Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1701

and 18th Century

Bishop Events

January to June

See Also: July to December | Overview | Diocese Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1700) | Next Year (1702)

DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknown42.0Ordained BishopJuan de Argüelles, O.S.A. †Bishop of PanamáBishop of Arequipa, Peru
52.6DiedPaul Baptiste Avanian, O.P. †Archbishop of Nachitschewan (Naxivan, Nakhtchevan, Nakhchivan), Armenia
44.0Ordained PriestGyörgy (Hennadiy) Bizánczy (Bizantsiy)PriestVicar Apostolic of Mukachevo (Munkács) (Ruthenian), Ukraine
12.8ProfessedThomaz Franciszek Czapski, O. Cist. †Member of Order of CisterciansBishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland
27.0Ordained PriestJean-Armand de La Voue de TourouvrePriestBishop of Rodez, France
45.4CeasedMarino DragoApostolic Administrator of Budua (Budva), MontenegroBishop of Korčula (Curzola, Cursola), Croatia
BornPio Gallizia, B. †Vicar Apostolic of Ava e Pegù, Myanmar
56.0AppointedPetrus GovartsVicar Apostolic of ’s-Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc), Netherlands
BornGiulio Cesare Lomellino, C.R. †Bishop of Luni e Sarzana, Italy
67.8ResignedGiacomo Antonio Morigia, B. †Archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore {Saint Mary Major Basilica}Cardinal, Bishop of Pavia, Italy
BornJohn O’BrienBishop of Cloyne and Ross, Ireland
BornEdmund O’DoranBishop of Down and Connor, Ireland
BornLaurence Richardson, O.P. †Bishop of Kilmore, Ireland
43.2AppointedMatteo Gennaro SibiliaPresident of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical AcademyBishop of San Marco (Argentano), Italy
AppointedSimon Archbishop of Kerkūk (Chaldean), Iraq
Ordained BishopSimon Archbishop of Kerkūk (Chaldean), Iraq
69.0AppointedGiorgio Sotgia (Soggia) Serra, O.S.M. †Archbishop of Sassari, ItalyBishop of Bosa, Italy
BornRaphael TukiTitular Bishop of Arsinoë in Cypro
BornRomualdo Velarde y CienfuegosBishop of Ávila, Spain
BornJean Antoine VoriclaBishop of Chios (Scio), Greece
48.7SelectedAleksander Benedykt WyhowskiBishop of Lutsk (Łuck), Ukraine
Jan65.7DiedCarlo Loffredo, C.R. †Archbishop of Capua, Italy
2 Jan52.2Ordained BishopLouis-Armand Champion de CicéTitular Bishop of ZabulonVicar Apostolic of Siam, Thailand
BornJan DembowskiAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland
41.0Ordained BishopAngel de Maldonado, O. Cist. †Bishop of Antequera, Oaxaca, México
3 Jan37.1AppointedLorenzo Armengual del Pino de la MotaAuxiliary Bishop of Zaragoza, SpainBishop of Cádiz, Spain
37.1AppointedLorenzo Armengual del Pino de la MotaTitular Bishop of DionysiasBishop of Cádiz, Spain
48.6AppointedJohann Philipp von LambergCardinal-Priest of San Silvestro in CapiteCardinal, Bishop of Passau, Germany
49.0AppointedKazimierz ŁubieńskiAuxiliary Bishop of Kraków, PolandBishop
49.0AppointedKazimierz ŁubieńskiTitular Bishop of Heraclea in EuropaBishop of Kraków, Poland
49.6AppointedLouis-Antoine de NoaillesCardinal-Priest of Santa Maria sopra MinervaCardinal, Archbishop of Paris, France
51.9AppointedPietro Francesco (Vincenzo Maria) Orsini de Gravina, O.P. †Cardinal-Bishop of FrascatiPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
55.0AppointedJuan Pérez Carpintero, O. Praem. †Bishop of Comayagua, Honduras
50.0AppointedVitus Seipel, O. Praem. †Auxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
50.0AppointedVitus Seipel, O. Praem. †Titular Bishop of Hierapolis in IsauriaAuxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
78.0DiedFernand Palma d’Artois, O.C.D. †Vicar Apostolic of Great Mogul (Mughals), IndiaTitular Archbishop of Ancyra
10 Jan62.9DiedJohann Ignaz Dlouhovesky de LongavillaAuxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
BornEnrichetto Virginio (Raffale Francesco) Natta, O.P. †Cardinal, Bishop of Alba (Pompea), Italy
12 JanBornPedro Martínez de OnecaBishop of Puerto Rico (Porto Rico)
13 Jan83.8DiedGregorio CarducciBishop of Valva e Sulmona, Italy
17 Jan53.8DiedDomenico Belisario de BellisBishop of Molfetta, Italy
23 JanBornBonaventura BernardiBishop of Ossero (Osor), Croatia
24 Jan30.5AppointedPeter Cornelius BeywegTitular Bishop of MethoneAuxiliary Bishop of Speyer, Germany
30.5ConfirmedPeter Cornelius BeywegAuxiliary Bishop of Speyer, Germany
46.8AppointedFrancesco FrosiniBishop of Pistoia e Prato, ItalyArchbishop of Pisa, Italy
37.6AppointedAntonio GiustinianiArchbishop of Naxos, Greece
67.9AppointedGiacomo Antonio Morigia, B. †Archbishop (Personal Title) of Pavia, ItalyCardinal, Bishop
60.8ResignedUrbano SacchettiBishop of Viterbo e Tuscania, ItalyCardinal, Bishop Emeritus
45.1AppointedAndrea SantacroceArchbishop (Personal Title) of Viterbo e Tuscania, ItalyCardinal, Bishop
34.2AppointedChristian August von Sachsen-ZeitzCoadjutor Archbishop of Esztergom, HungaryCardinal, Archbishop
61.0AppointedTommaso Antonio ScottiArchbishop of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), Croatia
25 Jan63.0AppointedDomenico de Zaoli (Zaulis)Vicegerent of Roma {Rome}, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Veroli, Italy
26 Jan71.5DiedAntonio Francesco RobertiArchbishop of Urbino, Italy
27 JanBornJohann Nikolaus (Febronius) von HontheimAuxiliary Bishop of Trier, Germany
31 JanBornStefano di LeoniBishop of Novigrad (Cittanova), Croatia
1 Feb62.0DiedSimplicio Caravita, O.S.B. †Archbishop of Amalfi, Italy
5 FebBornFrancesco Antonio GranataBishop of Sessa Aurunca, Italy
6 Feb37.8Ordained BishopMarco GradenigoTitular Bishop of TitopolisPatriarch of Venezia {Venice}, Italy
7 FebBornCristóvão de Almeida Soares e BritoBishop of Pinhel, Portugal
10 Feb56.5DiedSavo (Savio) Millini (Mellini)Cardinal, Bishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy
13 Feb46.8Ordained BishopFrancesco FrosiniBishop of Pistoia e Prato, ItalyArchbishop of Pisa, Italy
61.1Ordained BishopTommaso Antonio ScottiArchbishop of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), Croatia
15 Feb73.1DiedFrançois de Clermont-TonnerreBishop of Noyon, France
19 Feb22.9Ordained DeaconZdenko Georg Chrzepíczky von ModliskovicDeacon of Praha {Prague}, CzechiaAuxiliary Bishop
21 Feb67.9AppointedMarcello DurazzoCardinal-Priest of San Pietro in VincoliCardinal, Bishop of Faenza, Italy
43.5AppointedGiulio RestaBishop of Tortona, Italy
24 Feb50.1Ordained BishopVitus Seipel, O. Praem. †Titular Bishop of Hierapolis in IsauriaAuxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
26 Feb79.1DiedCarlo Felice de MattaBishop of San Severo, Italy
27 Feb39.2Ordained DeaconGiovanni Matteo VitelloniDeaconBishop of Catanzaro, Italy
28 Feb26.6SelectedArmand-Gaston-Maximilien de Rohan de SoubiseCoadjutor Bishop of Strasbourg, FranceCardinal, Bishop
1 MarBornKazimierz RokitnickiAuxiliary Bishop of Płock, Poland
4 Mar68.1DiedDomingo de Orueta y CaceagaBishop of Almería, Spain
6 Mar37.3Ordained BishopLorenzo Armengual del Pino de la MotaTitular Bishop of DionysiasBishop of Cádiz, Spain
49.1Ordained BishopKazimierz ŁubieńskiTitular Bishop of Heraclea in EuropaBishop of Kraków, Poland
43.5Ordained BishopGiulio RestaBishop of Tortona, Italy
12 Mar22.9Ordained PriestZdenko Georg Chrzepíczky von ModliskovicPriest of Praha {Prague}, CzechiaAuxiliary Bishop
BornFrancisco Javier Pérez Baroja y MuroBishop of Teruel, Spain
39.2Ordained PriestGiovanni Matteo VitelloniPriestBishop of Catanzaro, Italy
14 MarBornAntonio Alcalde y Barriga, O.P. †Bishop of Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
49.8InstalledGiuseppe ArchintoCardinal-Priest of Santa PriscaCardinal, Archbishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy
53.4AppointedMichele de Bologna, C.R. †Archbishop of Amalfi, Italy
37.6AppointedGiuseppe CiantiBishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy
38.4AppointedTeodor von Ludinghausen WolffTitular Bishop of Tripolis in PhoeniciaBishop of Chełm, Poland
38.4ConfirmedTeodor von Ludinghausen WolffCoadjutor Bishop of Inflanty (Livonia)-Pilten, PolandBishop of Chełm, Poland
42.7AppointedLamberto Manuel LópezBishop of Teruel, Spain
49.9ResignedFabrizio PaolucciBishop of Ferrara, ItalyCardinal, Secretary of State
39.5AppointedOttavio Picenardi (Piccinardi)Bishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy
60.0AppointedTaddeo Luigi dal VermeCardinal, Bishop of Ferrara, Italy
17 MarConvertedAthanasie Anghel PopaTitular Bishop
24 MarOrdained PriestAthanasie Anghel PopaPriestTitular Bishop
25 MarOrdained BishopAthanasie Anghel PopaTitular Bishop
26 Mar42.8SelectedClaude-Maur d’AubignéBishop of Noyon, FranceArchbishop of Rouen, France
25.6Ordained PriestGiovanni Minotto OttoboniPriestBishop of Padova {Padua}, Italy
27 Mar17.1ProfessedEugénio Trigueiros, O.S.A. †Member of Order of St. AugustineArchbishop of Goa, India
30 MarBornArmand Bazin de BezonsBishop of Carcassonne, France
Apr35.7AppointedAlessandro Francesco CodebòApostolic Internuncio to SavoyBishop of Città di Castello, Italy
3 Apr30.7Ordained BishopPeter Cornelius BeywegTitular Bishop of MethoneAuxiliary Bishop of Speyer, Germany
39.6Ordained BishopOttavio Picenardi (Piccinardi)Bishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy
8 Apr42.6DiedAlessandro SforzaApostolic Nuncio to Savoy
17 Apr54.0DiedMartinus SteyaertVicar Apostolic of ’s-Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc), Netherlands
18 Apr36.4AppointedRéné-François de Beauvau du RivauBishop of Bayonne, FranceArchbishop of Narbonne, France
57.2AppointedAndrea Brancaccio, C.R. †Archbishop of Cosenza, Italy
68.7AppointedIgnacio de Urbina, O.S.H. †Archbishop (Personal Title) of Tlaxcala (Puebla de los Angeles), MéxicoBishop
59.2AppointedJoão Franco de OliveiraArchbishop (Personal Title) of Miranda (do Douro), PortugalBishop
26.8AppointedArmand-Gaston-Maximilien de Rohan de SoubiseTitular Bishop of TiberiasCardinal, Bishop of Strasbourg, France
26.8ConfirmedArmand-Gaston-Maximilien de Rohan de SoubiseCoadjutor Bishop of Strasbourg, FranceCardinal, Bishop
54.9AppointedGiovanni Uva, O.F.M. †Archbishop of Lanciano, Italy
30.3AppointedVincent ZmajevićArchbishop of Bar (Antivari), MontenegroArchbishop of Zadar (Zara), Croatia
24 Apr69.3DiedFernando de Carvajal y Ribera (Rivera), O. de M. †Archbishop Emeritus of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
57.3SelectedDeodat NersesowiczCoadjutor Archbishop of Lviv (Armenian), Ukraine
2 MayBornFrancisco José Catalán OcónBishop of Urgell, Spain
3 May70.3DiedPedro de Alagón y de CardonaBishop of Mallorca, Spain
9 May61.0AppointedJerzy Albrecht DenhoffBishop of Kraków, Poland
39.0AppointedJohann Raymund Guidobald von Lamberg, O.F.M. Cap. †Auxiliary Bishop of Passau, Germany
39.0AppointedJohann Raymund Guidobald von Lamberg, O.F.M. Cap. †Titular Bishop of AulonAuxiliary Bishop of Passau, Germany
30.1AppointedPier Secondo Radicati de CocconatoBishop of Casale Monferrato, ItalyBishop of Osimo e Cingoli, Italy
18 MayBornManuel Machado y LunaBishop of Caracas, Santiago de Venezuela
20 May60.1DiedAdrian von Riedmatten (V)Bishop of Sion {Sitten}, Switzerland
47.3ConfirmedFrançois-Nicolas Zurtannen, C.R.A. †Abbot of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland
22 May30.2Ordained BishopPier Secondo Radicati de CocconatoBishop of Casale Monferrato, ItalyBishop of Osimo e Cingoli, Italy
24 May57.2ResignedSigmund Christoph von HerbersteinBishop of Ljubljana (Laybach; Laibach), SloveniaBishop Emeritus
BornJohann Philipp von WalderdorffArchbishop of Trier, Germany
29 May23.3Ordained PriestGiovanni Battista RondoniPriestBishop of Assisi, Italy
Jun30.5Ordained PriestEdward DicconsonPriest of Midland District, England, Great BritainVicar Apostolic of Northern District, England, Great Britain
54.1DiedVincenzo Cavalli (Gaballi)Bishop of Bertinoro, Italy
2 Jun36.2SelectedFranz Joseph SupersaxoBishop of Sion {Sitten}, Switzerland
4 JunBornGirolamo Lorenzi (de Laurentiis)Bishop of Acerno, Italy
6 Jun42.9ConfirmedClaude-Maur d’AubignéBishop of Noyon, FranceArchbishop of Rouen, France
55.7AppointedAmbrogio Spinola, B. †Bishop of Ventimiglia, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Luni e Sarzana, Italy
11 JunBornCarlo RonchiBishop of Cariati e Cerenzia, Italy
12 Jun55.7Ordained BishopAmbrogio Spinola, B. †Bishop of Ventimiglia, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Luni e Sarzana, Italy
18 JunBornJoseph-Nicolas Deschamps de ChaumontBishop of Genève {Geneva}, Switzerland
20 Jun84.4DiedFrançois de BataillerTitular Bishop of Bethleem
26 Jun27.0Ordained BishopArmand-Gaston-Maximilien de Rohan de SoubiseTitular Bishop of TiberiasCardinal, Bishop of Strasbourg, France
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