Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
1 Jul | 83.7 | Appointed | Lorenzo Baldisseri | Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Anselmo all’Aventino | Cardinal, Secretary General Emeritus of the Synod of Bishops |
88.4 | Died | George (Giorgio) Biguzzi, S.X. † | Bishop Emeritus of Makeni, Sierra Leone | ||
50.6 | Appointed | Kryspin Witold Dubiel | Apostolic Nuncio to Angola | ||
50.6 | Appointed | Kryspin Witold Dubiel | Titular Archbishop of Vannida | Apostolic Nuncio to Angola | |
Appointed | Richard Allen Gyhra | Permanent Observer to United Nations Office and Specialized Agencies in Vienna | |||
74.6 | Appointed | James Michael Harvey | Cardinal-Priest of San Pio V a Villa Carpegna | Cardinal, Archpriest of the Basilica di San Paolo fuori le Mura {Saint Paul Outside-the-Walls Basilica} | |
76.5 | Appointed | Gerhard Ludwig Müller | Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Agnese in Agone | Cardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith | |
63.8 | Resigned | Reinhold Nann | Prelate of Caravelí, Peru | Prelate Emeritus | |
62.0 | Appointed | Ricardo Augusto Rodríguez Álvarez | Apostolic Administrator of Caravelí, Peru | Auxiliary Bishop of Lima, Peru | |
3 Jul | 46.7 | Appointed | Christian Carlassare, M.C.C.I. | Bishop of Bentiu, South Sudan | |
75.9 | Retired | Domingo Díaz Martínez | Archbishop of Tulancingo, Hidalgo, México | Archbishop Emeritus | |
68.1 | Appointed | Oscar Roberto Domínguez Couttolenc, M.G. | Archbishop of Tulancingo, Hidalgo, México | ||
73.0 | Appointed | Juan Pedro Juárez Meléndez | Apostolic Administrator of Atlacomulco, México, México | Bishop of Tula, Hidalgo, México | |
75.1 | Retired | Juan Odilón Martínez García | Bishop of Atlacomulco, México, México | Bishop Emeritus | |
86.5 | Died | José de Jesús Nuñez Viloria † | Bishop Emeritus of Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela | ||
4 Jul | 58.1 | Appointed | Jaime Calderón Calderón | Archbishop of León, Guanajuato, México | |
76.9 | Retired | Alfonso Cortés Contreras | Archbishop of León, Guanajuato, México | Archbishop Emeritus | |
83.4 | Excommunicated | Carlo Maria Viganò | Apostolic Nuncio | ||
5 Jul | 73.7 | Resigned | Enrico dal Covolo, S.D.B. | Assessor of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences | Assessor Emeritus |
92.2 | Died | George Mamalassery † | Bishop Emeritus of Tura, India | ||
57.3 | Appointed | Wiston Mosquera Moreno | Bishop of Quibdó, Colombia | ||
75.6 | Appointed | Sergio Pagano, B. | Assessor of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences | ||
49.5 | Appointed | William Prieto Daza | Bishop of San Vicente del Caguán, Colombia | ||
46.3 | Appointed | Rocco Ronzani, O.S.A. | Prefect of the Vatican Apostolic Archive | ||
6 Jul | 48.9 | Ordained Bishop | José Antonio Álvarez Sánchez | Titular Bishop of Vergi | Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid, Spain |
54.0 | Ordained Bishop | José Antonio Da Conceição Ferreira | Bishop of Puerto Cabello, Venezuela | ||
52.5 | Appointed | Ryan Pagente Jimenez | Archbishop of Agaña, Guam, Pacific (Oceania) | ||
54.8 | Ordained Bishop | Vicente Martín Muñoz | Titular Bishop of Valliposita | Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid, Spain | |
60.8 | Installed | Sergio Hernán Pérez de Arce Arriagada, SS.CC. | Archbishop of Concepción (Santissima Concezione), Chile | ||
58.4 | Ordained Bishop | Petko Valov | Bishop of Saint John XXIII of Sofia (Bulgarian), Bulgaria | ||
7 Jul | 51.5 | Ordained Bishop | Martin Banga Ayanyaki, O.S.A. | Bishop of Buta, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |
61.6 | Ordained Bishop | Fernando Maio de Paiva | Bishop of Beja, Portugal | ||
59.2 | Ceased | Jean-Bertin Nadonye Ndongo, O.F.M. Cap. | Apostolic Administrator of Buta, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop of Lolo, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |
8 Jul | 47.8 | Appointed | Paul Trairong Multree | Bishop of Surat Thani, Thailand | |
87.5 | Died | Pierre Nguyễn Soạn † | Bishop Emeritus of Quy Nhơn (Qui Nhơn), Viet Nam | ||
78.4 | Retired | Joseph Prathan Sridarunsil, S.D.B. | Bishop of Surat Thani, Thailand | Bishop Emeritus | |
9 Jul | 57.1 | Appointed | Mark Gerard Miles | Apostolic Nuncio to Costa Rica | |
10 Jul | 96.0 | Died | Alphonsus Mathias † | Archbishop Emeritus of Bangalore, India | |
54.9 | Appointed | Elie Mikhael | Apostolic Administrator of Nuestra Señora de los Mártires del Libano en México (Maronite) | ||
76.2 | Retired | Georges Miled Saad Abi Younes, O.L.M. | Bishop of Nuestra Señora de los Mártires del Libano en México (Maronite) | Bishop Emeritus | |
11 Jul | 51.5 | Appointed | Valdemir Vicente Andrade Santos | Bishop of Juazeiro, Bahia, Brazil | |
55.4 | Appointed | Orlando Olave Villanoba | Bishop of Ocaña, Colombia | ||
12 Jul | 65.9 | Appointed | Dieudonné Madrapile Tanzi | Apostolic Administrator of Isiro-Niangara, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop |
63.4 | Appointed | Raphael p’Mony Wokorach, M.C.C.I. | Apostolic Administrator of Nebbi, Uganda | Archbishop of Gulu, Uganda | |
63.4 | Installed | Raphael p’Mony Wokorach, M.C.C.I. | Archbishop of Gulu, Uganda | ||
47.3 | Appointed | Josep-Lluís Serrano Pentinat | Coadjutor Bishop of Urgell, Spain | ||
13 Jul | 61.0 | Ordained Bishop | Víctor Carabés Chávez, M.N.M. | Bishop of Tenancingo, México, México | |
60.1 | Ordained Bishop | Geraldo dos Reis Maia | Bishop of Araçuaí (Arassuaí), Minas Gerais, Brazil | ||
51.4 | Appointed | Stanislaus Min Ko | Coadjutor Bishop of Hpa-an, Myanmar | ||
56.7 | Appointed | John Baptist Nguyen Huy Bac | Bishop of Ban Mê Thuột, Viet Nam | ||
46.8 | Appointed | Arokiaraj Satis Kumar | Auxiliary Bishop of Bangalore, India | ||
46.8 | Appointed | Arokiaraj Satis Kumar | Titular Bishop of Castellum Minus | Auxiliary Bishop of Bangalore, India | |
60.1 | Appointed | Joseph Susainathan (Soosainathan) | Auxiliary Bishop of Bangalore, India | ||
60.1 | Appointed | Joseph Susainathan (Soosainathan) | Titular Bishop of Castra Galbae | Auxiliary Bishop of Bangalore, India | |
55.3 | Appointed | Sagayaraj Thamburaj | Bishop of Tanjore, India | ||
14 Jul | 49.6 | Ordained Bishop | Clément Hérizo Rakotoasimbola, M.S. | Bishop of Maintirano, Madagascar | |
73.8 | Died | Julien Andavo Bule Ahuba Mbia † | Bishop of Isiro-Niangara, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | ||
65.7 | Ceased | Zygmunt Robaszkiewicz, M.S.F. | Apostolic Administrator of Maintirano, Madagascar | Bishop of Mahajanga, Madagascar | |
59.7 | Installed | Vicente Sanombo | Bishop of Kwito-Bié, Angola | ||
15 Jul | 50.6 | Appointed | Kryspin Witold Dubiel | Apostolic Nuncio to São Tomé and Príncipe | Apostolic Nuncio to Angola |
90.7 | Died | Kevin Michael Manning † | Bishop Emeritus of Parramatta, Australia | ||
61.3 | Ceased | John Joseph McDermott | Administrator of Burlington, Vermont, USA | Bishop | |
61.3 | Ordained Bishop | John Joseph McDermott | Bishop of Burlington, Vermont, USA | ||
70.2 | Resigned | Marko Semren, O.F.M. | Auxiliary Bishop of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus | |
16 Jul | 54.3 | Appointed | Michael Francis Crotty | Apostolic Nuncio to Nigeria | |
47.1 | Ordained Bishop | Agnaldo Temóteo da Silveira | Bishop of Garanhuns, Pernambuco, Brazil | ||
51.1 | Ceased | Nil Yuriy Lushchak, O.F.M. | Apostolic Administrator of Mukachevo (Munkács) (Ruthenian), Ukraine | Auxiliary Bishop | |
42.9 | Ordained Bishop | Teodor (Andriy) Matsapula (Mazapula), I.V.E. | Bishop of Mukachevo (Munkács) (Ruthenian), Ukraine | ||
53.9 | Ordained Bishop | Timothy Francis Menezes | Titular Bishop of Thugga | Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham, England, Great Britain | |
51.3 | Appointed | Getahun Fanta Shikune, C.M. | Vicar Apostolic of Nekemte, Ethiopia | ||
63.7 | Ordained Bishop | Richard Adrian Walker | Titular Bishop of Murthlacum | Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham, England, Great Britain | |
18 Jul | 47.9 | Resigned | Hugh David Renwick Turnbull Allan, O. Praem. | Apostolic Administrator of Falkland Islands o Malvinas | Apostolic Administrator Emeritus |
47.9 | Resigned | Hugh David Renwick Turnbull Allan, O. Praem. | Superior of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha | Apostolic Administrator Emeritus of Falkland Islands o Malvinas | |
75.3 | Retired | Mikha Pola Maqdassi | Auxiliary Bishop of Baghdad (Chaldean), Iraq | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus | |
56.6 | Installed | Herculano Medina Garfias | Bishop of Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco, México | ||
52.5 | Appointed | Tom Thomas Pattasseril, I.C. | Apostolic Administrator of Falkland Islands o Malvinas | ||
52.5 | Appointed | Tom Thomas Pattasseril, I.C. | Superior of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha | Apostolic Administrator of Falkland Islands o Malvinas | |
19 Jul | 58.6 | Installed | Edgar Aristizábal Quintero | Bishop of Duitama-Sogamoso, Colombia | |
55.5 | Appointed | Henryk Mieczysław Jagodziński | Apostolic Nuncio to Namibia | Apostolic Nuncio to South Africa | |
55.5 | Appointed | Henryk Mieczysław Jagodziński | Apostolic Nuncio to eSwatini | Apostolic Nuncio to South Africa | |
50.9 | Selected | Anthony Ji Weizhong | Bishop of Lüliang, China | ||
97.6 | Died | Domenico Crescentino Marinozzi, O.F.M. Cap. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Soddo-Hosanna, Ethiopia | ||
44.0 | Appointed | Andrej Znoska | Auxiliary Bishop of Pinsk, Belarus | ||
44.0 | Appointed | Andrej Znoska | Titular Bishop of Scardona | Auxiliary Bishop of Pinsk, Belarus | |
20 Jul | 62.1 | Resigned | Óscar Augusto Múnera Ochoa | Vicar Apostolic of Tierradentro, Colombia | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus |
57.3 | Ordained Bishop | Reinaldo Sorto Martínez | Bishop of El Salvador, Military | ||
56.4 | Ordained Bishop | Antonio José Valín Valdés | Bishop of Tui-Vigo, Spain | ||
21 Jul | 45.9 | Ordained Bishop | Alexandre Coutinho Lopes de Brito Palma | Titular Bishop of Tepelta | Auxiliary Bishop of Lisboa {Lisbon}, Portugal |
59.8 | Ordained Bishop | Nuno Isidro Nunes Cordeiro | Titular Bishop of Sebarga | Auxiliary Bishop of Lisboa {Lisbon}, Portugal | |
57.3 | Installed | Reinaldo Sorto Martínez | Bishop of El Salvador, Military | ||
22 Jul | 72.1 | Appointed | Vicente Bokalic Iglic, C.M. | Cardinal, Archbishop of Santiago del Estero, Argentina | |
55.9 | Appointed | Christophe Zakhia El-Kassis | Apostolic Nuncio to Yemen | Apostolic Nuncio to United Arab Emirates | |
55.9 | Appointed | Christophe Zakhia El-Kassis | Apostolic Delegate to Arabian Peninsula | Apostolic Nuncio to United Arab Emirates | |
25 Jul | 55.5 | Appointed | Jacques Assanvo Ahiwa | Archbishop of Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire | |
56.0 | Appointed | Robert Cissé | Archbishop of Bamako, Mali | ||
48.9 | Ordained Bishop | Kendrick John Forbes | Bishop of Roseau, Dominica, Antilles | ||
64.5 | Appointed | Kevin Thomas Kenney | Auxiliary Bishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA | ||
64.5 | Appointed | Kevin Thomas Kenney | Titular Bishop of Chunavia | Auxiliary Bishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA | |
66.8 | Ceased | Gabriel Malzaire | Apostolic Administrator of Roseau, Dominica, Antilles | Archbishop of Castries, Saint Lucia, Antilles | |
80.5 | Retired | Jean Zerbo | Archbishop of Bamako, Mali | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus | |
26 Jul | 61.7 | Ordained Bishop | James Mark Beckman | Bishop of Knoxville, Tennessee, USA | |
60.7 | Ceased | Shelton Joseph Fabre | Apostolic Administrator of Knoxville, Tennessee, USA | Archbishop of Louisville, Kentucky, USA | |
53.4 | Installed | Júlio César Souza de Jesus | Bishop of Floriano, Piaui, Brazil | ||
27 Jul | 52.5 | Ordained Bishop | Dimas Antonio Acuña Jiménez | Bishop of El Banco, Colombia | |
96.0 | Died | Jean-Baptiste Bùi Tuần † | Bishop Emeritus of Long Xuyên, Viet Nam | ||
54.9 | Ordained Bishop | Séamus Patrick Horgan | Titular Archbishop of Árd Sratha | Apostolic Nuncio to South Sudan | |
62.3 | Installed | José Ionilton Lisboa de Oliveira, S.D.V. | Prelate of Marajó, Para, Brazil | ||
55.3 | Ordained Bishop | Simon Samendra Mani, M.S.C. | Bishop of Tarawa and Nauru, Kiribati, Pacific (Oceania) | ||
48.5 | Ordained Bishop | Edgar Jesús Mejía Orozco | Titular Bishop of Zattara | Auxiliary Bishop of Barranquilla, Colombia | |
49.2 | Ordained Bishop | Peter Munguti Makau, I.M.C. | Coadjutor Bishop of Isiolo, Kenya | Bishop | |
60.3 | Appointed | Gábor Pintér | Apostolic Nuncio to New Zealand | ||
66.8 | Resigned | Novatus Rugambwa | Apostolic Nuncio to New Zealand | Apostolic Nuncio | |
66.8 | Resigned | Novatus Rugambwa | Apostolic Delegate to Pacific Ocean | Apostolic Nuncio | |
66.8 | Resigned | Novatus Rugambwa | Apostolic Nuncio to Fiji, Pacific (Oceania) | Apostolic Nuncio | |
66.8 | Resigned | Novatus Rugambwa | Apostolic Nuncio to Palau, Pacific (Oceania) | Apostolic Nuncio | |
66.8 | Resigned | Novatus Rugambwa | Apostolic Nuncio to Marshall Islands, Pacific (Oceania) | Apostolic Nuncio | |
66.8 | Resigned | Novatus Rugambwa | Apostolic Nuncio to Kiribati, Pacific (Oceania) | Apostolic Nuncio | |
66.8 | Resigned | Novatus Rugambwa | Apostolic Nuncio to Nauru, Pacific (Oceania) | Apostolic Nuncio | |
66.8 | Resigned | Novatus Rugambwa | Apostolic Nuncio to Tonga, Pacific (Oceania) | Apostolic Nuncio | |
66.8 | Resigned | Novatus Rugambwa | Apostolic Nuncio to Samoa, Pacific (Oceania) | Apostolic Nuncio | |
66.8 | Resigned | Novatus Rugambwa | Apostolic Nuncio to Cook Islands, Pacific (Oceania) | Apostolic Nuncio | |
66.8 | Resigned | Novatus Rugambwa | Apostolic Nuncio to Micronesia, Federated States of, Pacific (Oceania) | Apostolic Nuncio | |
29 Jul | 55.9 | Appointed | Philippe Curbelié | Titular Archbishop of Utica | Under Secretary of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith |
56.0 | Appointed | John Joseph Kennedy | Titular Archbishop of Absorus | Secretary of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith | |
31 Jul | 58.0 | Installed | Alfonso Gerardo Miranda Guardiola | Bishop of Piedras Negras, Coahuila, México |
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