Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1604

Bishop Events

July to December

See Also: January to June | Overview | Diocese Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1603) | Next Year (1605)

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
JulDiedBernardino Quirino, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Ardjisch (Argeș; Argesch), Romania
2 Jul57.5DiedBenedetto Mandina, C.R. †Bishop of Caserta, Italy
6 Jul66.5DiedGiovanni Anselmo CarminatiBishop of Alba (Pompea), Italy
8 JulDiedFrancisco Velarde de la CuencaArchbishop of Messina, Italy
9 Jul49.5AppointedDiodato Gentile, O.P. †Bishop of Caserta, Italy
15 Jul56.5AppointedAntonio de Santo Estevão, O.P. †Bishop of Angola e Congo
16 JulBornGiovanni Francesco BiancolellaBishop of Nicotera, Italy
19 JulAppointedMartius AndreucciBishop of Trogir (Traù), Croatia
40.5AppointedGiorgio Lazzari, O.P. †Bishop of Minori, Italy
24 JulAppointedArseniusz Ivan AndrijivskyjBishop of Chełm (Ukrainian), Poland
60.5DiedAntonio AtzoriBishop of Bosa, Italy
25 Jul36.7Ordained BishopJakob Fugger von Kirchberg Weissen HornBishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
69.1AppointedDomenico ToschiCardinal-Priest of Sant’OnofrioCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy
26 Jul42.5DiedAgustín Dávila y Padilla, O.P. †Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
1 Aug49.5Ordained BishopDiodato Gentile, O.P. †Bishop of Caserta, Italy
2 Aug44.5AppointedAdrien d’AmboiseBishop of Tréguier, France
AppointedAlessandro di SangroTitular Patriarch of Alexandria {Alessandria}Archbishop of Benevento, Italy
38.5InstalledFilippo SpinelliCardinal-Priest of San Bartolomeo all’IsolaCardinal, Bishop of Aversa, Italy
51.0ConfirmedJohann Schweikard von KronbergArchbishop of Mainz, Germany
8 AugOrdained BishopMartius AndreucciBishop of Trogir (Traù), Croatia
40.6Ordained BishopGiorgio Lazzari, O.P. †Bishop of Minori, Italy
BornFrançois de Rouxel de MédavyArchbishop of Rouen, France
Ordained PriestAlessandro di SangroPriestArchbishop of Benevento, Italy
10 AugOrdained BishopAlessandro di SangroTitular Patriarch of Alexandria {Alessandria}Archbishop of Benevento, Italy
18 AugAppointedJerónimo Bernardo de Quirós, O. Praem. †Bishop of Pozzuoli, Italy
29 Aug58.8DiedBl. Giovanni Giovenale Ancina, C.O. †Bishop of Saluzzo, Italy
30 Aug36.6AppointedCristovão da Sá e Lisboa, O.S.H. †Bishop of Malacca, SingaporeArchbishop of Goa, India
40.6AppointedJoão Pinto da Piedade, O.P. †Bishop of Macau, ChinaBishop Emeritus
AppointedFausto RebaglioBishop of Sessa Aurunca, Italy
44.6AppointedAntonio Valente, O.P. †Bishop of São Tomé e Príncipe
SepDiedEugenio SavinoBishop of Telese o Cerreto Sannita, Italy
4 SepDiedGirolamo Bevilacqua, O.F.M. †Titular Archbishop of Nazareth
7 SepBornHenri de BéthuneArchbishop of Bordeaux, France
10 SepDiedFrancisco de Ribera, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Leighlin, Ireland
11 SepDiedAlonso Martínez de la Torre, O.S. †Bishop of Oviedo, Spain
13 Sep33.4AppointedPietro AldobrandiniCardinal, Archbishop of Ravenna, Italy
61.6AppointedAndrés BacallarArchbishop of Sassari, Italy
AppointedŠimun Bratulić, O.S.P.P.E. †Bishop of Zagreb (Agram), Croatia
AppointedGiuseppe SaluzzoBishop of Ruvo (Ruo)(di Puglia), Italy
18 SepOrdained PriestLuis García RodríguezPriestBishop of Astorga, Spain
24 SepBornGianfrancesco MorosiniPatriarch of Venezia {Venice}, Italy
25 Sep49.7SelectedAntonio de Alzega (Alcega), O.F.M. †Bishop of Coro, Venezuela
26 Sep38.7ResignedInnocenzo Del Bufalo-CancellieriApostolic Nuncio to FranceCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Camerino, Italy
30 SepDiedJohann Baptist PichlmairAuxiliary Bishop of Regensburg, Germany
1 Oct28.7AppointedClaude de BellièvreArchbishop of Lyon, France
AppointedNicolò CanaveraBishop of Alghero, Italy
3 OctOrdained BishopGiuseppe SaluzzoBishop of Ruvo (Ruo)(di Puglia), Italy
11 OctBornJesse PerchofferAuxiliary Bishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy
13 Oct42.3SelectedFrançois de JoyeuseCardinal, Archbishop of Rouen, France
17 Oct33.5Ordained BishopPietro AldobrandiniCardinal, Archbishop of Ravenna, Italy
20 Oct36.5AppointedMaffeo BarberiniTitular Archbishop of NazarethPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
60.8AppointedPaolo Manara, O.P. †Bishop of Acerno, Italy
44.8AppointedAlfonso ManriqueArchbishop of Burgos, Spain
50.8AppointedJuan Moriz SalazarBishop of Barbastro, SpainBishop of Huesca, Spain
54.0ResignedAntonio Zapata y CisnerosArchbishop of Burgos, SpainCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus
24 Oct44.8Ordained BishopAlfonso ManriqueArchbishop of Burgos, Spain
28 Oct36.5Ordained BishopMaffeo BarberiniTitular Archbishop of NazarethPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
Nov40.8Ordained BishopJoão Pinto da Piedade, O.P. †Bishop of Macau, ChinaBishop Emeritus
10 Nov53.1AppointedAndrés Balaguer Salvador, O.P. †Bishop of Orihuela, Spain
14 Nov60.8Ordained BishopPaolo Manara, O.P. †Bishop of Acerno, Italy
44.8Ordained BishopAntonio Valente, O.P. †Bishop of São Tomé e Príncipe
15 NovBornHenri de Cauchon de MaupasBishop of Évreux, France
DiedJean RaymondBishop of Saint-Papoul, France
16 NovDiedJuan FonsecaBishop of Guadix, Spain
17 NovAppointedPlacido Fava, O.S.B. †Bishop of Telese o Cerreto Sannita, Italy
21 Nov36.8Ordained BishopCristovão da Sá e Lisboa, O.S.H. †Bishop of Malacca, SingaporeArchbishop of Goa, India
51.3Ordained BishopJohann Schweikard von KronbergArchbishop of Mainz, Germany
24 Nov40.8AppointedMartin Alphonso Mexia de TovarBishop of Leiria, PortugalBishop of Coimbra, Portugal
58.9InstalledGiovanni DelfinoCardinal-Priest of San Matteo in MerulanaCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Vicenza, Italy
AppointedBlasius LaubichAuxiliary Bishop of Passau, Germany
AppointedBlasius LaubichTitular Bishop of Symbalia (Cembalo, Balaclawa)Auxiliary Bishop of Passau, Germany
74.8DiedHildebrand RiedmattenBishop of Sion {Sitten}, Switzerland
1 Dec46.9ResignedCharles Bourbon de VendômeArchbishop of Rouen, FranceArchbishop Emeritus
42.4ConfirmedFrançois de JoyeuseCardinal, Archbishop of Rouen, France
AppointedAlfonso Laso SedeñoArchbishop (Personal Title) of Mallorca, SpainBishop
4 Dec36.6AppointedMaffeo BarberiniApostolic Nuncio to FrancePope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
Ordained BishopBlasius LaubichTitular Bishop of Symbalia (Cembalo, Balaclawa)Auxiliary Bishop of Passau, Germany
10 Dec55.9AppointedAntonio BornioBishop of Castro di Puglia, Italy
38.9InstalledInnocenzo Del Bufalo-CancellieriCardinal-Priest of San Tommaso in ParioneCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Camerino, Italy
12 Dec28.9Ordained BishopClaude de BellièvreArchbishop of Lyon, France
13 Dec79.9DiedMartín de SalvatierraBishop of Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain
15 DecAppointedOttaviano della ViperaBishop of San Severo, Italy
17 DecDiedHippolytus Manari, O.S.M. †Bishop of Montepeloso, Italy
54.9SelectedAdrian von Riedmatten (II)Bishop of Sion {Sitten}, Switzerland
22 Dec48.9ResignedDecio CarafaApostolic Collector to PortugalCardinal, Archbishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy
21.9AppointedModernus (Fabrizio) Caracciolo PisciziApostolic Collector to PortugalBishop of Oppido Mamertina, Italy
27 DecSelectedPierre Aime du Nant de GrillyAbbot of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland


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