Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1669

Bishop Events

July to December

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
2 Jul48.5DiedMartin GeigerAuxiliary Bishop of Passau, Germany
39.5DiedSebastiano LeopardiBishop of Venafro, Italy
4 Jul32.0AppointedLouis Laneau, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Siam, Thailand
32.0AppointedLouis Laneau, M.E.P. †Titular Bishop of MetellopolisVicar Apostolic of Siam, Thailand
8 JulBornGaston-Jean-Baptiste-Louis de NoaillesBishop of Chalons-sur-Marne, France
12 Jul58.5DiedBernardino d’AragonaBishop of Bova, Italy
15 Jul47.5AppointedGiovanni Antonio Baldi, C.R.S. †Bishop of Chioggia, Italy
36.3ConfirmedCharles Brulart de GenlisArchbishop of Embrun, France
41.4AppointedSerafino Corio, C.R. †Bishop of Lodi, Italy
ConfirmedBernardo de Izaguirre de los ReyesArchbishop of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia
AppointedLadislas JonnartArchbishop of Cambrai, France
49.2ConfirmedBernardino León de la RochaBishop of Tuy, SpainBishop of Coria, Spain
59.7AppointedFrancisco de Loyola y Vergara, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Concepción, Chile
41.7AppointedAntonio Primi, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Trebinje e Mrkan, Bosnia and Herzegovina
19 Jul41.5Ordained BishopSerafino Corio, C.R. †Bishop of Lodi, Italy
21 Jul47.6Ordained BishopGiovanni Antonio Baldi, C.R.S. †Bishop of Chioggia, Italy
41.7Ordained BishopAntonio Primi, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Trebinje e Mrkan, Bosnia and Herzegovina
22 JulBornMarco Antonio de RosaBishop of Policastro, Italy
23 Jul54.5DiedLaurenz AidingerBishop of Wiener Neustadt, Austria
56.5SelectedGilbert de Choiseul du Plessis PraslinBishop of Tournai {Doornik}, Belgium
BornJohann Matthias von EyssAuxiliary Bishop of Trier, Germany
25 Jul25.1Ordained DeaconCarlo Nicola de MassaDeaconBishop of Venafro, Italy
26.6Ordained DeaconGiuseppe MastelloneDeaconBishop of Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi e Bisaccia, Italy
26 Jul25.1Ordained PriestCarlo Nicola de MassaPriestBishop of Venafro, Italy
26.6Ordained PriestGiuseppe MastellonePriestBishop of Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi e Bisaccia, Italy
28 JulBornEpifanio di Napoli, O.S.B.M. †Titular Bishop of Lystra
31 Jul62.5AppointedGerard FarrellVicar Apostolic of Ardagh (and Clonmacnois), Ireland
Aug65.5Ordained BishopWilliam BurgatArchbishop of Cashel, Ireland
3 Aug44.9SelectedAlphonse de BerghesArchbishop of Mechelen, Belgium
43.7AppointedSt. Oliver PlunkettArchbishop of Armagh, Ireland
4 Aug61.5DiedJean Jodoc Quartéry, C.R.A. †Abbot of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland
5 Aug38.5AppointedPedro de Alagón y de CardonaBishop of Ampurias e Civita, ItalyBishop of Mallorca, Spain
44.1AppointedGiovanni Battista AmatiBishop of Nocera Umbra, Italy
25.9Elevated to CardinalEmmanuel-Theódose de la Tour d’Auvergne de BouillonCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)
34.5Elevated to CardinalLuis Manuel Fernández de Portocarrero-Bocanegra y Moscoso-OsorioIn PectoreCardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
53.5AppointedMatías de Moratinos y SantosBishop of Astorga, SpainBishop of Segovia, Spain
33.5ConfirmedJean-Armand de Rotondy de BiscarrasBishop of Lodève, FranceBishop of Béziers, France
6 Aug38.6SelectedJoseph Tobie Franc, C.R.A. †Abbot of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland
8 AugBornDomenico Angelo de PaceArchbishop of Lanciano, Italy
11 Aug50.6Ordained BishopJames O’PhelanBishop of Ossory, Ireland
12 Aug56.8DiedLouis de VendômeCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Portico (Campitelli)
19 Aug48.6AppointedTommaso BrancaccioBishop of Nardò, Italy
49.6AppointedGiovanni Evangelista Parzaghi, O.F.M. †Archbishop of Zadar (Zara), Croatia
45.6AppointedJacobus Pedicini, C.R.M. †Bishop of Guardialfiera (Guardia), Italy
52.5ConfirmedWilderich von WalderdorffBishop of Wien, Austria
24 Aug84.6DiedJan TarnowskiArchbishop of Lviv, Ukraine
25 Aug44.2Ordained BishopGiovanni Battista AmatiBishop of Nocera Umbra, Italy
BornBartolomeo GambadoroBishop of Ruvo (Ruo)(di Puglia), Italy
45.6Ordained BishopJacobus Pedicini, C.R.M. †Bishop of Guardialfiera (Guardia), Italy
29 Aug37.8SelectedLeopold Karl von Kollonitsch LipótBishop of Wiener Neustadt, AustriaCardinal, Archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary
30 Aug59.2SelectedFrançois de BaillencourtBishop of Brugge {Bruges}, Belgium
Sep36.4Ordained BishopCharles Brulart de GenlisArchbishop of Embrun, France
1 Sep43.8AppointedLudovico CiogniBishop of Venafro, Italy
49.6Ordained BishopGiovanni Evangelista Parzaghi, O.F.M. †Archbishop of Zadar (Zara), Croatia
BornMuzio de’ VecchiBishop of Marsi, Italy
8 Sep54.6Ordained BishopMikolaj SłupskiTitular Bishop of GratianopolisAuxiliary Bishop of Vilnius, Lithuania
9 Sep58.6AppointedBlasius de AguinagaAuxiliary Bishop of Lima, PeruAuxiliary Bishop-Elect
58.6AppointedBlasius de AguinagaTitular Bishop of DaraAuxiliary Bishop-Elect of Lima, Peru
50.1AppointedAlfonso Álvarez Barba Ossorio, O. Carm. †Archbishop of Lanciano, ItalyArchbishop of Salerno, Italy
44.6AppointedOtto Reinhold Andrimont, O.S.A. †Auxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, CzechiaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
44.6AppointedOtto Reinhold Andrimont, O.S.A. †Titular Bishop of Diocaesarea in IsauriaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
68.6AppointedAzon AriostiArchbishop of Avignon, France
50.6AppointedJuan Asensio Barrios, O. de M. †Bishop of Lugo, SpainBishop of Jaén, Spain
30.6AppointedMarco Antonio ContestabileBishop of Bova, Italy
47.8ConfirmedSigmund Alphons von ThunBishop of Trento, ItalyBishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy
10 SepBornTommaso Di GraziaBishop of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy
13 Sep41.9SelectedJacques-Bénigne BossuetBishop of Condom, FranceBishop of Meaux, France
54.6SelectedJean de Vintimille du LucBishop of Digne, FranceBishop of Toulon, France
14 SepDiedVincenzo RoviglioniBishop of Bovino, Italy
60.3DiedAdrian WalenburchAuxiliary Bishop of Köln {Cologne}, Germany
21 Sep23.7Ordained PriestGiovanbattista Caracciolo, C.R.S. †Priest of Clerks Regular of SomascaBishop of Calvi Risorta, Italy
22 Sep50.2Ordained BishopAlfonso Álvarez Barba Ossorio, O. Carm. †Archbishop of Lanciano, ItalyArchbishop of Salerno, Italy
68.7Ordained BishopAzon AriostiArchbishop of Avignon, France
29 Sep51.7Ordained BishopCristóbal de Castilla y ZamoraBishop of Ayacucho o Huamanga (Guamanga), PeruArchbishop of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia
52.7Ordained BishopWilderich von WalderdorffBishop of Wien, Austria
30 Sep49.3SelectedLancelot de GottigniesBishop of Roermond, Netherlands
Oct59.7DiedAntonius SerraBishop of Milos (Melos), Greece
7 Oct36.7AppointedGiovanni Antonio de CamillisBishop of Milos (Melos), Greece
37.7AppointedAmbrosio Ignacio Spínola y GuzmánArchbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain
15 OctBornGaetano IovoneBishop of Alife, Italy
17 Oct46.4DiedCastracane De’ CastracaniBishop of Cagli, Italy
BornCaius Asterius ToppiTitular Bishop of Milevum
18 Oct77.7DiedEugene SweeneyBishop of Kilmore, Ireland
20 Oct46.2Ordained PriestGiuseppe Vittorio Alberti d’EnnoPriest of Trento, ItalyBishop
33.8Ordained BishopJean-Armand de Rotondy de BiscarrasBishop of Lodève, FranceBishop of Béziers, France
22 OctBornDomenico Maria Cedronio, O.P. †Bishop of Bitonto, Italy
3 Nov74.8DiedGiovanni Antonio GelosoBishop of Patti, Italy
BornBogusław Korwin GosiewskiBishop of Smoleńsk, Poland
78.8DiedFrancisco Sotomayor, C.R.S.A. †Auxiliary Bishop of Lisboa, Portugal
4 NovBornJohann Bernhard MayerAuxiliary Bishop of Würzburg, Germany
10 Nov76.9DiedEustache de CheryBishop Emeritus of Nevers, France
20 NovBornBernardo Jiménez CascanteBishop of Barcelona, Spain
21 Nov59.0DiedAlexander DirreAuxiliary Bishop of Olomouc (Olmütz), Czechia
38.9ConfirmedJoseph Tobie Franc, C.R.A. †Abbot of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland
25 Nov64.5DiedCharles-François d’Anglure de BourlémontArchbishop of Toulouse, France
26 Nov61.9DiedGiovanni Stefano DonghiCardinal, Bishop of Ferrara, Italy
29 Nov39.3Elevated to CardinalNicolò AcciaioliCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)
79.3Elevated to CardinalEmilio Bonaventura AltieriPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
60.1Elevated to CardinalGiovanni BonaCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Bernardo alle Terme
49.9Elevated to CardinalBuonaccorso BuonacorsiCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria della Scala
59.2Elevated to CardinalCarlo CerriCardinal, Bishop of Ferrara, Italy
BornGiovanni Pietro FaccolliBishop of Troia, Italy
34.8Elevated to CardinalLuis Manuel Fernández de Portocarrero-Bocanegra y Moscoso-OsorioCardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
75.9Elevated to CardinalFrancesco Nerli (Sr.)Cardinal, Archbishop of Firenze {Florence}, Italy
66.9Elevated to CardinalLazzaro PallavicinoCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Balbina
DecDiedGiuseppe BattagliaBishop of Montemarano, Italy
1 Dec44.0Ordained BishopSt. Oliver PlunkettArchbishop of Armagh, Ireland
2 DecAppointedDomenico de’ MariniTitular Archbishop of Teodosia
50.9AppointedGiuseppe Eusanio, O.S.A. †Titular Bishop of Helenopolis in BithyniaTitular Bishop of Porphyreon
73.9AppointedDomenico GianuzziTitular Bishop of Dioclea
64.9AppointedNestor RitaTitular Bishop of Zenopolis in LyciaTitular Archbishop of Sebaste in Cilicia
DiedLuca Torreggiani (Torrigiani)Archbishop of Ravenna, Italy
3 Dec55.9AppointedStefano AgostiniTitular Archbishop of Heraclea in EuropaCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Giovanni a Porta Latina
4 DecAppointedPaolo GarbinatiTitular Bishop of Nabala
9 Dec46.6ResignedDecio Azzolini (Jr.)Secretary of StateCardinal, Secretary Emeritus
69.8DiedGiulio RospigliosiPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
10 Dec38.6SelectedPierre de BonziArchbishop of Toulouse, FranceCardinal, Archbishop of Narbonne, France
16 DecDiedPedro Luis Manso ZuñigaAuxiliary Bishop of Burgos, Spain
19 DecBornGottfried Langwerth von SimmernAuxiliary Bishop of Regensburg, Germany
21 Dec22.8Ordained DeaconDomenico Belisario de BellisDeaconBishop of Molfetta, Italy
22 Dec26.7Ordained PriestFabrizio SpadaPriestCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina
25 DecBornAlessandro ZondadariArchbishop of Siena, Italy
26 DecBornZozuno ValignariTitular Archbishop of Thessalonica
28 Dec45.9DiedAntin TerleckiBishop of Przemyśl, Sambor, et Sanok (Ukrainian), Poland
29 DecBornTomás Vidal y de Nin, O. Cist. †Archbishop of Messina, Italy
30 Dec60.9DiedDiego della ChiesaBishop of Nice, France
31 DecBornHonoré-François Grimaldi de MonacoArchbishop Emeritus of Besançon, France


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