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The Year of Our Lord 1879

Bishop Events

April to June

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
Apr55.5ResignedAniceto Ferrante, C.O. †Bishop of Gallipoli, ItalyBishop Emeritus
1 Apr46.2Ordained BishopHenri-Charles-Dominique DenéchauBishop of Tulle, France
BornUmberto RossiBishop of Asti, Italy
4 Apr63.1AppointedEdward MacCabeCardinal, Archbishop of Dublin, Ireland
60.0AppointedBartholomew WoodlockBishop of Ardagh (and Clonmacnois), IrelandBishop Emeritus
6 Apr69.4DiedVinzenz GasserBishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy
8 Apr80.0DiedCasimir-Alexis-Joseph WicartBishop Emeritus of Laval, France
10 AprBornMateo Colom y Canals, O.S.A. †Bishop of Huesca, Spain
12 Apr22.2Ordained DeaconNatale BruniDeacon of Piacenza, ItalyArchbishop of Modena (e Nonantola), Italy
27.3Ordained PriestNeil McNeilPriest of Arichat, Nova Scotia, CanadaArchbishop of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
22.4Ordained PriestDonato Raffaele Sbarretti (Tazza)Priest of Spoleto, ItalyCardinal, Secretary of the Congregation of the Holy Office
13 Apr43.4Ordained BishopJaime Catalá y AlbosaBishop of Cádiz y Ceuta, SpainBishop of Barcelona, Spain
24.4Ordained PriestJames Edward QuigleyPriest of Buffalo, New York, USAArchbishop of Chicago, Illinois, USA
14 AprBornFrancis Tiburtius Roche, S.J. †Bishop Emeritus of Tuticorin, India
17 Apr56.2DiedKaspar (Balthasar) Willi, O.S.B. †Bishop of Chur, Switzerland
18 AprBornTeodorico de AngelisBishop Emeritus of Nocera de’ Pagani, Italy
20 Apr49.4AppointedClement Joseph DavidArchbishop of Damas (Syrian), Syria
49.4Ordained BishopClement Joseph DavidArchbishop of Damas (Syrian), Syria
BornGerhard (Thomas) Lennartz, S.C.I. †Prefect Emeritus of Adamaua, Cameroon
68.7Ordained BishopBonfiglio Mura, O.S.M. †Archbishop of Oristano, Italy
42.6Ordained BishopSylwester Sembratowicz (Sembratovyc)Titular Bishop of IuliopolisCardinal, Archbishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine
21 Apr62.1SelectedAlbin DunajewskiCardinal, Bishop of Kraków, Poland
23 AprBornJorge García CaballerosBishop of Quetzaltenango, Los Altos, Guatemala
68.8AppointedWalter Herman Jacobus Steins (Bisschop), S.J. †Archbishop (Personal Title) of Auckland, New ZealandBishop
25 Apr55.5SelectedAntonín Ludvík FrindBishop of Litoměřice, Czechia
26 Apr73.4DiedCarlo Luigi MorichiniCardinal, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura
27 Apr53.0Ordained BishopFulgencije Czarev, O.F.M. Obs. †Archbishop of Skopje, North MacedoniaBishop of Hvar (-Brac e Vis), Croatia
53.9Ordained BishopValentin Garnier, S.J. †Titular Bishop of TitiopolisVicar Apostolic of Kiangnan, China
28 Apr68.5ResignedIgnatius MrakBishop of Sault Sainte Marie and Marquette, Michigan, USABishop Emeritus
29 Apr66.2ResignedGiuseppe Aggarbati, O.S.A. †Bishop of Senigallia, ItalyBishop Emeritus
75.1DiedTeobaldo (Vincentius Joseph Cirillus) Cesari, O. Cist. †Abbot General Emeritus of Order of Cistercians
2 May80.4DiedJean-Baptiste-Pierre-Léonard BerteaudBishop Emeritus of Tulle, France
3 May74.2RetiredPietro RotaBishop of Mantova, ItalyBishop Emeritus
4 May26.2Ordained PriestJames William McCarthyPriest of Glasgow, Scotland, Great BritainBishop of Galloway, Scotland, Great Britain
BornJan (Johannes) Nepomuk RemigerAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
6 May57.9AppointedPasquale GueriniAuxiliary Bishop of Bar (Antivari), MontenegroArchbishop Emeritus of Shkodrë, Albania
57.9AppointedPasquale GueriniTitular Bishop of PaphusArchbishop Emeritus of Shkodrë, Albania
51.6AppointedEdmund James KnightAuxiliary Bishop of Shrewsbury, England, Great BritainBishop Emeritus
51.6AppointedEdmund James KnightTitular Bishop of CorycusBishop Emeritus of Shrewsbury, England, Great Britain
BornHeinrich Ritter, C.S.Sp. †Prelate of Juruá, Acre, Brazil
69.4DiedAlessandro ValsecchiCoadjutor Bishop of Bergamo, Italy
8 May49.9DiedGermán de Ascensión Villalvazo y RodríguezBishop of Chiapas (Ciudad Real de Chiapas), México
9 May58.8SelectedLouis-Romain-Ernest IsoardBishop of Annecy, France
11 MayBornGabriele Perlo, I.M.C. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Mogadiscio, Somalia
12 May66.2AppointedGiuseppe Aggarbati, O.S.A. †Titular Archbishop of Petra in PalaestinaBishop Emeritus of Senigallia, Italy
60.5Elevated to CardinalGaetano AlimondaCardinal, Archbishop of Torino {Turin}, Italy
60.5ResignedGaetano AlimondaBishop of Albenga, ItalyCardinal, Archbishop of Torino {Turin}, Italy
49.8AppointedFilippo AllegroBishop of Albenga, Italy
50.1AppointedGiuseppe ApollonioBishop of Adria, ItalyBishop of Treviso, Italy
58.8AppointedGiovanni Maria BerengoBishop of Mantova, ItalyArchbishop of Udine, Italy
58.5AppointedElia BianchiAuxiliary Bishop of Ostia (-Velletri), Italy
58.5AppointedElia BianchiTitular Bishop of TanisAuxiliary Bishop of Ostia (-Velletri), Italy
58.7AppointedGiuseppe BoragginiBishop of Savona e Noli, Italy
73.8AppointedDomenico Carafa della Spina di TraettoCardinal-Priest of San Lorenzo in LucinaCardinal, Archbishop of Benevento, Italy
72.0Elevated to CardinalFlorian-Jules-Félix DesprezCardinal, Archbishop of Toulouse (-Narbonne), France
63.7AppointedFrédéric de Falloux du CoudrayCardinal-Deacon of Sant’Angelo in PescheriaCardinal, Priest of the Roman Curia - Other
55.6AppointedAniceto Ferrante, C.O. †Titular Bishop of CallinicumBishop Emeritus of Gallipoli, Italy
45.1AppointedCasimiro ForlaniBishop of Kotor (Cattaro), Montenegro
53.8AppointedFelice GialdiniCoadjutor Bishop of Montepulciano, ItalyBishop Emeritus
53.8AppointedFelice GialdiniTitular Bishop of DiocleaBishop Emeritus of Montepulciano, Italy
62.6Elevated to CardinalLajos HaynaldCardinal, Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary
54.6Elevated to CardinalJoseph HergenrötherCardinal, Prefect of the Vatican Secret Archive
56.2AppointedGustav Adolf von Hohenlohe-SchillingsfürstCardinal-Bishop of AlbanoCardinal, Archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore {Saint Mary Major Basilica}
58.0AppointedFrancesco LatoniBishop of Senigallia, Italy
55.5AppointedGesualdo Nicola Loschirico, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop of Gallipoli, ItalyArchbishop of Acerenza e Matera, Italy
51.4AppointedAchille ManaraBishop of Ancona e Numana, ItalyCardinal, Archbishop of Ancona e Numana, Italy
78.2Elevated to CardinalSt. John Henry Newman, C.O. †Cardinal, Priest of Confederation of Oratorians of St. Philip Neri
71.4Elevated to CardinalGiuseppe Pecci, S.J. †Cardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Studies
54.3AppointedPlacido PetacciAuxiliary Bishop of Sabina (-Farfa), ItalyBishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy
54.3AppointedPlacido PetacciTitular Bishop of TroasBishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy
63.6Elevated to CardinalLouis-Édouard-François-Désiré PieCardinal, Bishop of Poitiers, France
66.7AppointedJean-Baptiste-François (Odo) Pitra, O.S.B. †Cardinal-Bishop of FrascatiCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
74.2AppointedPietro RotaTitular Archbishop of CartagineBishop Emeritus of Mantova, Italy
31.9AppointedCamillo Siciliano di RendeCardinal, Archbishop of Benevento, Italy
50.3Elevated to CardinalAmérico Ferreira dos Santos SilvaCardinal, Bishop of Porto, Portugal
65.5Elevated to CardinalFriedrich Egon von FürstenbergCardinal, Archbishop of Olomouc, Czechia
49.4AppointedAugusto Antonio VicentiniBishop of Conversano, ItalyArchbishop of L’Aquila, Italy
45.5Elevated to CardinalTommaso Maria Zigliara, O.P. †Cardinal, Bishop-Elect of Frascati
13 May55.1AppointedMichele CastelliBishop of Tinos and Mykonos, Greece
74.3DiedPatrick FallonBishop of Kilmacduagh, Ireland
59.8AppointedIgnazio Nicolaus GiustinianiBishop of Chios (Scio), Greece
38.6AppointedMichael LogueBishop of Raphoe, IrelandCardinal, Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland
46.1AppointedAndrea Policarpo TimoniArchbishop of Izmir (Smirne), Turkey
15 May64.9AppointedManuel Antonio Bandini MazuelosAuxiliary Bishop of Lima, PeruArchbishop
64.9AppointedManuel Antonio Bandini MazuelosTitular Bishop of AntipatrisArchbishop of Lima, Peru
62.2ConfirmedAlbin DunajewskiCardinal, Bishop of Kraków, Poland
55.5ConfirmedAntonín Ludvík FrindBishop of Litoměřice, Czechia
54.6AppointedJoseph HergenrötherCardinal-Deacon of San Nicola in CarcereCardinal, Prefect of the Vatican Secret Archive
58.8ConfirmedLouis-Romain-Ernest IsoardBishop of Annecy, France
78.2AppointedSt. John Henry Newman, C.O. †Cardinal-Deacon of San Giorgio in VelabroCardinal, Priest of Confederation of Oratorians of St. Philip Neri
51.6ConfirmedMihály PávelBishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino} (Romanian), Romania
71.4AppointedGiuseppe Pecci, S.J. †Cardinal-Deacon of Sant’Agata de’ GotiCardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Studies
64.2AppointedGaetano RattaAuxiliary Bishop of Bologna, Italy
64.2AppointedGaetano RattaTitular Bishop of Thermae BasilicaeAuxiliary Bishop of Bologna, Italy
42.7ConfirmedIoan SzabóBishop of Gherla, Armenopoli, Szamos-Ujvár (Romanian), Romania
45.5AppointedTommaso Maria Zigliara, O.P. †Cardinal-Deacon of Santi Cosma e DamianoCardinal, Bishop-Elect of Frascati
16 May43.3AppointedLawrence Stephen McMahonBishop of Hartford, Connecticut, USA
34.8AppointedJohn VertinBishop of Sault Sainte Marie and Marquette, Michigan, USA
17 MayBornErnesto Eugenio FilippiArchbishop of Monreale, Italy
BornEmilio Ippolito Ulivelli, O.F.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Chaco, Bolivia
18 MayBornJoseph Moran CorriganRector of the Catholic University of America
47.1Ordained BishopFranz Joseph von SteinBishop of Würzburg, GermanyArchbishop of München und Freising {Munich}, Germany
22 May49.8Ordained BishopFilippo AllegroBishop of Albenga, Italy
50.1Ordained BishopGiuseppe ApollonioBishop of Adria, ItalyBishop of Treviso, Italy
58.7Ordained BishopGiuseppe BoragginiBishop of Savona e Noli, Italy
BornAston Ignatius (Sebastian Joseph) Chichester, S.J. †Archbishop Emeritus of Salisbury, Zimbabwe
53.8Ordained BishopFelice GialdiniTitular Bishop of DiocleaBishop Emeritus of Montepulciano, Italy
55.5Ordained BishopGesualdo Nicola Loschirico, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop of Gallipoli, ItalyArchbishop of Acerenza e Matera, Italy
51.5Ordained BishopAchille ManaraBishop of Ancona e Numana, ItalyCardinal, Archbishop of Ancona e Numana, Italy
25.5Solemn VowsAugustin Marre, O.C.S.O. †Priest of Order of Cistercians of the Strict ObservanceAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Reims, France
49.4Ordained BishopAugusto Antonio VicentiniBishop of Conversano, ItalyArchbishop of L’Aquila, Italy
23 May41.2AppointedConstant Dubail, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Liaotung and Manchuria, China
41.2AppointedConstant Dubail, M.E.P. †Titular Bishop of BolinaVicar Apostolic of Liaotung and Manchuria, China
34.1AppointedLouis-Marie Galibert, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Cochin {Cocincina Orientale}, Viet Nam
34.1AppointedLouis-Marie Galibert, M.E.P. †Titular Bishop of AenusVicar Apostolic of Eastern Cochin {Cocincina Orientale}, Viet Nam
46.1AppointedJean-Amand Lamaze, S.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Central Oceania, Tonga
46.1AppointedJean-Amand Lamaze, S.M. †Titular Bishop of Olympus (Olimpus)Vicar Apostolic of Central Oceania, Tonga
46.1AppointedJean-Amand Lamaze, S.M. †Apostolic Administrator of Archipelago of the Navigators {Arcipelago dei Navigatori}, American Samoa, Pacific (Oceania)Vicar Apostolic of Central Oceania, Tonga
25 May58.5Ordained BishopElia BianchiTitular Bishop of TanisAuxiliary Bishop of Ostia (-Velletri), Italy
54.4Ordained BishopPlacido PetacciTitular Bishop of TroasBishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy
28 May41.7SelectedFranz Konstantin RampaBishop of Chur, Switzerland
30 May67.3DiedRaffaele Pucci-SistiBishop of Montalcino, Italy
1 Jun58.0Ordained BishopFrancesco LatoniBishop of Senigallia, Italy
32.3Ordained PriestJérémie-Timothée MakdassiPriestBishop of Zaku (Chaldean), Iraq
45.3Ordained BishopAntonio Ochoa y ArenasBishop of Sigüenza, Spain
66.8Ordained BishopJean-Baptiste-François (Odo) Pitra, O.S.B. †Cardinal-Bishop of FrascatiCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
64.2Ordained BishopGaetano RattaTitular Bishop of Thermae BasilicaeAuxiliary Bishop of Bologna, Italy
60.1Ordained BishopBartholomew WoodlockBishop of Ardagh (and Clonmacnois), IrelandBishop Emeritus
3 JunBornGiorgio Rossi, C.S.I. †Vicar Apostolic of Napo, Ecuador
4 Jun25.9Ordained PriestJohn Francis Regis CanevinPriest of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USABishop Emeritus
77.5DiedPietro Luigi SperanzaBishop of Bergamo, Italy
7 Jun23.8Ordained PriestJoseph John FoxPriest of Green Bay, Wisconsin, USABishop Emeritus
28.1Ordained PriestGennaro Granito Pignatelli di BelmontePriest of Napoli {Naples}, ItalyCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Ceremonies
23.6Ordained PriestSébastien HerscherPriest of Paris, FranceBishop Emeritus of Langres, France
24.0Ordained PriestEdmundus Sybrandus Luijpen (Luypen), S.J. †Priest of Breda, NetherlandsVicar Apostolic of Batavia, Indonesia
BornRoberto NogaraArchbishop of Cosenza, Italy
25.1Ordained PriestPaul-Marie Reynaud, C.M. †Priest of Congregation of the MissionVicar Apostolic of Ningpo [Ningbo], China
8 Jun55.6Ordained BishopAntonín Ludvík FrindBishop of Litoměřice, Czechia
51.7InstalledMihály PávelBishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino} (Romanian), Romania
9 Jun58.7DiedLouis-Désiré-César BatailleBishop of Amiens, France
54.7AppointedJoseph HergenrötherCardinal, Prefect of the Vatican Secret Archive
10 Jun58.3DiedGiovanni Felix JacovacciAuxiliary Bishop of Palestrina, Italy
16 Jun64.5SelectedGiovanni Giacomo della BonaBishop of Trento, Italy
BornMarcelino Lardizábal Aguirrebengoa, I.E.M.E. †Prefect Emeritus of San Jorge, Colombia
57.9SelectedJohannes von Leiß (Leiss)Bishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy
17 Jun73.9DiedDomenico Carafa della Spina di TraettoCardinal, Archbishop of Benevento, Italy
18 Jun62.2Ordained BishopAlbin DunajewskiCardinal, Bishop of Kraków, Poland
22 Jun23.9Ordained PriestBernardo Giuseppe Doebbing, O.F.M. †Priest of Order of Friars MinorBishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy
24 JunBornGiovanni CapobiancoBishop of Urbania e Sant’Angelo in Vado, Italy
29 JunBornBenedetto Aloisi MasellaCardinal, Chamberlain (Camerlengo) of the Apostolic Chamber
55.3Ordained BishopMichele CastelliBishop of Tinos and Mykonos, Greece
58.9Ordained BishopLouis-Romain-Ernest IsoardBishop of Annecy, France
24.7Ordained PriestJean-Marie Mérel, M.E.P. †PriestVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Canton [Guangzhou], China
BornGabriel NaamoBishop of Beirut {Bairut} (Chaldean), Lebanon
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