Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | 53.7 | Resigned | Anton Anhelovych (Angellowicz) † | Administrator of Chełm (Ukrainian), Poland | Archbishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine |
| Born | Orazio Bettacchini, C.O. † | | Vicar Apostolic of Colombo, Sri Lanka |
21.5 | Ordained Priest | Buenaventura Codina Augerolas, C.M. † | Priest of Congregation of the Mission | Bishop of Islas Canarias {Canary Islands}, Spain |
39.7 | Professed | Pierre-Alexandre Coupperie, S.M.M. † | Member of Missionaries of the Company of Mary | Bishop of Baghdad, Iraq |
32.0 | Ordained Priest | Pierre de Glory † | Priest | Titular Bishop of Macri |
22.9 | Ordained Priest | Manuel Grijalvo y Mínguez, O.E.S.A. † | Priest of Order of Hermits of St. Augustine | Bishop of Nueva Caceres, Philippines |
33.0 | Appointed | Ignace Pierre Jarweh (Jaroue, Djarwé) † | Bishop of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme} (Palestine and Jordan) (Syrian), Palestine | Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Syrian), Lebanon |
32.3 | Ordained Priest | James Mary Héctor Nicholas Joubert de la Muraille, P.S.S. † | Priest of Society of Priests of Saint Sulpice | Vicar Apostolic |
| Appointed | Hryhorij (Grzegorz) Kochanowicz (Koxanovyc) † | Archbishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine |
78.0 | Selected | José Antonio Martínez de Aldunate † | Archbishop of Santiago de Chile | Bishop of Ayacucho o Huamanga (Guamanga), Peru |
| Appointed | Clément Moutran † | Bishop of Baalbek (Melkite Greek), Lebanon |
| Ordained Bishop | Clément Moutran † | Bishop of Baalbek (Melkite Greek), Lebanon |
22.3 | Ordained Deacon | Myles Murphy † | Deacon | Bishop of Ferns, Ireland |
23.4 | Ordained Priest | Daniel O’Connor, O.E.S.A. † | Priest of Order of Hermits of St. Augustine | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Madras, India |
| Died | Agapit Qonaisser † | Bishop |
64.2 | Died | Luis Rodrigues Vilares † | Bishop of Funchal, Portugal |
76.3 | Died | Gaetano Vitolo † | Titular Bishop of Comana Armeniae |
56.0 | Appointed | Ignace Siméon Zora † | Bishop of Damas (Syrian), Syria | Patriarch Emeritus of Antiochia {Antioch} (Syrian), Lebanon |
2 Jan | | Born | Venceslao Javier José Achával y Medina, O.F.M. Obs. † | | Bishop of San Juan de Cuyo, Argentina |
3 Jan | | Born | Nicola Pace † | | Bishop Emeritus of Amelia, Italy |
4 Jan | 77.5 | Died | Klemens August Maria von Merle † | Auxiliary Bishop of Köln {Cologne}, Germany |
6 Jan | | Born | Pierre Maria Bataillon, S.M. † | | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Central Oceania, Tonga |
83.7 | Died | Bonifacio da Ponte, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Capodistria (Capo d’Istria)(Koper), Slovenia |
10 Jan | 62.6 | Died | José Antonio Garnica † | Bishop of Osma, Spain |
12 Jan | | Born | Francesco Xaverio Giannuzzi Savelli † | | Bishop of Gravina e Irsina (Montepeloso), Italy |
19 Jan | 54.9 | Died | Paolo Bartoli † | Bishop of Città di Castello, Italy |
20 Jan | | Born | Luigi Filippi, O.F.M. Ref. † | | Archbishop of L’Aquila, Italy |
24 Jan | | Born | Timothy Clement Smyth, O.C.S.O. † | | Bishop of Dubuque, Iowa, USA |
27 Jan | 66.5 | Died | Marcello Maria Benci † | Bishop of Colle di Val d’Elsa, Italy |
70.0 | Died | Scipione de’ Ricci † | Bishop Emeritus of Pistoia e Prato, Italy |
1 Feb | | Born | Raffaele d’Ambrosio, O.F.M. Ref. † | | Archbishop Emeritus of Durrës (Durazzo), Albania |
2 Feb | | Born | Francesco Gallo † | | Bishop of Avellino, Italy |
3 Feb | 43.3 | Selected | Giovanni Sergio † | Bishop of Cefalù, Italy |
7 Feb | 79.2 | Died | Reginaldo Coppola, O.P. † | Bishop of San Marco (Argentano), Italy |
12 Feb | 62.6 | Died | Joaquín Carrillo Mayoral † | Bishop of Zamora, Spain |
14 Feb | 25.1 | Ordained Priest | Joannes Derderian † | Priest | Bishop-Elect of Ispahan {Esfáan} (Armenian), Iran |
15 Feb | | Born | Carmine Gori-Merosi † | | Cardinal, Secretary of the Sacred Consistorial Congregation |
21 Feb | 88.1 | Died | Claude-François-Ignace Franchet de Rans † | Auxiliary Bishop of Besançon, France |
24 Feb | 49.5 | Ordained Bishop | Rafael Andreu Guerrero † | Titular Bishop of Epiphania in Cilicia | Auxiliary Bishop of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia |
1 Mar | | Born | François-Alexandre Roullet de la Bouillerie † | | Coadjutor Archbishop of Bordeaux, France |
2 Mar | | Born | Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci † | | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
9 Mar | | Born | Corradino Maria Cavriani † | | Bishop Emeritus of Ceneda, Italy |
10 Mar | | Born | Giacomo Giuseppe Jans † | | Bishop of Aosta, Italy |
| Born | John McCloskey † | | Cardinal, Archbishop of New York, New York, USA |
46.9 | Ordained Bishop | Thomas Smith † | Titular Bishop of Bolina | Vicar Apostolic of Northern District, England, Great Britain |
17 Mar | 24.1 | Ordained Priest | Luigi Gagliardi † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Ischia, Italy |
24.1 | Ordained Priest | Vito Angelo Salvemini † | Priest | Archbishop of Manfredonia (e Vieste), Italy |
29 Mar | | Born | Francesco Marie Alli Maccarani † | | Bishop of San Miniato, Italy |
69.4 | Died | Ferenc Szanyi † | Bishop of Rožňava, Slovakia |
1 Apr | 53.1 | Ordained Bishop | Nicolás García Jerez, O.P. † | Bishop of Nicaragua |
3 Apr | | Died | Michel Schauriz † | Bishop of Mardin (Chaldean), Turkey |
6 Apr | | Born | Alessandro Csajàghy † | | Bishop of Csanád, Hungary |
7 Apr | 23.7 | Ordained Priest | Peter Augustine Baines, O.S.B. † | Priest of Order of Saint Benedict | Vicar Apostolic of Western District, England, Great Britain |
24.5 | Ordained Priest | Daniel McDonnell † | Priest | Vicar Apostolic of Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago, Antilles |
23.3 | Ordained Priest | Pavao Klement Miošić (Miossich) Kačić † | Priest | Bishop of Split-Makarska (Spalato-Macarska), Croatia |
24.0 | Ordained Priest | Jean-François-Marcellin Turinaz † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Tarentaise, France |
8 Apr | | Born | Mihály Haas † | | Bishop of Satu Mare {Szatmár}, Romania |
51.1 | Installed | Diego Antonio Navarro Martín de Villodras † | Bishop of Concepción, Chile | Archbishop of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia |
11 Apr | | Born | Johann Baptist Rudolph Kutschker † | | Cardinal, Archbishop of Wien {Vienna}, Austria |
14 Apr | | Born | Johannes Baptist Swinkels, C.Ss.R. † | | Vicar Apostolic of Dutch Guyana-Suriname, Antilles |
20 Apr | | Born | Pierre-Henri Gérault de Langalerie † | | Archbishop of Auch, France |
21 Apr | 23.3 | Ordained Deacon | Augustin Bartolomej Hille † | Deacon | Bishop of Litoměřice, Czechia |
22.8 | Ordained Priest | Luigi Landi-Vittorj † | Priest | Bishop of Assisi, Italy |
24.1 | Ordained Priest | Gaspare Petocchi (Pettochi) † | Priest | Bishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy |
25.8 | Ordained Priest | Ludovico Rizzuti † | Priest | Archbishop of Lanciano (e Ortona), Italy |
24.2 | Ordained Priest | Benedetto Terenzio † | Priest | Bishop of Trivento, Italy |
71.1 | Died | Philipp Franz Wilderich Nepomuk von Walderdorf † | Bishop of Speyer, Germany |
23 Apr | 23.3 | Ordained Priest | Augustin Bartolomej Hille † | Priest | Bishop of Litoměřice, Czechia |
83.0 | Died | Joseph-Marie Paget † | Bishop Emeritus of Genève {Geneva}, Switzerland |
28 Apr | 80.6 | Died | Filippo Carandini † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Sant’Eustachio |
29 Apr | | Died | Edmund French † | Bishop of Elphin, Ireland |
22.5 | Ordained Priest | Francesco Pichi † | Priest of Ancona e Numana, Italy | Bishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy |
22.4 | Ordained Priest | Pierre-Flavien Turgeon † | Priest of Québec, Canada | Archbishop of Québec, Canada |
30 Apr | | Born | Raffaele Corradi, O.C.D. † | | Bishop of Bagnoregio (Bagnorea), Italy |
May | 87.9 | Died | Michele Continisi † | Bishop of Giovinazzo e Terlizzi, Italy |
7 May | 67.2 | Died | Angiolo (Angelo) Cesarini † | Titular Bishop of Milevum |
13 May | 18.9 | Professed | Richard Pius Miles, O.P. † | Member of Order of Friars Preachers | Bishop of Nashville, Tennessee, USA |
14 May | | Born | Francisco de Paula Benavides y Navarrete, O.S. † | | Cardinal, Archbishop of Zaragoza, Spain |
81.3 | Died | Sebastiano de Rosa † | Bishop of Avellino e Frigento, Italy |
23 May | | Born | Martin John Spalding † | | Archbishop of Baltimore, Maryland, USA |
24 May | 21.7 | Professed | Ferdinando Elano Kahn, O.P. † | Member of Order of Friars Preachers | Bishop of Tiraspol, Moldova |
31 May | | Born | Flavio Chigi † | | Cardinal, Archpriest of the Arcibasilica di San Giovanni in Laterano {Saint John Lateran Basilica} |
Jun | 25.5 | Ordained Priest | John Ryan † | Priest | Bishop of Limerick, Ireland |
50.9 | Ordained Bishop | Juan Bautista Sacristán y Galiano † | Archbishop of Santafé en Nueva Granada, Colombia |
4 Jun | | Born | Bonifacio Antonio Toscano † | | Bishop Emeritus of Nueva Pamplona, Colombia |
10 Jun | 56.4 | Ordained Bishop | Ignace Siméon Zora † | Bishop of Damas (Syrian), Syria | Patriarch Emeritus of Antiochia {Antioch} (Syrian), Lebanon |
11 Jun | 55.5 | Ordained Bishop | Narciso Coll y Prat † | Archbishop of Caracas, Santiago de Venezuela | Bishop of Palencia, Spain |
49.4 | Ordained Bishop | Józef Krzysztofowicz † | Titular Bishop of Arca in Phoenicia |
13 Jun | 24.4 | Ordained Priest | George Hilary Brown † | Priest of Northern District, England, Great Britain | Bishop of Liverpool, England, Great Britain |
14 Jun | 55.6 | Died | Silvestar Bubanović, O.S.B.M. † | Bishop of Križevci (Kreutz) (Križevci), Croatia |
16 Jun | 32.6 | Ordained Priest | Alessandro Bernetti † | Priest | Bishop of Recanati e Loreto, Italy |
24.6 | Ordained Priest | Adriano Giampedi † | Priest | Bishop of Alatri, Italy |
34.5 | Ordained Priest | Augustin-Jean Le Tourneur † | Priest | Bishop of Verdun, France |
27.8 | Ordained Deacon | St. Eugène-Charles-Joseph de Mazenod, O.M.I. † | Deacon | Bishop of Marseille, France |
24.0 | Ordained Priest | Felice Regano (Regnano) † | Priest | Bishop of Catania, Italy |
23.1 | Ordained Priest | Anastasius Johannes Sedlag † | Priest of Wrocław (Breslau), Poland | Bishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland |
39.8 | Ordained Priest | Jules-François de Simony † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Soissons (-Laon), France |
17 Jun | | Born | Jean-Félix-Onésime Luquet, M.E.P. † | | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Madurai and Coromandel Coast, India |
48.4 | Died | Florence MacCarthy † | Coadjutor Bishop of Cork, Ireland |
18 Jun | | Born | François-André-Xavier de Gaffory † | | Bishop of Ajaccio, France |
19 Jun | 62.4 | Died | Richard Luke Concanen, O.P. † | Bishop of New York, New York, USA |
21 Jun | 77.0 | Died | Giovanni Battista Caprara Montecuccoli † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy |
22 Jun | | Born | Giovanni Montuoro † | | Bishop of Bovino, Italy |
23 Jun | 80.3 | Died | Benito (Francesco Xavier Michael) de Uría y Valdés, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain |
24 Jun | 42.2 | Appointed | Antônio Rodrigues de Aguiar † | Prelate of Goiás, Brazil |
29 Jun | 54.2 | Ordained Bishop | Jean-Louis Florens, M.E.P. † | Titular Bishop of Zela | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Se-Ciuen (Setchoan, Szechwan, Sichuan), China |
48.0 | Appointed | Esprit-Marie-Joseph Floren, M.E.P. † | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Siam, Thailand | Vicar Apostolic |
48.0 | Appointed | Esprit-Marie-Joseph Floren, M.E.P. † | Titular Bishop of Sozopolis in Haemimonto | Vicar Apostolic of Siam, Thailand |