Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1770


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1769) | Next Year (1771)

unknown76.9Adeodato Andrea BivignanoBishop of Sansepolcro (Borgo San Sepolcro), Italy
unknown74.0Emmanuel López de EspinosaBishop of Paraguay (o Ssma Assunzione)
7 Jan44.9Francesco BranciaArchbishop of Chieti, Italy
8 Jan61.1Ján TerlandayBishop of the Titular See
17 Jan68.0Paulo de Carvalho de MendoçaCardinal,
28 Jan76.6Luigi d’AlessandroArchbishop of Bari (-Canosa), Italy
2 Feb88.5Eusebio Ciani, O.S.B. †Bishop of Massa Marittima, Italy
6 Feb86.2Franz Kaspar von Franken-SiersdorfAuxiliary Bishop of Köln {Cologne}, Germany
12 Feb68.3Giovanni AnzaniBishop of Satriano e Campagna, Italy
18 Feb76.1Alessandro PappafavaTitular Bishop of Famagusta
Mar52.4Giovanni Maria Spinelli, C.R. †Archbishop of Messina, Italy
3 Mar77.8Pascual de los HerrerosBishop of León, Spain
10 Mar65.1Charles de Grimaldi d’AntibesBishop of Rodez, France
28 Mar43.8Antonius UrbańskiAuxiliary Bishop of Przemyśl, Poland
6 Apr76.0Blas Roldán, O.S.H. †Bishop of Segorbe, Spain
14 Apr83.2William Laurence York, O.S.B. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Western District, England, Great Britain
20 Apr64.1Franz Christoph von Hutten zu StolzenfelsCardinal, Bishop of Speyer, Germany
22 Apr71.1Zsigmond Antal Sztojka de Sala et KricsfalvaBishop Emeritus of Transilvania, Erdély, Siebenbürgen, Romania
2 May90.4Giacomo OddiCardinal, Bishop of Viterbo e Tuscania, Italy
3 May57.2Mátyás János HuberthPriest
15 May69.7Giuseppe Maria CentiniBishop of Montalto (delle Marche), Italy
19 May78.8Gilbert-Gaspard de Montmorin de Saint-Hérem de La ChassaigneBishop of Langres, France
16 Jun72.0François-Ernest de Salm-ReifferscheidBishop of Tournai {Doornik}, Belgium
Jul70.2Giacomo Filippo ConsoliBishop of Amelia, Italy
6 Jul58.7Antoni Erazm WołłowiczBishop of Lutsk (Łuck), Ukraine
13 Jul67.0José Dantas BarbosaAuxiliary Bishop of Lisboa {Lisbon}, Portugal
11 Aug67.9Gennaro Carmignani, C.R. †Bishop of Gaeta, Italy
11 Aug72.5Antoni GorczyńskiAuxiliary Bishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine
20 Aug60.2Antonio Fernández TobarBishop of Tuy, Spain
30 Aug77.3Jean-Baptiste-Antoine de BrancasArchbishop of Aix, France
10 Sep63.5Andrés Cano y JunqueraAuxiliary Bishop of Sigüenza, Spain
27 Sep84.7Maximiliaan-Antoon van der NootBishop of Gent {Ghent, Gand}, Belgium
6 Oct74.8Angelo Maria Marculli, O.S.A. †Bishop of Bitetto, Italy
Nov39.4Giovanni CapeceBishop of Oria, Italy
27 Nov62.5Claude Humbert de Rolland de BeryArchbishop of Tarentaise (Moûtiers-en-Tarentaise), France
6 Dec85.5Neri Maria CorsiniCardinal, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura
7 Dec55.6Angelo Maria VenizzaBishop of Città della Pieve, Italy
11 Dec63.9Diego Rodríguez de Rivas y VelascoBishop of Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
14 Dec81.8Pietro Paolo de ContiCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santo Stefano al Monte Celio
27 Dec65.4Manuel Macías PedrejónBishop of Lérida, Spain


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