Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1471

Bishop Events

See Also: Overview | Necrology | Previous Year (1470) | Next Year (1472)

DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknownDiedAlvaro Bishop of Ceuta, Spain
DiedMichael Langlois (Anglicus)Bishop of Carpentras, France
AppointedAntonio Baragues, O.P. †Archbishop of Cagliari, Italy
DiedAntonio Baragues, O.P. †Archbishop of Cagliari, Italy
DiedFrancesco BarozziBishop of Treviso, Italy
50.0Ordained PriestThomas BerlowerPriestBishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
BornJohann BlankenfeldArchbishop of Riga, Latvia
DiedMosè BuffarelloBishop of Belluno, Italy
DiedGiacomo Carafa della SpinaBishop of Aversa, Italy
AppointedGiovanni Dati, O.S.A. †Bishop of Imola, ItalyBishop-Elect
DiedGiovanni Dati, O.S.A. †Bishop-Elect of Imola, Italy
DiedLouis d’Aubusson, O.S.B. †Bishop of Tulle, France
SelectedLudwig de Eberstein-NeugartenBishop of Kammin (Camin), GermanyBishop-Elect
BornMaurycy FerberBishop of Warmia (Ermland), Poland
DiedFrancesco Bishop of Capaccio, Italy
BornGaleotto Franciotti della RovereCardinal, Bishop of Lucca, Italy
DiedGabriele JacobiBishop of Capodistria (Capo d’Istria)(Koper), Slovenia
ResignedGaspard Auxiliary Bishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, ItalyAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
DiedNicola de GenupiaBishop of Mottola (Motula), Italy
DiedJudoc HohensteinBishop of Ösell (Oesell) [Saare-Lääne], Estonia
DiedNicolas degli Inversi, O.S.M. †Bishop of Chioggia, Italy
BornPeter KrafftAuxiliary Bishop of Regensburg, Germany
15.0Ordained PriestJan ŁaskiPriestArchbishop of Gniezno, Poland
ResignedFrancesco MaccafaniBishop-Elect of Marsi, ItalyFormer Bishop-Elect
BornGiacomo MaccafaniBishop of Marsi, Italy
BornAlfonso Manrique de Lara y SolísCardinal, Archbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain
DiedMichel Bishop of Paphos, Cyprus
DiedFrancesco MorosiniBishop of Poreč (Parenzo), Croatia
DiedGiovannuccio Pasquali, O.F.M. †Bishop of Nusco, Italy
DiedRobert PoerBishop of Waterford and Lismore, Ireland
DiedJean PrigentBishop of Saint-Brieuc, France
DiedStefano de RobiisBishop of Ventimiglia, Italy
32.0DiedJuan RodericiBishop of Évora, Portugal
DiedBernardo RoigBishop of Bosa, Italy
DiedLuca de Sarzana, O.F.M. †Bishop of Cefalù, Italy
DiedGiovanni ScaffaBishop of Arbe (Rab), Croatia
24.0Ordained PriestChristoph SchachnerPriestBishop of Passau, Germany
AppointedStefano Bishop of Civitate (Città or Civita), Italy
DiedThomas Knight, O.P. †Bishop Emeritus of Saint Asaph, Wales, Great Britain
BornStanislav ThurzóBishop of Olomouc (Olmütz), Czechia
BornThomas WolseyCardinal, Archbishop of York, England, Great Britain
DiedDomenico Xarth, O. Cist. †Bishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy
BornPaul Ziegler von ZiegelbergBishop of Chur, Switzerland
1 JanOrdained BishopWeribold von Heyss, O.F.M. †Titular Bishop of Larissa in SyriaAuxiliary Bishop of Münster, Germany
23 JanDiedJodok Seitz, O. Praem. †Auxiliary Bishop of Augsburg, Germany
6 FebAppointedThomas IngelbyBishop of Killala, Ireland
13 FebAppointedBarthelemy LithuanusBishop of Žemaičiai (Samogizia o Tels; Żmudź), Lithuania
AppointedGodefridus Yerwerd, O.S.B. †Auxiliary Bishop of Osnabrück, GermanyAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Utrecht, Netherlands
AppointedGodefridus Yerwerd, O.S.B. †Titular Bishop of TriccaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Utrecht, Netherlands
18 FebDiedJohn Bole, C.R.S.A. †Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland
22 Feb46.1DiedIstván VárdaiCardinal, Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary
12 Mar61.1DiedErmolao Barbaro (Sr)Bishop of Verona, Italy
18 Mar25.2AppointedGiovanni MichielCardinal, Bishop of Verona, Italy
29 MarAppointedMarco NegroBishop of Ossero (Osor), Croatia
AppointedAntonio de PagoBishop of Kotor (Cattaro), Montenegro
AprDiedNicola PiscicelliArchbishop of Salerno, Italy
3 AprAppointedBenedetto MartialiTitular Bishop of Nicopolis in Palaestina
22 Apr43.3AppointedGiovanni Battista de Giudici, O.P. †Bishop of Ventimiglia, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus of Amalfi, Italy
23 AprOrdained BishopThomas IngelbyBishop of Killala, Ireland
28 AprOrdained BishopBenedetto MartialiTitular Bishop of Nicopolis in Palaestina
4 MayDiedŚcibor z GościeńczycBishop of Płock, Poland
13 MayAppointedPietro BruscaBishop of Aversa, Italy
AppointedJakob GoffrediAuxiliary Bishop of Augsburg, Germany
AppointedJakob GoffrediTitular Bishop of AdramyttiumAuxiliary Bishop of Augsburg, Germany
AppointedGuillaume Gonème, O.S.A. †Archbishop (Personal Title) of Paphos, CyprusBishop
24 MayAppointedGábor Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary
66.3DiedJan LutekBishop of Kraków, Poland
6 JunBornJakob von BadenArchbishop-Elect of Trier, Germany
9 JunSelectedKazmierz z Książąt Mazowiecki (von Masowien)Bishop of Płock, Poland
17 JunAppointedJean de Sallinis, O.F.M. †Bishop of Bosa, Italy
AppointedPierre von WedberchBishop of Ösell (Oesell) [Saare-Lääne], Estonia
4 JulDiedBartolomeo GandolfiBishop of Faenza, Italy
5 JulAppointedJean de Montalembert, O.S.B. †Bishop of Montauban, France
7 JulOrdained BishopPierre von WedberchBishop of Ösell (Oesell) [Saare-Lääne], Estonia
22 JulDiedErnst von SchaumbergBishop of Hildesheim, Germany
26 Jul54.4DiedPietro BarboPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
28 JulDiedGoffredo CarusioArchbishop of Brindisi, Italy
30 JulDiedPlacido (Guarnerio) Pavanello, O.S.B. †Bishop of Torcello (Turris), Italy
9 Aug57.0ElectedFrancesco della Rovere, O.F.M. †Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
25 AugAppointedBlasius , O.P. †Auxiliary Bishop of Győr (Raab), Hungary
AppointedBlasius , O.P. †Titular Bishop of BodonaAuxiliary Bishop of Győr (Raab), Hungary
57.0Ordained BishopFrancesco della Rovere, O.F.M. †Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
30 Aug68.6AppointedFilippo CalandriniCardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa RufinaCardinal, Bishop of Bologna, Italy
40.6AppointedRodrigo de BorjaCardinal-Bishop of AlbanoPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
AppointedPietro Guglielmo de RochaArchbishop of Salerno, Italy
ResignedMatteo de Pontremoli, O.P. †Bishop of Cava (de’ Tirreni), ItalyBishop Emeritus
4 Sep30.6AppointedPietro BarozziBishop of Belluno, ItalyBishop of Padova {Padua}, Italy
AppointedSimon ContariniBishop of Torcello (Turris), Italy
AppointedAndrea de FanoBishop of Recanati, Italy
AppointedGiacomo Bishop of Sora, Italy
AppointedAngelo Mancini de CacciBishop of Tivoli, Italy
29.6AppointedFederico de ManfrediBishop of Faenza, Italy
26.3AppointedPietro Riario, O.F.M. Conv. †Bishop of Treviso, ItalyCardinal, Archbishop of Firenze {Florence}, Italy
AppointedGiacomo RossiBishop of Chioggia, Italy
8 SepAppointedGabriele de GuidanoBishop of Policastro, Italy
13 SepAppointedLeonardo Bishop of Mottola (Motula), Italy
14 SepAppointedLouis de FenolletArchbishop of Nicosia, CyprusBishop of Capaccio, Italy
18 SepAppointedFrancesco BertiniBishop of Capaccio, Italy
AppointedBurchard Tuberflug, O.P. †Auxiliary Bishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
AppointedBurchard Tuberflug, O.P. †Titular Bishop of Sebaste in PalaestinaAuxiliary Bishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
22 SepOrdained BishopBurchard Tuberflug, O.P. †Titular Bishop of Sebaste in PalaestinaAuxiliary Bishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
29 SepOrdained BishopPietro Guglielmo de RochaArchbishop of Salerno, Italy
SelectedHenning von HausBishop of Hildesheim, GermanyBishop Emeritus
OctDiedOnofrio de Santa CroceBishop of Tricarico, Italy
2 OctAppointedElias Sguri de Ponagia, O.P. †Bishop of Croja, Albania
6 OctAppointedGiorgio BuchiBishop of Imola, Italy
11 OctAppointedBarthelemy BarbarigoBishop of Poreč (Parenzo), Croatia
24.7AppointedGabriele MaccafaniBishop of Marsi, Italy
AppointedStefano MoscatelliBishop of Nusco, Italy
14 OctAppointedGuillaume Titular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch}
24.7Ordained BishopGabriele MaccafaniBishop of Marsi, Italy
AppointedFrancesco de Sanctis, O.F.M. †Bishop of Shkodrë (Scutari), Albania
16 Oct27.8AppointedGiuliano della RovereBishop of Carpentras, FrancePope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
18 OctAppointedMartino de Sotomayor, O. Carm. †Bishop of Andria-Montepeloso, Italy
AppointedUrsus de UrsiniBishop of Tricarico, ItalyBishop of Teano, Italy
30 Oct40.8Ordained PriestRodrigo de BorjaPriestPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
AppointedAlfonso de Rabanal, O.S.A. †Auxiliary Bishop of Burgos, Spain
AppointedAlfonso de Rabanal, O.S.A. †Titular Bishop of MyndusAuxiliary Bishop of Burgos, Spain
9 NovDiedHermann von Gehrden, O.P. †Auxiliary Bishop of Mainz, Germany
13 Nov60.8AppointedJan Rzeszowski (Jr)Bishop of Kraków, Poland
20 NovAppointedDenis de BarBishop of Tulle, FranceBishop Emeritus of Saint-Papoul, France
22 NovAppointedClément de BrillacBishop of Saint-Papoul, FranceBishop of Tulle, France
AppointedHermann Molitoris, O.P. †Auxiliary Bishop of Halberstadt, Germany
AppointedHermann Molitoris, O.P. †Titular Bishop of SalmasaAuxiliary Bishop of Halberstadt, Germany
23 NovDiedJohn Chedworth (Chadworth)Bishop of Lincoln, England, Great Britain
4 DecAppointedGérard (Bastet) de CrussolTitular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch}
16 DecAppointedJohn Foxalls, O.F.M. †Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland
AppointedGeorg GolserBishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, ItalyBishop Emeritus
ConfirmedKazmierz z Książąt Mazowiecki (von Masowien)Bishop of Płock, Poland
26.6Elevated to CardinalPietro Riario, O.F.M. Conv. †Cardinal, Archbishop of Firenze {Florence}, Italy
28.0Elevated to CardinalGiuliano della RoverePope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
21 DecDiedMichael Tregury (Trigowre)Archbishop of Dublin, Ireland
22 Dec26.6AppointedPietro Riario, O.F.M. Conv. †Cardinal-Priest of San SistoCardinal, Archbishop of Firenze {Florence}, Italy
28.0AppointedGiuliano della RovereCardinal-Priest of San Pietro in VincoliPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
23 Dec31.9ConfirmedLeo von SpaurBishop of Wien, Austria
24 Dec55.8DiedSigmund von SachsenBishop Emeritus of Würzburg, Germany


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