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The Year of Our Lord 1920

Bishop Events

March to April

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
1 MarBornSimon Ignatius PimentaCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Bombay, India
75.2DiedRené-François RenouArchbishop Emeritus of Tours, France
2 Mar54.1AppointedFrancesco CherubiniApostolic Nuncio to YugoslaviaApostolic Nuncio
BornIvo GugićBishop Emeritus of Kotor (Cattaro), Montenegro
3 MarBornMichele CecchiniApostolic Nuncio to Austria
68.8DiedSeverinus Noti, S.J. †Priest of Society of Jesus
4 MarBornPierre MamieBishop Emeritus of Lausanne, Genève et Fribourg (Freiburg), Switzerland
5 Mar53.6AppointedGodefroy Frederix, C.I.C.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Northern Kansu {Kansu Settentrionale}, ChinaVicar Apostolic of Ninghsia, China
BornRené Toussaint, O.M.I. †Bishop Emeritus of Idiofa, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
6 MarBornJosé Capmany CasamitjanaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Barcelona, Spain
BornPeter Chen JianzhangBishop of Baoding [Paoting, Ching-Yüan], China
43.0DiedMichael Fintan PowerBishop of Saint George’s, Newfoundland, Canada
61.8ResignedRaffaele Scapinelli di LeguignoPrefect of the Congregation of the Affairs of ReligiousCardinal, Prefect Emeritus
66.5AppointedTeodoro Valfrè di BonzoCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious
8 Mar38.4AppointedGerardo Anaya y Diez de BonillaBishop of Chiapas (Ciudad Real de Chiapas), MéxicoBishop of San Luis Potosí, México
39.4AppointedSalvatore Ballo GuercioPrelate of Santa Lucia del Mela, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Mazara del Vallo, Italy
39.4AppointedSalvatore Ballo GuercioTitular Bishop of OëaBishop Emeritus of Mazara del Vallo, Italy
47.8AppointedLuigi BarlassinaPatriarch of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme}, Palestine
75.9AppointedUlisse Carlo BascheriniTitular Bishop of Amathus in CyproBishop Emeritus of Grosseto, Italy
75.9RetiredUlisse Carlo BascheriniBishop of Grosseto, ItalyBishop Emeritus
45.4AppointedDomingo Comin, S.D.B. †Vicar Apostolic of Méndez y Gualaquiza, EcuadorVicar Apostolic of Méndez, Ecuador
45.4AppointedDomingo Comin, S.D.B. †Titular Bishop of ObbaVicar Apostolic of Méndez, Ecuador
50.4AppointedJules-Alexandre CusinCoadjutor Bishop of Mende, FranceBishop
50.4AppointedJules-Alexandre CusinTitular Bishop of NyssaBishop of Mende, France
53.6AppointedGodefroy Frederix, C.I.C.M. †Titular Bishop of ThagasteVicar Apostolic of Ninghsia, China
38.4AppointedMarcos Sergio GodoyBishop of Zulia, VenezuelaBishop of Maracaibo, Venezuela
49.0AppointedTranquillo GuarneriBishop of Acquapendente, Italy
52.0AppointedEdmond HeelanBishop of Sioux City, Iowa, USA
49.8AppointedKarel Boromejský KašparAuxiliary Bishop of Hradec Králové, CzechiaCardinal, Archbishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
49.8AppointedKarel Boromejský KašparTitular Bishop of BethsaidaCardinal, Archbishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
45.3AppointedStanisław Kostka ŁukomskiAuxiliary Bishop of Gniezno e Poznań, PolandBishop of Łomża, Poland
45.3AppointedStanisław Kostka ŁukomskiTitular Bishop of Sicca VeneriaBishop of Łomża, Poland
BornJames William MaloneBishop Emeritus of Youngstown, Ohio, USA
42.3AppointedGustavo MatteoniBishop of Grosseto, ItalyArchbishop of Siena, Italy
49.2AppointedJames Paul McCloskeyBishop of Jaro o Santa Elisabetta, Philippines
55.2AppointedPierre NommeschBishop of Luxembourg
52.3AppointedErnesto Maria Piovella, Obl. Rho †Archbishop of Cagliari, Italy
55.1AppointedAnton PodlahaAuxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
55.1AppointedAnton PodlahaTitular Bishop of PaphusAuxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
44.5AppointedMaximino Ruiz y FloresAuxiliary Bishop of México, Federal DistrictBishop Emeritus of Chiapas (Ciudad Real de Chiapas), México
44.5AppointedMaximino Ruiz y FloresTitular Bishop of DerbeBishop Emeritus of Chiapas (Ciudad Real de Chiapas), México
44.5ResignedMaximino Ruiz y FloresBishop of Chiapas (Ciudad Real de Chiapas), MéxicoBishop Emeritus
48.4AppointedKarl Joseph SchulteCardinal, Archbishop of Köln {Cologne}, Germany
52.0AppointedValentin WojciechAuxiliary Bishop of Wrocław (Breslau), PolandAuxiliary Bishop of Wrocław {Breslavia}, Poland
52.0AppointedValentin WojciechTitular Bishop of DanabaAuxiliary Bishop of Wrocław {Breslavia}, Poland
48.3AppointedGoffredo ZaccheriniBishop of Civita Castellana, Orte e Gallese, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Jesi, Italy
77.0AppointedGiovanni Antonio Zucchetti, O.F.M. Cap. †Titular Archbishop of TrapezusArchbishop Emeritus of Izmir (Smirne), Turkey
10 MarBornVictorino Alvarez TenaBishop of Celaya, Guanajuato, México
70.4DiedEmile-Joseph Legal, O.M.I. †Archbishop of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
11 MarBornKornél Pataky (Pataki)Bishop Emeritus of Győr (Raab), Hungary
13 Mar64.1DiedDenis Ephrem NaccàschéArchbishop of Alep [Beroea, Halab] (Syrian), Syria
14 Mar50.2Ordained BishopAntonio GalatiBishop of Oppido Mamertina, ItalyArchbishop of Santa Severina, Italy
36.1Ordained BishopAthanase Khoriaty, B.S. †Bishop of Saïda (Melkite Greek), Lebanon
26.4Ordained PriestPacifico Giulio Vanni, O.F.M. †Priest of Order of Friars MinorBishop Emeritus of Sovana e Pitigliano, Italy
17 MarBornJosé Germán Benavides MorriberónBishop Emeritus of Chachapoyas, Peru
BornJosé Tomás SánchezCardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Clergy
18 Mar67.8DiedFilippo GiustiniCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Discipline of the Sacraments
19 MarBornVictor GuazzelliAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Westminster, England, Great Britain
23.4Ordained PriestDenys Pierre HindiéPriestArchbishop of Alep [Beroea, Halab] (Syrian), Syria
23.0Ordained PriestManuel Moll y SalordPriestBishop Emeritus of Tortosa, Spain
BornLaurent NoëlBishop Emeritus of Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada
58.9DiedEduardo Solar VicuñaAuxiliary Bishop of La Serena, Chile
20 Mar29.4Ordained PriestPaul Louis Marie Audren, M.E.P. †Priest of La Société des Missions EtrangèresCoadjutor Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Yünnanfu, China
27.8Ordained PriestJoão Batista Cavati, C.M. †Priest of Congregation of the MissionBishop Emeritus of Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil
22.3Ordained DeaconStanisław CzajkaDeaconAuxiliary Bishop of Częstochowa, Poland
27.2Ordained PriestPaul Hugentobler, S.M.B. †Priest of Society of Bethlehem Mission ImmenseePrefect of Qiqihar [Tsitsihar], China
60.2AppointedMichele LegaCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Discipline of the Sacraments
26.4Ordained PriestCarlo Re, I.M.C. †Priest of Consolata MissionariesBishop Emeritus of Ampurias e Tempio, Italy
73.6AppointedAgostino SiljCardinal, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura
29.7Ordained PriestJean-Liévin-Joseph Sion, M.E.P. †Priest of La Société des Missions EtrangèresVicar Apostolic of Kontum, Viet Nam
21 Mar24.2Ordained PriestHeinrich Suso (Lorenz) Groner, O. Cist. †Priest of Order of CisterciansAbbot of Wettingen-Mehrerau, Austria
22 MarBornJosé María MontesBishop Emeritus of Chascomús, Argentina
23 Mar58.3DiedJoseph DarianPatriarchal Vicar
BornMiguel Maria Giambelli, B. †Bishop Emeritus of Bragança do Pará, Brazil
BornBogdan Marian Wincenty SikorskiBishop of Płock, Poland
35.7AppointedIstván Uzdóczy-Zadravecz, O.F.M. †Bishop of Hungary, MilitaryBishop Emeritus
35.7AppointedIstván Uzdóczy-Zadravecz, O.F.M. †Titular Bishop of DometiopolisBishop Emeritus of Hungary, Military
24 MarBornJan GurdaAuxiliary Bishop of Kielce, Poland
25 Mar42.4Ordained BishopGustavo MatteoniBishop of Grosseto, ItalyArchbishop of Siena, Italy
55.2Ordained BishopPierre NommeschBishop of Luxembourg
48.5InstalledKarl Joseph SchulteCardinal, Archbishop of Köln {Cologne}, Germany
27 Mar77.5DiedLajos RajnerAuxiliary Bishop of Esztergom, Hungary
28 MarBornMarko JozinovićArchbishop Emeritus of Vrhbosna {Sarajevo}, Bosnia and Herzegovina
23.3Ordained PriestPaul NousseirPriest of Minya {Ermopoli Maggiore; Minieh} (Coptic), EgyptBishop
29 Mar82.3DiedNicolas DonnellyAuxiliary Bishop of Dublin, Ireland
31 MarBornJosé Carranza ChévezBishop of Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras
3 Apr25.0Ordained PriestJosé Gabriel Anaya y Diez de BonillaPriestBishop Emeritus of Zamora, Michoacán, México
25.9Ordained PriestFrancis John BrennanPriest of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USACardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Discipline of the Sacraments
25.3Ordained PriestDonald Alphonsus CampbellPriest of Argyll and The Isles, Scotland, Great BritainArchbishop of Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain
23.9Ordained PriestBiagio d’AgostinoPriest of Termoli, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Vallo di Lucania, Italy
31.0Ordained PriestJacques Mangers, S.M. †Priest of Society of MaryBishop Emeritus of Oslo, Norway
24.9Ordained PriestGerald Patrick Aloysius O’HaraPriest of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAApostolic Delegate to Great Britain
23.6Ordained PriestJuan Subercaseaux ErrázurizPriest of Santiago de ChileArchbishop of La Serena, Chile
5 Apr22.1ProfessedJoachim (Alois) Ammann, O.S.B. †Member of Order of Saint BenedictAbbot Emeritus of Ndanda, Tanzania
BornJohn Willem Nicolaysen Gran, O.C.S.O. †Bishop Emeritus of Oslo, Norway
6 Apr58.3DiedCarlo TaccettiBishop of Gubbio, Italy
9 AprBornAlphonse Daniel NsabiBishop of Kigoma, Tanzania
10 Apr43.4AppointedEdward Aleksander Wladyslaw O’RourkeTitular Bishop of CaneaBishop Emeritus of Gdańsk, Poland
43.4ResignedEdward Aleksander Wladyslaw O’RourkeBishop of Riga, LatviaBishop Emeritus of Gdańsk, Poland
11 Apr26.3Ordained PriestNicasio Balisa y Melero, O.A.R. †Priest of Order of Augustinian RecollectsVicar Apostolic of Casanare, Colombia
39.5Ordained BishopSalvatore Ballo GuercioTitular Bishop of OëaBishop Emeritus of Mazara del Vallo, Italy
71.6DiedLouis-Jean DécheletteBishop of Évreux, France
49.9Ordained BishopKarel Boromejský KašparTitular Bishop of BethsaidaCardinal, Archbishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
29.4Ordained PriestMartin Joseph-Honoré Lajeunesse, O.M.I. †Priest of Oblates of Mary ImmaculateVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Keewatin, Manitoba, Canada
55.2Ordained BishopAnton PodlahaTitular Bishop of PaphusAuxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
13 Apr59.3DiedGiuseppe DallepianeBishop of Iglesias, Italy
BornKarel OtčenášekBishop Emeritus of Hradec Králové, Czechia
14 AprBornAntônio Afonso de Miranda, S.D.N. †Bishop Emeritus of Taubaté, Sao Paulo, Brazil
24.7Ordained PriestFrancis Peter Paul LeipzigPriest of Oregon City, Oregon, USABishop Emeritus of Baker, Oregon, USA
43.4AppointedAntonijs SpringovičsBishop of Riga, LatviaArchbishop of Riga, Latvia
15 Apr48.5AppointedFrancesco Marchetti SelvaggianiApostolic Nuncio to VenezuelaCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Ceremonies
16 Apr59.3DiedFrancisco de Paula Mas y OliverBishop of Gerona, Spain
19 AprBornAlejandro Labaca Ugarte, O.F.M. Cap. †Vicar Apostolic of Aguarico, Ecuador
BornJulien RiesCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Sant’Antonio di Padova a Circonvallazione Appia
20 Apr84.1DiedFrançois-Joseph-Edwin BonnefoyArchbishop of Aix (-Arles-Embrun), France
21 Apr50.5Ordained BishopJules-Alexandre CusinTitular Bishop of NyssaBishop of Mende, France
47.5AppointedGiuseppe di GirolamoBishop of Lucera, ItalyBishop Emeritus
22 Apr44.9AppointedAnton AkšamovićBishop of Bosna (Djakovo) et Srijem, CroatiaBishop Emeritus
BornJosé de Aquino PereiraBishop Emeritus of Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
50.4AppointedSantos Ballesteros y López, O.A.R. †Vicar Apostolic of Casanare, ColombiaVicar Apostolic Emeritus
50.4AppointedSantos Ballesteros y López, O.A.R. †Titular Bishop of CapharnaumVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Casanare, Colombia
36.4AppointedJoseph-Marie Birraux, M. Afr. †Vicar Apostolic of Tanganyika, TanzaniaSuperior General of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers)
36.4AppointedJoseph-Marie Birraux, M. Afr. †Titular Bishop of OmbiSuperior General of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers)
39.5AppointedAlexandru Theodor CisarBishop of Iaşi, RomaniaArchbishop of Bucarest {Bucureşti}, Romania
49.2AppointedRemigio Gandásegui y GorrocháteguiArchbishop of Valladolid, Spain
43.1AppointedSt. Manuel González y GarcíaBishop of Málaga, SpainBishop of Palencia, Spain
64.0AppointedRamón Guillamet y ComaBishop of Barcelona, Spain
42.2AppointedLouis Le Hunsec, C.S.Sp. †Vicar Apostolic of Senegambia, SenegalSuperior General Emeritus of Congregation of the Holy Spirit
42.2AppointedLouis Le Hunsec, C.S.Sp. †Titular Bishop of EuropusSuperior General Emeritus of Congregation of the Holy Spirit
43.7AppointedRaymond-René Lerouge, C.S.Sp. †Titular Bishop of SelgeVicar Apostolic of Conakry, Guinea
43.7AppointedRaymond-René Lerouge, C.S.Sp. †Vicar Apostolic of Guinea Francese, GuineaVicar Apostolic of Conakry, Guinea
38.8AppointedJames Michael ListonCoadjutor Bishop of Auckland, New ZealandBishop Emeritus
38.8AppointedJames Michael ListonTitular Bishop of Olympus (Olimpus)Bishop Emeritus of Auckland, New Zealand
45.5AppointedDionýz NjaradiBishop of Križevci (Kreutz) (Križevci), Croatia
49.6AppointedHenry John Paul Joseph Nussbaum, C.P. †Titular Bishop of GerasaBishop of Sault Sainte Marie and Marquette, Michigan, USA
49.6ResignedHenry John Paul Joseph Nussbaum, C.P. †Bishop of Corpus Christi, Texas, USABishop of Sault Sainte Marie and Marquette, Michigan, USA
60.2AppointedDésiré Marie Hippolyte PagetBishop of Valence (-Die-Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux), France
61.2AppointedEnrique Reig y CasanovaArchbishop of Valencia, SpainCardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
43.4AppointedRaffaele Carlo Rossi, O.C.D. †Bishop of Volterra, ItalyCardinal, Secretary of the Sacred Consistorial Congregation
48.8AppointedJoseph (Ignatius) Shanahan, C.S.Sp. †Titular Bishop of Abila LysaniaeVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Southern Nigeria {Nigeria Meridionale}
48.8AppointedJoseph (Ignatius) Shanahan, C.S.Sp. †Vicar Apostolic of Southern Nigeria {Nigeria Meridionale}Vicar Apostolic Emeritus
32.6AppointedRanulfo da Silva FariasBishop of Guaxupé, Minas Gerais, BrazilArchbishop of Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil
76.5AppointedJuan Soldevilla y RomeroCardinal-Priest of Santa Maria del PopoloCardinal, Archbishop of Zaragoza, Spain
46.8AppointedSt. Luigi Versiglia, S.D.B. †Vicar Apostolic of Shiuchow [Shaoguan], China
46.8AppointedSt. Luigi Versiglia, S.D.B. †Titular Bishop of CarystusVicar Apostolic of Shiuchow [Shaoguan], China
51.4AppointedJames WhyteBishop of Dunedin, New Zealand
24 AprBornMartin-Léonard Bakole wa IlungaArchbishop Emeritus of Kananga, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
25 Apr51.5AppointedEtienne SoukkariePatriarchal Vicar of Egypt and Sudan (Melkite Greek)
51.5AppointedEtienne SoukkarieTitular Archbishop of Myra dei Greco-MelkitiPatriarchal Vicar of Egypt and Sudan (Melkite Greek)
51.5Ordained BishopEtienne SoukkarieTitular Archbishop of Myra dei Greco-MelkitiPatriarchal Vicar of Egypt and Sudan (Melkite Greek)
27 AprBornSamuel Seraphimov Djoundrine, A.A. †Bishop Emeritus of Nicopoli, Bulgaria
BornRobert Francis GarnerAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Newark, New Jersey, USA
BornLuis Mena ArroyoAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of México, Federal District
28 Apr43.1Ordained BishopJohn Gregory MurrayTitular Bishop of FlaviasArchbishop of Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
30 Apr44.0AppointedCelso Benigno Luigi CostantiniApostolic Administrator of Fiume / Rijeka, CroatiaCardinal, Chancellor of the Apostolic Chancery
54.6SelectedKaspar KleinBishop of Paderborn, GermanyArchbishop of Paderborn, Germany
BornTimothée Pirigisha MukombeBishop Emeritus of Kasongo, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
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