Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1922


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1921) | Next Year (1923)

unknownJohn Creagh, C.Ss.R. †Vicar Apostolic of Kimberley in Western Australia
7 Jan53.1François-Xavier BrunetBishop of Mont-Laurier, Québec, Canada
17 Jan86.8Marie-Joseph (Maxime Justin Félix) Verdier, SS.CC. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Tahiti {Isole Tahiti}, French Polynesia, Pacific (Oceania)
19 Jan78.1Charles Hugh GauthierArchbishop of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
22 Jan74.3Enrique Almaraz y SantosCardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
22 Jan67.1Giacomo Giambattista della ChiesaPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
27 Jan54.9Manuel Damasceno da CostaBishop of Angra, Portugal
27 Jan67.0Guillaume-Lucien-Léon LacroixBishop of Tarentaise, France
29 Jan77.7Albert-Léon-Marie Le NordezBishop Emeritus of Dijon, France
8 Feb80.3Wenceslao Sangüesa y GuíaBishop Emeritus of Cuenca, Spain
12 Feb74.7Agapitos Malouf, B.C. †Bishop of Baalbek (Melkite Greek), Lebanon
18 Feb81.7Hussig GulianArchbishop of Mardin (Armenian), Turkey
20 Feb82.3Barthélemy Clément CombesArchbishop of Carthage, Tunisia
24 Feb66.3Désiré-Hyacinthe BerthoinBishop of Autun (-Châlon-sur-Saône-Mâcon), France
26 Feb68.2Hippolyte Teissier, M.E.P. †Bishop of Mysore, India
3 Mar74.9Ramón Fernández y BalbuenaAuxiliary Bishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
9 Mar41.5Luis Felipe Contardo PalmaEcclesiastical Governor (Vicar General) of Chillán, Chile
17 Mar71.7Hubert-Olivier ChalifouxAuxiliary Bishop of Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
17 Mar88.1Johannes Von EuchVicar Apostolic of Denmark
28 Mar71.5Mihael NapotnikBishop of Lavant, Slovenia
29 Mar60.0Salvatore BellaBishop of Acireale, Italy
2 Apr75.7Julien Vidal, S.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Fiji Island, Pacific (Oceania)
4 Apr76.4Michele de JorioBishop Emeritus of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy
11 Apr60.4Jacobus SereggiArchbishop Emeritus of Shkodrë, Albania
19 May81.1Eulogio Gregorio Clemente Gillow y ZavalzaArchbishop of Antequera, Oaxaca, México
21 May61.1Edward Parry, S.J. †Prefect of Zambese, Zimbabwe
12 Jun70.0Domenico BianconiBishop of Ferentino, Italy
25 Jun68.8Teodoro Valfrè di BonzoCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious
29 Jun65.2Carlo PietropaoliBishop Emeritus of Trivento, Italy
10 Jul79.0Pedro Armengol Valenzuela Poblete, O. de M. †Bishop Emeritus of San Carlos de Ancud, Chile
19 Jul60.5Antonio Vicente Arenas y RuedaBishop of Socorro, Colombia
26 Jul69.6John GrimesBishop of Syracuse, New York, USA
27 Jul60.8Manuel Antônio de Oliveira LopesArchbishop of Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil
19 Aug84.1Giovanni Battista RossiBishop of Pinerolo, Italy
30 Aug82.6Silvério Gomes PimentaArchbishop of Mariana, Minas Gerais, Brazil
15 Sep56.0Silvino Ramírez y CuevaVicar Apostolic of California Inferiore, México
30 Sep69.8Peter Joseph LausbergAuxiliary Bishop of Köln {Cologne}, Germany
4 Oct73.4Patrick James DonahueBishop of Wheeling, West Virginia, USA
12 Oct66.4Ambrogio RiccardiBishop of Sarsina, Italy
27 Oct76.8Modestus Johannes-Baptiste Everaerts, O.F.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Southwestern Hupeh {Hu-Pè Occiduo-Meridionale}, China
27 Oct43.4Emilio Ippolito Ulivelli, O.F.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Chaco, Bolivia
9 Nov59.4Henry Regis GranjonBishop of Tucson, Arizona, USA
12 Nov76.3Léon-Antoine-Augustin-Siméon Livinhac, M. Afr. †Superior General of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers)
27 Nov53.8Carlos Echenique AltamiraAuxiliary Bishop of Tucumán, Argentina
4 Dec73.9Joseph Dumáni, B.S. †Bishop of Tripoli del Libano (Melkite Greek)
8 Dec87.2José María Martín de Herrera y de la IglesiaCardinal, Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
11 Dec69.3Luca CanepaBishop of Galtelli-Nuoro (Galtelly Nori), Italy
12 Dec87.8Joseph-Auguste-Melchior DucBishop Emeritus of Aosta, Italy
14 Dec63.3Élie Anicet LatulipeBishop of Haileybury, Ontario, Canada
17 Dec73.0Letterio D’Arrigo RamondiniArchbishop of Messina, Italy


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