Date | Age | Bishop | Title |
2 Jan | 71.8 | Matthew Cullen † | Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Ireland |
12 Jan | 82.3 | Hilarion (Johannes Baptist) Valentin, O.F.M. Cap. † | Prefect Emeritus of Bettiah, India |
13 Jan | 61.4 | Thomas O’Donnell † | Archbishop of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada |
16 Jan | 52.7 | Romolo Genuardi † | Auxiliary Bishop of Palermo, Italy |
21 Jan | 87.6 | Juan Antón de la Fuente † | Bishop Emeritus of Teruel (-Albarracín), Spain |
6 Feb | 83.0 | Vincent (Vinko) Pulišić † | Archbishop Emeritus of Zadar (Zara), Croatia |
7 Feb | 65.8 | Luigi Sincero † | Cardinal, Secretary of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches |
18 Feb | 71.2 | Francisco Orozco y Jiménez † | Archbishop of Guadalajara, Jalisco, México |
23 Feb | 58.2 | Matteo Pellegrino † | Bishop of Bobbio (-Abbey of San Colombano), Italy |
1 Mar | 76.9 | Manuel Luís Coelho da Silva † | Bishop of Coimbra, Portugal |
7 Mar | 77.7 | Reginal-Alois van Schoote, O.P. † | Prefect Emeritus of Eastern Uélé {Uélé Orientale}, Congo (Dem. Rep.) |
9 Mar | 87.7 | Charles Cox, O.M.I. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Transvaal, South Africa |
12 Mar | 62.9 | Vasyl Mastiukh (Maścjuch) † | Apostolic Administrator of Lemkowszczyzna (Ukrainian), Poland |
23 Mar | 71.4 | Valentin Herrgott, M.E.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Phnom-Penh, Cambodia |
28 Mar | 61.8 | Vahan Kitchourian † | Archbishop of Istanbul (Armenian), Turkey |
14 Apr | 77.9 | Luigi Maria Marelli † | Bishop of Bergamo, Italy |
14 Apr | 69.1 | James Anthony Walsh, M.M. † | Superior General of Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America |
21 Apr | 76.1 | John Joseph McCort † | Bishop of Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA |
23 Apr | 84.1 | Eugène-Marie-Joseph Allys, M.E.P. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Huê, Viet Nam |
27 Apr | 51.4 | Firmin-Jules Guichard, C.S.Sp. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Brazzaville, Congo |
6 May | 60.7 | Giuseppe Miglior † | Bishop of Ogliastra, Italy |
6 May | 71.2 | Anton Pieter Franz van Velsen, S.J. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Batavia, Indonesia |
11 May | 80.5 | Sigismund Felix von Ow-Felldorf † | Bishop of Passau, Germany |
12 May | 79.7 | Dominique Castellan † | Archbishop of Chambéry, France |
12 May | 76.2 | Joseph Robert Cowgill † | Bishop of Leeds, England, Great Britain |
17 May | 68.0 | Johannes Henricus Gerardus Jansen † | Archbishop Emeritus of Utrecht, Netherlands |
19 May | 59.9 | Pascual José Díaz y Barreto, S.J. † | Archbishop of México, Federal District |
20 May | 73.2 | Alexis-Henri-Marie Lépicier, O.S.M. † | Cardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious |
4 Jun | 62.9 | Alexandre-Paul-Marie Chabanon, M.E.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Huê, Viet Nam |
17 Jun | 70.9 | Pedro Muñagorri y Obineta, O.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Bùi Chu, Viet Nam |
26 Jun | 72.5 | Bl. Andrea Giacinto Bonaventura Longhin, O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop of Treviso, Italy |
6 Jul | 55.3 | Pacifico Tiziano Micheloni, O.F.M. Cap. † | Vicar Apostolic of Arabia, Yemen |
10 Jul | 63.6 | Ludovico Cattaneo, Obl. Rho † | Bishop of Ascoli Piceno, Italy |
10 Jul | 65.2 | William Turner † | Bishop of Buffalo, New York, USA |
15 Jul | 67.2 | Charles-Henri-Joseph Binet † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Besançon, France |
16 Jul | 63.0 | Pietro Mozzanica, Ob. S.C. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy |
20 Jul | 68.6 | Eugène-Louis-Marie Le Fer de la Motte † | Bishop of Nantes, France |
21 Jul | 61.1 | Joachim Rodrigues Lima, S.J. † | Archbishop of Bombay, India |
27 Jul | 70.3 | Eustaquio Nieto y Martín † | Bishop of Sigüenza, Spain |
5 Aug | 58.6 | Bl. Salvio Huix Miralpéix, C.O. † | Bishop of Lérida, Spain |
7 Aug | 61.2 | Bl. Cruz Laplana y Laguna † | Bishop of Cuenca, Spain |
8 Aug | 50.1 | José Maria Parreira Lara † | Bishop of Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil |
9 Aug | 58.8 | Bl. Florentino Asensio Barroso † | Apostolic Administrator of Barbastro, Spain |
9 Aug | 68.5 | Miguel de los Santos Serra y Sucarrats † | Bishop of Segorbe, Spain |
12 Aug | 67.2 | Bl. Manuel Basulto y Jiménez † | Bishop of Jaén, Spain |
12 Aug | 55.9 | Manuel Borras y Ferré † | Auxiliary Bishop of Tarragona, Spain |
14 Aug | 76.4 | Luigi Pellizzo † | Bishop Emeritus of Padova {Padua}, Italy |
15 Aug | 81.0 | Giulio Tommasi † | Archbishop of Conza-Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi-Bisaccia, Italy |
22 Aug | 53.8 | Bl. Narciso de Esténaga y Echevarría † | Prelate of Ciudad Real, Spain |
30 Aug | 67.0 | Bl. Manuel Medina y Olmos † | Bishop of Guadix, Spain |
30 Aug | 56.2 | Bl. Diego Ventaja Milán † | Bishop of Almería, Spain |
31 Aug | 80.6 | Johann Baptist Hierl † | Auxiliary Bishop of Regensburg, Germany |
2 Oct | 69.5 | William Hayden † | Archbishop of Hobart, Australia |
7 Oct | 65.1 | Joseph Thorman † | Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle, England, Great Britain |
10 Oct | 64.1 | Giovanni Garigliano † | Bishop of Biella, Italy |
17 Oct | 63.7 | Joseph Ambühl † | Bishop of Basel e Lugano, Switzerland |
30 Oct | 73.6 | Johannes Scheifes † | Auxiliary Bishop of Münster, Germany |
13 Nov | 82.6 | Giovanni (di Dio) Mauri † | Auxiliary Bishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy |
15 Nov | 81.2 | Salvatore Meo † | Auxiliary Bishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy |
16 Nov | 77.7 | Louis-Joseph Maurin † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Lyon (-Vienne), France |
26 Nov | 86.8 | Costanzo Castrale † | Auxiliary Bishop of Torino {Turin}, Italy |
1 Dec | 68.0 | Adéodat-Jean-Roch Wittner, O.F.M. † | Vicar Apostolic of Chefoo, China |
3 Dec | 60.2 | Manuel Irurita y Almándoz † | Bishop of Barcelona, Spain |
8 Dec | 69.8 | Domenico Mezzadri † | Bishop of Chioggia, Italy |
15 Dec | 59.0 | Thomas O’Doherty † | Bishop of Galway and Kilmacduagh, Ireland |
16 Dec | 67.1 | Giuseppe Palica † | Vicegerent of Roma {Rome}, Italy |
17 Dec | 83.9 | Giovanni Fossà † | Bishop of Fiesole, Italy |
18 Dec | 64.8 | Luigi Bondini, O.F.M. Conv. † | Apostolic Visitor (Visitator) |
28 Dec | 83.0 | Antonio Macrioniti † | Bishop Emeritus of Syros (e Milos), Greece |