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The Year of Our Lord 1900


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unknown66.8Paolo MarmarianBishop of Trabzon (Trebisonda) (Armenian), Turkey
unknown40.0Joseph Reiling, C.S.Sp. †Prefect Emeritus of Lower Niger {Niger Inferiore}, Nigeria
7 Jan69.6José Ignacio Árciga Ruiz de ChávezArchbishop of Michoacán, México
9 Jan72.4Generoso MatteiBishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy
16 Jan75.7Auguste MarchalAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Bourges, France
17 Jan79.9Luigi TrombettaCardinal, Secretary of the Congregation of Bishops and Regulars
30 Jan59.2António Pedro da CostaBishop of Damão, India
1 Feb62.4Domenico Maria JacobiniCardinal, Vicar General of Roma {Rome}, Italy
3 Feb84.1Franciscus Antonius Hubertus BoermansBishop of Roermond, Netherlands
5 Feb65.4Mariano Elvezio PagliariArchbishop of Spoleto, Italy
6 Feb65.2Uladislao Javier CastellanoArchbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina
15 Feb71.7Raffaele de Martinis, C.M. †Titular Archbishop of Laodicea in Phrygia
2 Mar75.7Pasquale Maria JaderosaCoadjutor Bishop Emeritus of Sant’Agata de’ Goti, Italy
2 Mar72.5Łukasz SoleckiBishop of Przemyśl, Poland
4 Mar74.5John HennessyArchbishop of Dubuque, Iowa, USA
5 Mar66.2Antonio Maria Saeli, C.Ss.R. †Bishop of Mazara del Vallo, Italy
7 Mar70.8Jorge Montes SolarAuxiliary Bishop of Santiago de Chile
12 Mar90.8Luigi di CanossaCardinal, Bishop of Verona, Italy
15 Mar34.1René-Alexis Pawlas, C.S.Sp. †Prefect of Lower Niger {Niger Inferiore}, Nigeria
16 Mar62.0Augusto GuidiPresident Emeritus of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy
22 Mar79.6Franz Adolf NamszanowskiVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Germany, Military
26 Mar67.1Camillo Mazzella, S.J. †Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of (Sacred) Rites
28 Mar51.4Gaetano Maria de Angelis, O.F.M. Conv. †Archbishop of Athēnai {Athens}, Greece
31 Mar75.9Miguel León y GarridoBishop of Cuenca, Ecuador
2 Apr84.5Hermann GleichAuxiliary Bishop of Wrocław (Breslau), Poland
11 Apr65.8Pierre-Emmanuel-Dieudonné BouvierBishop of Tarentaise, France
15 Apr72.6Ignacy ŁobosBishop of Tarnów, Poland
22 Apr82.1Tobias MullenBishop Emeritus of Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
25 Apr73.1Manoel dos Santos PereiraBishop of Olinda, Brazil
29 Apr55.6Angus MacDonaldArchbishop of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh, Scotland, Great Britain
2 May81.3Seweryn Tytus Morawski-DąbrowaArchbishop of Lviv, Ukraine
4 May74.0Julian KuiłovskyiArchbishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine
5 May75.0Johann Evangelist HallerCardinal, Archbishop of Salzburg, Austria
10 May80.6Teofilo Massucci, O.F.M. Ref. †Bishop Emeritus of Syros (e Milos), Greece
23 May74.0John Vertue (Virtue)Bishop of Portsmouth, England, Great Britain
26 May78.3Henri Joseph Depelchin, S.J. †Superior Emeritus of Zambese, Zimbabwe
28 May76.4Bernardo Antonio De Riso, O.S.B. †Bishop of Catanzaro, Italy
12 Jun59.5Joseph (James) RademacherBishop of Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
13 Jun38.2Joachim-Pierre Buléon, C.S.Sp. †Vicar Apostolic of Senegambia, Senegal
13 Jun80.0William LaniganBishop of Goulburn, Australia
2 Jul45.6Laurent Guillon, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Southern Manchuria {Manciuria Meridionale}, China
4 Jul65.1Michael NaughtenBishop of Roseau, Dominica, Antilles
7 Jul57.7St. Antonino Fantosati, O.F.M. Ref. †Vicar Apostolic of Southern Hunan {Hu-Nan Meridionale}, China
9 Jul60.7St. Francesco Antonio Domenico Fogolla, O.F.M. †Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shansi {Scian-Si Settentrionale}, China
9 Jul66.5St. Grégoire Grassi, O.F.M. Obs. †Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shansi {Scian-Si Settentrionale}, China
23 Jul54.6Charles-Félix Pelvat, M.S.F.S. †Bishop of Nagpur, India
24 Jul49.8Jean Louis MandoBishop of Angoulême, France
25 Jul59.9Ferdinand Hubertus Hamer, C.I.C.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Southwestern Mongolia {Mongolia Occiduo-Meridionale}, China
25 Jul58.9Giulio MatteoliBishop of Livorno, Italy
5 Aug70.3James Augustine HealyBishop of Portland, Maine, USA
11 Aug77.9Paul-François-Marie de ForgesAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Rennes (-Dol-Saint-Malo), France
11 Aug61.2Fűlöp (Philipp) SteinerBishop of Székesfehérvár (Albareale), Hungary
20 Aug63.7Carlo Maria BorgognoniArchbishop of Modena (e Nonantola), Italy
20 Aug55.0Avedis Marcus TurkianArchbishop of Alep [Beroea, Halab] (Armenian), Syria
9 Sep81.0François Xavier Gouthe-SoulardArchbishop of Aix (-Arles-Embrun), France
9 Sep50.0Theophilus Mayer, M.H.M. †Auxiliary Bishop of Madras, India
13 Sep55.1José Ramón Quesada y GascónBishop of Segovia, Spain
18 Sep73.6Paolo Giuseppe Maria Serci SerraArchbishop of Cagliari, Italy
26 Sep80.7François-Narcisse BaptifolierBishop of Mende, France
29 Sep66.5Giacinto NicolaiBishop Emeritus of Ripatransone, Italy
11 Oct72.3Kornél HidasyBishop of Szombathely, Hungary
12 Oct62.6Augustin Chausse, M.E.P. †Prefect of Kouangtong (Kwangtung, Guangdong), China
14 Oct58.6Luciano Bucci, O.F.M. †Bishop of Aquino, Sora, e Pontecorvo, Italy
14 Oct69.9Henri-Joseph Bulté, S.J. †Vicar Apostolic of Southeastern Chi-Li {Ce-Li Meridio-Orientale}, China
23 Oct78.9Josyf Sembratowicz (Sembratovyc)Archbishop Emeritus of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine
27 Oct65.5Perfecto Amézquita y Gutiérrez, C.M. †Bishop of Tlaxcala (Puebla de los Angeles), México
11 Nov70.0Melchiorre NazarianArchbishop of Mardin (Armenian), Turkey
18 Nov57.3Domenico Cocchia, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop of Ascoli Satriano e Cerignola, Italy
19 Nov81.6Joseph-Jean-Louis RobertBishop of Marseille, France
24 Nov70.9Thomas McGivernBishop of Dromore, Ireland
24 DecElias ChahwannBishop of Mardin (Syrian), Turkey
27 Dec80.9Giovanni KupelianTitular Archbishop of Attalea in Pamphylia
29 Dec86.8Rudesindo Salvado, O.S.B. †Abbot of New Norcia, Australia
31 Dec69.3Jacinto López y RomoArchbishop of Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
31 Dec66.7Macario SoriniBishop Emeritus of Gubbio, Italy


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