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The Year of Our Lord 1736

Bishop Events

January to June

See Also: July to December | Overview | Necrology | Previous Year (1735) | Next Year (1737)

DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknown28.7AppointedStefano Evodio AssemaniTitular Archbishop of Apamea in Syria dei Maroniti
BornPetro Bielański (Bilyanskyi)Bishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine
BornAlexandre-Joseph-Alexis de Bruyère de ChalabreBishop of Saint-Omer, France
AppointedThéodose V (Athanase) Dahan, B.C. †Archbishop of Beirut {Bairut} (Melkite Greek), LebanonPatriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Melkite Greek), Syria
AppointedTobie El-KhazenBishop of Cyprus (Maronite)Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Maronite), Lebanon
AppointedPhilippe al GemayelBishop of Cyprus (Maronite)
16.0ProfessedAngelo Luigi Gioviio, O.S.B. †Member of Order of Saint BenedictBishop of Ventimiglia, Italy
29.0ConvertedMeletius KovácsAuxiliary Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyvárad}, Romania
23.3Ordained DeaconCarlo Vittorio Amedeo delle LanzeDeaconCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Council
23.3Ordained PriestCarlo Vittorio Amedeo delle LanzePriestCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Council
51.8Ordained BishopJosé de Llupiá y Roger, O.S.B. †Bishop of León, Spain
BornAlexander MacDonaldVicar Apostolic of Highland District, Scotland, Great Britain
BornAgapios III Matar, B.S. †Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Melkite Greek), Syria
40.1AppointedPierre de la Raffinie, S.J. †Prefect of French Guiana-Cayenne, Antilles
23.0ProfessedStefan Sylwester Rudnicki-Lubieniecki, O.S.B.M. †Member of Basilian Order of Saint Josaphat (Order of St. Basil the Great)Bishop of Lutsk and Ostroh (Ukrainian), Ukraine
61.0AppointedAntin TomylovyčBishop of Smoleńsk (Ukrainian), Russian Federation
ResignedLouis de Vilette (Villette), S.J. †Prefect of French Guiana-Cayenne, AntillesPrefect Emeritus
Jan62.1DiedPaolo Basile, O.F.M. Obs. †Archbishop of Palermo, Italy
61.9DiedGiovanni Battista SannaBishop of Ales e Terralba, Italy
1 Jan76.4DiedAntonio San FeliceBishop of Nardò, Italy
3 Jan53.9SelectedAntoni Sebastian DembowskiBishop of Płock, PolandBishop of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland
BornGiampaolo Dolfin, C.R.L. †Bishop of Bergamo, Italy
5 JanBornCorrado Maria Deodato de MoncadaBishop of Catania, Italy
46.0AppointedMarcello MoscellaPrelate of Santa Lucia del Mela, Italy
6 Jan28.1Ordained DeaconEmmerich Joseph von Breidbach zu BürresheimDeacon of Mainz, GermanyArchbishop
66.9DiedGiovanni RomanoBishop of Catanzaro, Italy
16.4ProfessedInácio de São Caetano, O.C.D. †Member of Order of Discalced CarmelitesBishop Emeritus of Penafiel, Portugal
62.2DiedLuigi Maria StrozziBishop of Fiesole, Italy
12 JanBornPedro Benito Antonio Quevedo y QuintanoCardinal, Bishop of Orense, Spain
15 Jan41.0Ordained BishopErmest Amadeus Thomas von AttemsTitular Bishop of Dragobitia (Drago)Bishop of Ljubljana (Laybach; Laibach), Slovenia
16 JanOrdained BishopThéodose V (Athanase) Dahan, B.C. †Archbishop of Beirut {Bairut} (Melkite Greek), LebanonPatriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Melkite Greek), Syria
22 Jan37.2Ordained BishopEmmanuel-Henri-Timoléon de Cossé-BrissacBishop of Condom, France
44.4Ordained BishopFrançois-Barthélemi de Salignac de La Mothe-FénelonBishop of Pamiers, France
24 JanBornMattia SantoroBishop of Polignano (Polinianum), Italy
25 Jan62.2DiedGaetano ZuanelliBishop of Belluno, Italy
28 JanBornBaptiste-François-Xavier Paradis, C.S.Sp. †Prefect Emeritus of Iles Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
29 Jan34.0Ordained BishopJean-Gaspard-Gilbert de ChabannasBishop of Agen, France
34.6Ordained DeaconJohann Philipp von WalderdorffDeacon of Trier, GermanyArchbishop
2 Feb45.9AppointedSilvio Valenti GonzagaApostolic Nuncio to SpainCardinal, Secretary of State
3 FebBornMarie-Charles-Isidore de MercyArchbishop of Bourges, France
4 FebBornJosé Andrés de Achurra y Núñez del ArcoBishop of Trujillo, Peru
5 FebOrdained BishopPeter Archdeacon, O.F.M. †Bishop of Killala, Ireland
7 FebBornEmmanuel-Louis de Grossoles de FlamarensBishop of Périgueux (Vesuna), France
11 Feb65.1InstalledJosé Manuel de Sarricolea y OleaBishop of Cuzco, Peru
19 FebBornFilippo Antonio Buffa, O.F.M. Conv. †Auxiliary Bishop of Ostia (-Velletri), Italy
20 FebBornBenedetto Fenaja, C.M. †Vicegerent of Roma {Rome}, Italy
25 Feb23.2Ordained PriestStefano MoràbitoPriestBishop Emeritus of Bova, Italy
24.5Ordained PriestGiovanni Filippo Antonio San MartinoPriestBishop of Asti, Italy
26 FebBornMihajlo Mate SpalatinBishop of Šibenik (Knin), Croatia
27 Feb57.1AppointedClaudio Domenico AlbiniBishop of Lacedonia, Italy
46.9AppointedCesare BonajutiBishop of Hvar (Lesina), Croatia
52.4AppointedDomenico Nicola CondulmerBishop of Belluno, Italy
37.8ConfirmedJacques-Bonne Gigault de BellefondsBishop of Bayonne, FranceArchbishop of Paris, France
29.4AppointedFrancesco Maria GinoriBishop of Fiesole, Italy
37.5AppointedBalthasar Maria RemondiniBishop of Cefalonia e Zante, Greece
50.1AppointedBernardo Froilán Saavedra SanjurjoCoadjutor Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
50.1AppointedBernardo Froilán Saavedra SanjurjoTitular Archbishop of Larissa in ThessaliaCoadjutor Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
65.7AppointedGennaro ScaleaBishop of San Severo, Italy
45.1ConfirmedFrançois de Serret de GaujacBishop of Aire, France
47.5AppointedLorenzo Taranco MujaurrietaAuxiliary Bishop of Santiago de Compostela, SpainBishop of Gerona, Spain
47.5AppointedLorenzo Taranco MujaurrietaTitular Bishop of AuziaBishop of Gerona, Spain
61.7AppointedJuan de Zuazo y Tejada, O.M. †Bishop of Orense, SpainBishop-Elect
28 FebBornBl. François-Joseph de La Rochefoucauld-BayersBishop of Beauvais, France
Mar25.8Ordained PriestMarco Antonio LombardiPriestBishop of Crema, Italy
46.0ResignedSilvio Valenti GonzagaApostolic Nuncio to Flanders, BelgiumCardinal, Secretary of State
3 Mar62.5DiedJosé Francisco Bermúdez MandíaBishop of Astorga, Spain
4 Mar29.5Ordained BishopFrancesco Maria GinoriBishop of Fiesole, Italy
6 MarBornAntonio Martínez de la PlazaBishop of Cádiz, Spain
16 Mar38.6InstalledFrancisco Pablo Matos y CoronadoBishop of Yucatán (Mérida), MéxicoBishop of Michoacán, México
19 Mar57.1Ordained BishopClaudio Domenico AlbiniBishop of Lacedonia, Italy
Born[Matthieu Asselin]Bishop Emeritus of [Pas-de-Calais (Constitutional), France]
37.5Ordained BishopBalthasar Maria RemondiniBishop of Cefalonia e Zante, Greece
22 Mar45.4AppointedGiuseppe Schirò, O.S.B.I. †Archbishop of Durrës (Durazzo) (Albanian), Albania
25 Mar37.8Ordained BishopJacques-Bonne Gigault de BellefondsBishop of Bayonne, FranceArchbishop of Paris, France
45.2Ordained BishopFrançois de Serret de GaujacBishop of Aire, France
31 Mar22.9Ordained PriestSerafino Filangeri, O.S.B. †Priest of Order of Saint BenedictArchbishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy
24.1Ordained PriestFrancesco Pettorelli LalattaPriestBishop of Parma, Italy
32.1Ordained PriestGeorg Joseph Wilhelm Aloys Rinck von BaldensteinPriest of Basel, SwitzerlandBishop
48.1Ordained PriestLuca Melchiore TempiPriestCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme
40.9Ordained PriestLudovico ValentiPriestCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Rimini, Italy
4 Apr61.8DiedJuan de Zuazo y Tejada, O.M. †Bishop-Elect of Orense, Spain
5 Apr50.8InstalledJuan Bravo del Rivero y CorreaBishop of Santiago de ChileBishop of Arequipa, Peru
8 Apr52.1Ordained BishopFrancisco Ignacio Añoa BustoBishop of Pamplona, SpainArchbishop of Zaragoza, Spain
DiedTomás Broto y PérezBishop of Solsona, Spain
61.8Ordained BishopJuan de Zuazo y Tejada, O.M. †Bishop of Orense, SpainBishop-Elect
11 Apr50.6AppointedFrancesco CarafaBishop of Nardò, Italy
51.7AppointedPedro de la Cuadra AchicaBishop of Osma, SpainArchbishop of Burgos, Spain
54.1Ordained DeaconAntoni Sebastian DembowskiDeaconBishop of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland
65.2ConfirmedJean d’Yse (d’Ize) de SaléonBishop of Rodez, FranceArchbishop of Vienne, France
52.1AppointedGregorio GalindoBishop of Lérida, Spain
60.5AppointedPierre François HugonAuxiliary Bishop of Besançon, France
60.5AppointedPierre François HugonTitular Bishop of Philadelphia in ArabiaAuxiliary Bishop of Besançon, France
28.3AppointedFranjo KlobusiczkyTitular Bishop of NemesiArchbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary
56.2AppointedOttavio RinghieriBishop of Assisi, Italy
47.9AppointedGiovanni Rossi, C.R. †Bishop of Ugento, ItalyArchbishop of Taranto, Italy
48.1AppointedLuca Melchiore TempiTitular Archbishop of NicomediaCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme
15 Apr50.7Ordained BishopFrancesco CarafaBishop of Nardò, Italy
54.2Ordained PriestAntoni Sebastian DembowskiPriestBishop of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland
45.4Ordained BishopGiuseppe Schirò, O.S.B.I. †Archbishop of Durrës (Durazzo) (Albanian), Albania
48.1Ordained BishopLuca Melchiore TempiTitular Archbishop of NicomediaCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme
16 AprBorn[Jean Baptiste Aubry]Bishop Emeritus of [Meuse (Constitutional), France]
17 AprBornNikola Bani (Ban)Archbishop of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), Croatia
80.2DiedFrançois de Nettancourt d’Haussonville de VaubecourtBishop Emeritus of Montauban, France
69.4DiedGiusto FontaniniTitular Archbishop of Ancyra
22 Apr48.0Ordained BishopGiovanni Rossi, C.R. †Bishop of Ugento, ItalyArchbishop of Taranto, Italy
24 Apr496.3BeatifiedBl. Niccolò Boccasini, O.P. †Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
29 Apr56.3Ordained BishopOttavio RinghieriBishop of Assisi, Italy
1 May45.3InstalledFrançois de Serret de GaujacBishop of Aire, France
4 MayBornThomas MariagniArchbishop of Durrës (Durazzo), Albania
6 May57.3Ordained BishopMartín de ElizacoecheaBishop of Durango, MéxicoBishop of Michoacán, México
28.4Ordained BishopFranjo KlobusiczkyTitular Bishop of NemesiArchbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary
7 May59.6ResignedPedro Ayala, O.P. †Apostolic Nuncio to SpainBishop Emeritus of Ávila, Spain
BornRaimondo Moncada, C.R. †Bishop of Patti, Italy
10 May58.6DiedLászló Ádám ErdődyBishop of Nitra, Slovakia
BornNikolaj FerrichBishop of Trebinje e Mrkan, Bosnia and Herzegovina
11 MayBornPierre-Marie-Madeleine Cortois de BaloréBishop Emeritus of Nîmes, France
12 MayBornDomingo Ramón Fernández AnguloBishop of Tuy, Spain
BornFrancisco Ignacio Iñigo AnguloBishop of Osma, Spain
13 May56.5DiedFrancesco BaccariBishop of Telese o Cerreto Sannita, Italy
50.3Ordained BishopBernardo Froilán Saavedra SanjurjoTitular Archbishop of Larissa in ThessaliaCoadjutor Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
17 MayBornHenri Henrard, O.F.M. Conv. †Apostolic Administrator Emeritus of Liège, Belgium
20 MayBornCarlo CrivelliCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Susanna
BornMarie-Joseph de Galard de TerraubeBishop of Le Puy-en-Velay, France
BornVincenzo Maria Parruco Tries, O.P. †Bishop of Bovino, Italy
21 May45.8AppointedGiovanni Carlo AntonelliApostolic Internuncio to SavoyAuxiliary Bishop of Ostia (-Velletri), Italy
26 May37.5Ordained PriestAlberico ArchintoPriestCardinal, Secretary of State
22.0Ordained DeaconLudwig Philipp BehelmDeacon of Mainz, GermanyAuxiliary Bishop
24.1Ordained PriestFrancesco Antonio DeplanoPriestBishop of Iglesias, Italy
35.7Ordained PriestGerolamo FormagliariPriestBishop Emeritus of Todi, Italy
BornJuan Francisco Jiménez del RíoArchbishop of Valencia, Spain
23.0Ordained PriestDomenico MontiPriestArchbishop of Urbino, Italy
23.0Ordained PriestAndrea Torre, C.P.O. †Priest of Congregation of Pious WorkersBishop of Minori, Italy
27 MayOrdained BishopMatthieu Delinich, O.F.M. †Titular Bishop of Bolina
28 May51.4DiedFrançois d’AndignéBishop of Acqs (Dax), France
1 Jun65.0DiedBernardino PecciBishop of Grosseto, Italy
4 JunBornGiuseppe Maria TerziBishop of Montefeltro, Italy
5 JunBornCorneille-François de NélisBishop of Antwerpen {Antwerp, Anvers}, Belgium
7 Jun65.5DiedJosé Azevedo Leal, O.F.M. †Bishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde
10 Jun51.9Ordained BishopPedro de la Cuadra AchicaBishop of Osma, SpainArchbishop of Burgos, Spain
23.1Ordained DeaconAntoni Kazimierz OstrowskiDeaconArchbishop of Gniezno, Poland
14 JunBornClaude Leopoldo de BexonBishop Emeritus of Namur {Namen}, Belgium
BornJules-Basile Ferron de La FerronnaysBishop of Lisieux, France
23 Jun47.7Ordained BishopFilippo Maria di San Agostino (Camillo Apollonio) Malachisi, O.C.D. †Bishop of Ispahan, Iran
24 JunBorn[André Constant], O.P. †Bishop Emeritus of [Lot-et-Garonne (Constitutional), France]
60.7Ordained BishopPierre François HugonTitular Bishop of Philadelphia in ArabiaAuxiliary Bishop of Besançon, France
26 Jun81.0DiedHonoré Quiqueran de BeaujeuBishop of Castres, France
29 JunBornPaolo CiottiBishop of Segni, Italy
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