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The Year of Our Lord 1887

Bishop Events

April to June

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
3 Apr87.9DiedEleonoro AronneBishop of Montalto (delle Marche), Italy
44.6SucceededLuigi BonettiBishop of Montalto (delle Marche), ItalyBishop Emeritus
BornRicardo Ramos de Castro VilelaBishop Emeritus of Nazaré, Pernambuco, Brazil
BornJoseph László Lombos, O.F.M. †Prefect of Baojing [Paoking, Shaoyang], China
5 AprBornGiuseppe RossiTitular Bishop of Palmyra
8 Apr63.0SelectedLörinc (Vavrinec) SchlauchCardinal, Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyvárad}, Romania
9 AprBornGiovanni GiorgisBishop of Susa, Italy
23.1Ordained PriestJean Verdier, P.S.S. †Priest of Society of Priests of Saint SulpiceCardinal, Archbishop of Paris, France
10 Apr55.8Ordained BishopFernando Blaitt MariñoBishop of Concepción, Chile
BornArmand-Etienne M. Blanquet du Chayla, O.C.D. †Archbishop Emeritus of Baghdad, Iraq
11 Apr62.2Ordained BishopArsène Aïdynian, C.M.Vd. †Titular Bishop of SalamisAbbot General of Congregazione Mechitarista di Vienna
14 Apr41.4Ordained BishopMatthew A. HarkinsBishop of Providence, Rhode Island, USA
16 Apr62.7ResignedCaspar Henry BorgessBishop of Detroit, Michigan, USABishop Emeritus
BornPaul-Marie-Alexandre RichaudCardinal, Archbishop of Bordeaux (-Bazas), France
17 Apr46.5Ordained BishopAntónio Pedro da CostaBishop of Damão, India
19 Apr46.5AppointedMichael LogueCoadjutor Archbishop of Armagh, IrelandCardinal, Archbishop
46.5AppointedMichael LogueTitular Archbishop of AnazarbusCardinal, Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland
34.5AppointedJoannes Obcalocesien (Ohannessian, Chanessian)Bishop of Musc (Mush) (Armenian), ArmeniaBishop of Ancira (Angora) (Armenian), Turkey
23 AprBornGeorges-Marie-Joseph-Hubert-Ghislain de Jonghe d’Ardoye, M.E.P. †Apostolic Nuncio
24 Apr24.1Ordained PriestFrancisco Aguirre Murga, O.P. †Priest of Order of Friars PreachersVicar Apostolic of Foochow [Fuzhou], China
62.6Ordained BishopImrich BendeBishop of Banská Bystrica, SlovakiaBishop of Nitra, Slovakia
48.1Ordained BishopMarc Chatagnon, M.E.P. †Titular Bishop of Chersonesus in CretaVicar Apostolic of Southern Szechwan {Se-Ciuen Meridionale}, China
47.0Ordained BishopAntonio Dias FerreiraTitular Bishop of ThermopylaeBishop Emeritus of Angola e Congo
26 Apr55.2ResignedPierre-Timothee Attar (Hattar)Bishop of Mardin (Chaldean), TurkeyBishop Emeritus
36.4AppointedPierre-Jean-Marie Gendreau, M.E.P. †Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Western Tonking {Tonkino Occidentale}, Viet NamVicar Apostolic of Hà Nôi, Viet Nam
36.4AppointedPierre-Jean-Marie Gendreau, M.E.P. †Titular Bishop of Chrysopolis in ArabiaVicar Apostolic of Hà Nôi, Viet Nam
54.0AppointedFrancis McCormackBishop of Galway and Kilmacduagh, IrelandBishop Emeritus
27 Apr51.0AppointedLuigi GalimbertiApostolic Nuncio to AustriaCardinal, Archivist of the Vatican Secret Archive
1 May37.8Ordained BishopAndrea AiutiTitular Archbishop of AchridaCardinal, Apostolic Nuncio
55.9InstalledFernando Blaitt MariñoBishop of Concepción, Chile
53.0ResignedCharles Arsène Bourdon, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Northern Burma {Birmania Settentrionale}, MyanmarVicar Apostolic Emeritus
47.1Ordained BishopThomas Joseph DowlingBishop of Peterborough, Ontario, CanadaBishop of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
24.3Ordained PriestErnest Frans Geurts, C.M. †Priest of Congregation of the MissionVicar Apostolic of Yüngpingfu, China
50.5Ordained BishopEdward LikowskiTitular Bishop of Aureliopolis in LydiaArchbishop of Gniezno e Poznań, Poland
51.2Ordained BishopPatrick Anthony LuddenBishop of Syracuse, New York, USA
56.5Ordained BishopGaudêncio José PereiraTitular Archbishop of MityleneBishop of Portalegre, Portugal
2 May57.4SelectedJean-Alphonse BlanchetBishop of Gap, France
54.6SelectedArthur-Xavier DucellierArchbishop of Besançon, France
55.5SelectedAlfred-François Fleury-HottotBishop of Bayonne, France
64.0SelectedJoseph-Alfred FoulonCardinal, Archbishop of Lyon (-Vienne), France
54.7SelectedMarie-Joseph-Jean-Baptiste-André-Clément-Fulbert PetitBishop of Le Puy-en-Velay, FranceArchbishop of Besançon, France
60.1SelectedLouis-Joseph-Jean-Baptiste-Léon GouzotArchbishop of Auch, France
48.5SelectedVictor MaréchalBishop of Laval, France
61.7SelectedHenri-Abel MortierBishop of Digne, France
3 May47.1InstalledThomas Joseph DowlingBishop of Peterborough, Ontario, CanadaBishop of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
4 May20.0EnteredEtienne Fourcadier, S.J. †Member of Society of JesusVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Tananarive, Madagascar
6 May55.9AppointedAugusto Bonetti, C.M. †Titular Archbishop of PalmyraApostolic Delegate to Turkey
55.9AppointedAugusto Bonetti, C.M. †Apostolic Delegate to Turkey
BornMichael David Browne, O.P. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of San Paolo alla Regola
9 May54.6AppointedAntonio AgliardiPro-Secretary of the Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical AffairsCardinal, Chancellor of the Apostolic Chancery
10 May50.4DiedCeslaus Hendricus Jacobus Reijnen (Heynen), O.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles, Antilles
12 MayBornLeone Giacomo Ossola, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop Emeritus of Novara, Italy
53.7AppointedLuigi RotelliApostolic Nuncio to FranceCardinal, Apostolic Nuncio
13 May52.8AppointedJames Francis CorbettBishop of Sale, Australia
37.4AppointedJeremiah Joseph DoyleBishop of Grafton, AustraliaBishop of Lismore, Australia
41.3AppointedJohn DunneBishop of Wilcannia, Australia
56.6AppointedRobert DunneArchbishop of Brisbane, Australia
45.2AppointedJohn Joseph Grimes, S.M. †Bishop of Christchurch, New Zealand
50.3AppointedJohn Hutchinson, O.E.S.A. †Titular Bishop of Maximianopolis in PalaestinaVicar Apostolic of Cooktown, Australia
50.3AppointedJohn Hutchinson, O.E.S.A. †Vicar Apostolic of Cooktown, Australia
48.3AppointedFrancis Mary Redwood, S.M. †Archbishop of Wellington, New Zealand
40.5AppointedJohn O’ReillyBishop of Port Augusta, AustraliaArchbishop of Adelaide, Australia
52.8AppointedChristopher Augustine ReynoldsArchbishop of Adelaide, Australia
40.8AppointedJulien Vidal, S.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Fiji Island, Pacific (Oceania)
40.8AppointedJulien Vidal, S.M. †Titular Bishop of AbydusVicar Apostolic of Fiji Island, Pacific (Oceania)
14 May72.4ResignedConcetto FocaccettiBishop of Acquapendente, ItalyBishop Emeritus
BornWilliam Thomas Porter, S.M.A. †Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Coast, Ghana
15 May33.2ResignedFlorencio Eduardo Fontecilla SánchezSuperior of Antofagasta, ChileBishop of La Serena, Chile
56.5Ordained BishopAndrea LogorezziTitular Bishop of IuliopolisArchbishop of Skopje, North Macedonia
34.4Ordained BishopEdoardo PulcianoBishop of Casale Monferrato, ItalyArchbishop of Genova, Italy
27.2AppointedLuís Silva LezaetaVicar Apostolic of Antofagasta, ChileBishop of Antofagasta, Chile
16 May58.9AppointedAngelo Di PietroApostolic Nuncio to SpainCardinal, Datary of the Apostolic Datary
47.1AppointedFulco Luigi Ruffo-ScillaApostolic Nuncio to BavariaCardinal, Official of the Roman Curia - Other
17 May49.3SelectedJean-Natalis-François GonindardCoadjutor Archbishop of Rennes (-Dol-Saint-Malo), FranceArchbishop
67.2AppointedLuigi MateraApostolic Delegate to ColombiaApostolic Delegate Emeritus
BornJoseph McCormackBishop of Hexham and Newcastle, England, Great Britain
51.2AppointedLouis-André Navarre, M.S.C. †Vicar Apostolic of Melanesia, Pacific (Oceania)Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of New Guinea
51.2AppointedLouis-André Navarre, M.S.C. †Titular Bishop of PentacomiaVicar Apostolic Emeritus of New Guinea
51.8SelectedJean-Pierre PagisBishop of Verdun, FranceBishop Emeritus
18 May42.5AppointedJohannes Baptiste Olaf FallizePrefect of Norvegia (Norway)Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Norvegia e Spitzbergen
19 MayBornGerald Shaughnessy, S.M. †Bishop of Seattle, Washington, USA
23 May66.2Elevated to CardinalAgostino Bausa, O.P. †Cardinal, Archbishop of Firenze {Florence}, Italy
48.4AppointedSalvatore Maria Bressi, O.F.M. Cap. †Archbishop of Otranto, Italy
57.0AppointedRocco Cocchia, O.F.M. Cap. †Archbishop of Chieti, Italy
43.8AppointedDomenico Cocchia, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop of Ascoli Satriano e Cerignola, Italy
72.4AppointedConcetto FocaccettiTitular Archbishop of Hierapolis in PhrygiaBishop Emeritus of Acquapendente, Italy
51.0AppointedLuigi GalimbertiTitular Archbishop of NicaeaCardinal, Archivist of the Vatican Secret Archive
65.2AppointedSebastiano GaleatiCardinal, Archbishop of Ravenna, Italy
46.1AppointedEulogio Gregorio Clemente Gillow y ZavalzaBishop of Antequera, Oaxaca, MéxicoArchbishop of Antequera, Oaxaca, México
58.1Elevated to CardinalLuigi PallottiCardinal, Prefect of the Roman Curia - Other
73.7AppointedPaolo PinnaBishop of Ampurias e Tempio, Italy
47.1AppointedFulco Luigi Ruffo-ScillaTitular Archbishop of Petra in PalaestinaCardinal, Official of the Roman Curia - Other
35.9AppointedDomenico SvampaBishop of Forli, ItalyCardinal, Archbishop of Bologna, Italy
47.6AppointedManuel Francisco VélezBishop of Comayagua, Honduras
42.6AppointedGisleno VeneriBishop of Acquapendente, ItalyBishop Emeritus
25 MayBornPierre-Armand-Albert-Lucien Fallaize, O.M.I. †Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories, Canada
26 May66.2AppointedAgostino Bausa, O.P. †Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in DomnicaCardinal, Archbishop of Firenze {Florence}, Italy
57.5ConfirmedJean-Alphonse BlanchetBishop of Gap, France
54.7ConfirmedArthur-Xavier DucellierArchbishop of Besançon, France
55.5ConfirmedAlfred-François Fleury-HottotBishop of Bayonne, France
64.0ConfirmedJoseph-Alfred FoulonCardinal, Archbishop of Lyon (-Vienne), France
54.8ConfirmedMarie-Joseph-Jean-Baptiste-André-Clément-Fulbert PetitBishop of Le Puy-en-Velay, FranceArchbishop of Besançon, France
49.4AppointedJean-Natalis-François GonindardTitular Archbishop of SebasteaArchbishop of Rennes (-Dol-Saint-Malo), France
49.4ConfirmedJean-Natalis-François GonindardCoadjutor Archbishop of Rennes (-Dol-Saint-Malo), FranceArchbishop
60.2ConfirmedLouis-Joseph-Jean-Baptiste-Léon GouzotArchbishop of Auch, France
56.5AppointedHerculano López de la MoraBishop of Sonora, México
48.6ConfirmedVictor MaréchalBishop of Laval, France
61.8ConfirmedHenri-Abel MortierBishop of Digne, France
51.8ConfirmedJean-Pierre PagisBishop of Verdun, FranceBishop Emeritus
58.1AppointedLuigi PallottiCardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria ad MartyresCardinal, Prefect of the Roman Curia - Other
43.7AppointedMariano Rampolla del TindaroCardinal-Priest of Santa CeciliaCardinal, Secretary of the Congregation of the Holy Office
62.1DiedPietro SauliniBishop of Alatri, Italy
63.1ConfirmedLörinc (Vavrinec) SchlauchCardinal, Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyvárad}, Romania
39.9AppointedCamillo Siciliano di RendeCardinal-Priest of San SistoCardinal, Archbishop of Benevento, Italy
62.4DiedJosé de Jesús María Uriarte y PérezBishop of Sinaloa, México
52.5AppointedSerafino VannutelliCardinal-Priest of Santa SabinaCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Ceremonies
30 May66.2SelectedŽigmund BubicsBishop of Košice, Slovakia
1 Jun72.4DiedCharles-Marie-Denis-Anselme Nouvel de La Flèche, O.S.B. †Bishop of Quimper [Cornouailles](-Léon), France
2 Jun43.7AppointedMariano Rampolla del TindaroSecretary of StateCardinal, Secretary of the Congregation of the Holy Office
3 JunBornRaffaele Mario Radossi, O.F.M. Conv. †Archbishop Emeritus of Spoleto, Italy
4 Jun22.5Ordained PriestMiguel Alfredo Barrat, C.S.Sp. †Priest of Congregation of the Holy SpiritPrefect Emeritus of Tefé, Brazil
26.9Ordained PriestJohn Pius Dowling, O.P. †Priest of Order of Friars PreachersArchbishop of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Antilles
27.5Ordained PriestPedro Pablo Drinot y Piérola, SS.CC. †Priest of Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and MaryBishop Emeritus of Huánuco, Peru
22.4Ordained PriestOronzo Luciano DurantePriestBishop of San Severo, Italy
22.6Ordained PriestLorenzo LauriPriest of Roma {Rome}, ItalyCardinal, Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary
27.6Ordained PriestÁngel Marquina y CorralesPriestBishop of Guadix, Spain
22.7Ordained PriestJuan Plaza y GarcíaPriestBishop of Santander, Spain
23.4Ordained PriestRaffaele SantiPriestBishop Emeritus of Montefeltro, Italy
23.0Ordained PriestEugenio Tosi, O.Ss.C.A. †Priest of Milano {Milan}, ItalyCardinal, Archbishop
5 Jun51.1Ordained BishopLuigi GalimbertiTitular Archbishop of NicaeaCardinal, Archivist of the Vatican Secret Archive
42.7Ordained BishopGisleno VeneriBishop of Acquapendente, ItalyBishop Emeritus
11 Jun48.0InstalledThomas Joseph CarrArchbishop of Melbourne, Australia
BornGioacchino Di LeoBishop of Mazara del Vallo, Italy
23.8Ordained PriestAlexander Joseph McGavickPriest of Chicago, Illinois, USABishop of La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
12 Jun52.1DiedAngelo Bersani-DossenaCoadjutor Bishop of Lodi, Italy
23.7Ordained PriestCanuto José Reyes y BalladaresPriest of León en NicaraguaBishop of Granada, Nicaragua
13 JunBornJorge Antonio Larraín CotaposBishop of Chillán, Chile
17 Jun41.6AppointedJérôme-Josse Van Aertselaer, C.I.C.M. †Superior General of Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of MaryVicar Apostolic of Tchagar, China
18 Jun66.6DiedZsigmond KovácsBishop of Veszprém, Hungary
19 JunBornAdalard Eberharter, O.F.M. Cap. †Superior Emeritus of Kiamusze [Jiamusi], China
34.6Ordained BishopJoannes Obcalocesien (Ohannessian, Chanessian)Bishop of Musc (Mush) (Armenian), ArmeniaBishop of Ancira (Angora) (Armenian), Turkey
53.4Ordained BishopJosé Ignacio Suárez Peredo y BezaresBishop of Veracruz-Jalapa, México
21 JunBornRamón Harrison Abello, O. de M. †Prelate Emeritus of Bom Jesus do Piauí, Piaui, Brazil
24 Jun23.3Ordained PriestEdmund Michael DunnePriest of Chicago, Illinois, USABishop of Peoria, Illinois, USA
26 JunBornJuan Pascual ChimentoArchbishop of La Plata, Argentina
27 JunBornPaul Joseph Biéchy, C.S.Sp. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Brazzaville, Congo
29 Jun23.9Ordained PriestMarie-Augustin-Olivier de Durfort de Civbac de LorgePriest of Le Mans, FranceBishop Emeritus of Poitiers, France
22.1Ordained PriestStanisław GallPriest of Warszawa {Warsaw}, PolandAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
26.6Ordained PriestEdward KozlowskiPriest of Grand Rapids, Michigan, USAAuxiliary Bishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
43.7Ordained BishopLawrence ScanlanTitular Bishop of LarandaBishop of Salt Lake, Utah, USA
36.0Ordained BishopDomenico SvampaBishop of Forli, ItalyCardinal, Archbishop of Bologna, Italy
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