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The Year of Our Lord 1914

Bishop Events

September to October

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
2 SepBornIppolito RotoliApostolic Pro-Nuncio to Japan
BornDomenico VacchianoPrelate Emeritus of Pompei o Beatissima Vergine Maria del Santissimo Rosario, Italy
3 Sep59.7ElectedGiacomo Giambattista della ChiesaPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
4 Sep67.5AppointedDomenico FerrataCardinal, Secretary of State
5 Sep61.3DiedLudwig Philipp SchaeferVicar Apostolic of Saxonia (Saxony), Germany
6 Sep59.7InstalledGiacomo Giambattista della ChiesaPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
BornLawrence Joseph RileyAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Boston, Massachusetts, USA
7 Sep35.7InstalledJoaquim Domingues de OliveiraBishop of Florianópolis (Santa Caterina), BrazilArchbishop of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
8 Sep66.9DiedIgino BandiBishop of Tortona, Italy
72.2AppointedAntónio Mendes BelloCardinal-Priest of Santi Marcellino e PietroCardinal, Patriarch of Lisboa {Lisbon}, Portugal
55.4ConfirmedAdolf BertramBishop of Wrocław (Breslau), PolandCardinal, Archbishop of Wrocław {Breslavia}, Poland
55.0AppointedPacifico Celso Carletti, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop of Albenga, Italy
62.2AppointedJános CsernochCardinal-Priest of Sant’EusebioCardinal, Archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary
52.2AppointedFrancesco d’ErricoBishop of Alghero, ItalyBishop Emeritus
62.3AppointedVictoriano Guisasola y MenéndezCardinal-Priest of Santi Quattro CoronatiCardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
58.7AppointedGiorgio GusminiCardinal, Archbishop of Bologna, Italy
49.0AppointedPieter Adriaan Willem HopmansBishop of Breda, Netherlands
49.8AppointedFriedrich Gustav Piffl, C.R.S.A. †Cardinal-Priest of San MarcoCardinal, Archbishop of Wien {Vienna}, Austria
53.4AppointedEduardo Solar VicuñaAuxiliary Bishop of La Serena, Chile
53.4AppointedEduardo Solar VicuñaTitular Bishop of SelgeAuxiliary Bishop of La Serena, Chile
50.8AppointedAdolfo TurchiSecretary of the Congregation of the Affairs of ReligiousArchbishop of L’Aquila, Italy
50.8AppointedAdolfo TurchiTitular Bishop of CanopusArchbishop of L’Aquila, Italy
50.8ResignedAdolfo TurchiBishop of Caiazzo, ItalyArchbishop of L’Aquila, Italy
57.4AppointedJohn TonerBishop of Dunkeld, Scotland, Great Britain
9 Sep55.2ResignedEberhard Limbrock, S.V.D. †Prefect of Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land, Papua New GuineaPrefect Emeritus
BornWalenty WójcikAuxiliary Bishop of Sandomierz-Radom, Poland
10 Sep44.7InstalledAndrea CassuloBishop of Fabriano e Matelica, ItalyApostolic Delegate to Turkey
13 Sep55.0Ordained BishopPacifico Celso Carletti, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop of Albenga, Italy
BornPaolo MosconiApostolic Nuncio
14 Sep68.6AppointedAuguste Duret, S.M.A. †Superior General of Society of African MissionsVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Delta of the Nile, Egypt
26.3ProfessedJohn Francis O’Hara, C.S.C. †Member of Congregation of Holy CrossCardinal, Archbishop of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
15 Sep37.4AppointedHermann Wilhelm BerningPro-Vicar Apostolic of North German Missions {Germania Settentrionale}Bishop of Osnabrück, Germany
37.4AppointedHermann Wilhelm BerningApostolic Administrator of Schlewig-Holstein, GermanyBishop of Osnabrück, Germany
34.1ConfirmedJean NissanArchbishop of Sehna (Chaldean), IranBishop of Zaku (Chaldean), Iraq
19 Sep26.9Ordained PriestCharles Francis BuddyPriest of Saint Joseph, Missouri, USABishop of San Diego, California, USA
24.8Ordained PriestSaturnino Rubio y MontiélPriestBishop Emeritus of Osma-Soria, Spain
20 Sep39.0Ordained BishopSerafim Gomes JardimBishop of Araçuaí (Arassuaí), Minas Gerais, BrazilArchbishop Emeritus of Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil
21 Sep46.8Ordained BishopVictor Arrién (Arrieu)Archbishop of La Plata o Charcas, BoliviaArchbishop Emeritus
35.5Ordained BishopJosyf Botsian (Bocian)BishopAuxiliary Bishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine
77.9InstalledEdward LikowskiArchbishop of Gniezno e Poznań, Poland
24.4Ordained PriestAdolfo VorbuchnerPriestBishop of Alba Iulia, Romania
34.9AppointedDmytro YaremkoBishopBishop-Elect
22 SepBornJames Vincent CaseyArchbishop of Denver, Colorado, USA
66.9AppointedWincenty KluczynskiTitular Archbishop of Philippopolis in ThraciaArchbishop Emeritus of Mohilev, Belarus
66.9ResignedWincenty KluczynskiArchbishop of Mohilev, BelarusArchbishop Emeritus
87.1DiedValerio LasproArchbishop of Salerno (-Acerno), Italy
23 SepBornHarold Joseph DimmerlingBishop of Rapid City, South Dakota, USA
24 Sep40.2AppointedNicola CanaliSecretary of the Congregation of CeremoniesCardinal, Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary
BornJohn Gerard McCleanBishop of Middlesbrough, England, Great Britain
48.2InstalledOctaviano Pereira de AlbuquerqueBishop of Piaui, BrazilBishop of Campos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
27 Sep43.7InstalledGabriele Natale Moriondo, O.P. †Bishop of Cuneo, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Caserta, Italy
24.5Ordained PriestFlorencio Sanz Esparza, C.M. †Priest of Congregation of the MissionBishop Emeritus of Cuttack, India
28 SepBornLuigi DadaglioCardinal, Major Penitentiary Emeritus of the Apostolic Penitentiary
29 Sep37.5Ordained BishopHermann Wilhelm BerningBishop of Osnabrück, Germany
30 Sep64.3AppointedHubert-Olivier ChalifouxAuxiliary Bishop of Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
64.3AppointedHubert-Olivier ChalifouxTitular Bishop of Aureliopolis in LydiaAuxiliary Bishop of Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
BornMario RossiBishop of Vigevano, Italy
40.9AppointedFederico TedeschiniSubstitute (Sostituto) of the Secretariat of StateCardinal, Datary of the Apostolic Datary
1 Oct53.5AppointedManuel Vieira de MatosArchbishop of Braga, Portugal
2 Oct47.6AppointedManuel Damasceno da CostaBishop of Angra, Portugal
25.8Ordained PriestTheodore Labrador Fraile, O.P. †Priest of Order of Friars PreachersArchbishop of Fuzhou [Foochow], China
35.6AppointedAntônio Manoel Pereira RibeiroBishop of Funchal, Portugal
BornBernhard Schilling, S.V.D. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Goroka, Papua New Guinea
3 Oct54.6AppointedJosé Alves MatosoBishop of Guarda, Portugal
4 Oct23.3Ordained PriestBernardo Merizalde Morales, O.A.R. †Priest of Order of Augustinian RecollectsPrefect Emeritus of Tumaco, Colombia
5 Oct42.3AppointedBonaventura CerrettiApostolic Delegate to New ZealandCardinal, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura
53.2DiedFulgentius Antonio Torres, O.S.B. †Abbot of New Norcia, Australia
6 OctBornPaul Constant SchoenmaekersAuxiliary Bishop of Mechelen-Brussel {Malines-Brussels}, Belgium
7 Oct25.1Ordained PriestJacques Grent, M.S.C. †Priest of Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of JesusBishop Emeritus of Amboina, Indonesia
BornAndré Perraudin, M. Afr. †Bishop Emeritus of Kabgayi, Rwanda
73.3DiedLouis-François SueurArchbishop Emeritus of Avignon (-Apt, Cavaillon, Carpentras, Orange, e Vaison), France
9 Oct41.5AppointedOleksiy BazyukApostolic Administrator of Bosnia-Hercegovina (Ukrainian)Apostolic Administrator Emeritus
BornThomas Joseph GradyBishop Emeritus of Orlando, Florida, USA
BornAmelio PoggiApostolic Pro-Nuncio to Syria
10 OctBornStepan Chmil, S.D.B. †Bishop
67.5DiedDomenico FerrataCardinal, Secretary of State
BornPedro Nel Ramirez Posada, O.A.R. †Prefect Emeritus of Tumaco, Colombia
12 Oct35.9AppointedAnselmo Mary Catalán, O.S.B. †Abbot of New Norcia, AustraliaAbbot Emeritus
13 OctBornJoseph Aloysius DurickBishop Emeritus of Nashville, Tennessee, USA
62.4AppointedPietro GasparriSecretary of StateCardinal, Chamberlain (Camerlengo) of the Apostolic Chamber
40.6AppointedJoseph-Tobie Mariétan, C.R.A. †Titular Bishop of BethleemAbbot Emeritus of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland
40.6ConfirmedJoseph-Tobie Mariétan, C.R.A. †Abbot of Saint-Maurice, SwitzerlandAbbot Emeritus
14 Oct62.4AppointedFilippo GiustiniCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Discipline of the Sacraments
49.0AppointedRafael Merry del Val y ZuluetaCardinal, Secretary of the Congregation of the Holy Office
15 Oct71.0DiedMichael Francis HowleyArchbishop of Saint John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
57.5Ordained BishopJohn TonerBishop of Dunkeld, Scotland, Great Britain
16 OctBornThomas MorrisArchbishop Emeritus of Cashel (-Emly), Ireland
18 Oct28.5ProfessedCutbert Martin O’Gara, C.P. †Member of Congregation of the PassionBishop of Yuanling [Yüanling, Shen-Chou], China
19 OctBornAurelio SorrentinoArchbishop Emeritus of Reggio Calabria-Bova, Italy
21 OctBornAgapito SimeoniBishop of Ariano, Italy
BornKazimierz ŚwiątekCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Minsk-Mohilev, Belarus
23 Oct55.2DiedPacifico Celso Carletti, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop of Albenga, Italy
24 OctBornErnesto SeguraAuxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina
25 Oct76.6DiedProsper-Amable BerthetBishop of Gap, France
52.3Ordained BishopFrancesco d’ErricoBishop of Alghero, ItalyBishop Emeritus
BornJoseph Gustave Roland Prévost Godard, P.M.E. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Pucallpa, Peru
28 Oct26.4Ordained PriestCarlos de la Trinidad Borge y CastrilloPriestAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Managua, Nicaragua
23.1Ordained PriestRosalvo Costa RêgoPriestAuxiliary Bishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
66.4Ordained BishopCharles Cox, O.M.I. †Titular Bishop of DiocleaVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Transvaal, South Africa
40.5Ordained BishopInocencio Dávila y MatosTitular Bishop of OstracineBishop of Catamarca, Argentina
29.7Ordained PriestCesar Maria Guerrero y RodriguezPriestBishop Emeritus of San Fernando, Philippines
23.8Ordained PriestZenobio Lorenzo GuillandPriestArchbishop of Paraná, Argentina
46.9Ordained BishopPatrick Joseph HayesTitular Bishop of ThagasteCardinal, Archbishop of New York, New York, USA
24.7Ordained PriestSalvatore Herrera y Pinto, O.F.M. †Priest of Order of Friars MinorBishop Emeritus of Puno, Peru
BornDennis Walter HickeyAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Rochester, New York, USA
23.4Ordained PriestManuel Pío López EstradaPriest of Cuernavaca, Morelos, MéxicoArchbishop Emeritus of Jalapa (Xalapa), Veracruz, México
58.5Ordained BishopJosé Anselmo LuqueTitular Bishop of Furnos MaiorAuxiliary Bishop of Córdoba (Tucumán), Argentina
BornLuis Enrique Orellana Ricaurte, S.J. †Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Quito, Ecuador
56.5AppointedBasilio PompiljArchpriest of the Arcibasilica di San Giovanni in Laterano {Saint John Lateran Basilica}Cardinal, Vicar General of Roma {Rome}, Italy
27.0Ordained PriestIdílio José SoaresPriestBishop Emeritus of Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil
29 Oct52.0AppointedJosé Calixto Gregorio Romero y JuárezBishop of Salta, Argentina
31 Oct55.5AppointedManuel Luís Coelho da SilvaBishop of Coimbra, Portugal
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