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The Year of Our Lord 1998

Bishop Events


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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
1 Jun77.8DiedLuigi MavernaArchbishop Emeritus of Ferrara-Comacchio, Italy
64.1Ordained BishopNéstor Hugo NavarroTitular Bishop of RotdonBishop Emeritus of Alto Valle del Río Negro, Argentina
52.3Ordained BishopDonald Joseph ThériaultBishop of Canada, MilitaryBishop Emeritus
2 Jun57.0AppointedRobert Nugent LynchApostolic Administrator of Palm Beach, Florida, USABishop Emeritus of Saint Petersburg, Florida, USA
65.6ResignedJoseph Keith SymonsBishop of Palm Beach, Florida, USABishop Emeritus
6 Jun69.5AppointedGiuseppe AgostinoArchbishop of Cosenza-Bisignano, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
66.4AppointedNicholas Cheong Jin-SukApostolic Administrator of P’yŏng-yang, Korea (North)Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Seoul, Korea (South)
55.1AppointedDominik Jaroslav Duka, O.P.Bishop of Hradec Králové, CzechiaCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
51.2Ordained BishopJohn Ha Tiong HockTitular Bishop of CanapiumArchbishop Emeritus of Kuching, Malaysia
60.4SucceededGiuseppe MolinariArchbishop of L’Aquila, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
78.1RetiredKarel OtčenášekBishop of Hradec Králové, CzechiaBishop Emeritus
75.0RetiredMario PeressinArchbishop of L’Aquila, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
59.9AppointedPietro SambiApostolic Nuncio to CyprusApostolic Nuncio to United States of America
59.9AppointedPietro SambiApostolic Nuncio to IsraelApostolic Nuncio to United States of America
59.9AppointedPietro SambiApostolic Delegate to Jerusalem and PalestineApostolic Nuncio to United States of America
75.1RetiredDino TrabalziniArchbishop of Cosenza-Bisignano, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
33.6Ordained PriestJames Sean WallPriest of Phoenix, Arizona, USABishop of Gallup, New Mexico, USA
7 Jun75.8InstalledLorenzo AntonettiCardinal-Deacon of Sant’Agnese in AgoneCardinal, President Emeritus of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See
27.5Ordained PriestCharles Peters BarthélusPriest of Port-au-Prince, HaïtiBishop of Port-de-Paix, Haïti
61.5InstalledMaurizio GalliBishop of Fidenza, ItalyBishop Emeritus
61.8Ordained BishopIgnacio Gogorza Izaguirre, S.C.I. di Béth.Bishop of Coronel Oviedo, ParaguayBishop Emeritus of Encarnación, Paraguay
25.8Ordained PriestLucio NicolettoPriest of Padova {Padua}, ItalyPrelate of São Félix, Mato Grosso, Brazil
36.8Ordained BishopClemens PickelTitular Bishop of ChusiraBishop of San Clemente a Saratov, Russian Federation
8 Jun68.3SelectedAmédée (Antoine-Marie) Grab, O.S.B. †Bishop of Chur, SwitzerlandBishop Emeritus
9 Jun83.5DiedAgostino CasaroliCardinal, Secretary Emeritus of the Secretariat of State
10 Jun41.1AppointedMariusz LeszczyńskiAuxiliary Bishop of Zamość-Lubaczów, Poland
41.1AppointedMariusz LeszczyńskiTitular Bishop of BassianaAuxiliary Bishop of Zamość-Lubaczów, Poland
12 Jun68.3ConfirmedAmédée (Antoine-Marie) Grab, O.S.B. †Bishop of Chur, SwitzerlandBishop Emeritus
13 Jun69.4AppointedWalter BrandmüllerPresident of the Pontifical Committee for Historical SciencesCardinal, President Emeritus
51.5AppointedLuigi GattiTitular Archbishop of Santa GiustaApostolic Nuncio
51.5AppointedLuigi GattiApostolic Nuncio to MaltaApostolic Nuncio
51.5AppointedLuigi GattiApostolic Nuncio to LibyaApostolic Nuncio
53.8AppointedAntonius Lambertus Maria HurkmansBishop of ’s-Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc), NetherlandsBishop Emeritus
75.3RetiredJosé Sebastián Laboa GallegoApostolic Nuncio to MaltaApostolic Nuncio
75.3RetiredJosé Sebastián Laboa GallegoApostolic Nuncio to LibyaApostolic Nuncio
23.5Ordained DeaconJonáš (Jozef) Maxim, M.S.U.Deacon of Prešov (Prjašev, Eperjes) (Slovak), SlovakiaArchbishop of Prešov (Prjašev) (Slovak), Slovakia
75.9RetiredJoannes Gerardus ter Schure, S.D.B. †Bishop of ’s-Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc), NetherlandsBishop Emeritus
65.7Ordained BishopAnthony Zhong Changfeng (Zong Changfeng, Song Changfeng)Coadjutor Bishop of Kaifeng [Kaifeng], ChinaCoadjutor Bishop Emeritus
54.7AppointedPeter Stephan ZurbriggenApostolic Nuncio to GeorgiaApostolic Nuncio
54.7AppointedPeter Stephan ZurbriggenApostolic Nuncio to AzerbaijanApostolic Nuncio
54.7AppointedPeter Stephan ZurbriggenApostolic Nuncio to ArmeniaApostolic Nuncio
14 Jun43.4Ordained BishopBernard Emmanuel Kasanda MulengaTitular Bishop of UtimmiraBishop of Mbujimayi, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
15 Jun79.6RetiredGiovanni CheliPresident of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant PeopleCardinal, President Emeritus
68.2AppointedStephen Fumio HamaoPresident of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant PeopleCardinal, President Emeritus
68.2AppointedStephen Fumio HamaoArchbishop (Personal Title)Cardinal, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People
68.2ResignedStephen Fumio HamaoBishop of Yokohama, JapanCardinal, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People
16 Jun86.7RetiredIsidore BoreckyBishop of Toronto (Ukrainian), CanadaBishop Emeritus
67.4ResignedRoman DanylakApostolic Administrator of Toronto (Ukrainian), CanadaApostolic Administrator Emeritus
56.9Ordained BishopFrançois Lapierre, P.M.E.Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, CanadaBishop Emeritus
49.9AppointedBerhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel, C.M.Apostolic Administrator of Addis Abeba (Ethiopian), EthiopiaCardinal, Archbishop
17 Jun93.8DiedJohn Joseph CarberryCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
18 Jun49.6Ordained BishopHonesto Flores OngtiocoBishop of Balanga, PhilippinesBishop Emeritus of Cubao, Philippines
19 Jun56.0AppointedJesús García BurilloAuxiliary Bishop of Orihuela-Alicante, SpainBishop Emeritus of Ávila, Spain
56.0AppointedJesús García BurilloTitular Bishop of BastiBishop Emeritus of Ávila, Spain
66.9AppointedGiuseppe MalandrinoBishop of Noto, ItalyBishop Emeritus
76.3RetiredSalvatore NicolosiBishop of Noto, ItalyBishop Emeritus
72.2ResignedRaymond Augustin Chihiro Sato, O.P. †Bishop of Sendai, JapanBishop Emeritus
73.4AppointedŠtefan VrablecAuxiliary Bishop of Bratislava-Trnava, SlovakiaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
73.4AppointedŠtefan VrablecTitular Bishop of ThasbaltaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Bratislava-Trnava, Slovakia
20 Jun45.3Ordained BishopAnuar BattistiBishop of Toledo, Parana, BrazilArchbishop Emeritus of Maringá, Parana, Brazil
32.3Ordained DeaconDominique Marie Joseph Blanchet, Ist. del PradoDeacon of Angers, FranceBishop of Créteil, France
32.2Ordained PriestZsolt MartonPriest of Vác, HungaryBishop
82.6DiedVittorio OttavianiBishop Emeritus of Marsi, Italy
47.5Ordained BishopIrineu Roque SchererBishop of Garanhuns, Pernambuco, BrazilBishop of Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil
21 Jun84.7DiedAnastasio Alberto Ballestrero, O.C.D. †Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Torino {Turin}, Italy
46.6Ordained BishopCanísio KlausCoadjutor Bishop of Diamantino, Mato Grosso, BrazilBishop of Sinop, Mato Grosso, Brazil
28.7Ordained PriestInácio Lucas MwitaPriest of Nacala, MozambiqueBishop of Gurué, Mozambique
48.9Ordained BishopStanislas Lukumwena Lumbala, O.F.M.Bishop of Kole, Congo (Dem. Rep.)Bishop Emeritus
34.4Ordained PriestLazarus Vitalis Msimbe, S.D.S.Priest of Society of the Divine SaviorBishop of Morogoro, Tanzania
25.5Ordained DeaconGilles Lucien Paul Reithinger, M.E.P.Deacon of Strasbourg, FranceAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
56.9Ordained BishopEduardo Benes de Sales RodriguesTitular Bishop of Casae MedianaeArchbishop Emeritus of Sorocaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil
23 Jun76.0RetiredAlfredo Guillermo DisandroBishop of Villa María, ArgentinaBishop Emeritus
57.6Ordained BishopVíctor Manuel Pérez RojasTitular Bishop of TagariaBishop Emeritus of San Fernando de Apure, Venezuela
61.8AppointedRoberto RodríguezBishop of Villa María, ArgentinaBishop Emeritus of La Rioja, Argentina
24 Jun46.2AppointedMario Antonio CargnelloCoadjutor Archbishop of Salta, ArgentinaArchbishop
75.7AppointedRoger Marie Élie EtchegarayCardinal-Bishop of Porto-Santa RufinaCardinal, Vice-Dean Emeritus of the College of Cardinals
75.7RetiredRoger Marie Élie EtchegarayPresident of the Pontifical Council for Justice and PeaceCardinal, Vice-Dean Emeritus of the College of Cardinals
65.4AppointedTarcisio Giovanni Nazzaro, O.S.B. †Abbot of Montevergine, ItalyAbbot Emeritus
70.1AppointedFrançois-Xavier Nguyễn Văn ThuậnCardinal, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
53.7AppointedCélio de Oliveira Goulart, O.F.M. †Bishop of Leopoldina, Minas Gerais, BrazilBishop of São João del Rei, Minas Gerais, Brazil
25 Jun76.1RetiredBernardin GantinPrefect of the Congregation for BishopsCardinal, Dean Emeritus of the College of Cardinals
76.1RetiredBernardin GantinPresident of the Pontifical Commission for Latin AmericaCardinal, Dean Emeritus of the College of Cardinals
72.7AppointedLucas (Luiz) Moreira Neves, O.P. †Prefect of the Congregation for BishopsCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
72.7AppointedLucas (Luiz) Moreira Neves, O.P. †Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina-Poggio MirtetoCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
72.7AppointedLucas (Luiz) Moreira Neves, O.P. †President of the Pontifical Commission for Latin AmericaCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
75.3RetiredThomas Kevin O’BrienAuxiliary Bishop of Middlesbrough, England, Great BritainAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
28.1Ordained PriestMatthew Zhen XuebinPriest of Beijing [Peking], ChinaCoadjutor Bishop
26 Jun55.0AppointedHéctor Rubén AguerCoadjutor Archbishop of La Plata, ArgentinaArchbishop Emeritus
61.7AppointedFrancis Joseph Pierre DeniauBishop of Nevers, FranceBishop Emeritus
89.7DiedJorge Kémérer, S.V.D. †Bishop Emeritus of Posadas, Argentina
27 Jun43.5Ordained BishopKizito BahujimihigoBishop of Ruhengeri, RwandaBishop Emeritus of Kibungo, Rwanda
44.6AppointedVincent BarwaBishop of Purnea, IndiaBishop of Simdega, India
62.1AppointedAdriano CaprioliBishop of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla, ItalyBishop Emeritus
52.9AppointedJoseph CouttsBishop of Faisalabad, PakistanCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Karachi, Pakistan
53.0AppointedJohn Martin DarkoBishop of Sekondi-Takoradi, GhanaBishop Emeritus
48.9Ordained BishopMaksymilian Leon Dubrawski, O.F.M.Titular Bishop of TrofimianaBishop of Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Ukraine
89.9DiedLéon-Arthur-Auguste ElchingerBishop Emeritus of Strasbourg, France
59.5AppointedZef Gashi, S.D.B.Archbishop of Bar (Antivari), MontenegroArchbishop Emeritus
76.1RetiredGiovanni Paolo Gibertini, O.S.B. †Bishop of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla, ItalyBishop Emeritus
79.0DiedJoão Aloysio HoffmannBishop Emeritus of Erexim, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
43.8AppointedPhilip Huang Chao-mingAuxiliary Bishop of Kaohsiung, TaiwanBishop of Hwalien, Taiwan
43.8AppointedPhilip Huang Chao-mingTitular Bishop of LamphuaBishop of Hwalien, Taiwan
67.2AppointedVíctor Manuel López ForeroArchbishop of Bucaramanga, ColombiaArchbishop Emeritus
66.2AppointedIgnace Matondo Kwa Nzambi, C.I.C.M. †Bishop of Molegbe, Congo (Dem. Rep.)Bishop Emeritus
24.6Ordained PriestLevente Balázs MartosPriest of Szombathely, HungaryAuxiliary Bishop of Esztergom-Budapest, Hungary
26.2Ordained PriestMarko MedoPriest of Third Order Regular of St. Francis of PenanceBishop of Gospić-Senj, Croatia
38.3Ordained PriestGuido Iván Minda ChaláPriest of Ibarra, EcuadorBishop of Santa Elena, Ecuador
45.7AppointedConstancio Miranda WechmannBishop of Atlacomulco, México, MéxicoArchbishop of Chihuahua, México
48.9AppointedFranklyn (Frank) Atese Nubuasah, S.V.D.Vicar Apostolic of Francistown, BotswanaBishop of Gaborone, Botswana
48.9AppointedFranklyn (Frank) Atese Nubuasah, S.V.D.Titular Bishop of PauzeraBishop of Gaborone, Botswana
75.7RetiredDomenico PecileBishop of Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno, ItalyBishop Emeritus
75.8RetiredPetar PerkolićArchbishop of Bar (Antivari), MontenegroArchbishop Emeritus
49.8AppointedGiuseppe PetrocchiBishop of Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno, ItalyCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of L’Aquila, Italy
29.2Ordained PriestRene Ramirez, R.C.J.Priest of Rogationists of the Heart of JesusAuxiliary Bishop of Melbourne, Australia
51.6AppointedLouis Albert Joseph Roger SankaléBishop of Cayenne (Cajenna), French Guyana, AntillesBishop Emeritus of Nice, France
46.8AppointedLucas Kalfa SanouBishop of Banfora, Burkina Faso
27.3Ordained PriestJúlio César Souza de JesusPriest of Teresina, Piaui, BrazilBishop of Floriano, Piaui, Brazil
43.9AppointedVictor Henry ThakurBishop of Bettiah, IndiaArchbishop of Raipur, India
33.3IncardinatedFulgence Aloysius TiggaPriest of Bettiah, IndiaBishop of Raiganj, India
36.9IncardinatedFrancis TirkeyPriest of Purnea, IndiaBishop
62.1Ordained BishopJosé Sótero Valero RuzTitular Bishop of AlbaBishop Emeritus of Guanare, Venezuela
32.6Ordained PriestThibault VernyPriest of Paris, FranceArchbishop of Chambéry (-Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne-Tarentaise), France
46.4AppointedNorman King’oo WambuaBishop of Bungoma, KenyaBishop of Machakos, Kenya
54.5AppointedJean ZerboArchbishop of Bamako, MaliCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus
28 Jun30.2Ordained PriestAntónio Juliasse Ferreira SandramoPriest of Chimoio, MozambiqueBishop of Pemba, Mozambique
28.0Ordained PriestOlivier Michel Marie Schmitthaeusler, M.E.P.Priest of La Société des Missions EtrangèresVicar Apostolic of Phnom-Penh, Cambodia
32.9Ordained PriestMichele TomasiPriest of Bolzano-Bressanone {Bozen-Brixen}, ItalyBishop of Treviso, Italy
29 Jun38.3Ordained PriestHabib Hormiz Jajou Al NawfaliPriestArchbishop of Bassorah {Basra} (Chaldean), Iraq
23.4Ordained PriestFelix (Saeed) Dawood Al ShabiPriest of Babylon {Babilonia} (Chaldean), IraqBishop of Zākhō (Zaku) (Chaldean), Iraq
27.6Ordained PriestMiguel Ángel Castro MuñozPriest of Puebla de los Ángeles, MéxicoBishop of Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca, México
66.5InstalledNicholas Cheong Jin-SukArchbishop of Seoul, Korea (South)Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus
54.1Ordained BishopYoohanon Chrysostom KalloorBishop of Marthandom (Syro-Malankara), IndiaBishop Emeritus of Pathanamthitta (Syro-Malankara), India
48.0Ordained BishopJoshuah Ignathios KizhakkeveettilTitular Bishop of NigizubiBishop of Mavelikara (Syro-Malankara), India
50.1Ordained BishopJoseph Nathaniel PerryTitular Bishop of LeadAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Chicago, Illinois, USA
34.0Ordained PriestStephan TurnovszkyPriest of Wien {Vienna}, AustriaAuxiliary Bishop
30 Jun61.6AppointedTod David BrownBishop of Orange in California, USABishop Emeritus
77.1RetiredMichel Hakim, B.S. †Bishop of Saint-Sauveur de Montréal (Melkite Greek), CanadaBishop Emeritus
59.6AppointedLouis Nerval Kébreau, S.D.B.Bishop of Hinche, HaïtiArchbishop Emeritus of Cap-Haïtien, Haïti
79.6RetiredLéonard Pétion LarocheBishop of Hinche, HaïtiBishop Emeritus
65.4ResignedMarc LeclercAuxiliary Bishop of Québec, CanadaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
76.3ResignedNorman Francis McFarlandBishop of Orange in California, USABishop Emeritus
53.0AppointedPatrick Joseph McGrathCoadjutor Bishop of San Jose in California, USABishop Emeritus
54.3AppointedTerrence Thomas Prendergast, S.J.Archbishop of Halifax, Nova Scotia, CanadaArchbishop Emeritus of Ottawa-Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
47.6AppointedJohn Charles WesterAuxiliary Bishop of San Francisco, California, USAArchbishop of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
47.6AppointedJohn Charles WesterTitular Bishop of LamiggigaArchbishop of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
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