Date | Age | Bishop | Title |
1 Jan | 80.4 | José Filípe do Carmo Colaço † | Bishop Emeritus of Santiago de Cabo Verde |
1 Jan | 71.6 | Jerome Arthur (Gerolamo) Pechillo, T.O.R. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, USA |
2 Jan | 74.3 | Geraldo Claudio Luiz Micheletto Pellanda, C.P. † | Bishop of Ponta Grossa, Parana, Brazil |
3 Jan | 82.5 | Alphonse-Gérard Bannwarth † | Bishop Emeritus of Soissons (-Laon-Saint-Quentin), France |
4 Jan | 79.1 | Stanislav Lenič † | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
7 Jan | 82.9 | Peter Kelleter, C.S.Sp. † | Bishop Emeritus of Bethlehem, South Africa |
8 Jan | 87.5 | Aimé Décosse † | Bishop Emeritus of Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan, Canada |
14 Jan | 80.1 | Raimundo Cesare Bergamin, S.X. † | Bishop Emeritus of Padang, Indonesia |
21 Jan | 86.7 | Léo Blais † | Bishop Emeritus of Prince-Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada |
21 Jan | 78.6 | Patrick Mulligan † | Bishop Emeritus of Clogher, Ireland |
22 Jan | 54.3 | Antonio Bianchin † | Titular Bishop of Vannida |
22 Jan | 76.7 | Antonio Kühner y Kühner, M.F.S.C. † | Bishop of Huánuco, Peru |
23 Jan | 71.5 | Giovanni Mariani † | Apostolic Nuncio |
25 Jan | 83.7 | Justin Diraviam † | Archbishop Emeritus of Madurai, India |
25 Jan | 94.4 | Joseph Alphonse Dutil, M.S. † | Superior General Emeritus of Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette |
25 Jan | 74.1 | Gilbert Ramanantoanina, S.J. † | Archbishop of Fianarantsoa, Madagascar |
27 Jan | 73.0 | Sebhat-Leab Worku, S.D.B. † | Bishop Emeritus of Adigrat (Ethiopian), Ethiopia |
29 Jan | 88.8 | Augusto Gianfranceschi † | Bishop Emeritus of Cesena, Italy |
2 Feb | 90.9 | Paul Yoshiyuki Furuya † | Bishop Emeritus of Kyōto, Japan |
5 Feb | 83.2 | Pedro de Arrupe y Gondra, S.J. † | Superior General Emeritus of Society of Jesus |
6 Feb | 68.3 | John Paul Elford † | Priest of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA |
10 Feb | 59.6 | William Joseph Foley † | Archbishop of Perth, Australia |
11 Feb | 81.8 | Carlo Colombo † | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Milano {Milan}, Italy |
12 Feb | 87.9 | John Evangelist McBride, O.F.M. † | Bishop Emeritus of Kokstad, South Africa |
13 Feb | 65.7 | Ernesto Alvarez Alvarez, S.D.B. † | Archbishop Emeritus of Cuenca, Ecuador |
14 Feb | 59.8 | Jerzy Dąbrowski † | Auxiliary Bishop of Gniezno, Poland |
18 Feb | 86.7 | Miguel Raspanti, S.D.B. † | Bishop Emeritus of Morón, Argentina |
19 Feb | 77.2 | Patrick Henry Cronin, S.S.C.M.E. † | Archbishop Emeritus of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines |
20 Feb | 64.2 | Patricio Maqui Lopez † | Auxiliary Bishop of Nueva Segovia, Philippines |
23 Feb | 75.6 | Leo Thomas Maher † | Bishop Emeritus of San Diego, California, USA |
25 Feb | 78.4 | Joseph Francis Cleary † | Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham, England, Great Britain |
26 Feb | 90.1 | Josef Schoiswohl † | Bishop Emeritus of Graz-Seckau, Austria |
7 Mar | 78.3 | Raymond Joseph Gallagher † | Bishop Emeritus of Lafayette in Indiana, USA |
13 Mar | 79.2 | Gaetano Pollio, P.I.M.E. † | Archbishop Emeritus of Salerno (-Acerno), Italy |
16 Mar | 76.8 | Francis Jules Joseph Marie Barbu † | Bishop Emeritus of Quimper [Cornouailles](-Léon), France |
16 Mar | 83.3 | James Darcy Freeman † | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Sydney, Australia |
25 Mar | 85.3 | Marcel-François Joseph Marie Lefebvre, C.S.Sp. † | Bishop Emeritus of Tulle, France |
1 Apr | 82.7 | Jesús Antonio Castro Becerra † | Bishop Emeritus of Palmira, Colombia |
8 Apr | 79.4 | [Joseph Huang Zi-yu] † | Bishop of Xiamen [Hsiamen, Amoy], China |
18 Apr | 91.5 | Thomas Arthur Connolly † | Archbishop Emeritus of Seattle, Washington, USA |
20 Apr | 76.4 | Emmanuel Kiwanuka Nsubuga † | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Kampala, Uganda |
21 Apr | 93.3 | Ángel María Ocampo Berrio, S.J. † | Archbishop Emeritus of Tunja, Colombia |
22 Apr | 83.2 | Victor Van Beurden, SS.CC. † | Bishop Emeritus of Kole, Congo (Dem. Rep.) |
24 Apr | 78.1 | Matija Matiša Zvekanović † | Bishop Emeritus of Subotica, Serbia |
26 Apr | 86.8 | Antônio de Castro Mayer † | Bishop Emeritus of Campos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
26 Apr | 66.0 | Thaddeus Anthony Shubsda † | Bishop of Monterey in California, USA |
27 Apr | 79.8 | Pasquale Venezia † | Bishop Emeritus of Avellino, Italy |
30 Apr | 79.3 | Michel-Henri Canonne, A.A. † | Bishop Emeritus of Tuléar, Madagascar |
1 May | 86.0 | Críspulo Benítez Fontúrvel † | Archbishop Emeritus of Barquisimeto, Venezuela |
1 May | 89.0 | José Lázaro Neves, C.M. † | Bishop Emeritus of Assis, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
7 May | 81.7 | Theodorus van den Tillaart, S.V.D. † | Bishop Emeritus of Atambua, Indonesia |
11 May | 81.0 | Antoon Konings, S.M.A. † | Bishop Emeritus of Keta-Ho, Ghana |
15 May | 89.3 | André Lefèbvre, S.J. † | Bishop Emeritus of Kikwit, Congo (Dem. Rep.) |
15 May | 70.1 | Carlos José Santi Brugia, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Matagalpa, Nicaragua |
16 May | 67.8 | Philip Ekka, S.J. † | Bishop Emeritus of Raipur, India |
18 May | 81.4 | Nicholas Thomas Elko † | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA |
3 Jun | 93.9 | James Joseph Gerrard † | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Fall River, Massachusetts, USA |
11 Jun | 77.5 | George Henry Guilfoyle † | Bishop Emeritus of Camden, New Jersey, USA |
12 Jun | 92.0 | Giovanni Battista Cesana, M.C.C.I. † | Bishop Emeritus of Gulu, Uganda |
15 Jun | 68.1 | Pietro Rossano † | Auxiliary Bishop of Roma {Rome}, Italy |
18 Jun | 79.6 | Julijonas Steponavičius † | Archbishop of Vilnius, Lithuania |
20 Jun | 78.5 | Justo Goizueta Gridilla, O.A.R. † | Prelate Emeritus of Madera, Chihuahua, México |
24 Jun | 80.7 | Franz Hengsbach † | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Essen, Germany |
27 Jun | 66.3 | Roger Joseph Bourrat † | Bishop Emeritus of Rodez (-Vabres), France |
28 Jun | 63.2 | Atilano Vidal Núñez † | Bishop of Santa Rosa, Argentina |
7 Jul | 64.8 | Rafael María Nze Abuy, C.M.F. † | Archbishop of Malabo, Equatorial Guinea |
9 Jul | 81.4 | José Salazar López † | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Guadalajara, Jalisco, México |
12 Jul | 77.0 | Francis John Mugavero † | Bishop Emeritus of Brooklyn, New York, USA |
13 Jul | 90.5 | [Paul Li De-pei (Li Dipei, Li Debei)] † | Bishop Emeritus of Tianjin [Tientsin], China |
17 Jul | 74.4 | Joseph Gargitter † | Bishop Emeritus of Bolzano-Bressanone {Bozen-Brixen}, Italy |
17 Jul | 74.7 | Harold Robert Perry, S.V.D. † | Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
21 Jul | 75.8 | Oskar Formánek, S.J. † | Bishop |
27 Jul | 88.2 | Maximiliano Spiller, C.S.I. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Napo, Ecuador |
31 Jul | 77.4 | João (Jean) Chedid, O.M.M. † | Bishop Emeritus of Nossa Senhora do Líbano em São Paulo (Maronite), Brazil |
1 Aug | 91.8 | Augusto Osvaldo Salinas Fuenzalida, SS.CC. † | Bishop Emeritus of Linares, Chile |
2 Aug | 86.2 | Raimundo de Castro e Silva † | Bishop Emeritus of Oeiras, Brazil |
2 Aug | 70.5 | John Francis Whealon † | Archbishop of Hartford, Connecticut, USA |
8 Aug | 78.0 | Luis Eduardo Henríquez Jiménez † | Archbishop Emeritus of Valencia en Venezuela |
10 Aug | 70.6 | Pedro Filipak † | Bishop of Jacarezinho, Parana, Brazil |
10 Aug | 51.4 | Afonso Nteka, O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop of Mbanza Congo, Angola |
11 Aug | 72.8 | Miguel González Ibarra † | Bishop Emeritus of Ciudad Obregón, Sonora, México |
12 Aug | 88.3 | Matthias Buchholz, M.S.C. † | Prefect Emeritus of Shiqian [Shihtsien], China |
16 Aug | 75.5 | Raymond James Vonesh † | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Joliet in Illinois, USA |
18 Aug | 96.9 | Patrick Joseph Kelly, S.M.A. † | Bishop Emeritus of Benin City, Nigeria |
19 Aug | 90.2 | Faustino M. Tissot, S.X. † | Bishop Emeritus of Zhengzhou [Chengchow], China |
21 Aug | 80.8 | Antonio Giuseppe Angioni † | Bishop Emeritus of Pavia, Italy |
22 Aug | 84.5 | William J. Philbin † | Bishop Emeritus of Down and Connor, Ireland |
22 Aug | 85.3 | Orazio Semeraro † | Coadjutor Archbishop Emeritus of Brindisi, Italy |
24 Aug | 76.7 | Cesare Zacchi † | President Emeritus of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy |
27 Aug | 89.0 | Georges-Louis Mercier, M. Afr. † | Bishop Emeritus of Laghouat, Algeria |
27 Aug | 91.7 | Gioacchino Muccin † | Bishop Emeritus of Belluno e Feltre, Italy |
3 Sep | 78.5 | Yves-Joseph-Marie Plumey, O.M.I. † | Archbishop Emeritus of Garoua, Cameroon |
4 Sep | 95.5 | Henri-Marie de Lubac, S.J. † | Cardinal, Priest of Society of Jesus |
5 Sep | 84.0 | Emilio Tagle Covarrubias † | Bishop Emeritus of Valparaíso, Chile |
7 Sep | 62.0 | Charles Edwin Herzig † | Bishop of Tyler, Texas, USA |
7 Sep | 64.7 | León Kruk † | Bishop of San Rafael, Argentina |
9 Sep | 85.7 | Rafael Grovas Felix † | Bishop of Caguas, Puerto Rico |
14 Sep | 75.2 | František Vaňák † | Archbishop of Olomouc, Czechia |
15 Sep | 82.4 | Clement Thottungal, C.M.I. † | Bishop Emeritus of Sagar (Syro-Malabar), India |
16 Sep | 95.6 | François-Emile-Marie Cléret de Langavant, C.S.Sp. † | Bishop Emeritus of Saint-Denis-de-La Réunion |
18 Sep | 80.1 | John Anthony Donovan † | Bishop Emeritus of Toledo (in America), Ohio, USA |
19 Sep | 81.0 | Ángel Temiño Sáiz † | Bishop Emeritus of Orense, Spain |
22 Sep | 68.8 | John Kodwo Amissah † | Archbishop of Cape Coast, Ghana |
27 Sep | 70.0 | Rubén Buitrago Trujillo, O.A.R. † | Bishop of Zipaquirá, Colombia |
27 Sep | 77.7 | Karl Moser † | Auxiliary Bishop of Wien {Vienna}, Austria |
4 Oct | 70.7 | Clément Georges Schelhoth † | Archbishop Emeritus of Damas (Syrian), Syria |
6 Oct | 60.6 | Ven. Alphonse Paul Gallegos, O.A.R. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Sacramento, California, USA |
17 Oct | 85.4 | Kazimirs Dulbinskis † | Auxiliary Bishop of Riga, Latvia |
19 Oct | 93.0 | Hieroteo de la Santissima Virgen del Carmen Valbuena Alvarez, O.C.D. † | Prefect Emeritus of Esmeraldas, Ecuador |
29 Oct | 83.0 | Jean-Baptiste-Étienne Sauvage † | Bishop Emeritus of Annecy, France |
3 Nov | 71.8 | Paul Shi Chunjie † | Auxiliary Bishop of Baoding [Paoting, Ching-Yüan], China |
5 Nov | 78.5 | Jan Lebeda † | Auxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia |
11 Nov | 82.0 | Victorio Manuel Bonamín, S.D.B. † | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Argentina, Military |
13 Nov | 87.5 | Paul-Émile Léger, P.S.S. † | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Montréal, Québec, Canada |
15 Nov | 79.2 | Giovanni Proni † | Bishop Emeritus of Forli-Bertinoro, Italy |
17 Nov | 80.5 | Thomas Austin Murphy † | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Baltimore, Maryland, USA |
22 Nov | 60.8 | Concordio Maria Sarte † | Bishop of Legazpi, Philippines |
26 Nov | 76.6 | Alberto Gaudêncio Ramos † | Archbishop Emeritus of Belém do Pará, Brazil |
28 Nov | 84.7 | Joseph Mark McShea † | Bishop Emeritus of Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA |
28 Nov | 61.8 | Emilio Vallebuona Merea, S.D.B. † | Archbishop of Huancayo, Peru |
30 Nov | 86.1 | Isidor Markus Emanuel † | Bishop Emeritus of Speyer, Germany |
5 Dec | 77.3 | Elias Shaheen (Chahine) † | Archbishop Emeritus of Saint-Maron de Montréal (Maronite), Canada |
7 Dec | 79.3 | Aldo Forzoni † | Bishop Emeritus of Massa, Italy |
11 Dec | 79.5 | Filippo Pocci † | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Roma {Rome}, Italy |
13 Dec | 86.6 | Ilario Roatta † | Bishop Emeritus of Sant’Agata de’ Goti, Italy |
15 Dec | 65.0 | Antuvan Marovitch † | Vicar Apostolic of Istanbul, Turkey |
16 Dec | 86.2 | Argimiro Alvaro García Rodríguez, O.F.M. Cap. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Tucupita, Venezuela |
17 Dec | 83.1 | Simon N’Zita Wa Ne Malanda † | Bishop Emeritus of Matadi, Congo (Dem. Rep.) |
21 Dec | 87.6 | Luís Gonzaga da Cunha Marelim, C.M. † | Bishop Emeritus of Caxias do Maranhão, Brazil |
21 Dec | 83.8 | Francis Han Tingbi (Ting-pi) † | Bishop of Hongdong [Hungtung], China |
21 Dec | 69.5 | Pierre Jean Marie Kervennic † | Bishop of Saint-Brieuc (-Tréguier), France |
30 Dec | 92.8 | Domenico Luca Capozi, O.F.M. † | Archbishop Emeritus of Taiyuan [Taiyüan], China |
31 Dec | 73.1 | Edilberto Dinkelborg, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Oeiras-Floriano, Piaui, Brazil |
31 Dec | 79.6 | Michael Joseph Moloney, C.S.Sp. † | Bishop Emeritus of Banjul, Gambia |
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