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The Year of Our Lord 2021

Bishop Events


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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
Oct58.2AppointedAugustine MadathikunnelAdministrator of Khandwa, IndiaBishop
57.5ResignedGustavo Óscar ZanchettaOfficial of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic SeeBishop Emeritus of Orán, Argentina
1 Oct79.0RetiredGiuseppe BertelloPresident of the Governatorate of Vatican City StateCardinal, President Emeritus
79.0RetiredGiuseppe BertelloPresident of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City StateCardinal, President Emeritus of the Governatorate of Vatican City State
52.3AppointedAndrés Gabriel Ferrada MoreiraSecretary of the Congregation for the ClergySecretary of the Dicastery for the Clergy
63.0AppointedGabriel Blamo Snosio JubweAdministrator of Monrovia, LiberiaArchbishop
76.7RetiredJoël Michel Marie Luc MercierSecretary of the Congregation for the ClergySecretary Emeritus
76.5AppointedFernando Vérgez Alzaga, L.C.President of the Governatorate of Vatican City StateCardinal, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State
76.5AppointedFernando Vérgez Alzaga, L.C.President of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City StateCardinal, President Emeritus
2 Oct59.4AppointedDenis Jean-Marie JachietBishop of Belfort-Montbéliard, France
55.1InstalledAttilio NostroBishop of Mileto-Nicotera-Tropea, Italy
70.7CeasedFrancesco OlivaApostolic Administrator of Mileto-Nicotera-Tropea, ItalyBishop of Locri-Gerace (-Santa Maria di Polsi), Italy
48.1Ordained BishopDominique TinoudjiBishop of Pala, Chad
3 Oct49.1InstalledCleocir BonettiBishop of Caçador, Santa Catarina, Brazil
54.2InstalledGiovanni MassaroBishop of Avezzano, Italy
94.7DiedJorge Arturo Augustin Medina EstévezCardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
4 Oct76.5RetiredLeo Cornelio, S.V.D.Archbishop of Bhopal, IndiaArchbishop Emeritus
64.4AppointedAlangaram Arockia Sebastian Durairaj, S.V.D.Archbishop of Bhopal, India
54.0AppointedJosé Libardo Garcés MonsalveBishop of Cúcuta, Colombia
5 Oct95.0DiedJuozas Žemaitis, M.I.C. †Bishop Emeritus of Vilkaviškis, Lithuania
7 Oct59.5AppointedDieudonné DatonouApostolic Nuncio to Burundi
59.5AppointedDieudonné DatonouTitular Archbishop of Vico EquenseApostolic Nuncio to Burundi
52.6AppointedHassa Florent KonéBishop of San, Mali
52.8Ordained BishopVitus Rubianto Solichin, S.X.Bishop of Padang, Indonesia
49.9AppointedFabijan SvalinaCoadjutor Bishop of Srijem, SerbiaBishop
8 Oct53.5CeasedRubén Gregorio Delgado CarmonaAdministrator of Trujillo, VenezuelaBishop of San Felipe, Venezuela
57.3InstalledJosé Trinidad Fernández AnguloBishop of Trujillo, Venezuela
9 Oct63.0InstalledGiovanni Crippa, I.M.C.Bishop of Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil
79.1RetiredJoseph Vianney FernandoBishop of Kandy, Sri LankaBishop Emeritus
63.3AppointedWarnakulasurya Wadumestrige Devasritha Valence MendisBishop of Kandy, Sri Lanka
10 Oct57.2InstalledYohanes Harun YuwonoArchbishop of Palembang, Indonesia
74.2InstalledAlvaro Leonel Ramazzini ImeriCardinal-Priest of San Giovanni Evangelista a SpinacetoCardinal, Bishop of Huehuetenango, Guatemala
11 Oct101.4DiedAntônio Afonso de Miranda, S.D.N. †Bishop Emeritus of Taubaté, Sao Paulo, Brazil
54.5InstalledJorge Cuapio BautistaBishop of Iztapalapa, México, México
55.9AppointedDiego Giovanni RavelliMaster of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations of the Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff
12 Oct69.4AppointedRolf SteinhäuserApostolic Administrator of Köln {Cologne}, GermanyAuxiliary Bishop
13 Oct53.4AppointedVicente Ribas PratsBishop of Ibiza, Spain
98.7DiedStephen Yang XiangtaiBishop Emeritus of Daming [Taming], China
15 Oct61.5InstalledValdemir Ferreira dos SantosBishop of Penedo, Alagoas, Brazil
49.8AppointedGuillaume Robert Marie-Joseph Leschallier de LisleAuxiliary Bishop of Meaux, France
49.8AppointedGuillaume Robert Marie-Joseph Leschallier de LisleTitular Bishop of PisitaAuxiliary Bishop of Meaux, France
52.9AppointedGeorge Desmond Tambala, O.C.D.Archbishop of Lilongwe, Malawi
16 Oct62.5Ordained BishopGeorges Salim Khawam, S.M.S.P.Archbishop of Lattaquié {Laodicea} (Melkite Greek), Syria
17 Oct52.3Ordained BishopAndrés Gabriel Ferrada MoreiraTitular Archbishop of TiburniaSecretary of the Dicastery for the Clergy
56.7Ordained BishopGuido MariniBishop of Tortona, Italy
18 Oct63.1AppointedCésar Alcides Balbín TamayoBishop of Cartago, Colombia
91.9DiedManuel Batakian, I.C.P.B. †Eparch Emeritus of Our Lady of Nareg in New York (Armenian), USA
53.2AppointedAndrew Harmon CozzensBishop of Crookston, Minnesota, USA
20 Oct57.0AppointedLuiz Carlos DiasBishop of São Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil
86.9DiedMiguel La Fay Bardi, O. Carm. †Prelate Emeritus of Sicuani, Peru
21 Oct42.2AppointedRami Flaviano Al-KabalanApostolic Administrator of Homs (-Hama-Nabk) (Syrian), SyriaApostolic Visitor (Visitator)
22 Oct45.6Ordained BishopPaul Thabet Habib Yousif Al MekkoCoadjutor Bishop of Alquoch (Chaldean), IraqBishop
62.4ResignedPaul Fitzpatrick RussellApostolic Nuncio to TurkeyAuxiliary Bishop of Detroit, Michigan, USA
62.4ResignedPaul Fitzpatrick RussellApostolic Nuncio to TurkmenistanAuxiliary Bishop of Detroit, Michigan, USA
62.4ResignedPaul Fitzpatrick RussellApostolic Nuncio to AzerbaijanAuxiliary Bishop of Detroit, Michigan, USA
23 Oct67.8AppointedIsaac Circuncisión Martínez Chuquizana, M.S.A.Bishop of Cajamarca, Peru
67.1ResignedJosé Carmelo Martínez Lázaro, O.A.R.Bishop of Cajamarca, PeruBishop Emeritus
58.3AppointedGerardo Miguel Nieves LojaAuxiliary Bishop of Guayaquil, Ecuador
58.3AppointedGerardo Miguel Nieves LojaTitular Bishop of Tigisi in NumidiaAuxiliary Bishop of Guayaquil, Ecuador
52.5InstalledIosif StaneuskiArchbishop of Minsk-Mohilev, Belarus
76.4CeasedKazimierz Wielikosielec, O.P.Apostolic Administrator of Minsk-Mohilev, BelarusAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Pinsk, Belarus
24 Oct73.6CeasedBoutros MarayatiPatriarchal Administrator of Cilicia (Armenian), LebanonArchbishop of Alep [Beroea, Halab] (Armenian), Syria
74.9InstalledRaphaël Bedros XXI Minassian, I.C.P.B.Patriarch of Cilicia (Armenian), Lebanon
25 Oct53.4AppointedSebastián Chico MartínezBishop of Jaén, Spain
91.9DiedRoberto Antonio Dávila UzcáteguiAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Caracas, Santiago de Venezuela
75.6RetiredAmadeo Rodríguez MagroBishop of Jaén, SpainBishop Emeritus
26 Oct75.0RetiredGustavo Arturo HelpBishop of Venado Tuerto, ArgentinaBishop Emeritus
66.3SucceededHan Lim MoonBishop of Venado Tuerto, Argentina
27 Oct60.9Ordained BishopJosé Luis Canto SosaBishop of San Andrés Tuxtla, Veracruz, México
55.7AppointedJoel Maria dos SantosAuxiliary Bishop of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
55.7AppointedJoel Maria dos SantosTitular Bishop of ThenaeAuxiliary Bishop of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
48.5AppointedDirceu de Oliveira MedeirosBishop of Camaçari, Bahia, Brazil
75.9RetiredJoão Carlos PetriniBishop of Camaçari, Bahia, BrazilBishop Emeritus
62.4AppointedLauro Sérgio Versiani BarbosaBishop of Colatina, Espirito Santo, Brazil
28 Oct65.4AppointedPhilip Arnold Subira AnyoloArchbishop of Nairobi, Kenya
60.2AppointedPeter Chung Soon-taick, O.C.D.Archbishop of Seoul, Korea (South)
60.2AppointedPeter Chung Soon-taick, O.C.D.Apostolic Administrator of P’yŏng-yang, Korea (North)Archbishop of Seoul, Korea (South)
61.4AppointedFernando FranciscoAuxiliary Bishop of Luanda, Angola
61.4AppointedFernando FranciscoTitular Bishop of Medianas ZabuniorumAuxiliary Bishop of Luanda, Angola
47.8AppointedAntónio Lungieki Pedro BenguiAuxiliary Bishop of Luanda, Angola
47.8AppointedAntónio Lungieki Pedro BenguiTitular Bishop of Elephantaria in ProconsulariAuxiliary Bishop of Luanda, Angola
64.0AppointedPedro Mario Ossandón BuljevicBishop of Chile, Military
77.8RetiredAndrew Yeom Soo-jungArchbishop of Seoul, Korea (South)Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus
77.8RetiredAndrew Yeom Soo-jungApostolic Administrator of P’yŏng-yang, Korea (North)Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Seoul, Korea (South)
29 Oct55.6AppointedGianpiero PalmieriArchbishop (Personal Title) of Ascoli Piceno, ItalyBishop
75.5RetiredGiuseppe Piemontese, O.F.M. Conv.Bishop of Terni-Narni-Amelia, ItalyBishop Emeritus
62.0AppointedFrancesco Antonio SodduBishop of Terni-Narni-Amelia, Italy
30 Oct71.3DiedBasílio do NascimentoBishop of Baucau, Timor-Leste
55.9AppointedJoseph Đỗ Quang KhangCoadjutor Bishop of Bắc Ninh, Viet NamBishop
47.8Ordained BishopMilad Jawish, B.S.Bishop of Saint-Sauveur de Montréal (Melkite Greek), Canada
57.7InstalledPablo Alfonso Jourdán AlvarizaBishop of Melo, Uruguay
48.0Ordained BishopRaphael Macebo Mabuza NcubeBishop of Hwange, Zimbabwe
31 Oct54.8Ordained BishopMichele AutuoroTitular Bishop of Cures SabinorumAuxiliary Bishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy
52.0InstalledAdelar BaruffiArchbishop of Cascavel, Parana, BrazilArchbishop Emeritus
65.2Ordained BishopFrancesco Beneduce, S.J.Titular Bishop of GaudiabaAuxiliary Bishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy
64.4Ordained BishopGaetano CastelloTitular Bishop of NovaeAuxiliary Bishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy
46.8CeasedReginei José ModoloAdministrator of Cascavel, Parana, BrazilAuxiliary Bishop of Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
75.1RetiredGiacomo Guido OttonelloApostolic Nuncio to SlovakiaApostolic Nuncio
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