Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1887


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unknownGiovanni Belluomini, O.E.S.A. †Prior General of Order of Hermits of St. Augustine
unknownGiuseppe MaridTitular Archbishop of Arca in Phoenicia dei Maroniti
unknown74.6Joaquim Moreira Reis, O.S.B. †Bishop Emeritus of Angola e Congo
unknown62.1Giovanni Maria StrocchiBishop of Cesena, Italy
unknown57.4Francesco VitaglianoBishop Emeritus of Nocera de’ Pagani, Italy
1 Jan75.4Vicente Fermín Márquez y CarrizosaBishop of Antequera, Oaxaca, México
13 Jan76.3Innocenzo FerrieriCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops and Regulars
18 Jan60.1Joseph ColdefyBishop of Saint-Denis-de-La Réunion
18 Jan72.4George RiggBishop of Dunkeld, Scotland, Great Britain
21 Jan79.8Pietro Paolo Trucchi, C.M. †Bishop of Forli, Italy
23 Jan80.6Louis-Marie-Joseph-Eusèbe CaverotCardinal, Archbishop of Lyon (-Vienne), France
27 Jan79.5Francesco Marinelli, O.E.S.A. †Titular Bishop of Porphyreon
1 Feb79.3Luigi Agazio, O.F.M. Ref. †Bishop of Trivento, Italy
13 Feb73.1Nikolaus AdamesBishop Emeritus of Luxembourg
13 Feb71.0Alessandro Paolo SpogliaBishop Emeritus of Comacchio, Italy
14 Feb64.0Giacomo CattaniCardinal, Archbishop of Ravenna, Italy
15 Feb49.5Isidore Robot, O.S.B. †Prefect Emeritus of Indian Territory, Oklahoma, USA
15 Feb72.9Leandro Rodríguez de la Gala y EnríquezBishop of Yucatán (Mérida), México
20 Feb55.8Abraham Agabio (Agapios) Bsciai (Bishai)Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Alexandria {Alessandria} (Coptic), Egypt
25 Feb89.5Augustin-Magloire-Alexandre BlanchetBishop Emeritus of Nesqually, Washington, USA
27 Feb55.1Lodovico JacobiniCardinal, Secretary of State
4 Mar92.0Pieter Jan Beckx, S.J. †Superior General of Society of Jesus
6 Mar58.9Józef CybichowskiAuxiliary Bishop of Gniezno e Poznań, Poland
8 Mar62.7Joseph-André Boyer, M.E.P. †Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Liaotung and Manchuria, China
9 Mar61.7Karol Ludwik PollnerAuxiliary Bishop of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland
20 Mar72.9Antonio SenaBishop of Ascoli Satriano e Cerignola, Italy
21 Mar70.1Filippo Campus ChessaBishop of Ampurias e Tempio, Italy
31 Mar58.5Adrien-François Rouger, C.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Southern Kiangsi {Kiam-Si Meridionale}, China
3 Apr87.9Eleonoro AronneBishop of Montalto (delle Marche), Italy
10 May50.4Ceslaus Hendricus Jacobus Reijnen (Heynen), O.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles, Antilles
26 May62.1Pietro SauliniBishop of Alatri, Italy
26 May62.4José de Jesús María Uriarte y PérezBishop of Sinaloa, México
1 Jun72.4Charles-Marie-Denis-Anselme Nouvel de La Flèche, O.S.B. †Bishop of Quimper [Cornouailles](-Léon), France
12 Jun52.1Angelo Bersani-DossenaCoadjutor Bishop of Lodi, Italy
18 Jun66.6Zsigmond KovácsBishop of Veszprém, Hungary
14 Jul56.1Fernando Blaitt MariñoBishop of Concepción, Chile
26 Jul40.4James O’ReillyPriest of Leavenworth, Kansas, USA
2 Aug57.5Mariano Cuartero y Sierra, O.A.R. †Bishop of Nueva Segovia, Philippines
3 Aug53.4Casimiro ForlaniBishop of Kotor (Cattaro), Montenegro
7 Aug64.0Giovanni Battista Alessio TommasiBishop of Massa Carrara, Italy
8 Sep72.8Manuel Bernardo da Souza EnnesBishop of Portalegre, Portugal
21 Sep48.9Victor MaréchalBishop of Laval, France
23 Sep62.4Francis Xavier LerayArchbishop of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
24 Sep79.2Charles Joseph TestaAuxiliary Bishop of Constantinople, Turkey
2 Oct74.3Domenico BartoliniCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Marco
25 Oct89.1Joseph-Antoine-Henri JordanyBishop Emeritus of Fréjus, France
2 Nov75.2Antonio PellegriniCardinal, Priest of the Roman Curia - Other
8 Nov73.7Eugène-Jean-Claude-Joseph Desflèches, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Eastern Szechwan {Se-Ciuen Orientale}, China
9 Nov71.4Giuseppe MoreschiBishop of Città di Castello, Italy
11 Nov50.2Bernard FinneganBishop of Kilmore, Ireland
17 Nov93.6Andreas (André) Räß (Raess)Bishop of Strasbourg, France
18 Nov79.2Joseph La RocqueBishop Emeritus of Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada
28 Nov86.7Marie-Laurent TriocheArchbishop of Baghdad, Iraq
3 Dec72.0Daniel McGettiganArchbishop of Armagh, Ireland
7 Dec49.8Constant Dubail, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Liaotung and Manchuria, China
8 Dec78.9Bonifacio (Sebastian) Wimmer, O.S.B. †Abbot of Order of Saint Benedict
11 Dec66.7François-Benjamin-Joseph BlangerBishop of Limoges, France
11 Dec76.6Gaetano Carli, O.F.M. Cap. †Vicar Apostolic of Agra, India
13 Dec39.5Manuel Felipe Rodríguez DelgadoBishop of Guayana, Venezuela
14 Dec75.0Carlo de CaprioBishop of Sessa Aurunca, Italy
16 Dec70.6Luigi Vaccari, O.S.B. †Coadjutor Bishop of Nicotera e Tropea, Italy
17 Dec64.6James Joseph Carbery, O.P. †Bishop of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
17 Dec78.6John PowerBishop of Waterford and Lismore, Ireland
20 Dec69.4Lorenzo Ilarione RandiCardinal, Priest of the Roman Curia - Other
22 Dec56.4Alberto Cracchi, O.F.M. Ref. †Bishop of Pult (Pulati), Albania
27 Dec67.6José María Mora y DazaBishop of Tlaxcala (Puebla de los Angeles), México
31 Dec73.7Pietro CarsanaBishop of Como, Italy


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