Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1740


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1739) | Next Year (1741)

unknown55.2Gennaro Maria DanzaBishop of Calvi Risorta, Italy
unknown51.1Leandro de Santo Agostinho da Piedade, O.A.D. †Bishop of São Tomé e Príncipe
unknown69.3Bartolomé San Martín y UribeBishop of Palencia, Spain
unknown61.9Antonio VladagniBishop of Shkodrë (Scutari), Albania
Jan74.3Nicolò TupputiBishop of Nusco, Italy
11 Jan79.2Gianantonio DaviaCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Rimini, Italy
12 Jan60.0Thomas John Francis de Strickland de SizorgheBishop of Namur {Namen}, Belgium
22 Jan68.3Giberto Bartolomeo BorromeoCardinal, Bishop of Novara, Italy
24 Jan72.5Vincenzo VecchiarelliBishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy
6 Feb87.8Lorenzo CorsiniPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
10 Feb69.1Giuseppe Maria Perrimezzi, O.M. †Bishop Emeritus of Oppido Mamertina, Italy
20 Feb71.1Charles de Fontaine des MonteesBishop of Nevers, France
25 Feb67.3Girolamo MatteiArchbishop Emeritus of Fermo, Italy
28 Feb69.1Charles-François de Châteauneuf de RochebonneArchbishop of Lyon, France
29 Feb72.6Pietro OttoboniCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)
Mar69.3Cinugo Settimio CinughiBishop of Pienza, Italy
Mar63.0Biagio de DuraBishop of Potenza, Italy
7 Mar67.9Andrés de Orbe y LarreáteguiArchbishop Emeritus of Valencia, Spain
12 Mar66.6Giovanni Battista Altieri (Jr.)Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina
16 Mar59.8Krzysztof Andrzej Jan SzembekBishop of Warmia (Ermland), Poland
3 Apr79.2Thomas Dominic Williams, O.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Northern District, England, Great Britain
6 Apr49.1Jacques-Charles-Alexandre LallemantBishop of Sées {Séez}, France
11 Apr61.9Nicola Saverio AlbiniTitular Archbishop of Athenae
20 AprBernard O’GaraArchbishop of Tuam, Ireland
24 Apr70.3Marko Andrijašević (Andreassi)Archbishop of Sardica (Sredek, Sofia), Bulgaria
22 May41.6Claude-Louis de La ChâtreBishop of Agde, France
2 Jun66.4Leandro di Porzia (Porcia), O.S.B. †Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Bergamo, Italy
12 Jun82.3Johann Franz von Schenk von StauffenbergBishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
24 Jun64.0Serafino CenciCardinal, Archbishop of Benevento, Italy
15 Jul65.4Antonio Maria Bacigalupi, Sch. P. †Bishop of Ventimiglia, Italy
20 Jul61.4Cristoforo Lorenzo BarattaBishop of Fossano, Italy
20 Aug57.3Georg Xaver MarottiBishop of Pedena, Austria
20 Aug29.1François-Louis Pourroy de L’AuberivièreBishop of Québec, Canada
31 Aug67.9Antônio de Guadalupe, O.F.M. Disc. †Bishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
9 Sep80.6Olivier-Gabriel de Lubières (Nubières) du BouchetBishop Emeritus of (Saint-Bertrand de) Comminges, France
2 Oct69.8José Manuel de Sarricolea y OleaBishop of Cuzco, Peru
15 OctFelix Samuel RodotàTitular Bishop of Beroë
27 Oct67.4Charles du Plessis d’ArgentréBishop of Tulle, France
14 NovMatthieu Delinich, O.F.M. †Titular Bishop of Bolina
13 Dec61.3Benedetto Caietano Giuseppe Odescalchi-ErbaCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Milano {Milan}, Italy
19 Dec67.7João Cardoso CasteloAuxiliary Bishop of Lisboa {Lisbon}, Portugal
25 Dec93.9Jean Soanen, C.O.I. †Bishop of Senez, France
26 Dec68.9Antonio NinArchbishop of Oristano, Italy


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