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The Year of Our Lord 1978


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1977) | Next Year (1979)

unknown[ Dong Wen-long]Bishop of Jinan [Tsinan], China
unknown[ Shi Ming-liang]Bishop of Chongqing [Chungking], China
15 Jan[John Xia Xue-qian]Bishop of Shuoxian [Shohchow], China
16 Jan89.0Luciano MarcanteBishop Emeritus of Valva e Sulmona, Italy
17 Jan82.7Juliusz BieniekAuxiliary Bishop of Katowice, Poland
17 Jan58.7Sotero Sanz VillalbaApostolic Delegate to México
22 Jan63.2Stepan Chmil, S.D.B. †Bishop
2 Feb96.3Domenico PetroniBishop Emeritus of Melfi e Rapolla, Italy
7 Feb72.2Clemente Carranza y LópezBishop of Esteli, Nicaragua
10 Feb57.1Redento Maria Gauci, O. Carm. †Prelate Emeritus of Chuquibamba, Peru
13 Feb68.4Anastasio Granados GarcíaBishop of Palencia, Spain
17 Feb78.4Johannes Rüth, SS.CC. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Central Norway {Norvegia Centrale}
19 Feb82.6Pietro Massa, P.I.M.E. †Bishop of Nanyang [Nanyang], China
23 Feb63.8Eugéne Cornelius Arthurs, I.C. †Bishop Emeritus of Tanga, Tanzania
23 Feb75.5Paul Yoshigoro TaguchiCardinal, Archbishop of Osaka, Japan
28 Feb58.1Denis NgandeBishop of Bafoussam, Cameroon
1 Mar89.6Enrique Delgado y GómezArchbishop Emeritus of Pamplona (-Tudela), Spain
2 Mar93.7Acacio de la Trinidad Chacón GuerraArchbishop Emeritus of Mérida, Venezuela
3 Mar47.9Józef MarekAuxiliary Bishop of Wrocław {Breslavia}, Poland
9 Mar74.3Thomas Albert Newman, M.S. †Bishop Emeritus of Prome, Myanmar
11 Mar75.6Giuseppe MancusoBishop Emeritus of Mazara del Vallo, Italy
17 Mar79.8Giacomo ViolardoCardinal, Secretary Emeritus of the Congregation of the Discipline of the Sacraments
18 Mar93.6Achille SalvucciBishop of Molfetta, Giovinazzo e Terlizzi, Italy
31 Mar94.9Giovanni PirastruBishop Emeritus of Iglesias, Italy
10 Apr86.9Manuel de Medeiros GuerreiroBishop Emeritus of Nampula, Mozambique
13 Apr77.9Jean-de-Capistran (Joseph-Antonio-Aimé) Cayer, O.F.M. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Alexandria in Egypt {Alessandria di Egitto}
14 Apr86.2James MendonçaBishop Emeritus of Tiruchirapalli, India
15 Apr75.8John Anthony King MussioBishop Emeritus of Steubenville, Ohio, USA
16 Apr65.1Thomas Vincent CahillArchbishop of Canberra (and Goulburn), Australia
24 Apr83.3Giuseppe AngrisaniBishop Emeritus of Casale Monferrato, Italy
29 Apr74.1Dante Battaglierin, S.X. †Bishop Emeritus of Khulna, Bangladesh
5 May66.6Emilio Cinense y AberaArchbishop of San Fernando, Philippines
6 May74.2Roger Jean Fernand MichonBishop of Chartres, France
10 May87.8Walter Andrew FoeryBishop Emeritus of Syracuse, New York, USA
13 May74.6Maksimilijan Lukež DržečnikBishop of Maribor, Slovenia
16 May81.2Ignatius P’i-Shu-ShihArchbishop of Shenyang [Mukden, Fengtien], China
26 May87.5Ignacio de Alba y HernándezBishop Emeritus of Colima, México
27 May67.7Johannes Höhne, M.S.C. †Archbishop of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea
31 May103.7Antonio TeutonicoBishop Emeritus of Aversa, Italy
7 Jun77.3Edwin Pinto, S.J. †Bishop Emeritus of Ahmedabad, India
12 Jun80.6Pedro Celestí (Jaume) Gusi i Rossell, O.S.B. †Superior General Emeritus of Order of Saint Benedict
12 Jun85.3Léon LommelBishop Emeritus of Luxembourg
13 Jun60.9Peter Bernard PereiraBishop of Trivandrum, India
21 Jun82.7Stephen Ferrando, S.D.B. †Bishop Emeritus of Shillong, India
24 Jun63.2Felicissimus Alphonse Raeymaeckers, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop Emeritus of Lahore, Pakistan
28 Jun64.2Iuliu HirţeaAuxiliary Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino} (Romanian), Romania
29 Jun81.4Johannes Albert von RudloffAuxiliary Bishop of Osnabrück, Germany
6 Jul68.5Pierre Marie Nguyễn Văn NăngBishop of Vinh, Viet Nam
7 Jul89.4Cândido Julio Bampi, O.F.M. Cap. †Auxiliary Bishop of Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
8 Jul65.8József VajdaAuxiliary Bishop of Vác, Hungary
11 Jul64.8Etienne-Marie-Félix Courtois, M. Afr. †Bishop of Kayes, Mali
16 Jul49.8Francis LennyAuxiliary Bishop of Armagh, Ireland
17 Jul83.6John Joseph BoardmanAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Brooklyn, New York, USA
18 Jul67.2Guy-Marie-Joseph RiobéBishop of Orléans, France
25 Jul70.7Alberto Rencoret DonosoArchbishop Emeritus of Puerto Montt, Chile
28 Jul64.7Ferenc RostaAuxiliary Bishop of Székesfehérvár (Albareale), Hungary
6 Aug80.8St. Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria MontiniPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
6 Aug69.9Felicissimo Stefano Tinivella, O.F.M. †Archbishop Emeritus of Ancona e Numana, Italy
10 Aug51.6Eugčne Abissa KwakuBishop of Abengourou, Côte d’Ivoire
12 Aug84.8Carlo Re, I.M.C. †Bishop Emeritus of Ampurias e Tempio, Italy
16 Aug77.3Paul Yü Pin (Yu Bin)Cardinal, Archbishop of Nanjing [Nanking], China
22 Aug64.5Pierre Wijnants, M.S.C. †Archbishop Emeritus of Mbandaka-Bikoro, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
27 Aug63.9John Gerard McCleanBishop of Middlesbrough, England, Great Britain
8 Sep61.1James Jerome KilleenAuxiliary Bishop of Military, USA
11 Sep77.8Valerian GraciasCardinal, Archbishop of Bombay, India
11 Sep67.6Manuel de Jesus PereiraBishop of Bragança e Miranda, Portugal
12 Sep64.1Józef DrzazgaBishop of Warmia (Ermland), Poland
13 Sep74.2George Andrew (George Augustine) Beck, A.A. †Archbishop Emeritus of Liverpool, England, Great Britain
20 Sep83.3Karl Heinrich Braunstorfer, O. Cist. †Abbot Emeritus of Order of Cistercians
20 Sep62.0Emmanuel Marcel Mbikanye, O.P. †Bishop of Bondo, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
22 Sep63.3Joseph Arthur CostelloAuxiliary Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, USA
28 Sep65.9Bl. Albino LucianiPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
1 Oct89.0Alfredo Maria Obviar y ArandaBishop Emeritus of Lucena, Philippines
10 Oct70.8Aloysius Moses U Ba KhimArchbishop Emeritus of Mandalay, Myanmar
12 Oct80.9Augustin Claude Guérin, M. Afr. †Prefect Emeritus of N’Zérékoré, Guinea
14 Oct77.1Bolesław FilipiakCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of San Giovanni Bosco in via Tuscolana
18 Oct81.3Germiniano EsortoArchbishop Emeritus of Bahía Blanca, Argentina
25 Oct89.2Federico Melendro y Gutiérrez, S.J. †Archbishop of Anqing [Anking, Huai-ning], China
9 Nov68.3Ubaldo Teofano Stella, O.C.D. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Kuwait
21 Nov62.6Joseph Kilasara, C.S.Sp. †Bishop Emeritus of Moshi, Tanzania
27 Nov79.9Joseph Marie Trịnh Như KhuęCardinal, Archbishop of Hŕ Nội, Viet Nam
8 Dec79.5Guido Luigi Bentivoglio, O. Cist. †Archbishop Emeritus of Catania, Italy
12 Dec88.1Valeriano Guemes Rodriguez, C.M. †Superior Emeritus of Cuttack, India
13 Dec66.8Manuel Alfonso de CarvalhoBishop of Angra, Portugal
14 Dec65.2Charles Borromeo McLaughlinBishop of Saint Petersburg, Florida, USA
16 Dec67.9Cyprien-Louis-Pierre-Clément TourelBishop Emeritus of Montpellier (-Lodčve-Béziers-Agde-Saint-Pons-de-Thomičres), France
17 Dec91.8Josef FringsCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Köln {Cologne}, Germany
19 Dec76.8Pedro Cantero CuadradoArchbishop Emeritus of Zaragoza, Spain
25 Dec66.3Joseph Michael SchmondiukArchbishop of Philadelphia (Ukrainian), Pennsylvania, USA
31 Dec78.4Augustin-Joseph Antoine Sépinski, O.F.M. †Apostolic Nuncio


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