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The Year of Our Lord 1837

Bishop Events

January to April

See Also: May to August | September to December | Overview | Diocese Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1836) | Next Year (1838)

DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknown21.7Ordained PriestGregorio (Michael) Ata (Atta)PriestArchbishop of Homs (-Hama-Jabrud) (Melkite Greek), Syria
45.1DiedGiovanni Battista BagnascoAuxiliary Bishop of Palermo, Italy
24.2ProfessedJoseph (François-de-Paul) Baudichon, SS.CC. †Member of Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and MaryVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Marquesas Islands {Isole Marchesi}, French Polynesia, Pacific (Oceania)
Ordained BishopElias ChahwannBishopBishop of Mardin (Syrian), Turkey
22.8ProfessedEugène-Jean-Claude-Joseph Desflèches, M.E.P. †Member of La Société des Missions EtrangèresVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Eastern Szechwan {Se-Ciuen Orientale}, China
28.2ProfessedIldephonse-René Dordillon, SS.CC. †Member of Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and MaryVicar Apostolic of Marquesas Islands {Isole Marchesi}, French Polynesia, Pacific (Oceania)
28.8Ordained PriestJean Baptiste Epalle, S.M. †Priest of Lyon (-Vienne), FranceVicar Apostolic of Melanesia, Pacific (Oceania)
BornThomas Raymond Hyland, O.P. †Coadjutor Archbishop of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Antilles
70.1DiedPietro IndiaTitular Bishop of Myrina
AppointedGrégoire Issa MahfouzArchbishop of Mossul (Syrian), Iraq
43.0AppointedBasile KfouryPatriarchal Vicar of Egypt and Sudan (Melkite Greek)
17.2ProfessedEugène Amable Jean Claude Lachat, C.Pp.S. †Member of Society of Precious BloodBishop Emeritus of Basel, Switzerland
30.8EnteredUtto (Georg) Lang, O.S.B. †Priest of Order of Saint BenedictPresident Emeritus
68.0DiedGeraldo MaciotiAuxiliary Bishop of Ostia (-Velletri), Italy
BornThéodore Messaieh (Msayeh)Archbishop of Kerkūk (Chaldean), Iraq
24.9Ordained PriestAlexandre-Hippolyte-Xavier Monnet, C.S.Sp. †Priest of Congregation of the Holy SpiritVicar Apostolic of Madagascar, Madagascar
63.1DiedGregorio MuccioliTitular Bishop of Agathopolis
BornJacques-Michel NaamoPatriarchal Vicar of Baghdad (Chaldean), Iraq
23.0Ordained DeaconJulián Ochoa CamposDeacon of Arequipa, PeruBishop Emeritus of Cuzco, Peru
23.0Ordained PriestJulián Ochoa CamposPriest of Arequipa, PeruBishop Emeritus of Cuzco, Peru
29.0Ordained PriestGiuseppe Pecci, S.J. †Priest of Society of JesusCardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Studies
22.8Ordained PriestLeandro Rodríguez de la Gala y EnríquezPriestBishop of Yucatán (Mérida), México
AppointedMacaire SammanBishopBishop Emeritus
64.7ResignedCarlo Emmanuelle Sardagna de HohensteinBishop of Cremona, ItalyBishop Emeritus
59.1ResignedMaurelio Stabellini, O.C.D. †Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly, IndiaCoadjutor Vicar Apostolic Emeritus
35.8AppointedMarie-Laurent TriocheApostolic Delegate to Mesopotamia, Kurdistan, and Lesser Armenia, IraqArchbishop of Baghdad, Iraq
22.8Ordained DeaconWilliam VaughanDeacon of Western District, England, Great BritainBishop of Plymouth, England, Great Britain
1 Jan73.7DiedManuel Fraile GarcíaBishop of Sigüenza, Spain
BornJean HazeraBishop of Digne, France
25.4Ordained PriestColin Francis MacKinnonPriestBishop Emeritus of Arichat, Nova Scotia, Canada
66.7SelectedPietro Ignazio Marolda, C.Ss.R. †Bishop of Pozzuoli, Italy
59.0SelectedAngelo Maria ScanzanoBishop of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy
2 JanBornJohn Hutchinson, O.E.S.A. †Vicar Apostolic of Cooktown, Australia
8 Jan52.9Ordained BishopPawel StraszyńskiBishop of Sejny o Sejna o Augustów, Poland
10 JanAppointedBenito Fernández, O.F.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Giamaica o Jamaica, Antilles
12 Jan45.0SelectedLászló BarkóczyBishop of Székesfehérvár (Albareale), Hungary
15 Jan67.1InstalledStanisław Henryk Lubicz ChoromańskiArchbishop of Warszawa {Warsaw}, Poland
55.9Ordained BishopWalenty Maciej TomaszewskiBishop of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland
18 Jan23.2Ordained PriestTommaso GallucciPriestBishop of Recanati e Loreto, Italy
23.5Ordained DeaconPedro José Tordoya MontoyaDeaconBishop Emeritus of Cuzco, Peru
20 JanBornHugues-Madelain Bottero, M.E.P. †Bishop of Kumbakonam, India
23 Jan45.0DiedWilliam AbrahamBishop of Waterford and Lismore, Ireland
58.2DiedJoaquín Briz, O.P. †Bishop of Segovia, Spain
26 JanBornMagloire-Désiré Barthet, C.S.Sp. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Senegambia, Senegal
29 Jan63.4Ordained BishopIgnaz Anton DemeterArchbishop of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
Feb24.0Ordained PriestFabián Sebastián Arenzana y MagdalenoPriestBishop of Calahorra y La Calzada, Spain
5 Feb24.1Ordained PriestMichael Angelus Jacobi (Jacopi), O.F.M. Cap. †Priest of Order of Friars Minor CapuchinArchbishop of Agra, India
6 Feb84.2DiedDomenico RussoBishop of Ariano, Italy
10 FebBornEugenio Carlo ValussiBishop of Trento, Italy
12 Feb70.7Ordained BishopPietro Giovanni ZanardiBishop of Guastalla, Italy
14 FebBornTommaso MontefuscoBishop of Oria, Italy
15 FebBornThéophile Antoine Kandelaft (Qandalift)Patriarchal Vicar of Beirut {Bairut} (Syrian), Lebanon
17 Feb23.0Ordained DeaconZigmund SzuppánDeaconPriest
18 Feb52.0SelectedLorenzo Giovanni Battista BialeBishop of Ventimiglia, Italy
23.5Ordained PriestPaul Ambroise Bigandet, M.E.P. †Priest of La Société des Missions EtrangèresVicar Apostolic of Southern Burma {Birmania Meridionale}, Myanmar
25.1Ordained PriestJames BrownPriest of Midland District, England, Great BritainBishop of Shrewsbury, England, Great Britain
20 Feb72.7DiedJános MarichPriest
21 Feb39.1AppointedBernard Donald McDonaldBishop of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
AppointedJohn McLaughlinCoadjutor Bishop of Derry, IrelandBishop
AppointedJohn McLaughlinTitular Bishop of AuziaBishop of Derry, Ireland
34.9AppointedRichard Patrick SmithTitular Bishop of AgnusArchbishop of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Antilles
22 Feb53.7InstalledJohann Peter von RicharzBishop of Augsburg, Germany
23.0Ordained PriestZigmund SzuppánPriest
28 FebAppointedNiccola CandoniTitular Archbishop of IconiumArchbishop of Naxos, Greece
30.7AppointedEtienne (Stefano) MissirTitular Bishop of Irenopolis in Cilicia
34.9AppointedRichard Patrick SmithCoadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago, AntillesArchbishop of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Antilles
5 MarBornJean-Benoît Chouzy, M.E.P. †Prefect of Kuamsi (Kwangsi, Guangxi), China
56.7InstalledGiovanni Tommaso NeuschelBishop of Borgo San Donnino, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Parma, Italy
10 Mar37.3AppointedIgnace BourgetCoadjutor Bishop of Montréal, Québec, CanadaBishop Emeritus
37.3AppointedIgnace BourgetTitular Bishop of TelmissusBishop Emeritus of Montréal, Québec, Canada
11 Mar22.6Ordained PriestJoseph Sadoc Alemany y Conill, O.P. †Priest of Order of Friars PreachersArchbishop Emeritus of San Francisco, California, USA
24.4Ordained PriestLuigi Biscioni AmadoriPriest of Pisa, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Sansepolcro (Borgo San Sepolcro), Italy
22.5Ordained PriestCamillo de’ Marchesi BisletiPriestBishop of Tarquinia e Civitavecchia, Italy
BornEnrico GrazioliBishop Emeritus of Guastalla, Italy
12 MarOrdained BishopNiccola CandoniTitular Archbishop of IconiumArchbishop of Naxos, Greece
23.3Ordained DeaconCarlos María Colina y RubioDeaconBishop of Tlaxcala (Puebla de los Angeles), México
23.2Ordained DeaconFrancisco de Paula Verea y GonzálezDeaconBishop of Tlaxcala (Puebla de los Angeles), México
30.8Ordained BishopEtienne (Stefano) MissirTitular Bishop of Irenopolis in Cilicia
13 MarBornLeandro Arrúe Agudo, O.A.R. †Bishop of Jaro o Santa Elisabetta, Philippines
90.1DiedJean-Baptiste Marie Scipion Ruffo (Roux) de BonnevalBishop Emeritus of Senez, France
36.6InstalledKarl August von ReisachBishop of Eichstätt, GermanyCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of München und Freising {Munich}, Germany
14 Mar35.2AppointedIacobus (Yacoub) Eliani (Haliani)Archbishop of Damas (Syrian), Syria
36.0AppointedMarie-Laurent TriocheBishop of Baghdad, IraqArchbishop of Baghdad, Iraq
18 Mar76.2DiedAleksandar AlagovićBishop of Zagreb (Agram), Croatia
77.9DiedDominique-Georges-Frédéric Dufour de PradtArchbishop Emeritus of Mechelen, Belgium
21 MarBornRoberto Papiri (Pageri)Archbishop of Fermo, Italy
40.5SelectedVasyl PopovicsBishop of Mukachevo (Munkács) (Ruthenian), Ukraine
25 MarBornFrancesco BacchiniBishop of Terni, Italy
27 Mar23.3Ordained PriestCarlos María Colina y RubioPriestBishop of Tlaxcala (Puebla de los Angeles), México
23.2Ordained PriestFrancisco de Paula Verea y GonzálezPriestBishop of Tlaxcala (Puebla de los Angeles), México
86.5DiedGiovanni Giacomo Antonio Gaetano Fraschina, O.F.M. Cap. †Titular Archbishop of Corinthus
86.9DiedManuel Pacheco de RèsendeBishop of Aveiro, Portugal
28 Mar18.5ProfessedLeopoldo Zelli Jacobuzi, O.S.B. †Member of Order of Saint BenedictAbbot of San Paolo fuori le Mura, Italy
29 Mar34.7SelectedFrancesco Bruni, C.M. †Bishop of Ugento, Italy
42.6SelectedGiovanni CostantinoBishop of Molfetta, Giovinazzo e Terlizzi, Italy
30 Mar69.7SelectedAntonio CinqueBishop of Anglona-Tursi, Italy
54.6DiedLuigi Paolo Maria Pochettini di SerravalleBishop of Ivrea, Italy
51.2SelectedBenedetto TerenzioBishop of Trivento, Italy
Apr24.0Ordained PriestGiuseppe BugliariPriestTitular Bishop of Dausara
1 Apr53.2ResignedGiovanni Antonio Gianotti (Giannotti)Archbishop of Sassari, ItalyBishop of Saluzzo, Italy
BornAngelo Maria Meraviglia MantegazzaAuxiliary Bishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy
75.6DiedJulián Sanz PalancoBishop of Segorbe, Spain
2 Apr38.9Ordained BishopModesto (Luigi Eugenio) Contratto, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop of Acqui, Italy
3 AprBornBenedetto Maria della CameraTitular Bishop of Thermopylae
84.3DiedIvan Škakoc (Scacoz)Bishop of Hvar (Lesina), Croatia
7 AprBornJoseph Gregory Dwenger, C.Pp.S. †Bishop of Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
8 Apr23.1Ordained PriestJoaquim Gonçalves de AzevedoPriestArchbishop of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
10 AprBornGeorge Vincent King, O.P. †Coadjutor Archbishop of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Antilles
64.2DiedThomas WeldCardinal, Coadjutor Bishop Emeritus of Kingston, Ontario, Canada
11 AprAppointedNiccola CandoniCoadjutor Archbishop of Naxos, GreeceArchbishop
12 Apr35.1AppointedWilliam ClancyVicar Apostolic of British Guiana, Guyana, AntillesVicar Apostolic Emeritus
15 AprBornJohn Edward Cuthbert Hedley, O.S.B. †Bishop of Newport, Wales, Great Britain
17 Apr22.9Ordained DeaconLudwik Feliks ZdanowiczDeaconAuxiliary Bishop of Vilnius, Lithuania
19 AprBornCrescencio Carrillo y AnconaBishop of Yucatán (Mérida), México
20 AprBornTheodore Dalhoff, S.J. †Archbishop of Bombay, India
BornGiovanni Maria DiamareBishop of Sessa Aurunca, Italy
35.1SelectedFrédéric-Gabriel-Marie-François de MargueryeBishop of Saint-Flour, FranceBishop Emeritus of Autun (-Châlon-sur-Saône-Mâcon), France
54.7SelectedSt. Eugène-Charles-Joseph de Mazenod, O.M.I. †Bishop of Marseille, France
26 Apr53.2SelectedGiovanni Antonio Gianotti (Giannotti)Archbishop (Personal Title) of Saluzzo, ItalyBishop
73.6SelectedAndreas Stanislaus von Hattynski (Hatten)Bishop of Warmia (Ermland), Poland
65.3DiedGabriele PapaArchbishop of Sorrento, Italy
27 Apr50.1ResignedCarlo Giuseppe Benedetto Mercy d’ArgenteauApostolic Nuncio to BavariaApostolic Nuncio
22.5Ordained PriestImre SzabóPriest of Veszprém, HungaryBishop of Szombathely, Hungary
29 AprBornWilhelm BlazekAuxiliary Bishop of Olomouc, Czechia
88.0RetiredFortuné-Charles de MazenodBishop of Marseille, FranceBishop Emeritus
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