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The Year of Our Lord 1960

Bishop Events


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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
1 Oct76.9DiedGiuseppe FiettaCardinal, Apostolic Nuncio
2 Oct16.4ProfessedLuciano Bergamin, C.R.L.Member of Canons Regular of the Congregation of the Most Holy Saviour of the LateranBishop Emeritus of Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
25.2Ordained PriestVicente Ramón Hernández PeñaPriest of Trujillo, VenezuelaBishop Emeritus
4 Oct BornGregory William GordonAuxiliary Bishop of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
28.6Ordained PriestDominic Kokkat, C.S.T.Priest of Congregation of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus “Little Flower”Bishop Emeritus of Gorakhpur (Syro-Malabar), India
25.1Ordained PriestCyril Baselios Malancharuvil, O.I.C. †Priest of Order of Imitation of ChristMajor Archbishop of Trivandrum (Syro-Malankara), India
5 Oct96.1DiedBernard Pierre Herrmann, O.M.I. †Priest of Oblates of Mary ImmaculatePrefect Emeritus of Cimbebasia Inferiore, Namibia
6 Oct50.2Ordained BishopEdward John Harper, C.Ss.R. †Titular Bishop of Heraclea PonticaBishop Emeritus of Saint Thomas, American Virgin Islands, USA
BornElias Richard G. Lorenzo, O.S.B.Auxiliary Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, USA
7 Oct40.6Ordained BishopTheotonius Amal Ganguly, C.S.C. †Titular Bishop of OlivaArchbishop of Dacca, Bangladesh
52.3AppointedAloysius John WycisloAuxiliary Bishop of Chicago, Illinois, USABishop Emeritus of Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA
52.3AppointedAloysius John WycisloTitular Bishop of StadiaBishop Emeritus of Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA
8 Oct BornAnthony Ovayero EwheridoBishop of Warri, Nigeria
9 Oct21.0Perpetual VowsArmando Umberto Gianni, O.F.M. Cap.Member of Order of Friars Minor CapuchinBishop Emeritus of Bouar, Central African Republic
BornJosé Mazuelos PérezBishop of Islas Canarias {Canary Islands}, Spain
10 Oct90.6AppointedJean-Justin-Michel GirbeauArchbishop (Personal Title) of Nîmes (-Uzès e Alès), FranceBishop
61.7DiedGeorges Désiré Raeymaeckers, O. Praem. †Bishop of Buta, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
11 Oct48.6ResignedFrancisco de Assis PortelaBishop-Elect of Estância, Sergipe, BrazilPriest of Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil
64.8DiedJerome Aloysius Daugherty SebastianAuxiliary Bishop of Baltimore, Maryland, USA
12 Oct38.1Ordained BishopLuis Aponte MartínezTitular Bishop of LaresCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of San Juan de Puerto Rico
72.1DiedJoseph-Marie-Jean-Baptiste ChappeBishop of Le Puy-en-Velay, France
54.4SucceededJean-Pierre-Georges DozolmeBishop of Le Puy-en-Velay, FranceBishop Emeritus
BornJohn Chrisostom NdimboBishop of Mbinga, Tanzania
14 Oct47.6AppointedStefan LászlóBishop of Eisenstadt, AustriaBishop Emeritus
15 Oct22.6Ordained PriestJanuário Torgal Mendes FerreiraPriest of Porto, PortugalBishop Emeritus of Portugal, Military
16 Oct24.6Final VowsGeorge (Giorgio) Biguzzi, S.X. †Member of Xaverian Missionary FathersBishop Emeritus of Makeni, Sierra Leone
24.6Ordained PriestGeorge (Giorgio) Biguzzi, S.X. †Priest of Xaverian Missionary FathersBishop Emeritus of Makeni, Sierra Leone
BornBenno ElbsBishop of Feldkirch, Austria
26.9Ordained PriestGonzalo de Jesús Rivera GómezPriestAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Medellín, Colombia
18 Oct50.2InstalledEdward John Harper, C.Ss.R. †Prelate of Virgin Islands, USABishop Emeritus of Saint Thomas, American Virgin Islands, USA
19 Oct BornVitorino José Pereira SoaresAuxiliary Bishop of Porto, Portugal
21 Oct64.7AppointedFrançois-Emile-Marie Cléret de Langavant, C.S.Sp. †Titular Bishop of MactarisBishop Emeritus of Saint-Denis-de-La Réunion
64.7ResignedFrançois-Emile-Marie Cléret de Langavant, C.S.Sp. †Bishop of Saint-Denis-de-La RéunionBishop Emeritus
22 Oct BornAndrea BellandiArchbishop of Salerno-Campagna-Acerno, Italy
BornHendrikus Marie Gerardus SmeetsBishop Emeritus of Roermond, Netherlands
26.0Ordained PriestPeter Alfred Sutton, O.M.I. †Priest of Oblates of Mary ImmaculateArchbishop Emeritus of Keewatin-Le Pas, Manitoba, Canada
45.8DiedAntonio Torasso, I.M.C. †Vicar Apostolic of Florencia, Colombia
23 Oct24.2Ordained PriestDino De AntoniPriest of Chioggia, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus of Gorizia, Italy
BornJosé Antonio DíazBishop of Concepción, Argentina
52.8Ordained BishopGiuseppe LenottiBishop of Bova, ItalyArchbishop of Foggia, Italy
37.0Ordained BishopArturo Rivera Damas, S.D.B. †Titular Bishop of LegiaArchbishop of San Salvador, El Salvador
36.8Ordained BishopJoseph Zimmermann, M.S.F. †Bishop of Morombe, Madagascar
24 Oct65.9ConfirmedEmmanuel DaddiBishop of Mossul (Chaldean), IraqArchbishop of Mossul (Chaldean), Iraq
44.0AppointedIoánnis PerrísArchbishop of Naxos, Andros, Tinos e Mykonos, GreeceArchbishop Emeritus
BornRichard Adrian WalkerAuxiliary Bishop of Birmingham, England, Great Britain
25 Oct57.8AppointedGiovanni Umberto ColomboAuxiliary Bishop of Milano {Milan}, ItalyCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus
57.8AppointedGiovanni Umberto ColomboTitular Bishop of Philippopolis in ArabiaCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Milano {Milan}, Italy
BornElias NassarBishop Emeritus of Saïdā (Sidone) (Maronite), Lebanon
26 Oct44.3AppointedStefan BarełaAuxiliary Bishop of Częstochowa, PolandBishop
44.3AppointedStefan BarełaTitular Bishop of HyllarimaBishop of Częstochowa, Poland
49.0AppointedEdward Jan MuszyńskiAuxiliary Bishop of Kielce, Poland
49.0AppointedEdward Jan MuszyńskiTitular Bishop of Mastaura in AsiaAuxiliary Bishop of Kielce, Poland
BornFélicien Mwanama GalumbululaBishop of Luiza, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
43.1AppointedCletus Francis O’DonnellAuxiliary Bishop of Chicago, Illinois, USABishop Emeritus of Madison, Wisconsin, USA
43.1AppointedCletus Francis O’DonnellTitular Bishop of AbrittumBishop Emeritus of Madison, Wisconsin, USA
BornJoseph Vũ Văn ThiênArchbishop of Hà Nội, Viet Nam
46.1AppointedWalenty WójcikAuxiliary Bishop of Sandomierz, PolandAuxiliary Bishop of Sandomierz-Radom, Poland
46.1AppointedWalenty WójcikTitular Bishop of Baris in HellespontoAuxiliary Bishop of Sandomierz-Radom, Poland
46.7AppointedSaverio ZupiApostolic Delegate to KoreaApostolic Nuncio
27 Oct75.4AppointedAlphonse Verwimp, S.J. †Titular Bishop of GibbaBishop Emeritus of Kisantu, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
75.4RetiredAlphonse Verwimp, S.J. †Bishop of Kisantu, Congo (Dem. Rep.)Bishop Emeritus
28 Oct60.7Ordained BishopFrancesco BertoglioTitular Bishop of ParosAuxiliary Bishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy
49.2Ordained BishopPericle FeliciTitular Archbishop of SamosataCardinal, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura
57.1Ordained BishopJoseph Francis McGeoughTitular Archbishop of HemesaApostolic Nuncio
53.4Ordained BishopAlfredo José Isaac Cecilio Francesco Méndez-Gonzalez, C.S.C. †Bishop of Arecibo, Puerto RicoBishop Emeritus
55.1Ordained BishopGiuseppe MojoliTitular Archbishop of Larissa in ThessaliaApostolic Nuncio
54.6Ordained BishopEgano Righi-LambertiniTitular Archbishop of DocleaCardinal, Apostolic Nuncio
41.7Ordained BishopCarlos Stanislaus Schmitt, O.F.M. †Bishop of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, BrazilBishop Emeritus
BornAplinar Senapati, C.M.Bishop of Rayagada, India
54.2Ordained BishopDino StaffaTitular Archbishop of Caesarea in PalaestinaCardinal, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura
57.6Ordained BishopEdward Ernest SwanstromTitular Bishop of ArbaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of New York, New York, USA
29 Oct BornJosé Luis Canto SosaBishop of San Andrés Tuxtla, Veracruz, México
30 Oct30.3Ordained PriestEduardo Alas AlfaroPriestBishop Emeritus of Chalatenango, El Salvador
31.5Ordained PriestAdhemar Esquivel KohenquePriestBishop Emeritus of Tarija, Bolivia
25.7Ordained PriestMario de Gasperín GasperínPriest of Veracruz-Jalapa, MéxicoBishop Emeritus of Querétaro, México
25.6Ordained PriestAntonios NaguibPriest of Minya {Ermopoli Maggiore; Minieh} (Coptic), EgyptCardinal, Patriarch Emeritus of Alexandria {Alessandria} (Coptic), Egypt
24.0Ordained PriestPaolo RabittiPriest of Bologna, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus of Ferrara-Comacchio, Italy
70.7Ordained BishopSeraphin Uluhogian, C.M.V. †Titular Archbishop of Chersonesus in ZechiaAbbot Primate of Congregazione Mechitarista di Venezia
31 OctBornMario Eduardo Dorsonville-RodríguezBishop of Houma-Thibodaux, Louisiana, USA
52.3AppointedThomas HollandCoadjutor Bishop of Portsmouth, England, Great BritainBishop Emeritus of Salford, England, Great Britain
52.3AppointedThomas HollandTitular Bishop of EtennaBishop Emeritus of Salford, England, Great Britain
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