Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1860


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1859) | Next Year (1861)

unknown68.0Niccola MaroneBishop Emeritus of Ruvo e Bitonto, Italy
unknown97.9Carlo RajnerAuxiliary Bishop of Eger, Hungary
1 Jan84.2Marie-Joseph-François-Victor Monyer de PrillyBishop of Châlons, France
5 Jan48.7St. John Nepomucene Neumann, C.Ss.R. †Bishop of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
12 JanParsegh AyvazianBishop of Alep (Armenian), Syria
12 Jan63.6Martinus Johannes NiewindtVicar Apostolic of Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles, Antilles
2 Feb53.8François-Xavier-Timothée Danicourt, C.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Chekiang {Ce-Kiam}, China
7 Feb87.1Giovanni Giuseppe CappellariBishop of Vicenza, Italy
7 Feb49.8Alessandro CsajàghyBishop of Csanád, Hungary
8 Feb76.7Martino Ursino (Orsino)Bishop of Patti, Italy
11 Feb75.8Luigi LaterzaBishop of Crotone (Cotrone), Italy
13 Feb84.2Giovanni SabaArchbishop of Oristano, Italy
20 Feb73.5Agnello Giuseppe d’Auria LoffredoBishop of Nocera de’ Pagani, Italy
21 Feb68.7Richard Pius Miles, O.P. †Bishop of Nashville, Tennessee, USA
27 Feb83.0Mariano Brasca BartocciBishop Emeritus of Amelia, Italy
6 Mar84.6Michael BlakeBishop of Dromore, Ireland
9 Mar82.3Adalbert von PechmannAuxiliary Bishop of Passau, Germany
24 Mar74.0Domenico-Maria-Giuseppe Lo Jacono, C.R. †Bishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy
3 Apr62.0Nicola SterliniBishop of Calvi e Teano, Italy
9 Apr53.6Charles Pius Montgomery, O.P. †Priest of Order of Friars Preachers
5 May77.7Charles-Jean de la Motte de Broons et de VauvertBishop of Vannes, France
5 May56.2John Charles PrinceBishop of Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada
15 May61.6Michele Viale-PrelàCardinal, Archbishop of Bologna, Italy
7 Jun74.6Paulus Augustus FoscoloTitular Patriarch of Alexandria {Alessandria}
11 Jun57.5Pasquale de LuciaBishop of Gerace, Italy
11 Jun54.5Louis-Martin PorchezBishop of Martinique (Fort-de-France e Saint Pierre), Antilles
20 Jun67.6Anthony BlancArchbishop of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
11 Jul62.4Antonio Cerezano CamarenaArchbishop-Elect of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
31 Jul59.8St. Giustino Sebastiano Pasquale de Jacobis, C.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Abyssinia, Ethiopia
6 Aug84.4Pablo García Abella, C.O. †Archbishop of Valencia, Spain
9 Aug85.7Ignaz Heinrich von WessenbergVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
15 Aug46.6Giuseppe Maria Bravi, O.S.B. †Vicar Apostolic of Colombo, Sri Lanka
13 Sep65.6Gabriele FerrettiCardinal, Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary
28 Sep62.7Marijan Šunjić, O.F.M. Obs. †Vicar Apostolic of Bosnia (Bosna, Diacovar, Diakovar), Croatia
30 Sep90.0Vincenzo MacchiCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)
1 Oct60.5Salvatore LeziroliBishop of Rimini, Italy
9 Oct55.5Pierre-Louis CoeurBishop of Troyes, France
12 Oct72.2Henry Hughes, O.F.M. Ref. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Gibraltar
17 Oct50.0Bernard Jakób BogedainAuxiliary Bishop of Wrocław (Breslau), Poland
27 OctGiorgio Labella, O.F.M. Ref. †Archbishop Emeritus of Durrës (Durazzo), Albania
6 Nov64.5Dominique-Augustin DufêtreBishop of Nevers, France
25 Nov82.5Attilio FiascainiBishop of Arezzo, Italy
3 Dec83.6Bl. Johann Nepomuk von Tschiderer zu GleitheimBishop of Trento, Italy
6 Dec57.8Paul-Armand-Ignace-Anaclet Cardon de GarsigniesBishop of Soissons (-Laon), France
14 Dec51.6Francesco Gaude, O.P. †Cardinal, Priest of Order of Friars Preachers
15 Dec95.2Philibert de BruillardBishop Emeritus of Grenoble, France
20 Dec55.6Jean-Baptiste-Amédée Georges-MassonnaisBishop of Périgueux (-Sarlat), France
29 Dec73.8Romualdo Antônio de Seixas BarrosoArchbishop of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil


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