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The Year of Our Lord 1914

Bishop Events

May to June

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
1 MayBornAntonio Kühner y Kühner, M.F.S.C. †Bishop of Huánuco, Peru
61.4AppointedPeter Joseph LausbergAuxiliary Bishop of Köln {Cologne}, Germany
61.4AppointedPeter Joseph LausbergTitular Bishop of ThyatiraAuxiliary Bishop of Köln {Cologne}, Germany
BornIvan PraskoBishop Emeritus of Saints Peter and Paul of Melbourne (Ukrainian), Australia
45.4AppointedEverard Ter Laak, C.I.C.M. †Titular Bishop of Paroecopolis seu PartecopolisVicar Apostolic of Siwantze [Chongli-Xiwanzi], China
45.4AppointedEverard Ter Laak, C.I.C.M. †Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Central Mongolia {Mongolia Centrale}, ChinaVicar Apostolic of Siwantze [Chongli-Xiwanzi], China
2 MayBornMarcelo Mendiharat PommiesBishop Emeritus of Salto, Uruguay
54.8DiedManuel Rivera y MuńozBishop of Querétaro, México
54.3AppointedRobert William Spence, O.P. †Coadjutor Archbishop of Adelaide, AustraliaArchbishop
54.3AppointedRobert William Spence, O.P. †Titular Archbishop of PessinusArchbishop of Adelaide, Australia
3 May43.2Ordained BishopGiovanni Onorato Carcaterra, O.F.M. †Bishop of Ariano, ItalyBishop Emeritus
38.0Ordained BishopIsidro Carrillo y SalazarTitular Bishop of ToroneBishop of Matagalpa, Nicaragua
45.4AppointedJohn Alphonsus Heavey, O.S.A. †Vicar Apostolic of Cooktown, AustraliaBishop of Cairns, Australia
45.4AppointedJohn Alphonsus Heavey, O.S.A. †Titular Bishop of CoracesiumBishop of Cairns, Australia
49.0Ordained BishopJosé Antonio Lezcano y OrtegaArchbishop of Managua, Nicaragua
23.4Ordained PriestGregorio Modrego y CasausPriest of Tarazona (-Tudela), SpainArchbishop Emeritus of Barcelona, Spain
4 MayBornFrancis Jules Joseph Marie BarbuBishop Emeritus of Quimper [Cornouailles](-Léon), France
63.4DiedPie Armand Pierre Sabadel, O.F.M. Cap. †Titular Bishop of Corinthus
5 May41.9AppointedConstantin Daems, C.I.C.M. †Prefect of Southern Kansu {Kansu Meridionale}, ChinaSuperior General of Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
7 May67.7ResignedJean-Louis-Joseph (Martin) Adam, C.S.Sp. †Vicar Apostolic of Gabon, GabonVicar Apostolic Emeritus
37.4SucceededLouis-Jean Martrou, C.S.Sp. †Vicar Apostolic of Gabon, Gabon
10 May41.8AppointedBonaventura CerrettiTitular Archbishop of CorinthusCardinal, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura
41.8AppointedBonaventura CerrettiApostolic Delegate to AustraliaCardinal, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura
BornGerard Louis FreyBishop Emeritus of Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
BornIgnace Abdo Khalifé, S.J. †Bishop Emeritus of Saint Maron of Sydney (Maronite), Australia
45.9Ordained BishopPasquale RighettiBishop of Fossombrone, ItalyBishop of Savona e Noli, Italy
60.2Ordained BishopJulián Raymundo Riveiro y Jacinto, O.P. †Archbishop of GuatemalaArchbishop Emeritus
12 MayBornGeorge Joseph GottwaldAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
33.7SelectedJean NissanArchbishop of Sehna (Chaldean), IranBishop of Zaku (Chaldean), Iraq
13 May52.7Ordained BishopLaurentius Josephus Antonius Hubertus Schrijnen (Schrynen)Bishop of Roermond, Netherlands
15 MayBornFrancis Xavier Guo ZhengjiBishop of [Shanba (Patriotic), China]
BornJan WosinskiAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Płock, Poland
16 May26.1Ordained PriestJohn Francis Eich, O.S.F.S. †Priest of Oblates of St. Francis de SalesVicar Apostolic of Great Namaqualand, Namibia
17 May50.0Ordained BishopCharles-Marie-André GinistyBishop of Verdun, France
52.6Ordained BishopPranciškus Karevičius (Karewicz), M.I.C. †Bishop of Žemaičiai (Samogizia o Tels; Żmudź), LithuaniaBishop Emeritus
79.8DiedPetrus LeytenBishop of Breda, Netherlands
23.0Ordained PriestMiguel Gaspar Monconill y Viladot, O.F.M. Cap. †Priest of Order of Friars Minor CapuchinVicar Apostolic of Caquetá, Colombia
56.1Ordained BishopEugčne Victor Marie van RechemTitular Bishop of CarpasiaAuxiliary Bishop of Gent {Ghent, Gand}, Belgium
18 May54.7CeasedPacifico Celso Carletti, O.F.M. Cap. †Minister General of Order of Friars Minor CapuchinBishop of Albenga, Italy
19 MayBornThomas Joseph Danehy, M.M. †Apostolic Administrator of Pando, Bolivia
20 May83.3DiedJean-Clément MamarbachiArchbishop of Damas (Syrian), Syria
BornAngel Morta FigulsAuxiliary Bishop of Madrid, Spain
21 MayBornJacques Michel DjarwéArchbishop of Hassaké-Nisibi (Syrian), Syria
27.2Temporary VowsLuigi Maria Grassi, B. †Priest of Clerics Regular of St. PaulBishop of Alba (Pompea), Italy
22 MayBornCamillo Faresin, S.D.B. †Bishop Emeritus of Guiratinga, Mato Grosso, Brazil
24 May44.4Ordained BishopAndrea CassuloBishop of Fabriano e Matelica, ItalyApostolic Delegate to Turkey
65.8Ordained BishopTheodor KappenbergTitular Bishop of Sozopolis in HaemimontoAuxiliary Bishop of Münster, Germany
25 May38.3AppointedAntonio Álvaro y BallanoBishop of Zamora, Spain
74.3Elevated to CardinalLouis-Nazaire BéginCardinal, Archbishop of Québec, Canada
71.9Elevated to CardinalAntónio Mendes BelloCardinal, Patriarch of Lisboa {Lisbon}, Portugal
63.6Elevated to CardinalFranz von BettingerCardinal, Archbishop of München und Freising {Munich}, Germany
55.8AppointedDaniel CohalanAuxiliary Bishop of Cork, IrelandBishop
55.8AppointedDaniel CohalanTitular Bishop of VagaBishop of Cork, Ireland
61.9Elevated to CardinalJános CsernochCardinal, Archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary
40.1AppointedInocencio Dávila y MatosAuxiliary Bishop of Córdoba (Tucumán), ArgentinaBishop of Catamarca, Argentina
40.1AppointedInocencio Dávila y MatosTitular Bishop of OstracineBishop of Catamarca, Argentina
59.5Elevated to CardinalGiacomo Giambattista della ChiesaPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
69.4AppointedFrancesco Salesio Della VolpeCardinal, Chamberlain (Camerlengo) of the Apostolic Chamber
71.6AppointedDiomede Angelo Raffaele Gennaro Falconio, O.F.M. Ref. †Cardinal-Bishop of VelletriCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious
67.6Elevated to CardinalFrancis Aidan Gasquet, O.S.B. †Cardinal, Archivist of the Vatican Secret Archive
62.0AppointedFilippo GiustiniCardinal-Deacon of Sant’Angelo in PescheriaCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Discipline of the Sacraments
62.0Elevated to CardinalFilippo GiustiniCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Discipline of the Sacraments
45.0CeasedCarlo Gregorio Maria Grasso, O.S.B. †Apostolic Administrator of Cava e Sarno, ItalyArchbishop of Salerno (-Acerno), Italy
62.0Elevated to CardinalVictoriano Guisasola y MenéndezCardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
62.4Elevated to CardinalFelix von HartmannCardinal, Archbishop of Köln {Cologne}, Germany
70.1ConfirmedBalthasar KaltnerArchbishop of Salzburg, Austria
40.2AppointedLuigi LavitranoBishop of Cava e Sarno, ItalyCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious
54.3AppointedMichele LegaCardinal-Deacon of Sant’EustachioCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Discipline of the Sacraments
54.3Elevated to CardinalMichele LegaCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Discipline of the Sacraments
54.3ResignedMichele LegaDean of the Roman RotaCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Discipline of the Sacraments
51.0AppointedAntonio LegaBishop of Trivento, ItalyArchbishop of Ravenna, Italy
58.0AppointedJosé Anselmo LuqueAuxiliary Bishop of Córdoba (Tucumán), Argentina
58.0AppointedJosé Anselmo LuqueTitular Bishop of Furnos MaiorAuxiliary Bishop of Córdoba (Tucumán), Argentina
51.4AppointedAntônio Malan, S.D.B. †Prelate of Registro do Araguaia, BrazilBishop of Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil
51.4AppointedAntônio Malan, S.D.B. †Titular Bishop of AmisusBishop of Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil
61.3AppointedJames William McCarthyBishop of Galloway, Scotland, Great Britain
43.4AppointedGabriele Natale Moriondo, O.P. †Bishop of Cuneo, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Caserta, Italy
49.6Elevated to CardinalFriedrich Gustav Piffl, C.R.S.A. †Cardinal, Archbishop of Wien {Vienna}, Austria
56.1AppointedBasilio PompiljCardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Ara CoeliCardinal, Vicar General of Roma {Rome}, Italy
53.0AppointedPasquale RagostaBishop of Ischia, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy
61.8Elevated to CardinalDomenico Serafini, O.S.B. †Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation for Propagation of the Faith
62.1Elevated to CardinalHector-Irénée SévinCardinal, Archbishop of Lyon (-Vienne), France
59.9AppointedScipione TecchiCardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in DomnicaCardinal, Pro-Prefect of the Congregation of (Sacred) Rites
59.9Elevated to CardinalScipione TecchiCardinal, Pro-Prefect of the Congregation of (Sacred) Rites
79.4AppointedSerafino VannutelliCardinal-Bishop of OstiaCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Ceremonies
79.4ConfirmedSerafino VannutelliDean of the College of CardinalsCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Ceremonies
48.9AppointedLipót Árpád VáradyArchbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary
51.5AppointedValentín de la Asunción (Manuel) Zubizarreta y Unamunsaga, O.C.D. †Bishop of Camagüey, CubaArchbishop of Santiago de Cuba
27 May55.2SelectedAdolf BertramBishop of Wrocław (Breslau), PolandCardinal, Archbishop of Wrocław {Breslavia}, Poland
28 May52.3AppointedAntonio Vicente Arenas y RuedaBishop of Socorro, Colombia
66.7AppointedRamón Barberá y BoadaBishop of Palencia, Spain
74.3AppointedLouis-Nazaire BéginCardinal-Priest of Santi Vitale, Valeria, Gervasio e ProtasioCardinal, Archbishop of Québec, Canada
63.6AppointedFranz von BettingerCardinal-Priest of San MarcelloCardinal, Archbishop of München und Freising {Munich}, Germany
59.5AppointedGiacomo Giambattista della ChiesaCardinal-Priest of Santi Quattro CoronatiPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
36.1AppointedLeopoldo Eijo y GarayBishop of Tuy, SpainBishop of Madrid, Spain
43.3AppointedRemigio Gandásegui y GorrocháteguiBishop of Segovia, SpainArchbishop of Valladolid, Spain
67.6AppointedFrancis Aidan Gasquet, O.S.B. †Cardinal-Deacon of San Giorgio in VelabroCardinal, Archivist of the Vatican Secret Archive
62.4AppointedFelix von HartmannCardinal-Priest of San Giovanni a Porta LatinaCardinal, Archbishop of Köln {Cologne}, Germany
73.7AppointedKároly HornigCardinal-Priest of Sant’Agnese fuori le muraCardinal, Bishop of Veszprém, Hungary
46.5AppointedEugčne-Louis-Marie Le Fer de la MotteBishop of Nantes, France
65.5AppointedValeriano Menéndez y CondeArchbishop of Valencia, Spain
53.7AppointedJosé Miralles y SbertBishop of Lleida, SpainBishop of Mallorca, Spain
55.3ConfirmedEnrique Reig y CasanovaBishop of Barcelona, SpainCardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
61.8AppointedDomenico Serafini, O.S.B. †Cardinal-Priest of Santa CeciliaCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation for Propagation of the Faith
62.1AppointedHector-Irénée SévinCardinal-Priest of Santissima Trinitŕ al Monte PincioCardinal, Archbishop of Lyon (-Vienne), France
75.8AppointedJames TrobecTitular Bishop of LycopolisBishop Emeritus of Saint Cloud, Minnesota, USA
29 MayBornZenone Albino Testa, O.F.M. Cap. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Asmara, Ethiopia
30 MayBornJosé Eugęnio CorręaBishop Emeritus of Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil
25.3Ordained PriestFrancisco Javier Ochoa Ullate, O.A.R. †Priest of Order of Augustinian RecollectsBishop Emeritus of Shangqiu [Kweiteh], China
26.6Ordained PriestJohn Andrew O’Shea, C.M. †Priest of Congregation of the MissionBishop of Ganzhou [Kanchow], China
31 May54.4AppointedAdamo BorghiniApostolic Administrator of Treia, ItalyBishop of San Severino (Marche), Italy
47.7AppointedCleto CassaniApostolic Administrator of Bisarchio o Bisarcio (Ozieri), ItalyArchbishop Emeritus of Sassari, Italy
47.7AppointedCleto CassaniApostolic Administrator of Sassari, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
47.7AppointedCleto CassaniApostolic Administrator of Ampurias e Tempio, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus of Sassari, Italy
35.4Ordained BishopJoaquim Domingues de OliveiraBishop of Florianópolis (Santa Caterina), BrazilArchbishop of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
52.7InstalledPranciškus Karevičius (Karewicz), M.I.C. †Bishop of Žemaičiai (Samogizia o Tels; Żmudź), LithuaniaBishop Emeritus
53.0Ordained BishopPasquale RagostaBishop of Ischia, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy
51.8Ordained BishopFortunato de SantaBishop of Sessa Aurunca, Italy
Jun46.4ResignedMatthijs Nijens, M.S.C. †Prefect of Nuova Guinea Olandese, IndonesiaPrefect Emeritus
1 Jun71.1DiedMatthew Gaughren, O.M.I. †Vicar Apostolic of Kimberley in Orange, South Africa
22.8Ordained PriestKiril Stefan (Nikola) KurtevPriestApostolic Exarch of Sofia (Bulgarian), Bulgaria
2 JunBornSaba Youakim, B.S. †Archbishop Emeritus of Petra e Filadelfia (Melkite Greek), Jordan
3 JunBornJames KavanaghAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Dublin, Ireland
6 Jun24.6Ordained PriestHector Catry, O.F.M. Cap. †Priest of Order of Friars Minor CapuchinBishop Emeritus of Lahore, Pakistan
27.3Ordained PriestUbald Langlois, O.M.I. †Priest of Oblates of Mary ImmaculateVicar Apostolic of Grouard, Alberta, Canada
24.9Ordained PriestWillem Pieter Adriaan Maria MutsaertsPriestBishop Emeritus of ’s-Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc), Netherlands
59.9DiedFrancisco de Pol y BaraltBishop of Gerona, Spain
24.2Ordained PriestTarcisius Henricus Josephus van Valenberg, O.F.M. Cap. †Priest of Order of Friars Minor CapuchinVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Pontianak, Indonesia
7 Jun55.8Ordained BishopDaniel CohalanTitular Bishop of VagaBishop of Cork, Ireland
8 Jun51.2AppointedLuigi CapotostiSecretary of the Congregation of the Discipline of the SacramentsCardinal, Datary of the Apostolic Datary
BornFrancis John MugaveroBishop Emeritus of Brooklyn, New York, USA
9 Jun61.3Ordained BishopJames William McCarthyBishop of Galloway, Scotland, Great Britain
10 JunBornAntonio CeceBishop of Aversa, Italy
46.9AppointedAngelo Maria DolciApostolic Delegate to OtherCardinal, Apostolic Nuncio
58.4ResignedVincenzo Sardi di RivisondoliVicar Apostolic of Constantinople, TurkeyVicar Apostolic Emeritus
11 Jun29.0Ordained PriestJosé Maria Diosomito CuencoPriestArchbishop of Jaro, Philippines
50.0InstalledCharles-Marie-André GinistyBishop of Verdun, France
36.8Ordained BishopLouis James O’LearyTitular Bishop of Hierapolis in IsauriaBishop of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
47.9Ordained BishopOctaviano Pereira de AlbuquerqueBishop of Piaui, BrazilBishop of Campos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
13 JunBornAntonio IannucciArchbishop Emeritus of Pescara-Penne, Italy
25.4Ordained PriestJohn Edward Morris, M.M. †Priest of Fall River, Massachusetts, USAPrefect Emeritus of Peng-yang, Korea (North)
BornZacarias Rolim de MouraBishop Emeritus of Cajazeiras, Paraiba, Brazil
16 Jun26.2Ordained PriestWilliam Joseph HafeyPriest of Baltimore, Maryland, USABishop of Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA
18 Jun52.4DiedAntonio PadovaniAuxiliary Bishop of Cremona, Italy
21 JunBornGenaro Alamilla ArteagaBishop Emeritus of Papantla, Puebla, México
BornLuiz Roberto Gomes de Arruda, T.O.R. †Prelate Emeritus of Guajará-Mirim, Rondonia, Brazil
40.2Ordained BishopLuigi LavitranoBishop of Cava e Sarno, ItalyCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious
51.1Ordained BishopAntonio LegaBishop of Trivento, ItalyArchbishop of Ravenna, Italy
26.0Ordained PriestPietro Moretti, O.F.M. †Priest of Order of Friars MinorPrefect of Tongzhou [Tungchow], China
24.7Ordained PriestLeo Hale Taylor, S.M.A. †Priest of Society of African MissionsArchbishop Emeritus of Lagos, Nigeria
25.4Ordained PriestJoseph WalshPriest of Tuam, IrelandArchbishop Emeritus
22 JunBornPatrick LennonBishop Emeritus of Kildare and Leighlin, Ireland
61.6AppointedJean-Marie-Alexandre MoriceTitular Bishop of TabaeBishop Emeritus of Les Cayes, Haďti
61.6ResignedJean-Marie-Alexandre MoriceBishop of Les Cayes, HaďtiBishop Emeritus
24 JunBornMyroslav Ivan LubachivskyCardinal, Major Archbishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine
25 Jun48.9DiedJoseph Félix François Malleret, C.S.Sp. †Bishop of Martinique (Fort-de-France e Saint Pierre), Antilles
26 Jun54.6AppointedPaul-Eugčne RoyTitular Archbishop of Seleucia PieriaArchbishop of Québec, Canada
BornRudolf SchmidAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Augsburg, Germany
27 Jun23.4Ordained PriestJohn George BennettPriest of Fort Wayne, Indiana, USABishop of Lafayette in Indiana, USA
BornYouhannan Semaan IssayiArchbishop of Teheran (Chaldean), Iran
24.9Ordained PriestEdouard Louis Antoine Leys, M. Afr. †Priest of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers)Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Kivu, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
28 Jun38.4Ordained BishopFranz Wolf, S.V.D. †Titular Bishop of ByblusVicar Apostolic of Eastern New Guinea
29 Jun24.8Ordained PriestJosef HiltlPriest of Regensburg, GermanyAuxiliary Bishop
61.5Ordained BishopPeter Joseph LausbergTitular Bishop of ThyatiraAuxiliary Bishop of Köln {Cologne}, Germany
43.5Ordained BishopGabriele Natale Moriondo, O.P. †Bishop of Cuneo, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Caserta, Italy
30 Jun34.7Ordained BishopMichael Joseph CurleyBishop of Saint Augustine, Florida, USAArchbishop of Baltimore-Washington, Maryland, USA
BornJózsef KaczibaApostolic Administrator Emeritus of Győr (Raab), Hungary
BornAntonio MauroOfficial Emeritus of the Roman Curia - Other
BornAlfredo PoledriniApostolic Nuncio
BornValentino VailatiArchbishop Emeritus of Manfredonia-Vieste, Italy
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