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The Year of Our Lord 1818

Bishop Events

July to September

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
2 JulBornJohn MacDonaldBishop of Aberdeen, Scotland, Great Britain
5 Jul65.5Ordained BishopEdmund BurkeTitular Bishop of SionVicar Apostolic of Nova Scotia, Canada
62.6Ordained BishopPaolo FilipponiTitular Archbishop of Patrae (Veters)
63.5Ordained BishopGiovanni Philip Paroni, O.F.M. Conv. †Titular Bishop of TlosVicar Apostolic of Moldavia
61.4Ordained BishopAntonio Pérez MinayoBishop of Almería, Spain
7 Jul68.8DiedManuel Verdugo AlbiturríaBishop of Islas Canarias {Canary Islands}, Spain
9 JulBornThomas Nulty (McNulty)Bishop of Meath, Ireland
BornEmanuele Valerga, O.C.D. †Vicar Apostolic of Quilon, India
12 Jul23.2Ordained PriestFrancesco BronzuoliPriestBishop of Fiesole, Italy
42.1Ordained BishopJoseph von Hohenzollern-HechingenBishop of Warmia (Ermland), Poland
30.7Ordained BishopFrancesco PichiTitular Bishop of LyddaBishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy
BornLorenzo Ilarione RandiCardinal, Priest of the Roman Curia - Other
13 Jul62.7DiedCarlo FioravantiBishop of Rieti, Italy
BornIgnaz von SenestréyBishop of Regensburg, Germany
14 Jul55.6DiedAlessandro Lante Montefeltro Della RovereCardinal, Priest of Roma {Rome}, Italy
16 Jul58.5DiedJosé Ignacio Cortázar y LabayenBishop of Cuenca, Ecuador
18 Jul61.0DiedAndreas Maria de MaistreBishop-Elect of Aosta, Italy
BornPiotr Pawel WierzbowskiBishop of Sejny o Sejna o Augustów, Poland
19 Jul47.9Ordained BishopDomingo de Silos Santiago Apollinario Moreno, O.S.B. †Titular Bishop of CanathaBishop of Cádiz, Spain
20 Jul61.0InstalledSalvador de Sanmartin y CuevasBishop of Chiapas (Ciudad Real de Chiapas), México
22 Jul56.6DiedJuan Acisclo de Vera y DelgadoBishop of Cádiz, Spain
23 JulBornRaffaele Danise, M.I. †Bishop of Caiazzo, Italy
BornAgustín de Jesús Torres y Hernandez, C.M. †Bishop of Tulancingo, Hidalgo, México
25 Jul51.9ResignedAntonio Allué y SesseBishop of Gerona, SpainPatriarch of West Indies, Spain
BornIgnazio Paoli, C.P. †Archbishop of Bucarest {Bucureşti}, Romania
27 Jul78.7DiedAlphonse-Hubert de Latier de BayaneCardinal, Priest of the Roman Curia - Other
73.4DiedJohannes Antonius de RicciAuxiliary Bishop of Ljubljana, Slovenia
28 JulBornSalvatore Nobili VitelleschiCardinal, Secretary of the Congregation of Bishops and Regulars
30 Jul71.0DiedCamillo CampanelliBishop of Perugia, Italy
31 Jul58.9DiedAeneas ChisholmVicar Apostolic of Highland District, Scotland, Great Britain
2 Aug34.5Ordained BishopJosé Sebastian Goyeneche y BarredaBishop of Arequipa, PeruArchbishop of Lima, Peru
23.1Ordained PriestAnton OcskayPriest of Košice, SlovakiaBishop
62.0Ordained BishopJosef Chrysostomus PauerTitular Bishop of DulmaBishop of Sankt Pölten, Austria
64.5Ordained BishopGiovanni Francesco ToppiaBishop of Vigevano, Italy
7 Aug62.4SelectedAntón MákayBishop of Banská Bystrica, SlovakiaBishop of Veszprém, Hungary
45.7SelectedJán Krstitel Ladislav Pyrker (Pryker), O. Cist. †Bishop of Spiš, SlovakiaArchbishop of Eger, Hungary
45.1SelectedErnst von SchwarzenbergBishop of Győr (Raab), Hungary
8 Aug47.9AppointedVincenzo MacchiApostolic Nuncio to SwitzerlandCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)
9 Aug59.1Ordained BishopGiovanni CollaroBishop of Tinos and Mykonos, Greece
22.9Ordained PriestSalvator (Pietro) Saba, O.F.M. Cap. †Priest of Order of Friars Minor CapuchinTitular Archbishop of Cartagine
11 Aug81.4DiedLorenzo Prospero BottiniCardinal, Priest of the Roman Curia - Other
14 Aug42.6AppointedTomás Sala, O.P. †Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Fukien, Chekiang, and Kiangsi, China
42.6AppointedTomás Sala, O.P. †Titular Bishop of NilopolisCoadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Fukien, Chekiang, and Kiangsi, China
15 AugBornBl. Giuseppe Benedetto Dusmet, O.S.B. †Cardinal, Archbishop of Catania, Italy
19 Aug69.1DiedMarco Antonio MoscardiniBishop of Foligno, Italy
20 Aug24.3Ordained PriestJosef DittrichPriest of Litoměřice, CzechiaPrefect of Lausitz (Lusatia), Germany
22 Aug77.0RetiredIgnacy Jan Zygmunt von RaczyńskiArchbishop of Gniezno, PolandArchbishop Emeritus
22.5Ordained PriestJohannes von GeisselPriest of Speyer, GermanyCardinal, Archbishop of Köln {Cologne}, Germany
22.4Ordained PriestNikolaus von WeisPriest of Speyer, GermanyBishop
23 Aug24.1Ordained PriestPaolo Giovanni BertolozziPriestBishop of Montalcino, Italy
23.0Ordained DeaconJózsef ViberDeacon of Esztergom, HungaryAuxiliary Bishop
24 Aug23.0Ordained PriestJózsef ViberPriest of Esztergom, HungaryAuxiliary Bishop
25 Aug75.2DiedClaude AndréBishop Emeritus of Quimper, France
26 Aug64.9DiedPier Camillo de CarolisBishop of Cittŕ della Pieve, Italy
30 Aug34.2Ordained BishopIvan (Jan) Snihurskyj (Snigurski)Bishop of Przemyśl, Sambor, et Sanok (Ukrainian), Poland
23.8Ordained PriestFranz Xaver ZennerPriest of Wien {Vienna}, AustriaAuxiliary Bishop
1 Sep78.3SelectedMatteo AcetoBishop of Nusco, ItalyBishop-Elect
2 Sep91.6DiedMarie-Joseph Green de Saint-MarsaultTitular Bishop of Pergamum
4 SepBornLouis-François Richer dit LaflčcheBishop of Trois-Rivičres, Québec, Canada
5 SepBornKarol Franz (Karel František) Prucha (Průcha)Auxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
6 Sep73.9DiedAngelo Vincenzo Andrea Maria Dania, O.P. †Bishop of Albenga, Italy
60.4SelectedAdam Friedrich von Groß zu TrockauBishop of Würzburg, Germany
7 Sep62.5SelectedBaldassare LeoneBishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy
63.5SelectedRaffaele LongobardiBishop of Telese o Cerreto Sannita, Italy
9 Sep16.1ProfessedJohn Pius Leahy, O.P. †Member of Order of Friars PreachersBishop of Dromore, Ireland
72.8DiedGualfardo RidolfiBishop of Rimini, Italy
11 SepBornGustav de Belrupt-TissacAuxiliary Bishop of Olomouc, Czechia
BornIgnace George Chelhot (Scelhot)Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Syrian), Lebanon
14 Sep44.6SelectedNicola Caputo de’ Marchesi di CerretoBishop of Lecce, Italy
15 Sep56.4AppointedGiacomo CocciaPrelate of Santa Lucia del Mela, Italy
17 Sep60.7SelectedPietro Carlo CianiBishop of Concordia (Sagittaria), Italy
BornNicola de MartinoBishop Emeritus of Venosa, Italy
18 Sep26.7Ordained DeaconTomás Miguel Pineda y SaldańaDeaconBishop of San Salvador, El Salvador
43.7AppointedMyles Prendergast, O.C.D. †Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly, IndiaVicar Apostolic Emeritus
43.7AppointedMyles Prendergast, O.C.D. †Titular Bishop of CenturiaVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Verapoly, India
19 Sep23.1Ordained PriestAlessandro Asinari di San MarzanoPriestTitular Archbishop of Ephesus
24.2Ordained PriestLuigi BiennaPriestAuxiliary Bishop of Otranto, Italy
24.6Ordained PriestAgustín Guillermo Charún EspinozaPriest of Lima, PeruBishop of Trujillo, Peru
23.9Ordained PriestChiarissimo Falconieri MelliniPriestCardinal, Archbishop of Ravenna, Italy
23.2Ordained PriestAntonio GavaPriestBishop Emeritus of Belluno e Feltre, Italy
23.5Ordained PriestNiccola GoliaPriestBishop of Cariati, Italy
20 Sep96.3DiedFrancesco Carafa della Spina di TraettoCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops and Regulars
22 Sep60.5AppointedJozafat Bułhak, O.S.B.M. †Archbishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine
25.4IncardinatedJozef GaganeczPriest of Prešov (Prjašev, Eperjes) (Slovak), SlovakiaBishop of Prešov (Prjašev) (Slovak), Slovakia
Ordained BishopJakiv (Jakub) Martusevyc (Martusiewicz)Bishop of Lutsk and Ostroh (Ukrainian), UkraineArchbishop of Połock (Polotsk) (Ukrainian), Belarus
BornJoseph-Hyacinthe Sohier, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Northern Cochin {Cocincina Settentrionale}, Viet Nam
24 Sep68.0AppointedFrancesco Luigi Fontana, B. †Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation for Propagation of the Faith
62.5ResignedLorenzo LittaPrefect of the Congregation for Propagation of the FaithCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation for Residence of Bishops
BornLeopoldo Zelli Jacobuzi, O.S.B. †Abbot of San Paolo fuori le Mura, Italy
25 Sep71.6AppointedMichele Di PietroPrefect of the Congregation of the IndexCardinal, Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary
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