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The Year of Our Lord 1997

Bishop Events


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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
1 Dec63.3DiedEugène Biletsi OnimBishop Emeritus of Idiofa, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
2 Dec49.3AppointedWolfgang HaasArchbishop of Vaduz, LiechtensteinArchbishop Emeritus
3 Dec88.6DiedDomenico EnriciOfficial Emeritus of the Secretariat of State
4 Dec96.5DiedIgnace (Jacques) Gillet, O.C.S.O. †Abbot General Emeritus of Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance
5 Dec32.9Ordained PriestEdson Batista de MelloPriest of Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilBishop of Cachoeira do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
51.7AppointedRichard John GreccoAuxiliary Bishop of London, Ontario, CanadaBishop Emeritus of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
51.7AppointedRichard John GreccoTitular Bishop of UcculaBishop Emeritus of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
6 Dec30.3Ordained PriestGiovanni Cefai, M.S.S.P.Priest of Missionary Society of St. PaulPrelate of Santiago Apóstol de Huancané, Peru
54.5AppointedJean-Paul Aimé GobelApostolic Nuncio to SénégalApostolic Nuncio
54.5AppointedJean-Paul Aimé GobelApostolic Nuncio to Guinea-BissauApostolic Nuncio
54.5AppointedJean-Paul Aimé GobelApostolic Nuncio to MaliApostolic Nuncio
54.5AppointedJean-Paul Aimé GobelApostolic Nuncio to Cape VerdeApostolic Nuncio
75.8RetiredZbigniew Józef KraszewskiAuxiliary Bishop of Warszawa-Praga, PolandAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
75.3RetiredCzeslaw LewandowskiAuxiliary Bishop of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), PolandAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
7 Dec44.8Ordained BishopPatrick Le GalBishop of Tulle, FranceAuxiliary Bishop of Lyon, France
8 Dec45.7Ordained BishopPeter Louis CaküTitular Bishop of AbiddaBishop of Kengtung, Myanmar
43.5Ordained BishopFlávio Giovenale, S.D.B.Bishop of Abaetetuba, Para, BrazilBishop of Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil
44.9Ordained BishopStephen LepchaBishop of Darjeeling, India
85.4DiedLaurean RugambwaCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
9 Dec56.5Ordained BishopDenis James HartTitular Bishop of VagadaArchbishop Emeritus of Melbourne, Australia
11 Dec44.0AppointedCsaba TernyákSecretary of the Congregation for the ClergyArchbishop of Eger, Hungary
44.0AppointedCsaba TernyákTitular Archbishop of EminentianaArchbishop of Eger, Hungary
12 Dec40.1Ordained PriestJoaquim Wladimir Lopes DiasPriest of Jundiaí, Sao Paulo, BrazilBishop of Lorena, Sao Paulo, Brazil
28.1Ordained PriestFrancisco Edimilson Neves FerreiraPriest of Crato, Ceara, BrazilBishop of Tianguá, Ceara, Brazil
77.9RetiredAndrés Sapelak, S.D.B. †Bishop of Santa María del Patrocinio en Buenos Aires (Ukrainian), ArgentinaBishop Emeritus
65.9Died[John Zhu Fengqing]Bishop of Hangzhou [Hangchow], China
13 Dec43.5AppointedJuan-José Aguirre Muñoz, M.C.C.I.Coadjutor Bishop of Bangassou, Central African RepublicBishop
28.9Ordained PriestJacques Assanvo AhiwaPriest of Grand-Bassam, Côte d’IvoireArchbishop of Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire
65.7AppointedMarco Dino Brogi, O.F.M. †Titular Archbishop of Città DucaleApostolic Nuncio
65.7AppointedMarco Dino Brogi, O.F.M. †Apostolic Nuncio to SudanApostolic Nuncio
65.7AppointedMarco Dino Brogi, O.F.M. †Apostolic Delegate to SomaliaApostolic Nuncio
52.3AppointedMieczysław CisłoAuxiliary Bishop of Lublin, PolandAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
52.3AppointedMieczysław CisłoTitular Bishop of AucaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Lublin, Poland
64.1Ordained BishopAngelo DanielBishop of Chioggia, ItalyBishop Emeritus
56.9AppointedJean-Gaspard Mudiso Mund’la, S.V.D.Coadjutor Bishop of Kenge, Congo (Dem. Rep.)Bishop Emeritus
49.5AppointedWiktor Paweł SkworcBishop of Tarnów, PolandArchbishop Emeritus of Katowice, Poland
63.6ResignedPríamo Pericles Tejeda RosarioBishop of Baní, Dominican RepublicBishop Emeritus
14 Dec27.2Ordained PriestJean-Sylvain Emien MambéPriest of Yopougon, Côte d’IvoireApostolic Nuncio to Mali
29.0Ordained PriestLeopoldo NdakalakoPriest of Ondjiva, AngolaBishop of Menongue, Angola
15 Dec75.6DiedArmando FrancoBishop of Oria, Italy
75.9ResignedThomas Jerome WelshBishop of Allentown, Pennsylvania, USABishop Emeritus
16 Dec64.7AppointedEdward Peter CullenBishop of Allentown, Pennsylvania, USABishop Emeritus
50.7Ordained BishopDaniel Robert Jenky, C.S.C.Titular Bishop of AmantiaBishop Emeritus of Peoria, Illinois, USA
83.1DiedLuis Enrique Orellana Ricaurte, S.J. †Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Quito, Ecuador
17 Dec42.1AppointedClaudio GugerottiUnder Secretary of the Congregation for the Oriental ChurchesCardinal, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches
18 Dec63.9InstalledAlexander Joseph BrunettArchbishop of Seattle, Washington, USAArchbishop Emeritus
19 Dec58.1AppointedJohn BuckleyBishop of Cork and Ross, IrelandBishop Emeritus
49.1AppointedSalvatore LigorioBishop of Tricarico, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus of Potenza-Muro Lucano-Marsico Nuovo, Italy
60.8InstalledJohn George VlaznyArchbishop of Portland in Oregon, USAArchbishop Emeritus
20 Dec78.4DiedWenceslas KalibushiBishop Emeritus of Nyundo, Rwanda
27.2Ordained PriestArmando MatteoPriest of Catanzaro-Squillace, ItalySecretary of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith
69.3AppointedFrancesco Saverio SalernoTitular Bishop of CaereSecretary Emeritus of the Apostolic Signatura
69.3AppointedFrancesco Saverio SalernoSecretary of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy SeeSecretary Emeritus of the Apostolic Signatura
21 Dec28.9Ordained PriestMikael Bassalé, I.C.P.B.Priest of Institut du Clergé Patriarcal de BzommarOrdinary of Greece (Armenian)
78.1DiedFrançois Hoenen, S.V.D. †Bishop Emeritus of Kenge, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
22 Dec34.6AppointedAleksandr Kan, S.J.Superior of KyrgyzstanSuperior Emeritus
23 Dec51.1AppointedGordon Dunlap Bennett, S.J.Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore, Maryland, USABishop Emeritus of Mandeville, Jamaica, Antilles
51.1AppointedGordon Dunlap Bennett, S.J.Titular Bishop of NesquallyBishop Emeritus of Mandeville, Jamaica, Antilles
43.9AppointedVital Chitolina, S.C.I.Prelate of Paranatinga, Mato Grosso, BrazilBishop of Diamantino, Mato Grosso, Brazil
52.3AppointedFranco Dalla Valle, S.D.B. †Bishop of Juína, Mato Grosso, Brazil
63.1AppointedGeraldo Vieira GusmãoBishop of Porto Nacional, Tocatins, BrazilBishop Emeritus
63.6AppointedFrancisco José ZuglianiBishop of Amparo, Sao Paulo, BrazilBishop Emeritus
24 Dec95.8DiedAntonio BagnoliBishop Emeritus of Fiesole, Italy
82.2DiedCharles Roman KoesterAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
78.3DiedVictor João Herman José Tielbeek, SS.CC. †Bishop of Formosa, Goias, Brazil
25 Dec80.1DiedBronisław Dąbrowski, F.D.P. †Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Warszawa {Warsaw}, Poland
26 Dec31.5Ordained PriestJohn Panamthottathil, C.M.I.Priest of Carmelites of Mary ImmaculateBishop of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Melbourne (Syro-Malabar), Australia
27 Dec64.7AppointedGilles Cazabon, O.M.I.Bishop of Saint-Jérôme, Québec, CanadaBishop Emeritus of Saint-Jérôme - Mont-Laurier, Québec, Canada
37.4Ordained PriestCarlos Enrique Curiel Herrera, Sch. P.Priest of Order of the Pious SchoolsBishop of Carora, Venezuela
33.9Ordained PriestJosé Lampra CàPriest of Bissau, Guinea-BissauBishop
29.5ProfessedZenildo Luiz Pereira da Silva, C.Ss.R.Member of Congregation of the Most Holy RedeemerBishop of Borba, Amazonas, Brazil
28 Dec71.7DiedNicodemus Atle Basili HhandoBishop Emeritus of Mbulu, Tanzania
51.2Ordained BishopGodfrey de Rozario, S.J.Bishop of Baroda, IndiaBishop Emeritus
30 Dec69.5SucceededJean-Baptiste Bùi TuầnBishop of Long Xuyên, Viet NamBishop Emeritus
88.9RetiredMichel Nguyễn Khắc NgữBishop of Long Xuyên, Viet NamBishop Emeritus
28.0Ordained PriestJoseph PamplanyPriest of Tellicherry (Syro-Malabar), IndiaArchbishop
31 Dec49.8AppointedLuis Armando CollazuolAuxiliary Bishop of Rosario, ArgentinaBishop Emeritus of Concordia, Argentina
49.8AppointedLuis Armando CollazuolTitular Bishop of EloBishop Emeritus of Concordia, Argentina


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