Year | Age | Bishop | Event | Title | Current Title |
1924 |
| Settimio Todisco | Born | | Archbishop Emeritus of Brindisi-Ostuni, Italy |
1928 |
| Boutros Mouallem, S.M.S.P. | Born | | Archbishop Emeritus of Akka [San Giovanni d’Acri; Tolemaide] (Melkite Greek), Israel |
1942 |
| Gilbert Guillaume Marie-Jean Aubry | Born | | Bishop Emeritus of Saint-Denis-de-La Réunion |
1948 |
| Luis Armando Tineo Rivera | Born | | Bishop Emeritus of Carora, Venezuela |
1950 |
| Alain Castet | Born | | Bishop Emeritus of Luçon, France |
1951 |
| Kevin William Vann | Born | | Bishop of Orange in California, USA |
1954 |
| George Palliparampil (Palliparambil), S.D.B. | Born | | Bishop of Miao, India |
1955 |
| Miguel Fritz, O.M.I. | Born | | Apostolic Administrator of Pilcomayo, Paraguay |
1956 |
| Antonieto Dumagan Cabajog | Born | | Bishop of Surigao, Philippines |
27.1 | Leopold Nowak | Ordained Priest | Priest of Paderborn, Germany | Bishop Emeritus of Magdeburg, Germany |
1958 |
| Joseba Segura Etxezarraga | Born | | Bishop of Bilbao, Spain |
1959 |
| Almeida Kanda (Canda) | Born | | Bishop of Ndalatando, Angola |
1960 |
| Fernando Francisco | Born | | Auxiliary Bishop of Luanda, Angola |
| Fortunatus Nwachukwu | Born | | Secretary of the Dicastery for Evangelization |
| Ivan Štironja | Born | | Bishop of Poreč i Pula, Croatia |
1961 |
| Vlastimil Kročil | Born | | Bishop of České Budĕjovice {Budweis}, Czechia |
| Joseph Ndembu Mbatia | Born | | Bishop of Nyahururu, Kenya |
1962 |
| Philippe Abbo Chen, I.N.D.V. | Born | | Vicar Apostolic of Mongo, Chad |
| João Kot, O.M.I. | Born | | Bishop of Zé-Doca, Maranhão, Brazil |
1963 |
| Nereudo Freire Henrique | Born | | Auxiliary Bishop of Olinda e Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil |
1964 |
| Jozef Hal’ko | Born | | Auxiliary Bishop of Bratislava, Slovakia |
25.4 | Murphy Nicholas Xavier Pakiam | Ordained Priest | Priest of Penang, Malaysia | Archbishop Emeritus of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
1970 |
| Leszek Leszkiewicz | Born | | Auxiliary Bishop of Tarnów, Poland |
25.7 | Nicholas James Samra | Ordained Priest | Priest of United States of America (Melkite Greek) | Bishop Emeritus of Newton (Our Lady of the Annunciation in Boston) (Melkite Greek), USA |
| Matthew Zhen Xuebin | Born | | Coadjutor Bishop of Beijing [Peking], China |
1973 |
| Raimundo Vanthuy Neto, Ist. del Prado | Born | | Bishop of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas, Brazil |
1974 |
| Leandro Maria Alves | Born | | Bishop of Baucau, Timor-Leste |
1975 | 25.4 | Gregory Michael Aymond | Ordained Priest | Priest of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA | Archbishop |
27.8 | Giuliano Frigeni, P.I.M.E. | Ordained Priest | Priest of Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions | Bishop Emeritus of Parintins, Amazonas, Brazil |
1978 | 25.7 | Thomas John Joseph Paprocki | Ordained Priest | Priest of Chicago, Illinois, USA | Bishop of Springfield in Illinois, USA |
1980 | 30.6 | Norbert Marshall Andradi, O.M.I. | Ordained Priest | Priest of Oblates of Mary Immaculate | Bishop of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka |
27.3 | Jean-Pierre Edmond Cottanceau, SS.CC. | Ordained Priest | Priest of Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary | Archbishop of Papeete, French Polynesia, Pacific (Oceania) |
1982 | 25.1 | Esteban María Laxague, S.D.B. | Ordained Priest | Priest of Salesians of Saint John Bosco | Bishop of Viedma, Argentina |
52.4 | José Geraldo Oliveira do Valle, C.S.S. | Appointed | Bishop of Almenara, Minas Gerais, Brazil | Bishop Emeritus of Guaxupé, Minas Gerais, Brazil |
1984 | 23.5 | Aplinar Senapati, C.M. | Professed | Member of Congregation of the Mission | Bishop of Rayagada, India |
1985 | 53.1 | Matthew Francis Ustrzycki | Appointed | Auxiliary Bishop of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus |
53.1 | Matthew Francis Ustrzycki | Appointed | Titular Bishop of Nationa | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada |
1986 | 25.7 | Carl Alan Kemme | Ordained Priest | Priest of Springfield in Illinois, USA | Bishop of Wichita, Kansas, USA |
26.9 | Varghese Thottamkara, C.M. | Solemn Vows | Member of Congregation of the Mission | Bishop of Balasore, India |
1989 | 40.1 | Josip Bozanić | Appointed | Coadjutor Bishop of Krk (Veglia), Croatia | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Zagreb, Croatia |
43.3 | Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz | Appointed | Apostolic Administrator of Minsk, Belarus | Archbishop Emeritus of Minsk-Mohilev, Belarus |
43.3 | Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz | Appointed | Titular Bishop of Hippo Diarrhytus | Archbishop Emeritus of Minsk-Mohilev, Belarus |
37.5 | Matthieu Nguyễn Văn Khôi | Ordained Priest | Priest of Quy Nhơn (Qui Nhơn), Viet Nam | Bishop |
28.5 | Aplinar Senapati, C.M. | Solemn Vows | Member of Congregation of the Mission | Bishop of Rayagada, India |
1992 | 33.3 | Michael Didi Adgum Mangoria | Ordained Priest | Priest of Khartoum, Sudan | Archbishop |
51.6 | Cesare Bonivento, P.I.M.E. | Ordained Bishop | Bishop of Vanimo, Papua New Guinea | Bishop Emeritus |
24.3 | Walter Erbì | Ordained Priest | Priest of Iglesias, Italy | Apostolic Nuncio to Liberia |
1993 | 25.3 | Simião Purificaçao Fernandes | Ordained Priest | Priest of Goa e Damão, India | Auxiliary Bishop |
1996 | 28.7 | Deepak Valerian Tauro | Ordained Priest | Priest of Muzaffarpur, India | Auxiliary Bishop of Delhi, India |
1997 | 27.5 | António Manuel Bogaio Constantino, M.C.C.I. | First Vows | Member of Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus | Auxiliary Bishop of Beira, Mozambique |
60.1 | Leo Jun Ikenaga, S.J. | Succeeded | Archbishop of Osaka, Japan | Archbishop Emeritus |
31.9 | Francisco Javier Pistilli Scorzara, P. Schönstatt | Ordained Priest | Priest of Institute of Schönstatt Fathers | Bishop of Encarnación, Paraguay |
28.4 | Víctor Iván Vargas Galarza | Ordained Priest | Priest of Cochabamba, Bolivia | Auxiliary Bishop |
1998 | 43.9 | Juan-José Aguirre Muñoz, M.C.C.I. | Ordained Bishop | Coadjutor Bishop of Bangassou, Central African Republic | Bishop |
44.0 | Walmor Oliveira de Azevedo | Ordained Bishop | Titular Bishop of Caliabria | Archbishop of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil |
1999 | 53.2 | Christophe Louis Yves Georges Pierre | Appointed | Apostolic Nuncio to Uganda | Cardinal, Apostolic Nuncio to United States of America |
2000 | 47.6 | Gervais Banshimiyubusa | Appointed | Coadjutor Bishop of Ngozi, Burundi | Archbishop of Bujumbura, Burundi |
53.9 | Antonino Migliore | Appointed | Prelate of Coxim, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil | Bishop Emeritus of Coxim, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil |
44.9 | Dominic Ryōji Miyahara | Appointed | Bishop of Oita, Japan | Bishop Emeritus of Fukuoka, Japan |
45.8 | Thomas Pulloppillil | Appointed | Bishop of Bongaigaon, India |
47.2 | Marcellino Taiji Tani | Appointed | Bishop of Urawa, Japan | Bishop Emeritus of Saitama, Japan |
66.6 | Johannes Henricus J. Te Maarssen, S.V.D. | Appointed | Bishop of Kundiawa, Papua New Guinea | Bishop Emeritus |
49.8 | John Thattumkal, S.S.C. | Appointed | Bishop of Cochin, India | Bishop Emeritus |
2001 | 47.4 | Luc Cyr | Appointed | Bishop of Valleyfield, Québec, Canada | Archbishop of Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada |
51.1 | Arthur Roche | Ordained Bishop | Titular Bishop of Rusticiana | Cardinal, Prefect of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments |
55.0 | George Stack | Ordained Bishop | Titular Bishop of Gemellae in Numidia | Archbishop Emeritus of Cardiff-Menevia, Wales, Great Britain |
2003 | 52.1 | Abraham Desta | Ordained Bishop | Titular Bishop of Horrea Aninici | Vicar Apostolic of Meki, Ethiopia |
62.8 | Guillermo José Garlatti | Installed | Archbishop of Bahía Blanca, Argentina | Archbishop Emeritus |
2004 | 58.3 | Mario Zenari | Appointed | Apostolic Nuncio to Sri Lanka | Cardinal, Apostolic Nuncio to Syria |
2005 | 56.3 | Carlos Enrique Herrera Gutiérrez, O.F.M. | Appointed | Bishop of Jinotega, Nicaragua |
65.1 | Denis James Madden | Appointed | Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore, Maryland, USA | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus |
65.1 | Denis James Madden | Appointed | Titular Bishop of Baia | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Baltimore, Maryland, USA |
2006 | 60.0 | Orlando Brandes | Appointed | Archbishop of Londrina, Parana, Brazil | Archbishop of Aparecida, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
2008 | 73.4 | Tarcisio Pietro Evasio Bertone, S.D.B. | Appointed | Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati | Cardinal, Secretary Emeritus of the Secretariat of State |
45.3 | Murray Chatlain | Succeeded | Bishop of Mackenzie-Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, Canada | Archbishop of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada |
75.5 | Denis Croteau, O.M.I. | Retired | Bishop of Mackenzie-Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, Canada | Bishop Emeritus |
63.3 | Oswald Gracias | Installed | Cardinal-Priest of San Paolo della Croce a “Corviale” | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Bombay, India |
2009 | 52.1 | Pascal Michel Ghislain Delannoy | Installed | Bishop of Saint-Denis, France | Archbishop of Strasbourg, France |
2011 | 62.9 | Giovanni Angelo Becciu | Appointed | Substitute (Sostituto) of the Secretariat of State | Cardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints |
65.0 | Fernando Filoni | Appointed | Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples | Cardinal, Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem |
58.9 | Giuseppe Pinto | Appointed | Apostolic Nuncio to Philippines | Apostolic Nuncio |
47.3 | Johannes Harmannes Jozefus van den Hende | Appointed | Bishop of Rotterdam, Netherlands |
2012 | 75.5 | Hernán Giraldo Jaramillo | Retired | Bishop of Buga, Colombia | Bishop Emeritus |
65.1 | José Roberto Ospina Leongómez | Appointed | Bishop of Buga, Colombia | Bishop Emeritus |
68.4 | Andrew Yeom Soo-jung | Appointed | Archbishop of Seoul, Korea (South) | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus |
68.4 | Andrew Yeom Soo-jung | Appointed | Apostolic Administrator of P’yŏng-yang, Korea (North) | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Seoul, Korea (South) |
2014 | 52.4 | Antônio Carlos Cruz Santos, M.S.C. | Ordained Bishop | Bishop of Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil | Bishop of Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil |
66.5 | Giovanni D’Ercole, F.D.P. | Installed | Bishop of Ascoli Piceno, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
53.2 | Galo Fernández Villaseca | Ordained Bishop | Titular Bishop of Simingi | Bishop of Talca, Chile |
64.3 | Jacek Jezierski | Appointed | Bishop of Elbląg, Poland |
55.3 | Luis Fernando Ramos Pérez | Ordained Bishop | Titular Bishop of Tetci | Archbishop of Puerto Montt, Chile |
48.1 | John Joale Tlhomola, S.C.P. | Ordained Bishop | Bishop of Mohale’s Hoek, Lesotho |
2015 | 65.4 | Arlindo Gomes Furtado | Installed | Cardinal-Priest of San Timoteo | Cardinal, Bishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde |
87.5 | Júlio Duarte Langa | Installed | Cardinal-Priest of San Gabriele dell’Addolorata | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Xai-Xai, Mozambique |
63.1 | Dominique François Joseph Mamberti | Installed | Cardinal-Deacon of Santo Spirito in Sassia | Cardinal, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura |
2017 | 58.6 | Jacy Diniz Rocha | Appointed | Bishop of São Luíz de Cáceres, Mato Grosso, Brazil |
51.9 | André Vital Félix da Silva, S.C.I. | Appointed | Bishop of Limoeiro do Norte, Ceara, Brazil |
50.9 | Luiz Antônio Lopes Ricci | Appointed | Auxiliary Bishop of Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Bishop of Itapetininga, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
50.9 | Luiz Antônio Lopes Ricci | Appointed | Titular Bishop of Tyndaris | Bishop of Itapetininga, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
2018 | 45.6 | Ábel Antal Szocska, O.S.B.M. | Ordained Bishop | Bishop of Nyíregyháza (Hungarian), Hungary |
2019 | 65.8 | Kricor-Okosdinos (Augustin) Coussa | Resigned | Patriarchal Exarch of Jerusalem and Amman {Gerusalemme e Amman} (Armenian), Palestine | Bishop of Iskanderiya {Alexandria} (Armenian), Egypt |
54.2 | Willy Ngumbi Ngengele, M. Afr. | Appointed | Apostolic Administrator of Kindu, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop of Goma, Congo (Dem. Rep.) |
49.9 | Nersès (Joseph) Zabarian (Zabbara) | Appointed | Patriarchal Exarch of Jerusalem and Amman {Gerusalemme e Amman} (Armenian), Palestine | Archbishop of Baghdad (Armenian), Iraq |
2023 | 48.4 | Aurélio Pinto de Sousa | Appointed | Bishop of Quixadá, Ceara, Brazil |
| Girma Tesfaye Gari | Appointed | Apostolic Administrator of Nekemte, Ethiopia | Priest |
63.9 | Varghese Thottamkara, C.M. | Appointed | Bishop of Balasore, India |
2025 | 50.8 | Estêvão Ângelo Fernando | Ordained Bishop | Bishop of Alto Molócuè, Mozambique | Bishop-Elect |
70.4 | Vitalis Sekhonyana Marole, O.M.I. | Ordained Bishop | Bishop of Leribe, Lesotho | Bishop-Elect |