Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
Apr | 32.2 | Ordained Priest | Domingo Antonio Riaño Martínez † | Priest | Bishop of Antioquía, Colombia |
2 Apr | Born | Luigi Mariotti † | Bishop of Montefeltro, Italy | ||
72.7 | Died | Jean Pradelle † | Bishop-Elect of Bayeux, France | ||
4 Apr | 58.3 | Selected | Leopoldo Corigliano † | Bishop of Nardò, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
6 Apr | 53.3 | Confirmed | Domenico Novi Ciavarria † | Bishop of Avellino e Frigento, Italy | Bishop of Avellino, Italy |
51.7 | Confirmed | Eustachio Dentice, C.R. † | Archbishop of Manfredonia (e Vieste), Italy | ||
63.6 | Confirmed | Francesco Maria de Luca, O.F.M. Obs. † | Archbishop of Lanciano, Italy | Archbishop of Lanciano (e Ortona), Italy | |
62.3 | Appointed | Paolo Filipponi † | Titular Archbishop of Patrae (Veters) | ||
61.4 | Confirmed | Silvestro Granito † | Bishop of Cava (de’ Tirreni), Italy | Bishop of Cava e Sarno, Italy | |
77.7 | Confirmed | Francesco Saverio Gualtieri † | Bishop of Caserta, Italy | ||
62.3 | Appointed | Francesco Guidobono Cavalchini † | Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Aquiro | Cardinal, Priest of Roma {Rome}, Italy | |
62.3 | Elevated to Cardinal | Francesco Guidobono Cavalchini † | Cardinal, Priest of Roma {Rome}, Italy | ||
81.2 | Elevated to Cardinal | Kasimir Johann Baptist von Häffelin † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Anastasia | ||
72.3 | Confirmed | Franz Karl Joseph von Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst † | Bishop of Augsburg, Germany | ||
37.8 | Confirmed | Salvatore Lettieri † | Bishop of Castellaneta, Italy | Bishop of Nardò, Italy | |
46.0 | Confirmed | Domenico Narni Mancinelli † | Archbishop of Cosenza, Italy | Bishop of Caserta, Italy | |
60.6 | Confirmed | Girolano Manieri † | Bishop of L’Aquila, Italy | ||
71.5 | Confirmed | Andrea Mansi, O.F.M. Disc. † | Archbishop of Otranto, Italy | ||
68.2 | Confirmed | Baldassare Mormile, C.R. † | Archbishop of Capua, Italy | ||
59.0 | Confirmed | Andrea Portanova † | Bishop of Lucera, Italy | ||
54.8 | Confirmed | Carlo Puoti † | Archbishop of Rossano, Italy | Bishop of Alife, Italy | |
65.4 | Confirmed | Domenico Russo † | Bishop of Ariano, Italy | ||
61.0 | Appointed | Fabrizio Sceberras Testaferrata † | Cardinal-Priest | Cardinal, Bishop of Senigallia, Italy | |
61.0 | Appointed | Fabrizio Sceberras Testaferrata † | Cardinal, Bishop of Senigallia, Italy | ||
61.0 | Elevated to Cardinal | Fabrizio Sceberras Testaferrata † | Cardinal, Bishop of Senigallia, Italy | ||
66.5 | Confirmed | Michele Spinelli, C.R. † | Archbishop of Sorrento, Italy | ||
77.4 | Confirmed | Joseph von Stubenberg † | Archbishop of Bamberg, Germany | ||
54.4 | Confirmed | Francesco Felice Tiberi, C.O. † | Bishop of Valva e Sulmona, Italy | ||
48.6 | Confirmed | Agostino Tommasi † | Bishop of Aversa, Italy | ||
59.4 | Confirmed | Bartolomeo Varrone † | Bishop of Sessa Aurunca, Italy | ||
75.0 | Confirmed | Johann Nepomuk von Wolf † | Bishop of Regensburg, Germany | ||
7 Apr | 67.5 | Selected | Domenico Fendale † | Bishop of Crotone (Cotrone), Italy | |
8 Apr | 60.6 | Selected | João Joaquim Bernardino de Brito † | Bishop of Funchal, Portugal | |
9 Apr | Born | Luigi Celestino Spelta, O.F.M. Ref. † | Vicar Apostolic of Hupeh {Hu-Pè}, China | ||
12 Apr | 53.3 | Ordained Bishop | Domenico Novi Ciavarria † | Bishop of Avellino e Frigento, Italy | Bishop of Avellino, Italy |
51.7 | Ordained Bishop | Eustachio Dentice, C.R. † | Archbishop of Manfredonia (e Vieste), Italy | ||
63.6 | Ordained Bishop | Francesco Maria de Luca, O.F.M. Obs. † | Archbishop of Lanciano, Italy | Archbishop of Lanciano (e Ortona), Italy | |
61.4 | Ordained Bishop | Silvestro Granito † | Bishop of Cava (de’ Tirreni), Italy | Bishop of Cava e Sarno, Italy | |
Born | Michael Heiss † | Archbishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA | |||
47.2 | Ordained Bishop | Edward Kernan † | Titular Bishop of Thabraca | Bishop of Clogher, Ireland | |
37.8 | Ordained Bishop | Salvatore Lettieri † | Bishop of Castellaneta, Italy | Bishop of Nardò, Italy | |
46.0 | Ordained Bishop | Domenico Narni Mancinelli † | Archbishop of Cosenza, Italy | Bishop of Caserta, Italy | |
71.5 | Ordained Bishop | Andrea Mansi, O.F.M. Disc. † | Archbishop of Otranto, Italy | ||
59.0 | Ordained Bishop | Andrea Portanova † | Bishop of Lucera, Italy | ||
54.8 | Ordained Bishop | Carlo Puoti † | Archbishop of Rossano, Italy | Bishop of Alife, Italy | |
65.4 | Ordained Bishop | Domenico Russo † | Bishop of Ariano, Italy | ||
66.6 | Ordained Bishop | Michele Spinelli, C.R. † | Archbishop of Sorrento, Italy | ||
54.4 | Ordained Bishop | Francesco Felice Tiberi, C.O. † | Bishop of Valva e Sulmona, Italy | ||
48.6 | Ordained Bishop | Agostino Tommasi † | Bishop of Aversa, Italy | ||
59.4 | Ordained Bishop | Bartolomeo Varrone † | Bishop of Sessa Aurunca, Italy | ||
15 Apr | Born | John MacEvilly † | Archbishop of Tuam, Ireland | ||
16 Apr | 21.8 | Professed | Rafael Barišić, O.F.M. Obs. † | Member of Order of Observant Friars Minor | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Herzegovina |
19 Apr | 43.0 | Ordained Bishop | Giuseppe-Maria Lais † | Titular Bishop of Hippo Diarrhytus | Bishop of Ferentino, Italy |
60.6 | Ordained Bishop | Girolano Manieri † | Bishop of L’Aquila, Italy | ||
23.8 | Ordained Priest | Giuseppe Menditto † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Noto, Italy | |
20 Apr | 53.3 | Died | Giuseppe Bonventura Berardi, O.F.M. Conv. † | Bishop of Bacău, Romania | |
21 Apr | Born | Paul Hubert Perny, M.E.P. † | Apostolic Administrator Emeritus of Kuiceu (Kweichow), China | ||
23 Apr | 97.1 | Died | Jean-Armand de Bessuéjouls Roquelaure † | Archbishop Emeritus of Mechelen, Belgium | |
80.9 | Died | Alexandre da Sagrada Familia Ferreira da Silva, O.F.M. Ref. † | Bishop of Angra, Portugal | ||
26 Apr | Ordained Bishop | Nikolla Muriqi † | Bishop of Shkodrë (Scutari), Albania | ||
3 May | 57.2 | Selected | Carlo Maria Lenzi, Sch. P. † | Bishop of Lipari, Italy | |
8 May | 48.1 | Selected | Camillo Alleva † | Bishop of Ugento, Italy | Archbishop of Salerno (-Acerno), Italy |
40.2 | Selected | Michele Basilio Clari (Clary), O.S.B.I. † | Bishop of Catanzaro, Italy | Archbishop of Bari (-Canosa), Italy | |
73.0 | Selected | Salvatore Maria Pignattaro, O.P. † | Archbishop of Santa Severina, Italy | Bishop of Isernia, Italy | |
75.5 | Selected | Ludovico Maria Roselli, O.F.M. Ref. † | Bishop of Gravina e Irsina (Montepeloso), Italy | Bishop-Elect | |
9 May | Born | Robert Cornthwaite † | Bishop of Leeds, England, Great Britain | ||
10 May | 22.7 | Ordained Priest | Auguste Jeanjean † | Priest of Louisiana and the Two Floridas (Saint Louis of New Orleans), USA | Priest of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
Born | Achilles Rinaldini † | Titular Bishop of Cyrene | |||
11 May | 23.5 | Ordained Deacon | Ignazio Giovanni Cadolini † | Deacon | Cardinal, Archbishop of Ferrara, Italy |
12 May | 81.8 | Resigned | Carlo Pellegrini † | Bishop of Nicastro, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
13 May | 50.5 | Selected | Raphael Lupoli, C.Ss.R. † | Bishop of Larino, Italy | |
14 May | 23.5 | Ordained Priest | Paul Naudo † | Priest | Archbishop of Avignon, France |
15 May | 22.2 | Ordained Deacon | William Kinsella † | Deacon | Bishop of Ossory, Ireland |
Born | Paolo Antonio Micaleff (Micallef), O.E.S.A. † | Archbishop of Pisa, Italy | |||
16 May | 24.6 | Ordained Priest | Denis-Auguste Affre † | Priest | Archbishop of Paris, France |
25.7 | Ordained Priest | Joaquín Barbajero y Villar † | Priest | Bishop of León, Spain | |
23.5 | Ordained Priest | Agostino-Maria de Mari † | Priest of Genova, Italy | Bishop of Savona e Noli, Italy | |
23.6 | Ordained Priest | Jean-Nicaise Gros † | Priest | Bishop of Versailles, France | |
24.3 | Ordained Priest | Jean-Jacques-Marie-Antoine Guerrin † | Priest | Bishop of Langres, France | |
22.6 | Ordained Priest | Michael Portier † | Priest of Saint Louis, Missouri, USA | Bishop of Mobile, Alabama, USA | |
22.1 | Ordained Deacon | Nikolaus von Weis † | Deacon of Speyer, Germany | Bishop | |
17 May | Born | Michael Flannery † | Bishop of Killaloe, Ireland | ||
38.3 | Ordained Bishop | Patrick MacNicholas † | Bishop of Achonry, Ireland | ||
20 May | 70.2 | Died | Francisco Javier Mier y Campillo † | Bishop Emeritus of Almería, Spain | |
22 May | 59.5 | Selected | Gaetano Maria Avarna † | Bishop of Nicosia, Italy | |
58.8 | Selected | Girolamo Aprile e Benso † | Bishop of Piazza Armerina, Italy | ||
Born | Francesco Converti, O.F.M. Obs. † | Archbishop Emeritus of Reggio Calabria, Italy | |||
66.3 | Selected | Giuseppe d’Amante † | Bishop of Ischia, Italy | ||
58.4 | Selected | Francesco Saverio Durini, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Marsi, Italy | Bishop of Aversa, Italy | |
71.6 | Selected | Gioacchino de Gemmis † | Bishop of Melfi e Rapolla, Italy | ||
72.7 | Selected | Orazio Magliola † | Bishop of Sant’Agata de’ Goti, Italy | Bishop of Acerra, Italy | |
51.0 | Selected | Camillo Giovanni Rossi † | Bishop of San Severo, Italy | Bishop Emeritus | |
24 May | 69.9 | Ordained Bishop | Francesco Saverino Buonomo † | Bishop of Gaeta, Italy | |
25 May | 60.7 | Appointed | Pietro Balducci, C.M. † | Bishop of Sarsina, Italy | Bishop of Fabriano e Matelica, Italy |
49.0 | Appointed | Anselmo Basilici † | Bishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy | ||
34.2 | Appointed | Rodolfo Brignole Sale † | Titular Bishop of Assuras | ||
66.9 | Appointed | Sebastiano Brisciano † | Titular Bishop of Hippos | ||
69.9 | Confirmed | Francesco Saverino Buonomo † | Bishop of Gaeta, Italy | ||
72.4 | Confirmed | Matthäus Georg von Chandelle † | Bishop of Speyer, Germany | ||
65.1 | Confirmed | Domenico Antonio Cimaglia † | Bishop of Giovinazzo e Terlizzi, Italy | Bishop of Molfetta, Italy | |
40.2 | Confirmed | Michele Basilio Clari (Clary), O.S.B.I. † | Bishop of Catanzaro, Italy | Archbishop of Bari (-Canosa), Italy | |
60.3 | Confirmed | Nicola Coppola, C.O. † | Archbishop of Bari (-Canosa), Italy | Bishop of Nola, Italy | |
63.0 | Appointed | Stefano d’Elia † | Titular Bishop of Dorylaëum | ||
56.4 | Appointed | Francesco-Saverio Domeniconi † | Bishop of Alatri, Italy | ||
67.7 | Confirmed | Domenico Fendale † | Bishop of Crotone (Cotrone), Italy | ||
64.0 | Confirmed | Giovanni Antonio de Fulgure, C.M. † | Archbishop of Taranto, Italy | ||
57.3 | Confirmed | Lothar Anselm von Gebsattel † | Archbishop of München und Freising {Munich}, Germany | ||
81.3 | Appointed | Kasimir Johann Baptist von Häffelin † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Sabina | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Anastasia | |
57.2 | Confirmed | Carlo Maria Lenzi, Sch. P. † | Bishop of Lipari, Italy | ||
52.6 | Confirmed | Michelangelo Lupoli † | Archbishop of Conza e Campagna, Italy | Archbishop of Salerno (-Acerno), Italy | |
50.5 | Confirmed | Raphael Lupoli, C.Ss.R. † | Bishop of Larino, Italy | ||
54.3 | Appointed | Carlo Monti † | Bishop of Cagli, Italy | Bishop of Cagli e Pergola, Italy | |
67.8 | Confirmed | Nicola Antonio Montiglia † | Bishop of Squillace, Italy | Bishop of Nicotera e Tropea, Italy | |
66.3 | Confirmed | Antonio Maria Nappi † | Bishop of Ascoli Satriano (Puglia), Italy | Bishop of Ascoli Satriano e Cerignola, Italy | |
62.8 | Appointed | Gaudenzio Giovanni Antonio Patrignani, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Ferentino, Italy | ||
61.9 | Appointed | Josef Chrysostomus Pauer † | Titular Bishop of Dulma | Bishop of Sankt Pölten, Austria | |
30.6 | Appointed | Francesco Pichi † | Titular Bishop of Lydda | Bishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy | |
73.1 | Confirmed | Salvatore Maria Pignattaro, O.P. † | Archbishop of Santa Severina, Italy | Bishop of Isernia, Italy | |
46.1 | Appointed | Ignazio Ranaldi, C.O. † | Bishop of Ripatransone, Italy | Archbishop of Urbino, Italy | |
59.4 | Confirmed | Domenico Ricciardone † | Bishop of Penne e Atri, Italy | ||
60.2 | Confirmed | Michele Ruopoli † | Bishop of Isernia, Italy | ||
61.1 | Appointed | Fabrizio Sceberras Testaferrata † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Pudenziana | Cardinal, Bishop of Senigallia, Italy | |
65.2 | Confirmed | Alessandro Tommasini † | Archbishop of Reggio Calabria, Italy | ||
64.3 | Confirmed | Giovanni Francesco Toppia † | Bishop of Vigevano, Italy | ||
68.7 | Appointed | Isaia Volpe (Volpi), O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop of Bobbio, Italy | ||
26 May | 50.5 | Ordained Bishop | Raphael Lupoli, C.Ss.R. † | Bishop of Larino, Italy | |
66.3 | Ordained Bishop | Antonio Maria Nappi † | Bishop of Ascoli Satriano (Puglia), Italy | Bishop of Ascoli Satriano e Cerignola, Italy | |
73.1 | Ordained Bishop | Salvatore Maria Pignattaro, O.P. † | Archbishop of Santa Severina, Italy | Bishop of Isernia, Italy | |
60.2 | Ordained Bishop | Michele Ruopoli † | Bishop of Isernia, Italy | ||
29 May | 23.0 | Ordained Deacon | Józef Maksymilian Staniewski, O.P. † | Deacon of Order of Friars Preachers | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Mohilev, Belarus |
30 May | 23.5 | Ordained Priest | Ignazio Giovanni Cadolini † | Priest | Cardinal, Archbishop of Ferrara, Italy |
31 May | 65.2 | Ordained Bishop | Domenico Antonio Cimaglia † | Bishop of Giovinazzo e Terlizzi, Italy | Bishop of Molfetta, Italy |
40.2 | Ordained Bishop | Michele Basilio Clari (Clary), O.S.B.I. † | Bishop of Catanzaro, Italy | Archbishop of Bari (-Canosa), Italy | |
60.3 | Ordained Bishop | Nicola Coppola, C.O. † | Archbishop of Bari (-Canosa), Italy | Bishop of Nola, Italy | |
72.6 | Selected | Remigio de La Santa y Ortega † | Bishop of Lérida, Spain | ||
67.7 | Ordained Bishop | Domenico Fendale † | Bishop of Crotone (Cotrone), Italy | ||
64.0 | Ordained Bishop | Giovanni Antonio de Fulgure, C.M. † | Archbishop of Taranto, Italy | ||
58.5 | Ordained Bishop | Giuseppe Crispino Mazzotti † | Bishop of Tivoli, Italy | Bishop of Cervia, Italy | |
67.8 | Ordained Bishop | Nicola Antonio Montiglia † | Bishop of Squillace, Italy | Bishop of Nicotera e Tropea, Italy | |
46.1 | Ordained Bishop | Ignazio Ranaldi, C.O. † | Bishop of Ripatransone, Italy | Archbishop of Urbino, Italy | |
59.4 | Ordained Bishop | Domenico Ricciardone † | Bishop of Penne e Atri, Italy | ||
23.0 | Ordained Priest | Józef Maksymilian Staniewski, O.P. † | Priest of Order of Friars Preachers | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Mohilev, Belarus | |
68.8 | Ordained Bishop | Isaia Volpe (Volpi), O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop of Bobbio, Italy | ||
Jun | 66.9 | Ordained Bishop | Sebastiano Brisciano † | Titular Bishop of Hippos | |
1 Jun | 64.4 | Resigned | Ignace Siméon Zora † | Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Syrian), Lebanon | Patriarch Emeritus |
64.4 | Resigned | Ignace Siméon Zora † | Bishop of Beirut {Bairut} (Syrian), Lebanon | Patriarch Emeritus of Antiochia {Antioch} (Syrian), Lebanon | |
3 Jun | Born | Raphael Valenza † | Auxiliary Bishop of Chieti, Italy | ||
4 Jun | Born | Francisco Gainza Escobás, O.P. † | Bishop of Nueva Caceres, Philippines | ||
6 Jun | 74.7 | Died | [Jean-Baptiste Massieu] † | Bishop Emeritus of [Oise (Constitutional), France] | |
7 Jun | 60.8 | Ordained Bishop | Pietro Balducci, C.M. † | Bishop of Sarsina, Italy | Bishop of Fabriano e Matelica, Italy |
34.2 | Ordained Bishop | Rodolfo Brignole Sale † | Titular Bishop of Assuras | ||
56.4 | Ordained Bishop | Francesco-Saverio Domeniconi † | Bishop of Alatri, Italy | ||
57.3 | Ordained Bishop | Carlo Maria Lenzi, Sch. P. † | Bishop of Lipari, Italy | ||
64.8 | Ordained Bishop | Giovanni-Antonio Niccola (Nicola) † | Bishop of Alba (Pompea), Italy | ||
62.8 | Ordained Bishop | Gaudenzio Giovanni Antonio Patrignani, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Ferentino, Italy | ||
50.4 | Ordained Bishop | Adam Michal Prażmowski † | Bishop of Płock, Poland | ||
10 Jun | Born | Stanislao Eula † | Bishop of Novara, Italy | ||
13 Jun | 64.7 | Installed | Pier Camillo de Carolis † | Bishop of Città della Pieve, Italy | |
14 Jun | 58.7 | Selected | Nicola Caldora † | Bishop of Venosa, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
49.5 | Selected | Adeodato Gomez Cardosa † | Bishop of Cassano all’Jonio, Italy | Bishop of Isernia, Italy | |
65.2 | Selected | Domenico Antonio Cimaglia † | Bishop of Molfetta, Italy | ||
74.9 | Died | Antonio David † | Bishop of Narni, Italy | ||
71.5 | Selected | Bernardo Maria della Torre † | Bishop of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy | ||
25.8 | Ordained Priest | Marie-Dominique-Auguste Sibour † | Priest | Archbishop of Paris, France | |
16 Jun | Born | José Manuel Palacios y López † | Bishop of Mondoñedo, Spain | ||
18 Jun | Born | Adam Charles Claessens † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Batavia, Indonesia | ||
61.6 | Selected | Paolo Garzilli † | Bishop of Bovino, Italy | Bishop of Sessa Aurunca, Italy | |
44.4 | Appointed | Edward Bede Slater, O.S.B. † | Titular Bishop of Ruspae | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Mauritius | |
51.0 | Selected | Gaetano Maria Giuseppe Benedetto Placido Vincenzo Trigona e Parisi † | Bishop of Caltagirone, Italy | Cardinal, Archbishop of Palermo, Italy | |
24 Jun | 24.4 | Ordained Priest | André Charvaz † | Priest | Archbishop Emeritus of Genova, Italy |
25 Jun | 75.5 | Appointed | Andrea de Lucia † | Bishop of Calvi e Teano, Italy | |
26 Jun | 48.2 | Confirmed | Camillo Alleva † | Bishop of Ugento, Italy | Archbishop of Salerno (-Acerno), Italy |
86.5 | Appointed | Domenico Arcaroli † | Titular Archbishop of Bostra | Bishop Emeritus of Vieste, Italy | |
59.6 | Confirmed | Gaetano Maria Avarna † | Bishop of Nicosia, Italy | ||
58.5 | Confirmed | Antonio Barretta, C.R. † | Archbishop of Brindisi, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus | |
58.7 | Confirmed | Nicola Caldora † | Bishop of Venosa, Italy | Bishop Emeritus | |
49.5 | Confirmed | Adeodato Gomez Cardosa † | Bishop of Cassano all’Jonio, Italy | Bishop of Isernia, Italy | |
66.4 | Confirmed | Giuseppe d’Amante † | Bishop of Ischia, Italy | ||
72.7 | Confirmed | Remigio de La Santa y Ortega † | Bishop of Lérida, Spain | ||
71.7 | Confirmed | Gioacchino de Gemmis † | Bishop of Melfi e Rapolla, Italy | ||
63.4 | Appointed | Giovanni Philip Paroni, O.F.M. Conv. † | Vicar Apostolic of Moldavia | ||
63.4 | Appointed | Giovanni Philip Paroni, O.F.M. Conv. † | Titular Bishop of Tlos | Vicar Apostolic of Moldavia | |
71.5 | Confirmed | Giuseppe Maria Peruzzi † | Bishop of Vicenza, Italy | ||
51.1 | Confirmed | Camillo Giovanni Rossi † | Bishop of San Severo, Italy | Bishop Emeritus | |
27 Jun | 72.8 | Confirmed | Orazio Magliola † | Bishop of Sant’Agata de’ Goti, Italy | Bishop of Acerra, Italy |
28 Jun | 48.2 | Ordained Bishop | Camillo Alleva † | Bishop of Ugento, Italy | Archbishop of Salerno (-Acerno), Italy |
58.5 | Ordained Bishop | Antonio Barretta, C.R. † | Archbishop of Brindisi, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus | |
58.7 | Ordained Bishop | Nicola Caldora † | Bishop of Venosa, Italy | Bishop Emeritus | |
49.5 | Ordained Bishop | Adeodato Gomez Cardosa † | Bishop of Cassano all’Jonio, Italy | Bishop of Isernia, Italy | |
66.4 | Ordained Bishop | Giuseppe d’Amante † | Bishop of Ischia, Italy | ||
38.8 | Ordained Bishop | Publio Maria Sant † | Titular Bishop of Laranda | Bishop Emeritus of Malta | |
44.4 | Ordained Bishop | Edward Bede Slater, O.S.B. † | Titular Bishop of Ruspae | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Mauritius | |
29 Jun | 40.8 | Ordained Bishop | Luigi Maria Cardelli, O.F.M. Ref. † | Archbishop of Izmir (Smirne), Turkey | Archbishop Emeritus |
Born | Peter McIntyre † | Bishop of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada | |||
30 Jun | 71.4 | Died | Manoel de Almeida de Carvalho † | Bishop of Belém do Pará, Brazil | |
69.6 | Appointed | Jan Klemens Gołaszewski † | Bishop of Sejny o Sejna o Augustów, Poland |
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