Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
1 May | 44.9 | Appointed | Ernesto Alvarez Alvarez, S.D.B. † | Coadjutor Archbishop of Cuenca, Ecuador | Archbishop Emeritus |
44.9 | Appointed | Ernesto Alvarez Alvarez, S.D.B. † | Titular Archbishop of Clypia | Archbishop Emeritus of Cuenca, Ecuador | |
46.2 | Ordained Bishop | Angelo Frosi (Frozi), S.X. † | Titular Bishop of Magnetum | Bishop of Abaetetuba, Para, Brazil | |
47.7 | Ordained Bishop | Braulio Sánchez Fuentes, S.D.B. † | Titular Bishop of Aquae Novae in Proconsulari | Prelate Emeritus of Mixes, Oaxaca, México | |
2 May | 48.1 | Appointed | Mário Roberto Emmett Anglim, C.Ss.R. † | Apostolic Administrator of Lábrea, Amazonas, Brazil | Prelate of Coari, Amazonas, Brazil |
5 May | 40.7 | Ordained Bishop | Patrick Fernández Flores † | Titular Bishop of Italica | Archbishop Emeritus of San Antonio, Texas, USA |
Born | Echchampulle Arachchige Jude Nishanta Silva | Bishop of Badulla, Sri Lanka | |||
Born | Sviatoslav Shevchuk | Major Archbishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine | |||
7 May | 26.3 | Ordained Priest | William Francis Malooly | Priest of Baltimore, Maryland, USA | Bishop Emeritus of Wilmington, Delaware, USA |
42.9 | Ordained Bishop | Mario Tagliaferri † | Titular Archbishop of Formiae | Apostolic Nuncio to France | |
51.3 | Ordained Bishop | Joseph S. Thumma † | Titular Bishop of Cunga Féichin | Bishop Emeritus of Vijayawada, India | |
8 May | 50.5 | Appointed | Anselm Donald Mary Dennehy, O.S.M. † | Apostolic Administrator of Ingwavuma, South Africa | Apostolic Administrator Emeritus |
72.0 | Resigned | Jerônimo Mazzarotto † | Auxiliary Bishop of Curitiba, Parana, Brazil | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus | |
Born | Mirosław Stanisław Wachowski | Under Secretary of the Secretariat of State | |||
9 May | 51.7 | Resigned | Edwin Roy Kinch, O.S.M. † | Prefect of Ingwavuma, South Africa | Prefect Emeritus |
10 May | 53.1 | Ordained Bishop | Silvério Jarbas Paulo de Albuquerque, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Caetité, Bahia, Brazil | Bishop Emeritus of Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil |
38.8 | Ordained Bishop | Antonio Dorado Soto † | Bishop of Guadix, Spain | Bishop Emeritus of Málaga, Spain | |
Born | Leszek Leszkiewicz | Auxiliary Bishop of Tarnów, Poland | |||
25.7 | Ordained Priest | Nicholas James Samra | Priest of United States of America (Melkite Greek) | Bishop Emeritus of Newton (Our Lady of the Annunciation in Boston) (Melkite Greek), USA | |
Born | Matthew Zhen Xuebin | Coadjutor Bishop of Beijing [Peking], China | |||
13 May | 25.8 | Ordained Priest | Edward Kenneth Braxton | Priest of Chicago, Illinois, USA | Bishop Emeritus of Belleville, Illinois, USA |
Born | Frank Yohana Kalabat | Bishop of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Detroit (Chaldean), USA | |||
14 May | 42.7 | Appointed | Anthony Gerard Bosco † | Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | Bishop Emeritus of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, USA |
42.7 | Appointed | Anthony Gerard Bosco † | Titular Bishop of Labicum | Bishop Emeritus of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, USA | |
50.6 | Appointed | José Maria Dalvit, F.S.C.J. † | Titular Bishop of Sullectum | Bishop Emeritus of São Mateus, Espirito Santo, Brazil | |
50.6 | Resigned | José Maria Dalvit, F.S.C.J. † | Bishop of São Mateus, Espirito Santo, Brazil | Bishop Emeritus | |
32.4 | Ordained Priest | Geoffrey Hylton Jarrett | Priest of Hobart, Australia | Bishop Emeritus of Lismore, Australia | |
15 May | 52.8 | Ordained Bishop | Manuel Casares Hervás † | Bishop of Almería, Spain | Bishop Emeritus |
16 May | 25.7 | Ordained Priest | Edward Joseph Adams | Priest of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA | Apostolic Nuncio |
24.3 | Ordained Priest | Guy Charbonneau, P.M.E. | Priest of Société des Missions-Étrangères | Bishop Emeritus of Choluteca, Honduras | |
26.1 | Ordained Priest | Paul Lortie | Priest of Québec, Canada | Bishop Emeritus of Saint-Jérôme - Mont-Laurier, Québec, Canada | |
27.9 | Ordained Priest | Joseph Anthony Pepe | Priest of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA | Bishop Emeritus of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA | |
59.4 | Resigned | José Manuel Piña Torres † | Auxiliary Bishop of Tepic, Nayarit, México | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus | |
81.1 | Died | Bernard James Sullivan, S.J. † | Bishop Emeritus of Patna, India | ||
17 May | 26.4 | Ordained Priest | Roberto Octavio Balmori Cinta, M.J. | Priest of Missionari di S. Giuseppe nel Messico | Bishop Emeritus of Ciudad Valles, San Luís Potosí, México |
43.3 | Ordained Bishop | Émile Biayenda † | Titular Archbishop of Garba | Cardinal, Archbishop of Brazzaville, Congo | |
44.8 | Ordained Bishop | Marco Cé † | Titular Bishop of Vulturia | Cardinal, Patriarch Emeritus of Venezia {Venice}, Italy | |
27.5 | Ordained Priest | Louis Chamniern Santisukniram | Priest of Thare and Nonseng, Thailand | Archbishop Emeritus | |
53.9 | Ordained Bishop | Alair Vilar Fernandes de Melo † | Bishop of Amargosa, Bahia, Brazil | Archbishop Emeritus of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil | |
25.9 | Ordained Priest | Raymond W. Field | Priest of Dublin, Ireland | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus | |
49.3 | Ordained Bishop | Felixberto Camacho Flores † | Titular Bishop of Stagnum | Archbishop of Agaña, Guam, Pacific (Oceania) | |
23.9 | Ordained Priest | Salvatore Gristina | Priest of Palermo, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus of Catania, Italy | |
27.1 | Ordained Priest | Braulio Rafael León Villegas † | Priest of León, Guanajuato, México | Bishop Emeritus of Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco, México | |
27.0 | Ordained Priest | Erkolano Lodu Tombe | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Yei, South Sudan | |
25.2 | Ordained Priest | Marcelo Raúl Martorell † | Priest of Córdoba, Argentina | Bishop Emeritus of Puerto Iguazú, Argentina | |
30.5 | Ordained Priest | Mario Melanio Medina Salinas | Priest of San Juan Bautista de las Misiones, Paraguay | Bishop Emeritus | |
23.3 | Ordained Priest | Salvatore Muratore | Priest of Agrigento, Italy | Bishop Emeritus of Nicosia, Italy | |
24.2 | Ordained Priest | Pietro Santoro | Priest of Chieti, Italy | Bishop Emeritus of Avezzano, Italy | |
29.1 | Ordained Priest | António de Sousa Braga, S.C.I. † | Priest of Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart | Bishop Emeritus of Angra, Portugal | |
28.5 | Ordained Priest | César Bosco Vivas Robelo † | Priest of Managua, Nicaragua | Bishop Emeritus of León en Nicaragua | |
18 May | 40.0 | Appointed | Michael George Bowen † | Coadjutor Bishop of Arundel and Brighton, England, Great Britain | Archbishop Emeritus of Southwark, England, Great Britain |
40.0 | Appointed | Michael George Bowen † | Titular Bishop of Lamsorti | Archbishop Emeritus of Southwark, England, Great Britain | |
Born | Justin Georges Ebengue | Bishop of Yokadouma, Cameroon | |||
86.2 | Appointed | William Theodore Heard † | Cardinal-Priest of San Teodoro | Cardinal, Dean Emeritus of the Roman Rota | |
58.2 | Appointed | José Melgoza Osorio † | Bishop of Ciudad Valles, San Luís Potosí, México | Bishop Emeritus of Netzahualcóyotl, México, México | |
62.5 | Appointed | Alberto Rencoret Donoso † | Titular Archbishop of Sila | Archbishop Emeritus of Puerto Montt, Chile | |
62.5 | Resigned | Alberto Rencoret Donoso † | Archbishop of Puerto Montt, Chile | Archbishop Emeritus | |
45.1 | Appointed | José Pablo Rovalo Azcué, S.M. † | Bishop of Zacatecas, México | Bishop Emeritus | |
21 May | 35.7 | Appointed | Eugène Biletsi Onim † | Bishop of Idiofa, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus |
76.1 | Appointed | Adrianus Djajasepoetra, S.J. † | Titular Archbishop of Volsinium | Archbishop Emeritus of Djakarta, Indonesia | |
76.1 | Retired | Adrianus Djajasepoetra, S.J. † | Archbishop of Djakarta, Indonesia | Archbishop Emeritus | |
37.5 | Appointed | Robert Kerketta, S.D.B. † | Bishop of Dibrugarh, India | Bishop Emeritus of Tezpur, India | |
45.3 | Appointed | Matthew Kia Yen-wen † | Bishop of Kiayi, Taiwan | Archbishop Emeritus of Taipei, Taiwan | |
78.6 | Died | León (Miguel) Angel Olano y Urteaga, O.F.M. Cap. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Guam, Pacific (Oceania) | ||
56.4 | Ordained Bishop | Omer Alfred Robidoux, O.M.I. † | Bishop of Churchill-Baie d’Hudson, Manitoba, Canada | ||
56.5 | Appointed | Martin Elmar Schmid, C.M.M. † | Bishop of Mariannhill, South Africa | ||
49.5 | Appointed | Leo Soekoto, S.J. † | Archbishop of Djakarta, Indonesia | Archbishop of Jakarta, Indonesia | |
76.4 | Appointed | Alphonse Streit, C.M.M. † | Titular Bishop of Maturba | Bishop Emeritus of Mariannhill, South Africa | |
76.4 | Retired | Alphonse Streit, C.M.M. † | Bishop of Mariannhill, South Africa | Bishop Emeritus | |
50.2 | Appointed | René Toussaint, O.M.I. † | Titular Bishop of Cluain Iraird | Bishop Emeritus of Idiofa, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |
50.2 | Resigned | René Toussaint, O.M.I. † | Bishop of Idiofa, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus | |
23 May | 25.8 | Ordained Priest | Robert James Carlson | Priest of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA | Archbishop Emeritus of Saint Louis, Missouri, USA |
31.7 | Ordained Priest | Brian Vincent Finnigan | Priest of Ballarat, Australia | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Brisbane, Australia | |
50.1 | Ordained Bishop | Victor Guazzelli † | Titular Bishop of Lindisfarna | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Westminster, England, Great Britain | |
48.0 | Ordained Bishop | Gerald Thomas Mahon, M.H.M. † | Titular Bishop of Eanach Dúin | Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster, England, Great Britain | |
24.4 | Ordained Priest | Anthony Mancini | Priest of Montréal, Québec, Canada | Archbishop Emeritus of Halifax-Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada | |
55.8 | Ordained Bishop | James Monaghan † | Titular Bishop of Cell Ausaille | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh, Scotland, Great Britain | |
27.1 | Ordained Priest | Armando Xavier Ochoa | Priest of Los Angeles, California, USA | Bishop Emeritus of Fresno, California, USA | |
27.0 | Ordained Priest | Guillermo Rodríguez-Melgarejo † | Priest of Buenos Aires, Argentina | Bishop Emeritus of San Martín, Argentina | |
Born | Wojciech Skibicki | Auxiliary Bishop of Elbląg, Poland | |||
27.0 | Ordained Priest | Paul Terrio | Priest of Montréal, Québec, Canada | Bishop Emeritus of Saint Paul in Alberta, Canada | |
Born | Basel Salim Yaldo | Curial Bishop of Baghdad (Chaldean), Iraq | |||
24 May | 28.0 | Ordained Priest | Germano Grachane, C.M. | Priest of Congregation of the Mission | Bishop Emeritus of Nacala, Mozambique |
20.9 | Professed | Soundaraj Periyanayagam, S.D.B. † | Member of Salesians of Saint John Bosco | Bishop of Vellore, India | |
25 May | 55.9 | Appointed | Valentino Vailati † | Archbishop of Manfredonia (e Vieste), Italy | Archbishop Emeritus of Manfredonia-Vieste, Italy |
26 May | 53.0 | Installed | Norman Joseph Gallagher † | Bishop of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada | |
Born | Louis Tylka | Bishop of Peoria, Illinois, USA | |||
28 May | 85.3 | Died | Bl. Iuliu Hossu † | Bishop of Cluj-Gherla (Claudiopoli-Armenopoli) (Romanian), Romania | |
29 May | 25.5 | Ordained Priest | Donald Joseph Kettler | Priest of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA | Bishop Emeritus of Saint Cloud, Minnesota, USA |
30 May | 25.9 | Ordained Priest | Nicholas Anthony DiMarzio | Priest of Newark, New Jersey, USA | Bishop Emeritus of Brooklyn, New York, USA |
24.3 | Ordained Priest | Felipe de Jesús Estévez | Priest of Matanzas, Cuba | Bishop Emeritus of Saint Augustine, Florida, USA | |
37.2 | Appointed | Ricardo Guízar Díaz † | Auxiliary Bishop of Puebla de los Ángeles, México | Archbishop Emeritus of Tlalnepantla, México, México | |
37.2 | Appointed | Ricardo Guízar Díaz † | Titular Bishop of Nona | Archbishop Emeritus of Tlalnepantla, México, México | |
38.2 | Appointed | Rosendo Huesca Pacheco † | Auxiliary Bishop of Puebla de los Ángeles, México | Archbishop Emeritus | |
38.2 | Appointed | Rosendo Huesca Pacheco † | Titular Bishop of Themisonium | Archbishop Emeritus of Puebla de los Ángeles, México | |
26.2 | Ordained Priest | John Joseph Jenik | Priest of New York, New York, USA | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus | |
31 May | 24.9 | Ordained Priest | Denis Brennan | Priest of Ferns, Ireland | Bishop Emeritus |
45.6 | Ordained Bishop | Eduardo André Muaca † | Titular Bishop of Isola | Archbishop Emeritus of Luanda, Angola | |
23.8 | Ordained Priest | Henryk Józef Nowacki | Priest of Tarnów, Poland | Apostolic Nuncio | |
40.5 | Ordained Bishop | Paul Schruers † | Titular Bishop of Slebte | Bishop Emeritus of Hasselt, Belgium | |
44.2 | Resigned | Luigi Zanzottera, O.S.I. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Huaraz, Peru | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus |
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