Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
Mar | Born | [Joseph Qian (Quin) Hui-min] † | Bishop of Nanjing [Nanking], China | ||
3 Mar | 22.8 | Ordained Priest | Cleto Loayza Gumiel † | Priest | Bishop of Potosí, Bolivia |
5 Mar | Born | Bruno Bernard Heim † | Apostolic Nuncio | ||
25.4 | Ordained Priest | Franciszek Sonik † | Priest of Kielce, Poland | Auxiliary Bishop | |
6 Mar | 41.8 | Appointed | Auguste-Marie-Augustin Chapuis, M.E.P. † | Coadjutor Bishop of Kumbakonam, India | Bishop Emeritus |
41.8 | Appointed | Auguste-Marie-Augustin Chapuis, M.E.P. † | Titular Bishop of Castoria | Bishop Emeritus of Kumbakonam, India | |
76.0 | Died | Hermann Jakob Dingelstad † | Bishop of Münster, Germany | ||
7 Mar | 49.0 | Installed | Ovide (William) Charlebois, O.M.I. † | Vicar Apostolic of Keewatin, Manitoba, Canada | |
35.0 | Appointed | Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli † | Under Secretary of the Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) | |
51.2 | Appointed | Joăo Antônio Pimenta † | Bishop of Montes Claros, Brazil | ||
8 Mar | 58.7 | Selected | János Csernoch † | Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary | Cardinal, Archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary |
Born | Raymond-Marie-Joseph Vayron de La Moureyre, C.S.Sp. † | Bishop Emeritus of Mouila, Gabon | |||
70.9 | Appointed | Johann Baptist von Neudecker † | Auxiliary Bishop of München und Freising {Munich}, Germany | ||
70.9 | Appointed | Johann Baptist von Neudecker † | Titular Bishop of Helenopolis in Bithynia | Auxiliary Bishop of München und Freising {Munich}, Germany | |
9 Mar | 34.6 | Appointed | Raymond-René Lerouge, C.S.Sp. † | Prefect of Guinea Francese, Guinea | Vicar Apostolic of Conakry, Guinea |
10 Mar | Born | Eldon Bernard Schuster † | Bishop Emeritus of Great Falls, Montana, USA | ||
11 Mar | 24.2 | Ordained Priest | Francis Arthur Carvalho † | Priest | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Madras and Mylapore (Meliapor), India |
22.6 | Ordained Priest | Manuel Maria Ferreira da Silva, S.M.P. † | Priest of Missionários da Boa Nova | Superior General Emeritus | |
72.2 | Died | John Anthony Forest † | Bishop of San Antonio, Texas, USA | ||
23.3 | Ordained Priest | Agostino Rousset † | Priest of Susa, Italy | Bishop of Ventimiglia, Italy | |
47.2 | Succeeded | John William Shaw † | Bishop of San Antonio, Texas, USA | Archbishop of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA | |
Born | Daniel Tavares Baeta Neves † | Bishop of Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais, Brazil | |||
13 Mar | 50.9 | Appointed | Cyrillo de Paula Freitas † | Bishop of Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil | Bishop Emeritus |
14 Mar | 53.6 | Resigned | Pierre Kojunian (Koyounian) † | Bishop of Iskanderiya {Alexandria} (Armenian), Egypt | Bishop Emeritus |
15 Mar | Born | Longinus Gabriel Pereira † | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Bombay, India | ||
16 Mar | 76.9 | Appointed | Charles Maurice Graham † | Titular Bishop of Tiberias | Bishop Emeritus of Plymouth, England, Great Britain |
76.9 | Retired | Charles Maurice Graham † | Bishop of Plymouth, England, Great Britain | Bishop Emeritus | |
Born | Joseph Ignace Waterschoot, O. Praem. † | Bishop Emeritus of Lolo, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |||
17 Mar | 47.1 | Ordained Bishop | Patrick Joseph Clune, C.Ss.R. † | Bishop of Perth, Australia | Archbishop of Perth, Australia |
53.6 | Appointed | Pierre Kojunian (Koyounian) † | Titular Archbishop of Chalcedon dei Armeni | Bishop Emeritus of Iskanderiya {Alexandria} (Armenian), Egypt | |
65.3 | Died | Salvador Masot y Gómez, O.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Fo-Kien, China | ||
18 Mar | 41.0 | Succeeded | Vilmos Batthyány † | Bishop of Nitra, Slovakia | Bishop Emeritus |
86.5 | Died | Imrich Bende † | Bishop of Nitra, Slovakia | ||
47.3 | Appointed | Giovanni Tacci (Porcelli) † | Apostolic Internuncio to Netherlands | Cardinal, Secretary Emeritus of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches | |
26.8 | Ordained Priest | John Baptist Wang Zengyi (Wang Tseng-yi, Uamzemi), C.M. † | Priest of Congregation of the Mission | Bishop of Anguo [Ankwo], China | |
19 Mar | 42.8 | Ordained Bishop | Giuseppe Angelucci † | Bishop of Cittŕ della Pieve, Italy | |
53.3 | Ordained Bishop | Andrea Karlin † | Bishop of Trieste e Capodistria (Trst i Koper), Italy | Bishop of Lavant, Slovenia | |
24.5 | Ordained Priest | Joseph Godehard Machens † | Priest of Hildesheim, Germany | Bishop | |
53.1 | Ordained Bishop | Ignaz Rieder † | Titular Bishop of Sura | Archbishop of Salzburg, Austria | |
Born | Peter Pao Zin Tou (Tou Pao-zin) † | Bishop Emeritus of Hsinchu, Taiwan | |||
Born | Estanislau Arnoldo Van Melis, C.P. † | Bishop Emeritus of Săo Luís de Montes Belos, Goias, Brazil | |||
20 Mar | Born | Angélico Melotto Mazzardo, O.F.M. † | Bishop Emeritus of Sololá, Guatemala | ||
22 Mar | Born | Jorge Ramón Chalup † | Bishop of Gualeguaychú, Argentina | ||
31.3 | Ordained Deacon | Bl. Leontiy Leonid Fedorov, M.S.U. † | Deacon | Apostolic Exarch of Russia (Russian) | |
Born | Germaine-Marie Lalande, C.S.C. † | Superior General Emeritus of Congregation of Holy Cross | |||
23 Mar | 70.4 | Died | Godfried Marschall † | Auxiliary Bishop of Wien {Vienna}, Austria | |
24 Mar | 70.5 | Died | Tommaso Maria Granello, O.P. † | Titular Archbishop of Seleucia Pieria | |
29.1 | Appointed | Sebastiăo Leme da Silveira Cintra † | Auxiliary Bishop of Săo Sebastiăo do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Cardinal, Archbishop | |
29.1 | Appointed | Sebastiăo Leme da Silveira Cintra † | Titular Bishop of Orthosias in Phoenicia | Cardinal, Archbishop of Săo Sebastiăo do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | |
25 Mar | 31.3 | Ordained Priest | Bl. Leontiy Leonid Fedorov, M.S.U. † | Priest | Apostolic Exarch of Russia (Russian) |
50.4 | Ordained Bishop | Emidio Trenta † | Bishop of Larino, Italy | Bishop of Viterbo e Tuscania, Italy | |
26 Mar | 70.9 | Ordained Bishop | Johann Baptist von Neudecker † | Titular Bishop of Helenopolis in Bithynia | Auxiliary Bishop of München und Freising {Munich}, Germany |
29 Mar | 49.4 | Appointed | Giuseppe Bartolomeo Rovetta † | Bishop of Cassano all’Jonio, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
30 Mar | Born | Ramón Pastor Bogarín Argańa † | Bishop of San Juan Bautista de las Misiones, Paraguay | ||
31 Mar | 58.9 | Appointed | Angelo Portelli, O.P. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Malta | |
58.9 | Appointed | Angelo Portelli, O.P. † | Titular Bishop of Selinus | Auxiliary Bishop of Malta | |
Born | Paul Joseph Schmitt † | Bishop Emeritus of Metz, France | |||
1 Apr | 22.6 | Ordained Priest | [Carlos Duarte Costa] † | Priest of Săo Sebastiăo do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | |
22.3 | Ordained Priest | Manuel Gonçalves Cerejeira † | Priest of Braga, Portugal | Cardinal, Patriarch Emeritus of Lisboa {Lisbon}, Portugal | |
Born | Adam Kozłowiecki, S.J. † | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Lusaka, Zambia | |||
33.4 | Ordained Priest | Eduardo Parente † | Priest | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Capua, Italy | |
2 Apr | 41.4 | Installed | Nicola Cola † | Bishop of Nocera Umbra, Italy | Bishop of Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino, Italy |
59.8 | Ordained Bishop | Peter Göbl † | Titular Bishop of Sinope | Auxiliary Bishop of Augsburg, Germany | |
4 Apr | Born | Joseph Sun Zhi-bin (Sun Zhi Pin) † | Bishop of Yiduxian [Iduhsien], China | ||
5 Apr | 46.9 | Appointed | Eugenio Tosi, O.Ss.C.A. † | Bishop of Squillace, Italy | Cardinal, Archbishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy |
7 Apr | 64.8 | Died | Karol Antoni Niedziałkowski † | Bishop of Lutsk, Zhytomyr, and Kamyanets-Podilskyi (Łuck, Zytomierz, and Kamienec), Ukraine | |
8 Apr | 35.9 | Appointed | Florian-Jean-Baptiste Demange, M.E.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Taiku, Korea (South) | |
35.9 | Appointed | Florian-Jean-Baptiste Demange, M.E.P. † | Titular Bishop of Adrasus | Vicar Apostolic of Taiku, Korea (South) | |
Born | Paul John Hallinan † | Archbishop of Atlanta, Georgia, USA | |||
57.0 | Appointed | Gustave-Charles-Marie Mutel, M.E.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Seul, Korea (South) | ||
9 Apr | Born | Ezequiel Perea Sánchez † | Bishop Emeritus of San Luis Potosí, México | ||
10 Apr | 48.5 | Appointed | Settimio Caracciolo di Torchiarolo † | Bishop of Aversa, Italy | |
42.5 | Appointed | Giovanni Gamberoni † | Bishop of Chiavari, Italy | Archbishop of Vercelli, Italy | |
Born | Petro Kozak, C.Ss.R. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine | |||
11 Apr | 47.9 | Appointed | Giosuč Cattarossi † | Bishop of Albenga, Italy | Bishop of Belluno e Feltre, Italy |
42.0 | Appointed | Emilio Ferrais † | Auxiliary Bishop of Catania, Italy | Archbishop | |
42.0 | Appointed | Emilio Ferrais † | Titular Bishop of Lystra | Archbishop of Catania, Italy | |
37.0 | Appointed | Manoel da Silva Gomes † | Auxiliary Bishop of Fortaleza (Ceará), Brazil | Archbishop Emeritus of Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil | |
37.0 | Appointed | Manoel da Silva Gomes † | Titular Bishop of Mopsuestia | Archbishop Emeritus of Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil | |
12 Apr | 37.8 | Appointed | Celestin Ibáńez y Aparicio, O.F.M. † | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shensi {Scen-Si Settentrionale}, China | Bishop Emeritus of Yan’an [Yenan], China |
37.8 | Appointed | Celestin Ibáńez y Aparicio, O.F.M. † | Titular Bishop of Bagis | Bishop Emeritus of Yan’an [Yenan], China | |
Born | Ferdinando Lambruschini † | Archbishop of Perugia, Italy | |||
48.5 | Appointed | Auguste-Jean-Gabriel Maurice, O.F.M. † | Vicar Apostolic of Central Shensi/Chensi {Scen-Si Centrale}, China | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus | |
73.1 | Died | Cesare Sambucetti † | Apostolic Nuncio | ||
14 Apr | Born | Bl. Théodore Georges Romzha † | Apostolic Administrator of Mukachevo (Munkács) (Ruthenian), Ukraine | ||
15 Apr | 27.9 | Ordained Priest | William Lawrence Adrian † | Priest of Davenport, Iowa, USA | Bishop Emeritus of Nashville, Tennessee, USA |
16 Apr | 31.6 | Ordained Priest | John Francis McNulty † | Priest of Salford, England, Great Britain | Bishop of Nottingham, England, Great Britain |
75.7 | Died | Paul Rubian † | Titular Bishop of Amasea | ||
46.9 | Ordained Bishop | Eugenio Tosi, O.Ss.C.A. † | Bishop of Squillace, Italy | Cardinal, Archbishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy | |
17 Apr | 44.6 | Ordained Bishop | Cleto Cassani † | Titular Bishop of Tacia Montana | Archbishop Emeritus of Sassari, Italy |
74.3 | Died | Beniamino Cavicchioni † | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation for Studies | ||
23.8 | Ordained Priest | Juan Pascual Chimento † | Priest of La Plata, Argentina | Archbishop of La Plata, Argentina | |
24.9 | Ordained Priest | Luigi Civardi † | Priest | Titular Bishop of Thespiae | |
18 Apr | 55.7 | Ordained Bishop | Pierre-Firmin Capmartin † | Bishop of Oran, Algeria | |
55.2 | Ordained Bishop | Johann Baptist Hierl † | Titular Bishop of Teuchira | Auxiliary Bishop of Regensburg, Germany | |
24.8 | Ordained Priest | José Maria Parreira Lara † | Priest | Bishop of Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil | |
19 Apr | Born | Jorge Manrique Hurtado † | Archbishop Emeritus of La Paz, Bolivia | ||
20 Apr | 58.8 | Confirmed | János Csernoch † | Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary | Cardinal, Archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary |
47.4 | Installed | Barnabé Piedrabuena † | Bishop of Catamarca, Argentina | Bishop Emeritus of Tucumán, Argentina | |
43.2 | Appointed | Miklós Széchenyi de Salvar-Felsovidék † | Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyvárad}, Romania | ||
21 Apr | 56.8 | Appointed | John Joseph Keily † | Bishop of Plymouth, England, Great Britain | |
52.5 | Appointed | Domenico Lancellotti † | Bishop of Troia, Italy | Bishop of Conversano, Italy | |
36.0 | Appointed | Victoriano Román Zárate (de San José), O.A.R. † | Prefect of Palawan, Philippines | Prefect Emeritus | |
Born | Germán Villa Gaviria, C.I.M. † | Archbishop Emeritus of Barranquilla, Colombia | |||
22 Apr | 37.0 | Appointed | Gyula Glattfelder † | Bishop of Csanád, Hungary | |
45.8 | Appointed | Lipót Árpád Várady † | Bishop of Győr (Raab), Hungary | Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary | |
23 Apr | 22.3 | Ordained Priest | Benigno Carrara † | Priest of Bergamo, Italy | Bishop Emeritus of Imola, Italy |
47.0 | Ordained Bishop | Alexis Lemaître, M. Afr. † | Titular Bishop of Sitifis | Archbishop of Carthage, Tunisia | |
49.5 | Ordained Bishop | Giuseppe Bartolomeo Rovetta † | Bishop of Cassano all’Jonio, Italy | Bishop Emeritus | |
51.6 | Ceased | Salvatore Scanu † | Apostolic Administrator of Cassano all’Jonio, Italy | Bishop of San Marco e Bisignano, Italy | |
24 Apr | Born | Guy-Marie-Joseph Riobé † | Bishop of Orléans, France | ||
28 Apr | 71.6 | Appointed | John Joseph Keane † | Titular Archbishop of Cius | Archbishop Emeritus of Dubuque, Iowa, USA |
71.6 | Resigned | John Joseph Keane † | Archbishop of Dubuque, Iowa, USA | Archbishop Emeritus | |
30 Apr | 23.1 | Ordained Priest | Marco II Khouzam † | Priest of Luqsor {Tebe} (Coptic), Egypt | Patriarch of Alexandria {Alessandria} (Coptic), Egypt |
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