Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1744


See Also: Overview | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1743) | Next Year (1745)

unknown40.3Tomas Luiz da Conceição, O.A.D. †Bishop of São Tomé e Príncipe
unknown81.7Oronzio Filomarini, C.R. †Bishop Emeritus of Gallipoli, Italy
unknown70.2Antonio Monroy y Meneses, O. de M. †Bishop Emeritus of Santa Marta, Colombia
unknown57.8Andrés Vergara UribeBishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
1 JanMartin BurkeBishop of Kilmacduagh, Ireland
11 Jan81.0Ennemond-Flodoard Moret de BourchenuBishop Emeritus of Vence, France
16 Jan65.0Ramón Marimón CorberaBishop of Vic, Spain
7 Feb67.5Diego Fermín de Vergara, O.S.A. †Archbishop of Santafé en Nueva Granada, Colombia
25 Feb60.8Diego Felipe de Perea MagdalenoArchbishop of Burgos, Spain
3 Mar83.4Francesco BentiniBishop of Comacchio, Italy
3 Mar65.1Manuel Samaniego JacaArchbishop Emeritus of Burgos, Spain
15 Mar75.2José Pinheiro, S.J. †Bishop of São Tomé of Meliapore, India
Apr65.9Francisco Salgado QuiragoBishop of Guadix, Spain
10 Apr71.2Giovanni Macario ValentiBishop of Conversano, Italy
12 Apr39.2Johann Kaspar von Wolkenstein-RodeneckAuxiliary Bishop of Trento, Italy
23 Apr49.4Melchiorre DelficoBishop of Muro Lucano, Italy
26 Apr46.7Francisco Pablo Matos y CoronadoBishop of Michoacán, México
4 May65.3Joseph Oswald von AttemsBishop of Lavant, Slovenia
23 May56.3Charles de Bannes d’AvéjanBishop of Alès (Alais), France
11 Jun80.4Jacques Pescherard, O.F.M. Cap. †Coadjutor Bishop Emeritus of Baghdad, Iraq
13 Jun52.6Renato MassaBishop of Rimini, Italy
24 Jun74.6Bogusław Korwin GosiewskiBishop of Smoleńsk, Poland
25 Jun61.1Angelo Maria (Jean Luc) Volanti, O.P. †Bishop of Stagno (Ston), Croatia
28 Jun60.0Lazzaro PallaviciniTitular Archbishop of Thebae
5 Jul84.8Girolamo Maria Allegri, O.S.M. †Bishop of Cagli, Italy
25 Jul65.5Claudio Domenico AlbiniBishop of Lacedonia, Italy
Aug39.8Vincenzo Giovanni Vico TorrellasArchbishop of Oristano, Italy
2 Aug34.2Vincent DragoBishop of Kotor (Cattaro), Montenegro
3 Aug65.7Alessandro PuotiBishop of Marsico Nuovo, Italy
9 Aug49.6Mateo de Zamora y Penagos, O.F.M. †Bishop of Yucatán (Mérida), México
13 Aug64.6Ambrose O’Callaghan, O.F.M. Ref. †Bishop of Ferns, Ireland
15 Aug58.0Antonio VegniBishop of Sovana (Soana), Italy
22 Aug80.3Niccolò di DomenicoBishop of Nocera de’ Pagani, Italy
28 Aug80.4François Amédée Milliet d’ArvillarsArchbishop of Tarentaise (Moûtiers-en-Tarentaise), France
30 Aug65.6Gaspar de Molina y Oviedo, O.E.S.A. †Cardinal, Bishop of Málaga, Spain
2 Sep60.6Guillaume-Philippe de HerzellesBishop of Antwerpen {Antwerp, Anvers}, Belgium
6 Sep82.6Louis-Charles des Alries du RoussetBishop of Béziers, France
26 Sep59.9Gábor Antal ErdődyBishop of Eger, Hungary
10 Oct64.7Adam AcsádyBishop of Veszprém, Hungary
10 Oct84.7Léon de BeaumontBishop of Saintes, France
12 Oct74.2Peter Cornelius BeywegAuxiliary Bishop of Speyer, Germany
15 Oct78.5Jean-Jacques Bouhier de LantenayBishop Emeritus of Dijon, France
22 Oct65.4Leopold Anton Eleutherius von FirmianArchbishop of Salzburg, Austria
23 Oct65.2Giovanni Francisco IngenuoTitular Bishop of Dibon (Dibona)
24 Oct74.2Giuseppe FirraoCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Aversa, Italy
30 Oct68.5Juan Garcia Avello y CastrillónBishop of Oviedo, Spain
Nov65.3Nicola Jorio (Iorio)Titular Archbishop of Nazareth
Nov56.8Basilio LindiBishop of Sapë, Albania
3 NovPedro Alcántara de la Santísima Trinidad, O.C.D. †Vicar Apostolic of Great Mogul (Mughals), India
12 Nov88.2Léon Potier de GesvresCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Bourges, France
24 NovGaetano de PaulisAuxiliary Bishop of Velletri, Italy
27 Nov74.1Pietro de CarolisTitular Archbishop of Traianopolis in Rhodope
24 Dec77.2Giovanni Antonio Cavedi (Chevedo), O.F.M. †Bishop of Comacchio, Italy
27 Dec70.3Francesco SilvestriBishop of Lavello, Italy


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