mobile, Alabama, USA |
24.8 | Ordained Priest | Luca Ermenegildo Pasetto, O.F.M. Cap. † | Priest of Order of Friars Minor Capuchin | Titular Patriarch of Alexandria {Alessandria} | |
23.4 | Ordained Priest | Giuseppe Petrelli † | Priest | Apostolic Nuncio | |
11 Aug | 46.3 | Appointed | Matthew Makil † | Vicar Apostolic of Changanacherry (Syro-Malabar), India | Vicar Apostolic of Kottayam (Syro-Malabar), India |
46.3 | Appointed | Matthew Makil † | Titular Bishop of Tralles in Asia | Vicar Apostolic of Kottayam (Syro-Malabar), India | |
39.1 | Appointed | John Menacherry † | Vicar Apostolic of Trichur (Syro-Malabar), India | ||
39.1 | Appointed | John Menacherry † | Titular Bishop of Paralus | Vicar Apostolic of Trichur (Syro-Malabar), India | |
49.3 | Appointed | Aloysius Pareparambil (Pazheparambil) † | Vicar Apostolic of Ernakulam (Syro-Malabar), India | ||
49.3 | Appointed | Aloysius Pareparambil (Pazheparambil) † | Titular Bishop of Tium | Vicar Apostolic of Ernakulam (Syro-Malabar), India | |
12 Aug | 57.9 | Died | Ludovic-Henri-Marie-Ixile Julien-Laferrière † | Bishop of Constantine (-Hippone), Algeria | |
13 Aug | Born | Thomas-Percival Caza † | Bishop Emeritus of Valleyfield, Québec, Canada | ||
Born | Joseph Alphonse Dutil, M.S. † | Superior General Emeritus of Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette | |||
86.1 | Died | Bonifacio Antonio Toscano † | Bishop Emeritus of Nueva Pamplona, Colombia | ||
14 Aug | 55.5 | Appointed | Felice Cavagnis † | Secretary of the Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs | Cardinal, Secretary Emeritus |
52.5 | Appointed | Aristide Rinaldini † | Titular Archbishop of Heraclea in Europa | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Pancrazio | |
52.5 | Appointed | Aristide Rinaldini † | Apostolic Nuncio to Belgium | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Pancrazio | |
15 Aug | Born | Elias Coueter † | Bishop Emeritus of Nossa Senhora do Paraíso em São Paulo (Melkite Greek), Brazil | ||
82.7 | Died | Patrick Duggan † | Bishop of Clonfert, Ireland | ||
17.9 | Professed | Adalbert Schmücker, O.F.M. † | Member of Order of Friars Minor | Vicar Apostolic of Tsinanfu, China | |
25.3 | Professed | Henry Gregory Thompson, O.S.B. † | Member of Order of Saint Benedict | Bishop of Gibraltar | |
18 Aug | 47.9 | Appointed | Sebastiano Martinelli, O.E.S.A. † | Titular Archbishop of Ephesus | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of (Sacred) Rites |
47.9 | Appointed | Sebastiano Martinelli, O.E.S.A. † | Apostolic Delegate to United States of America | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of (Sacred) Rites | |
Born | Denis (Omer) Strittmatter, O.S.B. † | Abbot Emeritus of Order of Saint Benedict | |||
20 Aug | 56.7 | Ordained Bishop | Pierre-Émile Rouard † | Bishop of Nantes, France | |
22 Aug | 23.5 | Ordained Priest | Antonio Scarante † | Priest | Bishop of Faenza, Italy |
23 Aug | Born | Georges-Stanislas-Jean Béjot † | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Reims, France | ||
Born | Pierre François Jean-Baptiste Salmon, O.S.B. † | Abbot Emeritus | |||
56.2 | Ordained Bishop | Johann Baptist Schneider † | Titular Bishop of Parnassus | Auxiliary Bishop of Wien {Vienna}, Austria | |
24 Aug | Born | Bartolomé Adorno † | Priest | ||
58.0 | Ordained Bishop | Louis-Jules Baron † | Bishop of Angers, France | ||
60.1 | Ordained Bishop | Félix-Auguste Béguinot † | Bishop of Nîmes (-Uzès e Alès), France | ||
83.2 | Died | Angelo Boccamazzi † | Auxiliary Bishop of Benevento, Italy | ||
76.9 | Appointed | Teofilo Massucci, O.F.M. Ref. † | Titular Bishop of Cydonia (Agia, Canea) | Bishop Emeritus of Syros (e Milos), Greece | |
61.8 | Ordained Bishop | Bon-Arthur-Gabriel Mollien † | Bishop of Chartres, France | ||
26 Aug | Born | Juan Subercaseaux Errázuriz † | Archbishop of La Serena, Chile | ||
28 Aug | Born | Áron Márton † | Bishop Emeritus of Alba Iulia, Romania | ||
29 Aug | Born | Paul-Léon-Jean Chevalier † | Bishop Emeritus of Le Mans, France | ||
32.8 | Appointed | João Batista Corrêa Nery (Neri) † | Bishop of Espírito Santo, Brazil | Bishop of Campinas, Brazil | |
30 Aug | 48.0 | Ordained Bishop | Sebastiano Martinelli, O.E.S.A. † | Titular Archbishop of Ephesus | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of (Sacred) Rites |
52.5 | Ordained Bishop | Aristide Rinaldini † | Titular Archbishop of Heraclea in Europa | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Pancrazio | |
Sep | 56.9 | Resigned | John Joseph Keane † | Rector of the Catholic University of America | Archbishop Emeritus of Dubuque, Iowa, USA |
36.6 | Appointed | Joseph Reiling, C.S.Sp. † | Prefect of Lower Niger {Niger Inferiore}, Nigeria | Prefect Emeritus | |
3 Sep | 68.2 | Installed | Matthieu-Victor-Félicien Balaïn, O.M.I. † | Archbishop of Auch, France | |
6 Sep | 42.7 | Installed | Andrea Fiore † | Bishop of Cuneo, Italy | |
51.4 | Ordained Bishop | Pierre-Joseph Geay † | Bishop of Laval, France | Bishop Emeritus | |
7 Sep | Born | Albert-Marie Guiot, S.M.M. † | Bishop of Port-de-Paix, Haïti | ||
8 Sep | 60.1 | Installed | Félix-Auguste Béguinot † | Bishop of Nîmes (-Uzès e Alès), France | |
20.6 | Professed | Jean-Baptiste Claudel, C.Ss.R. † | Member of Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer | Vicar Apostolic of Reyes, Bolivia | |
53.4 | Ordained Bishop | Marie-Simon-Henri Colomb † | Bishop of Évreux, France | ||
50.4 | Ordained Bishop | Jean-Marie-Léon Dizien † | Bishop of Amiens, France | ||
57.2 | Ordained Bishop | Emile-Christophe Enard † | Bishop of Cahors, France | Archbishop of Auch, France | |
39.7 | Ordained Bishop | Edward John O’Dea † | Bishop of Nesqually, Washington, USA | Bishop of Seattle, Washington, USA | |
9 Sep | Born | Edoardo Piana Agostinetti † | Auxiliary Bishop of Novara, Italy | ||
11 Sep | 17.4 | Professed | Mateo Colom y Canals, O.S.A. † | Member of Order of St. Augustine | Bishop of Huesca, Spain |
13 Sep | 22.6 | Ordained Priest | Vincenzo Lapuma † | Priest of Roma {Rome}, Italy | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious |
Born | Thomas F. Quinlan, S.S.C.M.E. † | Bishop Emeritus of Ch’unch’ŏn, Korea (South) | |||
14 Sep | Born | Henri-Charles Dupont † | Auxiliary Bishop of Lille, France | ||
74.5 | Died | Francisco Melitón Vargas y Gutiérrez † | Bishop of Tlaxcala (Puebla de los Angeles), México | ||
16 Sep | Born | Louis-Joseph Cabana, M. Afr. † | Archbishop Emeritus of Rubaga, Uganda | ||
86.6 | Died | Francesco Gallo † | Bishop of Avellino, Italy | ||
19 Sep | 23.5 | Ordained Priest | Alberto Costa † | Priest of Borgo San Donnino, Italy | Bishop of Lecce, Italy |
23.1 | Ordained Priest | Luis Antonio de Mena y Steinkoft † | Priest of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic | Coadjutor Archbishop Emeritus | |
25.0 | Ordained Priest | James Duhig † | Priest of Brisbane, Australia | Archbishop | |
25.4 | Ordained Deacon | Léon-Charles-Joseph Girod, C.S.Sp. † | Deacon of Congregation of the Holy Spirit | Vicar Apostolic of Loango, Congo | |
18.9 | Entered | Auguste Alphonse Pierre Haouisée, S.J. † | Member of Society of Jesus | Bishop of Shanghai [Shanghai], China | |
62.6 | Died | Martin Marty, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Saint Cloud, Minnesota, USA | ||
35.5 | Ordained Priest | Felipe Rincón González † | Priest of Zulia, Venezuela | Archbishop of Caracas, Santiago de Venezuela | |
28.1 | Ordained Priest | Jean-Baptiste Nguyễn Bá Tòng † | Priest of Western Cochin {Cocincina Occidentale}, Viet Nam | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Phát Diêm, Viet Nam | |
20 Sep | 23.1 | Ordained Priest | Pietro Mozzanica, Ob. S.C. † | Priest of Milano {Milan}, Italy | Auxiliary Bishop |
21 Sep | 51.8 | Installed | René-François Renou † | Archbishop of Tours, France | Archbishop Emeritus |
24 Sep | 41.6 | Appointed | Paul Aouad (Awad, Auad) † | Titular Archbishop of Nazareth per i Maroniti | Archbishop Emeritus of Cyprus (Maronite) |
41.6 | Ordained Bishop | Paul Aouad (Awad, Auad) † | Titular Archbishop of Nazareth per i Maroniti | Archbishop Emeritus of Cyprus (Maronite) | |
49.0 | Appointed | Joseph Estefan † | Titular Archbishop of Cyrrhus per i Maroniti | ||
49.0 | Ordained Bishop | Joseph Estefan † | Titular Archbishop of Cyrrhus per i Maroniti | ||
25 Sep | Born | Paolo Botto † | Archbishop Emeritus of Cagliari, Italy | ||
27 Sep | 25.1 | Ordained Priest | Joseph Thorman † | Priest of Hexham and Newcastle, England, Great Britain | Bishop |
29 Sep | 51.5 | Ordained Bishop | Henri-Louis Chapon † | Bishop of Nice, France | |
21.1 | Professed | Theodorus Antonius Leonardus Maria van Roosmalen, C.Ss.R. † | Member of Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Dutch Guyana-Suriname, Antilles |
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