Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1630


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1629) | Next Year (1631)

unknown86.0Giovanni Ambrogio CacciaBishop Emeritus of Castro [del Lazio], Italy
unknownFabrizio degli AntinoriArchbishop of Otranto, Italy
unknown55.0Michael Masserotti (Misserotti), O.F.M. Conv. †Bishop of Bitetto, Italy
6 Jan58.0Eustachy WołłowiczBishop of Vilnius, Lithuania
8 Jan80.0Tommaso ConfettiBishop of Muro Lucano, Italy
9 Jan85.0Juan de Zapata y Sandoval, O.S.A. †Bishop of Santiago de Guatemala
14 JanJuan de la SalAuxiliary Bishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain
24 JanVincent Correrio Cammerota (Malatesta), O.P. †Coadjutor Bishop Emeritus of Muro Lucano, Italy
30 Jan76.0Luis Jerónimo Oré, O.F.M. †Bishop of Concepción, Chile
5 FebFrancisco Sotomayor, O.F.M. †Archbishop of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia
7 Feb69.0Johann Jakob von LambergBishop of Gurk, Austria
10 Feb70.1Tomaž Hren (Chrön, Krein)Bishop of Ljubljana (Laybach; Laibach), Slovenia
11 Feb80.1Lorenzo Mongiň Galatino, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Pozzuoli, Italy
12 Feb68.1Gabriel Trejo y PaniaguaCardinal, Archbishop of Salerno, Italy
24 Feb65.1Antoine de CrosBishop of Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux, France
28 FebAlonso GodinaAuxiliary Bishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain
2 Mar62.1Alberto Rengjich di Ragusa, O.F.M. †Bishop of Smederevo (Semendria), Serbia
22 MarCarlo ArgenteroBishop of Mondovi, Italy
23 Mar51.2Nicolas DallósBishop of Győr (Raab), Hungary
24 MarAlfonso Giglioli (Zilioli)Bishop of Anglona-Tursi, Italy
3 AprPaolo TorelliArchbishop Emeritus of Rossano, Italy
30 Apr76.3Marcin SzyszkowskiBishop of Kraków, Poland
10 MayCamillo MoroBishop of Comacchio, Italy
14 May52.3Dominico Rota, O. Carm. †Titular Bishop of Sidon
2 Jun69.4Afonso Furtado de MendonçaArchbishop of Lisboa, Portugal
19 Jun38.4Pietro CarpegnaBishop of Gubbio, Italy
21 Jun61.4Alsono Martín de Zuńiga (Manso)Bishop of Osma, Spain
25 Jun56.9Guillaume Le GouverneurBishop of Saint-Malo, France
3 Jul67.2Pierre de Donnauld, O.S.B. †Bishop of Mirepoix, France
5 Jul47.5Peter WallAuxiliary Bishop of Augsburg, Germany
11 Jul44.5Baltasar BorjaBishop of Mallorca, Spain
12 Jul62.8Gaspard du Laurens, O.S.B. †Archbishop of Arles, France
13 Jul50.4Giovanni Battista DetiCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)
15 Jul70.5Giandomenico Ridolfi, C.R. †Bishop of Oria, Italy
17 Jul60.5Tomás de la Torre Gibaja, O.P. †Bishop of Córdoba (Tucumán), Argentina
13 AugMarcello CrescenziBishop of Assisi, Italy
13 Aug72.9Alessandro Marzi de’ MediciArchbishop of Firenze {Florence}, Italy
15 Aug51.5Gabriel de L’AubespineBishop of Orléans, France
16 Aug68.6Miguel PereiraBishop of Săo Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos, Brazil
26 Aug70.6Guillaume SimoninAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Besançon, France
1 Sep69.6Alberto ValierBishop of Verona, Italy
14 Sep60.7Michel Raoul de La GuibourgčreBishop of Saintes, France
18 Sep78.5Melchior KleslCardinal, Bishop of Wien, Austria
21 Sep59.7Istvan Szentandrássy (Cecchio), O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop Emeritus of Smederevo (Semendria), Serbia
30 Sep65.7Rafael Díaz de Cabrera, O.SS.T. †Bishop of Mondońedo, Spain
16 Oct66.7Carlos Marcelo Corni VelazquezBishop of Trujillo, Peru
31 Oct54.8Julián de CortázarArchbishop of Santafé en Nueva Granada, Colombia
23 NovRobert Berthelot, O. Carm. †Auxiliary Bishop of Lyon, France
27 Nov60.9Evangelista Tornioli, O.S.B. †Bishop of Cittŕ di Castello, Italy
5 Dec60.9Friedrich FörnerAuxiliary Bishop of Bamberg, Germany
26 DecGioia DragomaniBishop of Pienza, Italy
26 Dec67.9Claude de GelasBishop of Agen, France


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