Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
1 May | 52.9 | Ordained Bishop | Benvenuto Diego Alonso y Nistal, O.F.M. Cap. † | Titular Bishop of Dorylaëum | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Caroní, Venezuela |
48.5 | Ordained Bishop | Francis Joseph Beckman † | Bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska, USA | Archbishop Emeritus of Dubuque, Iowa, USA | |
49.3 | Appointed | Ruggero Bovelli † | Bishop of Modigliana, Italy | Archbishop of Ferrara, Italy | |
22.6 | Ordained Priest | Edward Wilson Douglas † | Priest of Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain | Bishop Emeritus of Motherwell, Scotland, Great Britain | |
46.4 | Ordained Bishop | Jean Trudon Jans, O.F.M. † | Titular Bishop of Rhosus | Vicar Apostolic of Ichang [Yichang], China | |
51.0 | Ordained Bishop | Emile-Jean-François Thiénard † | Bishop of Constantine (-Hippone), Algeria | ||
2 May | 50.3 | Appointed | Pedro María Vera y Zuria † | Archbishop of Puebla de los Ángeles, México | |
4 May | 66.3 | Installed | Joseph Aloysius Charles Murphy, S.J. † | Vicar Apostolic of British Honduras, Belize | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of British Honduras, Belize |
37.5 | Ordained Bishop | Jāzeps Rancāns † | Titular Bishop of Marcopolis | Auxiliary Bishop of Riga, Latvia | |
7 May | 50.6 | Appointed | Giuseppe Potier, C.M. † | Prefect of Arauca, Colombia | |
9 May | 52.7 | Appointed | Paolo Albera † | Bishop of Mileto, Italy | |
10 May | 100.87 | Born | Settimio Todisco | Archbishop Emeritus of Brindisi-Ostuni, Italy | |
11 May | 74.3 | Died | Célestin-Félix-Joseph Chouvellon, M.E.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Szechwan {Se-Ciuen Orientale}, China | |
12 May | 67.2 | Reconciled | Stephen Alexander Dzubay † | Bishop | |
66.3 | Died | Louis Sebastian Walsh † | Bishop of Portland, Maine, USA | ||
13 May | 59.2 | Ordained Bishop | Anton Pieter Franz van Velsen, S.J. † | Titular Bishop of Aezani | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Batavia, Indonesia |
15 May | Born | Filippo Franceschi † | Bishop of Padova {Padua}, Italy | ||
Born | Ernesto Gallina † | Official Emeritus of the Secretariat of State | |||
67.1 | Died | Florian Stan † | Auxiliary Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino} (Romanian), Romania | ||
18 May | 22.7 | Ordained Priest | Giuseppe Di Donna, O.SS.T. † | Priest of Order of the Most Holy Trinity | Bishop of Andria, Italy |
19 May | 38.0 | Appointed | Abel Isidoro Antezana y Rojas, C.M.F. † | Bishop of Cochabamba, Bolivia | Archbishop Emeritus of La Paz, Bolivia |
Born | Yves-Marie-Henri Bescond † | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Meaux, France | |||
20 May | 39.9 | Appointed | Konštantín Bohačevskyj † | Apostolic Exarch of United States of America (Ukrainian), Pennsylvania | Archbishop of Philadelphia (Ukrainian), Pennsylvania, USA |
39.9 | Appointed | Konštantín Bohačevskyj † | Titular Bishop of Amisus | Archbishop of Philadelphia (Ukrainian), Pennsylvania, USA | |
44.5 | Appointed | Basil Takacs (Takach) † | Apostolic Exarch of United States of America (Ruthenian), Pennsylvania | ||
44.5 | Appointed | Basil Takacs (Takach) † | Titular Bishop of Zela | Apostolic Exarch of United States of America (Ruthenian), Pennsylvania | |
21 May | Born | Miguel Ángel Rafael María de Santa Teresita del Nino Jesús Lecumberri Erburu, O.C.D. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Tumaco, Colombia | ||
78.3 | Died | Ildefonso Vincenzo Pisani, C.R.L. † | Bishop Emeritus of Anglona-Tursi, Italy | ||
Born | Giulio Salimei † | Auxiliary Bishop of Roma {Rome}, Italy | |||
69.9 | Died | Pierre Verdier † | Auxiliary Bishop of Rodez (-Vabres), France | ||
22 May | 54.0 | Ordained Bishop | Fabien-Zoël Decelles † | Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada | |
61.2 | Appointed | Alexis-Henri-Marie Lépicier, O.S.M. † | Titular Archbishop of Tarsus | Cardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious | |
44.3 | Appointed | Joseph Casimir Plagens † | Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit, Michigan, USA | Bishop of Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA | |
44.3 | Appointed | Joseph Casimir Plagens † | Titular Bishop of Rhodiapolis | Bishop of Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA | |
25 May | 16.0 | Simple Vows | Enrico Romolo Compagnone, O.C.D. † | Member of Order of Discalced Carmelites | Bishop Emeritus of Terracina-Latina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy |
28.0 | Ordained Deacon | Henri-Albert Thomine, M.E.P. † | Deacon of La Société des Missions Etrangères | Vicar Apostolic of Laos | |
27 May | 35.7 | Appointed | Miguel Ángel Builes Gómez † | Bishop of Santa Rosa de Osos, Colombia | |
83.2 | Died | Cláudio José Gonçalves Ponce de Leão, C.M. † | Archbishop Emeritus of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | ||
Born | James Martin Hayes † | Archbishop Emeritus of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada | |||
28 May | 37.2 | Appointed | Henricus Leo Smeets, S.C.I. † | Prefect of Benkoelen, Indonesia | Prefect Emeritus |
29 May | 61.2 | Ordained Bishop | Alexis-Henri-Marie Lépicier, O.S.M. † | Titular Archbishop of Tarsus | Cardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious |
25.5 | Ordained Priest | José de Medeiros Leite † | Priest | Bishop of Oliveira, Minas Gerais, Brazil | |
1 Jun | 43.9 | Ordained Bishop | John Dignan † | Bishop of Clonfert, Ireland | |
Born | François Kabangu wa Mutela † | Bishop Emeritus of Luebo, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |||
Born | Andrés María Rubio Garcia, S.D.B. † | Bishop Emeritus of Mercedes, Uruguay | |||
2 Jun | 75.8 | Died | Francesco Ciceri † | Bishop of Pavia, Italy | |
85.2 | Died | Ferdinand von Schlör † | Bishop of Würzburg, Germany | ||
4 Jun | Born | Michel-Gaspard Coppenrath † | Archbishop Emeritus of Papeete, French Polynesia, Pacific (Oceania) | ||
5 Jun | Born | Joseph Jean Marie Rozier † | Bishop of Poitiers, France | ||
6 Jun | 80.6 | Died | Andrea Righetti † | Bishop of Carpi, Italy | |
8 Jun | 39.7 | Ordained Bishop | Henry Aloysius Gogarty, C.S.Sp. † | Titular Bishop of Themiscyra | Vicar Apostolic of Kilima-Njaro, Tanzania |
Born | Vladas Michelevičius † | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Kaunas, Lithuania | |||
25.7 | Ordained Priest | Leo John Steck † | Priest of Saint Louis, Missouri, USA | Auxiliary Bishop of Salt Lake City, Utah, USA | |
23.1 | Ordained Priest | Albert Rudolph Zuroweste † | Priest of Belleville, Illinois, USA | Bishop Emeritus | |
9 Jun | 40.0 | Ordained Bishop | Bartholomew Stanislaus Wilson, C.S.Sp. † | Titular Bishop of Acmonia | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Sierra Leone |
10 Jun | Born | Colin Cameron Davies, M.H.M. † | Bishop Emeritus of Ngong, Kenya | ||
25.1 | Ordained Priest | Peregrin de la Fuente Néstar, O.P. † | Priest of Order of Friars Preachers | Prelate of Batanes and the Babuyan Islands, Philippines | |
11 Jun | 61.2 | Appointed | Alexis-Henri-Marie Lépicier, O.S.M. † | Official of the Congregation for Propagation of the Faith | Cardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious |
12 Jun | 17.1 | Entered | William Patrick Whelan, O.M.I. † | Member of Oblates of Mary Immaculate | Archbishop of Bloemfontein, South Africa |
13 Jun | 48.5 | Appointed | António Antunes † | Coadjutor Bishop of Coimbra, Portugal | Bishop |
53.5 | Appointed | Josef Bombera † | Vicar Apostolic of Czechoslovakia | ||
53.5 | Appointed | Josef Bombera † | Titular Bishop of Hieropolis | Vicar Apostolic of Czechoslovakia | |
39.0 | Appointed | Mikiel Gonzi † | Bishop of Gozo, Malta | Archbishop Emeritus of Malta | |
14 Jun | 26.6 | Ordained Priest | Francisco José Bruls Canisius, S.M.M. † | Priest of Missionaries of the Company of Mary | Bishop Emeritus of Villavicencio, Colombia |
27.7 | Ordained Priest | Albert-Marie Guiot, S.M.M. † | Priest of Missionaries of the Company of Mary | Bishop of Port-de-Paix, Haïti | |
26.8 | Ordained Priest | Johánnes Gunnarsson, S.M.M. † | Priest of Missionaries of the Company of Mary | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Iceland {Islanda} | |
25.2 | Ordained Priest | Martin Michael Johnson † | Priest | Archbishop Emeritus of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | |
27.4 | Ordained Priest | Manuel Mascariñas y Morgia † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Tagbilaran, Philippines | |
24.3 | Ordained Priest | Gérard Mongeau, O.M.I. † | Priest of Oblates of Mary Immaculate | Archbishop Emeritus of Cotabato, Philippines | |
70.9 | Appointed | Paul Nègre † | Auxiliary Bishop of Rodez (-Vabres), France | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus | |
Born | Alban (Edward) Quinn, O. Carm. † | Apostolic Administrator Emeritus of Sicuani, Peru | |||
27.1 | Ordained Priest | Martin Walter Stanton † | Priest of Newark, New Jersey, USA | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Newark, New Jersey, USA | |
15 Jun | 39.9 | Ordained Bishop | Konštantín Bohačevskyj † | Titular Bishop of Amisus | Archbishop of Philadelphia (Ukrainian), Pennsylvania, USA |
53.2 | Died | Camillo Francesco Carrara, O.F.M. Cap. † | Vicar Apostolic of Eritrea | ||
55.1 | Ceased | Carlo Gregorio Maria Grasso, O.S.B. † | Apostolic Administrator of Nola, Italy | Archbishop of Salerno (-Acerno), Italy | |
51.6 | Ordained Bishop | Andrew Killian † | Bishop of Port Augusta, Australia | Archbishop of Adelaide, Australia | |
52.4 | Installed | Luigi Mazzini † | Bishop of Anagni, Italy | Bishop Emeritus | |
45.3 | Ordained Bishop | Egisto Domenico Melchiori † | Bishop of Nola, Italy | Bishop of Tortona, Italy | |
44.6 | Ordained Bishop | Basil Takacs (Takach) † | Titular Bishop of Zela | Apostolic Exarch of United States of America (Ruthenian), Pennsylvania | |
22 Jun | 25.8 | Ordained Priest | Secondo Bologna † | Priest of Cuneo, Italy | Bishop of Boiano-Campobasso, Italy |
27.6 | Ordained Priest | Ioan Maria Duma, O.F.M. Conv. † | Priest of Order of Friars Minor Conventual | Titular Bishop of Iuliopolis | |
68.5 | Died | Pacifico Fiorani † | Bishop of Osimo e Cingoli, Italy | ||
24.8 | Ordained Priest | Giovanni Battista Piasentini, C.S.Ch. † | Priest of Congregation of the Schools of Charity | Bishop Emeritus of Chioggia, Italy | |
22.7 | Ordained Priest | Imre Szabó † | Priest | Apostolic Administrator of Esztergom, Hungary | |
23 Jun | 39.1 | Appointed | Richard Oliver Gerow † | Bishop of Natchez, Mississippi, USA | Bishop Emeritus of Natchez-Jackson, Mississippi, USA |
53.6 | Appointed | Francis Clement Kelley † | Bishop of Oklahoma, USA | Bishop of Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA | |
62.3 | Resigned | Brice Meuleman, S.J. † | Archbishop of Calcutta, India | Archbishop Emeritus | |
48.7 | Succeeded | Ferdinand Périer, S.J. † | Archbishop of Calcutta, India | Archbishop Emeritus | |
24 Jun | 27.7 | Ordained Priest | Louis-Joseph Cabana, M. Afr. † | Priest of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) | Archbishop Emeritus of Rubaga, Uganda |
51.2 | Ordained Bishop | Jean-Camille Costes † | Titular Bishop of Telmissus | Bishop of Angers, France | |
26 Jun | Born | Miroslav Stefan Marusyn † | Secretary Emeritus of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches | ||
Born | Dermot J. Ryan † | Archbishop Emeritus of Dublin, Ireland | |||
Born | Paul Sani Kleden, S.V.D. † | Bishop of Denpasar, Indonesia | |||
27 Jun | 26.8 | Ordained Priest | Henry Ambrose Pinger, O.F.M. † | Priest of Order of Friars Minor | Bishop Emeritus of Zhoucun [Chowtsun], China |
28 Jun | 49.4 | Installed | Ruggero Bovelli † | Bishop of Faenza, Italy | Archbishop of Ferrara, Italy |
29.5 | Ordained Priest | René Henri Joseph Fontenelle † | Priest of Cambrai, France | Titular Bishop of Theudalis | |
26.5 | Ordained Priest | Charles-Marie-Jacques Guilhem † | Priest of Paris, France | Bishop Emeritus of Laval, France | |
23.9 | Ordained Priest | Amand Louis Marie Antoine Hubert, S.M.A. † | Priest of Society of African Missions | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Eliopoli di Egitto, Egypt | |
81.5 | Died | Jean-Joseph Tournier † | Auxiliary Bishop of Carthage, Tunisia | ||
29 Jun | 49.0 | Ordained Bishop | John Barry † | Bishop of Goulburn, Australia | |
23.5 | Ordained Priest | Noël Laurent Boucheix, S.M.A. † | Priest of Clermont, France | Bishop Emeritus of Porto Novo, Benin | |
23.4 | Ordained Priest | Giuseppe Burzio † | Priest of Torino {Turin}, Italy | Apostolic Nuncio | |
38.8 | Ordained Bishop | António Augusto de Castro Meireles † | Bishop of Angra, Portugal | Bishop of Porto, Portugal | |
28.9 | Ordained Priest | John Charles McQuaid, C.S.Sp. † | Priest of Congregation of the Holy Spirit | Archbishop Emeritus of Dublin, Ireland | |
22.6 | Ordained Priest | Rubén Odio Herrera † | Priest of San José de Costa Rica | Archbishop |
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