Date | From | To | ||
unknown | Archdiocese of Bombay, India (Northern and central part of Quierat, from the river Mahi to the region of Sind, the whole peninsula of Kathiavar and the island of Gutch) | Territory Lost | Mission "Sui Iuris" of Ahmedabad, India | Erected |
unknown | Territorial Abbey of Nossa Senhora do Monserrate do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Territory Lost | Apostolic Administration of Rio Branco, Brazil | Erected |
1 Feb | Prefecture Apostolic of Célebes, Indonesia | Elevated | Vicariate Apostolic of Célebes, Indonesia | Elevated |
3 Feb | Archdiocese of Belém do Pará, Brazil (Bragança, S. Miguel, S. Domingo, and S. Anna de Copim) | Territory Lost | Territorial Prelature of Gurupi, Brazil | Territory Added |
3 Feb | Territorial Prelature of Gurupi, Brazil | Name Changed | Territorial Prelature of Guamá, Para, Brazil | Name Changed |
10 Feb | Diocese of Przemyśl, Sambor, et Sanok (Ukrainian), Poland (Bukowsko, Oorlice, Grybów, Dynów, Dukla, Krosno, Muszyna, Rymanów, and Sanok) | Territory Lost | Apostolic Administration of Lemkowszczyzna (Ukrainian), Poland | Erected |
26 Feb | Vicariate Apostolic of Léopoldville, Congo (Dem. Rep.) (Majumbe) | Territory Lost | Vicariate Apostolic of Boma, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Erected |
26 Feb | Prefecture Apostolic of Navrongo, Ghana | Elevated | Vicariate Apostolic of Navrongo, Ghana | Elevated |
26 Feb | Prefecture Apostolic of Lulua e Katanga Centrale, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Elevated | Vicariate Apostolic of Lulua e Katanga Centrale, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Elevated |
17 Mar | Suburbicarian See of Porto e Santa Rufina, Italy (Boundaries adjusted)
Diocese of Roma {Rome}, Italy (Boundaries adjusted) | Territory Added | ||
9 Apr | Vicariate Apostolic of Stanley Falls, Congo (Dem. Rep.) (Beni and Lubero) | Territory Lost | Mission "Sui Iuris" of Beni nel Congo Belga {Belgian Congo} | Erected |
9 Apr | Prefecture Apostolic of Northern Nigeria {Nigeria Settentrionale} (Plateau, Baciti, and part of Benue and part of Bornou) | Territory Lost | Prefecture Apostolic of Jos, Nigeria | Erected |
9 Apr | Prefecture Apostolic of Northern Nigeria {Nigeria Settentrionale} | Elevated | Prefecture Apostolic of Kaduna, Nigeria | Elevated |
9 Apr | Prefecture Apostolic of Liberia, Liberia | Elevated | Vicariate Apostolic of Liberia, Liberia | Elevated |
9 Apr | Mission "Sui Iuris" of Queenstown, South Africa (North Glen Grey) | Territory Lost | Prefecture Apostolic of Gariep, South Africa | Territory Added |
9 Apr | Prefecture Apostolic of Cape of Good Hope, Central District {Capo di Buona Speranza, Distretto Centrale}, South Africa (Island of Saint Helena) | Territory Lost | Vicariate Apostolic of Cape of Good Hope, Western District {Capo di Buona Speranza, Distretto Occidentale}, South Africa (Islands of Ascension and Tristan de Cunha) | Territory Added |
9 Apr | Diocese of Hajdúdorog (Hungarian), Hungary (Arcus (Arkos), Borosneul-Mare (Nagyborosnyo), Imper (Nagykaszon), Ciucsângiorgiu (Csikszentgyörgy), Läzäresti (Csiklazarfalva), Chelinta (Gelencze), Ilieni (Ilyefalva), Lemnia (Lemhény), Lisnäu (Lisznyo), Poian (Kézdiszentkereszt), Turia (Torja), ...) | Territory Lost | Archdiocese of Făgăraş şi Alba Iulia (Romanian), Romania | Territory Added |
9 Apr | Diocese of Hajdúdorog (Hungarian), Hungary (Amat (Amacz), Sätmärel (Szatmarzsadany), Ciumesti (Csomaköz), Domänesti (Domahida), Ghenciu (Genes), Moftinul-Mic (Kismajtény), Carei (Nagykaroly), Besighea (Beszege), Sanisläu (Szaniszlo), Andrid (Endréd), Dindesti (Erdengeleg), Tiream (Mezöterem), ...) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino} (Romanian), Romania | Territory Added |
9 Apr | Diocese of Hajdúdorog (Hungarian), Hungary (Culciul-mare (Nagykolcs), Boghis (Csengerbagos), Oar (Ovari), Petea (Pete), Doba (Szamosdob), Vetis (Yetes), Botiz (Batizvasvari), Satu-Mare (Szatmar), Odoreu (Szatmarudvari), and Jojib (Jozsefhaza)) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Maramureş (Romanian), Romania | Territory Added |
20 Apr | Diocese of Salta, Argentina (Ssmo Salvador, San Pedro de Rio Negro, N.S. del Rosario de Ledesma, Perico del Carmen, Perico de San Antonio, Titeara, Tumbaya, Humahuaca, Valle Grande, Chochinoca, Santa Catalina, and Rinconada (Yavi)) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Jujuy, Argentina | Erected |
20 Apr | Diocese of Córdoba (Tucumán), Argentina (La Rioja, Aimogasta, Castro Barros, Chilecito, Famatina, Olta, Tama, Ulapes, and Villa Unión) | Territory Lost | Diocese of La Rioja, Argentina | Erected |
20 Apr | Diocese of San Juan de Cuyo, Argentina (San Nicolas, N.S. de Loreto, S. Corazón de Maria, Santo Domingo, San José, Guaymallen, Rodeo de la Cruz, Lavalle, Las lleras, Godoy Cruz, Carrodilla, Lujan, Maipú, Rodeo del Medio, San Martin, Junin, Rivadavia, S. Rosa, La Paz, Tunuyan, Tupungato, San ...) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Mendoza, Argentina | Erected |
20 Apr | Diocese of San Juan de Cuyo, Argentina (San Luis, Saladillo, San Roque, Villa Mercedes, Nueva Galia, Renca, Santa Rosa, San Martin, San Francisco, and Lujan) | Territory Lost | Diocese of San Luis, Argentina | Erected |
20 Apr | Diocese of Córdoba (Tucumán), Argentina (La Inmaculada, N.S. de las Mercedes, Gigena, Moldes, Sampacho, Berrotardn, Makenna, La Carlota, Reducción, Laboulaye, Ucacha, Lavalle, Serrano, Villa Huidobro, Jovita, Corral Bustos, Isla Verde, and Laborde) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Río Cuarto, Argentina | Erected |
20 Apr | Diocese of Santa Fe, Argentina (Armstrong, Las Rosas, Montes de Oca, Arequito, Arteaga, Casilda, Chabas, Chańar Ladeado, Los Quirquinchos, San José de la Esquina, Bigand, Alcorta, Constitución, Paz, Santa Teresa, Carmen, Elortondo, Firmat, Lazarino, Magiolo, Rufino, San Urbano, Venad...) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Rosario, Argentina | Erected |
20 Apr | Diocese of La Plata, Argentina (Mercedes, Suipacha, Navarro, San Andrés de Giles, Rojas, Junin, Sagrado Corazón, General Arenales, Leandro N. Mem, Chacabuco, Rawson, Salto, Carmen de Areco, IX de Julio, French, Chivücoy, Alberdi, Bragado, General Viamonte, Lincoln, Boberts, Luyan, ...) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Mercedes, Argentina | Erected |
20 Apr | Diocese of La Plata, Argentina (Azul, Cachari, Chillar, Generat Belgrano, Las Flores, Pila, Ayacucho, Tandil, Rauch, Juárez, Tapalqné, General Alvear, Roque Pérez, Saladillo, XXV de Mayo, De la Riestra, Ernestina, Bolivar, Laprida, Olavarría, Hinojo, Colonias San Miguel, and General ..) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Azul, Argentina | Erected |
20 Apr | Diocese of La Plata, Argentina (Bahia Blanca, Ing. Wite, Villa Miter, High Point, Military Port, Patagones, Villarino, Tornquist, Saavedra, Pigile, Short Stream, Puan, Lopez Lecube, Carhue, San Miguel de Gazcon, Guamaini, Colonel Suarez, Colony II San Jose, Colony III Santa Maria , ...) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Bahía Blanca, Argentina | Erected |
20 Apr | Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, Argentina (Rio Negro, Chubut, Santa Cruz, and Tierra del Fuego) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Viedma, Argentina | Erected |
20 Apr | Diocese of Córdoba (Tucumán), Argentina | Elevated | Archdiocese of Córdoba, Argentina | Elevated |
20 Apr | Diocese of La Plata, Argentina | Elevated | Archdiocese of La Plata, Argentina | Elevated |
20 Apr | Diocese of Paraná, Argentina | Elevated | Archdiocese of Paraná, Argentina | Elevated |
20 Apr | Diocese of Salta, Argentina | Elevated | Archdiocese of Salta, Argentina | Elevated |
20 Apr | Diocese of Santa Fe, Argentina | Elevated | Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Argentina | Elevated |
20 Apr | Diocese of San Juan de Cuyo, Argentina | Elevated | Archdiocese of San Juan de Cuyo, Argentina | Elevated |
20 Apr | Diocese of Corrientes, Argentina (from Buenos Aires) | Metropolitan Changed | ||
20 Apr | Diocese of Santiago del Estero, Argentina (from Buenos Aires) | Metropolitan Changed | ||
20 Apr | Diocese of Catamarca, Argentina (from Buenos Aires) | Metropolitan Changed | ||
20 Apr | Diocese of Tucumán, Argentina (from Buenos Aires) | Metropolitan Changed | ||
21 Apr | Territorial Abbey of Nossa Senhora do Monserrate do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Suppressed | ||
28 Apr | Diocese of Cebu, Philippines | Elevated | Archdiocese of Cebu, Philippines | Elevated |
28 Apr | Diocese of Bacolod, Philippines (from Manila) | Metropolitan Changed | ||
28 Apr | Diocese of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines (from Manila) | Metropolitan Changed | ||
28 Apr | Diocese of Calbayog, Philippines (from Manila) | Metropolitan Changed | ||
28 Apr | Diocese of Jaro o Santa Elisabetta, Philippines (from Manila) | Metropolitan Changed | ||
28 Apr | Diocese of Zamboanga, Philippines (from Manila) | Metropolitan Changed | ||
28 Apr | Diocese of Trieste e Capodistria (Trst i Koper), Italy (Matteria and Castelnuovo) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Rijeka (-Opatija), Croatia | Territory Added |
28 May | Vicariate Apostolic of Uganda | Territory Lost | Vicariate Apostolic of Ruwenzori, Uganda | Erected |
28 May | Prefecture Apostolic of Foumban, Cameroon | Elevated | Vicariate Apostolic of Foumban, Cameroon | Elevated |
28 May | Mission "Sui Iuris" of Rajaburi, Thailand | Elevated | Prefecture Apostolic of Rajaburi, Thailand | Elevated |
28 May | Prefecture Apostolic of Shenchow, China | Elevated | Vicariate Apostolic of Shenchow, China | Elevated |
9 Jul | Vicariate Apostolic of Western Nigeria {Nigeria Occidentale} | Territory Lost | Prefecture Apostolic of Benue, Nigeria
Prefecture Apostolic of Calabar, Nigeria | Erected |
9 Jul | Vicariate Apostolic of Southern Nigeria {Nigeria Meridionale} | Name Changed | Vicariate Apostolic of Onitsha-Owerri, Nigeria | Name Changed |
9 Jul | Prefecture Apostolic of Assam, India | Elevated | Diocese of Shillong, India | Elevated |
28 Jul | Diocese of Natal, Brazil | Territory Lost | Diocese of Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil | Erected |
16 Aug | Archdiocese of Belém do Pará, Brazil
Territorial Prelature of Santíssima Conceiçăo do Araguaia, Brazil Territorial Prelature of Santarém, Para, Brazil | Territory Lost | Territorial Prelature of Xingu, Para, Brazil | Erected |
8 Sep | Archdiocese of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | Territory Lost | Diocese of Caxias, Brazil
Territorial Prelature of Vacaria, Brazil | Erected |
15 Sep | Diocese of Recanati e Loreto, Italy | Name Changed | Diocese of Recanati, Italy | Name Changed |
12 Nov | Vicariate Apostolic of Yenchowfu, China | Territory Lost | Vicariate Apostolic of Tsaochowfu, China | Erected |
10 Dec | Prefecture Apostolic of Nilo Equatoriale, Uganda | Elevated | Vicariate Apostolic of Nilo Equatoriale, Uganda | Elevated |
10 Dec | Vicariate Apostolic of Shenchow, China | Name Changed | Vicariate Apostolic of Yüanling [Yuanling], China | Name Changed |
10 Dec | Mission "Sui Iuris" of Wuchow [Wuzhou], China | Elevated | Prefecture Apostolic of Wuchow [Wuzhou], China | Elevated |
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