Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1728


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1727) | Next Year (1729)

unknown71.0Georgius GyllanyBishop of Knin (Tinin), Croatia
unknown76.0Peter Karagić, O.F.M. †Archbishop of Skopje, North Macedonia
unknown62.0Terence MacMahon (McMahon)Bishop of Killaloe, Ireland
unknown81.0Patrick O’DonnellyBishop Emeritus of Dromore, Ireland
unknown48.4Carlo PignatelliTitular Archbishop of Traianopolis in Rhodope
unknownJános UskiBishop of Veszprém, Hungary
Jan64.0Salvatore RuyuBishop of Ales e Terralba, Italy
3 JanBasile Abd al-AhadArchbishop of Diarbekir (Amida) (Chaldean), Turkey
22 Jan73.0Henri du PugetBishop of Digne, France
22 Jan58.8Pietro PriuliCardinal, Bishop of Bergamo, Italy
25 Jan71.0José Pérez de Lanciego Eguiluz y Mirafuentes, O.S.B. †Archbishop of México, Federal District
Feb85.0Antonio FonsecaBishop of Tivoli, Italy
Feb71.4Bernardino Egidio RecchiBishop of Acquapendente, Italy
7 Feb69.2Niccolò CaraccioloCardinal, Archbishop of Capua, Italy
12 Feb73.5Agostino SteffaniVicar Apostolic of Upper and Lower Saxony (Hanover, Northern Germany), Germany
Mar84.5Francesco Antonio PunziBishop of Ascoli Satriano (Puglia), Italy
Mar65.9Doymus ZeniBishop of Arbe (Rab), Croatia
7 Mar65.1Muzio Gaeta (Sr.)Archbishop of Bari (-Canosa), Italy
17 Mar52.1João de Sousa de Castelo-BrancoBishop of Elvas, Portugal
20 Mar77.4Ulisse Giuseppe GozzadiniCardinal, Bishop of Imola, Italy
22 Mar64.0Lucas Conejero de MolinaArchbishop of Burgos, Spain
4 Apr90.2Athanasius SafarBishop of Mardin (Syrian), Turkey
17 Apr68.2Angel de Maldonado, O. Cist. †Bishop of Antequera, Oaxaca, México
21 Apr68.0Filippo Antonio GualtieriCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Todi, Italy
5 May77.3Juan Antonio Muñoz Salcedo, O.S.H. †Bishop of Mondoñedo, Spain
14 MayCrisóstomo Vargas, O. Cist. †Bishop of Astorga, Spain
20 May63.3Sebastián Foronda, O.S.A. †Apostolic Administrator of Cebu, Philippines
2 Jun68.4Juan Muñoz de la Cueva, O.SS.T. †Bishop of Orense, Spain
8 Jun74.4Martin de RatabonBishop Emeritus of Viviers (Aps), France
9 Jun63.3François-Armand de Lorraine d’ArmagnacBishop of Bayeux, France
10 JunJohannes AntalfiBishop of Transilvania, Erdély, Siebenbürgen, Romania
17 Jun68.4Matthieu Petit-Didier, O.S.B. †Titular Bishop of Macri
Jul61.5Bernardo Cavalieri, C.R. †Bishop of San Marco (Argentano), Italy
5 Jul52.3Vincenzo SantiniApostolic Nuncio to Poland
14 Jul49.5Franciszek Ignacy WysockiAuxiliary Bishop-Elect of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland
Aug42.0Franciscus SzembekAuxiliary Bishop of Przemyśl, Poland
9 Aug72.2Gerolamo Francesco MalpasciutoBishop of Vercelli, Italy
14 Aug54.6Ernst August von Braunschweig-LüneburgBishop of Osnabrück, Germany
20 Aug77.6François HébertBishop of Agen, France
Sep59.6Francisco Sánchez MárquezTitular Bishop of Amyclae
4 Sep85.5Rodrigo de Moura TellesArchbishop of Braga, Portugal
11 SepMartín Zalayeta LizarzaBishop of León, Spain
16 Sep59.5Jacques RambertBishop of Aosta, Italy
20 SepFrançois PerezVicar Apostolic of Cochin {Cocincina}, Viet Nam
Oct76.7Antonio BabbiBishop of Shkodrë (Scutari), Albania
Oct65.7John VerdonBishop of Ferns, Ireland
2 Oct40.5Benedetto BussiBishop of Recanati e Loreto, Italy
11 Oct71.4Ulrich von FederspielBishop of Chur, Switzerland
24 Oct61.9Nicolò CerviniBishop of Lavello, Italy
25 Oct63.0François-Elie de Voyer de Paulmy d’ArgensonArchbishop of Bordeaux, France
30 Oct54.4Francisco Mendigaño ArmendárizArchbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Nov80.8Nicolas VladagniBishop of Lezhë {Lesh, Alessio}, Albania
4 Nov48.8Andrés Murillo VelardeBishop of Pamplona, Spain
18 Nov90.8Michel Poncet de la RivièreBishop of Uzés, France
19 Nov65.8Lev (Luka) Kiszka (Kyška), O.S.B.M. †Archbishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine
25 Nov66.0Louis François Rossius de LiboyAuxiliary Bishop of Liège, Belgium
28 Nov63.9Luis Francisco RomeroArchbishop of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia
11 Dec85.1Angelo CerasiBishop of Bovino, Italy
22 Dec77.9Dominic Edward MurphyArchbishop of Dublin, Ireland


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