Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | | Died | Alvaro † | Bishop of Ceuta, Spain |
| Died | Michael Langlois (Anglicus) † | Bishop of Carpentras, France |
| Appointed | Antonio Baragues, O.P. † | Archbishop of Cagliari, Italy |
| Died | Antonio Baragues, O.P. † | Archbishop of Cagliari, Italy |
| Died | Francesco Barozzi † | Bishop of Treviso, Italy |
50.0 | Ordained Priest | Thomas Berlower † | Priest | Bishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany |
| Born | Johann Blankenfeld † | | Archbishop of Riga, Latvia |
| Died | Mosè Buffarello † | Bishop of Belluno, Italy |
| Died | Giacomo Carafa della Spina † | Bishop of Aversa, Italy |
| Appointed | Giovanni Dati, O.S.A. † | Bishop of Imola, Italy | Bishop-Elect |
| Died | Giovanni Dati, O.S.A. † | Bishop-Elect of Imola, Italy |
| Died | Louis d’Aubusson, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Tulle, France |
| Selected | Ludwig de Eberstein-Neugarten † | Bishop of Kammin (Camin), Germany | Bishop-Elect |
| Born | Maurycy Ferber † | | Bishop of Warmia (Ermland), Poland |
| Died | Francesco † | Bishop of Capaccio, Italy |
| Born | Galeotto Franciotti della Rovere † | | Cardinal, Bishop of Lucca, Italy |
| Died | Gabriele Jacobi † | Bishop of Capodistria (Capo d’Istria)(Koper), Slovenia |
| Resigned | Gaspard † | Auxiliary Bishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany |
| Died | Nicola de Genupia † | Bishop of Mottola (Motula), Italy |
| Died | Judoc Hohenstein † | Bishop of Ösell (Oesell) [Saare-Lääne], Estonia |
| Died | Nicolas degli Inversi, O.S.M. † | Bishop of Chioggia, Italy |
| Born | Peter Krafft † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Regensburg, Germany |
15.0 | Ordained Priest | Jan Łaski † | Priest | Archbishop of Gniezno, Poland |
| Resigned | Francesco Maccafani † | Bishop-Elect of Marsi, Italy | Former Bishop-Elect |
| Born | Giacomo Maccafani † | | Bishop of Marsi, Italy |
| Born | Alfonso Manrique de Lara y Solís † | | Cardinal, Archbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain |
| Died | Michel † | Bishop of Paphos, Cyprus |
| Died | Francesco Morosini † | Bishop of Poreč (Parenzo), Croatia |
| Died | Giovannuccio Pasquali, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Nusco, Italy |
| Died | Robert Poer † | Bishop of Waterford and Lismore, Ireland |
| Died | Jean Prigent † | Bishop of Saint-Brieuc, France |
| Died | Stefano de Robiis † | Bishop of Ventimiglia, Italy |
32.0 | Died | Juan Roderici † | Bishop of Évora, Portugal |
| Died | Bernardo Roig † | Bishop of Bosa, Italy |
| Died | Luca de Sarzana, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Cefalù, Italy |
| Died | Giovanni Scaffa † | Bishop of Arbe (Rab), Croatia |
24.0 | Ordained Priest | Christoph Schachner † | Priest | Bishop of Passau, Germany |
| Appointed | Stefano † | Bishop of Civitate (Città or Civita), Italy |
| Died | Thomas Knight, O.P. † | Bishop Emeritus of Saint Asaph, Wales, Great Britain |
| Born | Stanislav Thurzó † | | Bishop of Olomouc (Olmütz), Czechia |
| Born | Thomas Wolsey † | | Cardinal, Archbishop of York, England, Great Britain |
| Died | Domenico Xarth, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy |
| Born | Paul Ziegler von Ziegelberg † | | Bishop of Chur, Switzerland |
1 Jan | | Ordained Bishop | Weribold von Heyss, O.F.M. † | Titular Bishop of Larissa in Syria | Auxiliary Bishop of Münster, Germany |
23 Jan | | Died | Jodok Seitz, O. Praem. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Augsburg, Germany |
6 Feb | | Appointed | Thomas Ingelby † | Bishop of Killala, Ireland |
13 Feb | | Appointed | Barthelemy Lithuanus † | Bishop of Žemaičiai (Samogizia o Tels; Żmudź), Lithuania |
| Appointed | Godefridus Yerwerd, O.S.B. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Osnabrück, Germany | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Utrecht, Netherlands |
| Appointed | Godefridus Yerwerd, O.S.B. † | Titular Bishop of Tricca | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Utrecht, Netherlands |
18 Feb | | Died | John Bole, C.R.S.A. † | Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland |
22 Feb | 46.1 | Died | István Várdai † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary |
12 Mar | 61.1 | Died | Ermolao Barbaro (Sr) † | Bishop of Verona, Italy |
18 Mar | 25.2 | Appointed | Giovanni Michiel † | Cardinal, Bishop of Verona, Italy |
29 Mar | | Appointed | Marco Negro † | Bishop of Ossero (Osor), Croatia |
| Appointed | Antonio de Pago † | Bishop of Kotor (Cattaro), Montenegro |
Apr | | Died | Nicola Piscicelli † | Archbishop of Salerno, Italy |
3 Apr | | Appointed | Benedetto Martiali † | Titular Bishop of Nicopolis in Palaestina |
22 Apr | 43.3 | Appointed | Giovanni Battista de Giudici, O.P. † | Bishop of Ventimiglia, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus of Amalfi, Italy |
23 Apr | | Ordained Bishop | Thomas Ingelby † | Bishop of Killala, Ireland |
28 Apr | | Ordained Bishop | Benedetto Martiali † | Titular Bishop of Nicopolis in Palaestina |
4 May | | Died | Ścibor z Gościeńczyc † | Bishop of Płock, Poland |
13 May | | Appointed | Pietro Brusca † | Bishop of Aversa, Italy |
| Appointed | Jakob Goffredi † | Auxiliary Bishop of Augsburg, Germany |
| Appointed | Jakob Goffredi † | Titular Bishop of Adramyttium | Auxiliary Bishop of Augsburg, Germany |
| Appointed | Guillaume Gonème, O.S.A. † | Archbishop (Personal Title) of Paphos, Cyprus | Bishop |
24 May | | Appointed | Gábor † | Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary |
66.3 | Died | Jan Lutek † | Bishop of Kraków, Poland |
6 Jun | | Born | Jakob von Baden † | | Archbishop-Elect of Trier, Germany |
9 Jun | | Selected | Kazmierz z Książąt Mazowiecki (von Masowien) † | Bishop of Płock, Poland |
17 Jun | | Appointed | Jean de Sallinis, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Bosa, Italy |
| Appointed | Pierre von Wedberch † | Bishop of Ösell (Oesell) [Saare-Lääne], Estonia |
4 Jul | | Died | Bartolomeo Gandolfi † | Bishop of Faenza, Italy |
5 Jul | | Appointed | Jean de Montalembert, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Montauban, France |
7 Jul | | Ordained Bishop | Pierre von Wedberch † | Bishop of Ösell (Oesell) [Saare-Lääne], Estonia |
22 Jul | | Died | Ernst von Schaumberg † | Bishop of Hildesheim, Germany |
26 Jul | 54.4 | Died | Pietro Barbo † | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
28 Jul | | Died | Goffredo Carusio † | Archbishop of Brindisi, Italy |
30 Jul | | Died | Placido (Guarnerio) Pavanello, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Torcello (Turris), Italy |
9 Aug | 57.0 | Elected | Francesco della Rovere, O.F.M. † | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
25 Aug | | Appointed | Blasius , O.P. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Győr (Raab), Hungary |
| Appointed | Blasius , O.P. † | Titular Bishop of Bodona | Auxiliary Bishop of Győr (Raab), Hungary |
57.0 | Ordained Bishop | Francesco della Rovere, O.F.M. † | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
30 Aug | 68.6 | Appointed | Filippo Calandrini † | Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina | Cardinal, Bishop of Bologna, Italy |
40.6 | Appointed | Rodrigo de Borja † | Cardinal-Bishop of Albano | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
| Appointed | Pietro Guglielmo de Rocha † | Archbishop of Salerno, Italy |
| Resigned | Matteo de Pontremoli, O.P. † | Bishop of Cava (de’ Tirreni), Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
4 Sep | 30.6 | Appointed | Pietro Barozzi † | Bishop of Belluno, Italy | Bishop of Padova {Padua}, Italy |
| Appointed | Simon Contarini † | Bishop of Torcello (Turris), Italy |
| Appointed | Andrea de Fano † | Bishop of Recanati, Italy |
| Appointed | Giacomo † | Bishop of Sora, Italy |
| Appointed | Angelo Mancini de Cacci † | Bishop of Tivoli, Italy |
29.6 | Appointed | Federico de Manfredi † | Bishop of Faenza, Italy |
26.3 | Appointed | Pietro Riario, O.F.M. Conv. † | Bishop of Treviso, Italy | Cardinal, Archbishop of Firenze {Florence}, Italy |
| Appointed | Giacomo Rossi † | Bishop of Chioggia, Italy |
8 Sep | | Appointed | Gabriele de Guidano † | Bishop of Policastro, Italy |
13 Sep | | Appointed | Leonardo † | Bishop of Mottola (Motula), Italy |
14 Sep | | Appointed | Louis de Fenollet † | Archbishop of Nicosia, Cyprus | Bishop of Capaccio, Italy |
18 Sep | | Appointed | Francesco Bertini † | Bishop of Capaccio, Italy |
| Appointed | Burchard Tuberflug, O.P. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany |
| Appointed | Burchard Tuberflug, O.P. † | Titular Bishop of Sebaste in Palaestina | Auxiliary Bishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany |
22 Sep | | Ordained Bishop | Burchard Tuberflug, O.P. † | Titular Bishop of Sebaste in Palaestina | Auxiliary Bishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany |
29 Sep | | Ordained Bishop | Pietro Guglielmo de Rocha † | Archbishop of Salerno, Italy |
| Selected | Henning von Haus † | Bishop of Hildesheim, Germany | Bishop Emeritus |
Oct | | Died | Onofrio de Santa Croce † | Bishop of Tricarico, Italy |
2 Oct | | Appointed | Elias Sguri de Ponagia, O.P. † | Bishop of Croja, Albania |
6 Oct | | Appointed | Giorgio Buchi † | Bishop of Imola, Italy |
11 Oct | | Appointed | Barthelemy Barbarigo † | Bishop of Poreč (Parenzo), Croatia |
24.7 | Appointed | Gabriele Maccafani † | Bishop of Marsi, Italy |
| Appointed | Stefano Moscatelli † | Bishop of Nusco, Italy |
14 Oct | | Appointed | Guillaume † | Titular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} |
24.7 | Ordained Bishop | Gabriele Maccafani † | Bishop of Marsi, Italy |
| Appointed | Francesco de Sanctis, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Shkodrë (Scutari), Albania |
16 Oct | 27.8 | Appointed | Giuliano della Rovere † | Bishop of Carpentras, France | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
18 Oct | | Appointed | Martino de Sotomayor, O. Carm. † | Bishop of Andria-Montepeloso, Italy |
| Appointed | Ursus de Ursini † | Bishop of Tricarico, Italy | Bishop of Teano, Italy |
30 Oct | 40.8 | Ordained Priest | Rodrigo de Borja † | Priest | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
| Appointed | Alfonso de Rabanal, O.S.A. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Burgos, Spain |
| Appointed | Alfonso de Rabanal, O.S.A. † | Titular Bishop of Myndus | Auxiliary Bishop of Burgos, Spain |
9 Nov | | Died | Hermann von Gehrden, O.P. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Mainz, Germany |
13 Nov | 60.8 | Appointed | Jan Rzeszowski (Jr) † | Bishop of Kraków, Poland |
20 Nov | | Appointed | Denis de Bar † | Bishop of Tulle, France | Bishop Emeritus of Saint-Papoul, France |
22 Nov | | Appointed | Clément de Brillac † | Bishop of Saint-Papoul, France | Bishop of Tulle, France |
| Appointed | Hermann Molitoris, O.P. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Halberstadt, Germany |
| Appointed | Hermann Molitoris, O.P. † | Titular Bishop of Salmasa | Auxiliary Bishop of Halberstadt, Germany |
23 Nov | | Died | John Chedworth (Chadworth) † | Bishop of Lincoln, England, Great Britain |
4 Dec | | Appointed | Gérard (Bastet) de Crussol † | Titular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} |
16 Dec | | Appointed | John Foxalls, O.F.M. † | Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland |
| Appointed | Georg Golser † | Bishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
| Confirmed | Kazmierz z Książąt Mazowiecki (von Masowien) † | Bishop of Płock, Poland |
26.6 | Elevated to Cardinal | Pietro Riario, O.F.M. Conv. † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Firenze {Florence}, Italy |
28.0 | Elevated to Cardinal | Giuliano della Rovere † | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
21 Dec | | Died | Michael Tregury (Trigowre) † | Archbishop of Dublin, Ireland |
22 Dec | 26.6 | Appointed | Pietro Riario, O.F.M. Conv. † | Cardinal-Priest of San Sisto | Cardinal, Archbishop of Firenze {Florence}, Italy |
28.0 | Appointed | Giuliano della Rovere † | Cardinal-Priest of San Pietro in Vincoli | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
23 Dec | 31.9 | Confirmed | Leo von Spaur † | Bishop of Wien, Austria |
24 Dec | 55.8 | Died | Sigmund von Sachsen † | Bishop Emeritus of Würzburg, Germany |