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The Year of Our Lord 1436

Bishop Events

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknownBornGabriele Guadano (Altilio)Bishop of Policastro, Italy
DiedGiuliano AngrisaniBishop of Nocera de’ Pagani, Italy
DiedBérenger d’ArpajonBishop of Périgueux (Vesuna), France
BornGeorg von BadenBishop of Metz, France
ResignedCarlo BoiardiBishop of Modena, ItalyBishop Emeritus
36.0Ordained PriestNikolaus von CusaPriestCardinal, Bishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy
DiedDominique , O.F.M. †Titular Bishop of Bethleem
DiedManus Fitzultagh O’DowdaBishop of Killala, Ireland
DiedMartin GalosBishop of Coria, Spain
DiedJean de Gavere (Lytdekirche)Bishop of Cambrai, France
DiedDomenico di Giovanni, O.P. †Bishop of Terralba, Italy
DiedDiego Gómez de FuensalidaBishop of Ávila, Spain
AppointedSven Grotte (Store)Bishop of Skara, SwedenBishop Emeritus
DiedHervé HuguetBishop of Saint-Brieuc, France
BornFrancisco Jiménez de Cisneros, O.F.M. Obs. †Cardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
DiedJean de La Roche, O.F.M. †Bishop of Cavaillon, France
AppointedBengt LarssonBishop of Linköping, Sweden
AppointedLudovico Bishop of Segni, Italy
77.0ResignedPeder LykkeArchbishop of Lund, SwedenArchbishop Emeritus
BornMichele Bishop of Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi, Italy
DiedJean de Montmartin, O.F.M. †Titular Bishop of Rhosus
DiedOlav NilssonBishop of Bjørgvin (Bergen), Norway
DiedAntonio PinnaBishop of Bisarcio, Italy
DiedFernando de Talmonte, O.S.H. †Bishop of Rubicón, Spain
DiedLudovico TeodonariBishop of Rieti, Italy
DiedJean TesteBishop of Agde, France
BornAntonio TrombettaBishop Emeritus of Urbino, Italy
AppointedAlfonso de VillegasBishop of Coria, Spain
15 JanDiedRobert FitzHughBishop of London, England, Great Britain
16 JanDiedRobert CardenyBishop of Dunkeld, Scotland, Great Britain
22 JanOrdained BishopBartolomeo AglioniBishop of Todi, Italy
FebDiedWilliam GreyBishop of Lincoln, England, Great Britain
2 FebOrdained BishopLouis MoriniBishop of Lucca, Italy
6 FebAppointedPietro LeonBishop of Ossero (Osor), CroatiaBishop Emeritus of Ceneda, Italy
AppointedNatale Bencesi (da Venezia), O. Carm. †Bishop of Nona (Nin), Croatia
8 Feb45.1AppointedAstorgio AgnesiArchbishop of Benevento, Italy
AppointedStefano Argercolo PendinelliBishop of Nardò, ItalyArchbishop of Otranto, Italy
10 FebAppointedAntonio Altan San VitoBishop of Urbino, Italy
AppointedJean Heysterbach, O.P. †Auxiliary Bishop of Augsburg, Germany
AppointedJean Heysterbach, O.P. †Titular Bishop of AdramyttiumAuxiliary Bishop of Augsburg, Germany
12 FebOrdained BishopBernard de Cazilhac (Casilhaco, Casilhac)Bishop of Albi, France
13 FebOrdained BishopAntonio Boccabella, O.F.M. †Bishop of Ferentino, Italy
26 FebOrdained BishopJean Heysterbach, O.P. †Titular Bishop of AdramyttiumAuxiliary Bishop of Augsburg, Germany
1 Mar49.1DiedJuan Casanova, O.P. †Cardinal, Administrator of Gerona, Spain
5 MarAppointedThomas CheritonBishop of Bangor, Wales, Great Britain
9 MarAppointedPiotr z Chrząstowa (Chrząstowski)Bishop of Przemyśl, Poland
SelectedRobert GilbertBishop of London, England, Great Britain
12 MarDiedKnut (Canutus) Bosson (Stenonis)Bishop of Linköping, Sweden
DiedHenri de Ville-sur-IllonBishop of Toul, France
17 Mar60.2InstalledPhilippe de CoëtquisArchbishop of Tours, France
18 MarOrdained BishopNatale Bencesi (da Venezia), O. Carm. †Bishop of Nona (Nin), Croatia
28 MarAppointedRéginald Polet, O.F.M. †Auxiliary Bishop of Beauvais, France
AppointedRéginald Polet, O.F.M. †Titular Bishop of AeginaAuxiliary Bishop of Beauvais, France
AppointedGiovanni di Sicilia, O.S.A. †Bishop of Ischia, Italy
4 Apr56.2AppointedRegnault de ChartresAdministrator of Agde, FranceArchbishop Emeritus of Reims, France
14 AprDiedFrancesco de ToviaBishop of Urgell, Spain
15 AprOrdained BishopRéginald Polet, O.F.M. †Titular Bishop of AeginaAuxiliary Bishop of Beauvais, France
21 MayAppointedBernardo de PauBishop of Gerona, Spain
ConfirmedRobert GilbertBishop of London, England, Great Britain
AppointedHans LaxmandArchbishop of Lund, Sweden
25 MayAppointedHeinrich WagerninAuxiliary Bishop of Kammin (Camin), Germany
AppointedHeinrich WagerninTitular Bishop of Sebaste in CiliciaAuxiliary Bishop of Kammin (Camin), Germany
30 May28.4ProfessedJaime Perez de Valencia, O.S.A. †Member of Order of Hermits of St. AugustineAuxiliary Bishop of Valencia, Spain
3 JunOrdained BishopHeinrich WagerninTitular Bishop of Sebaste in CiliciaAuxiliary Bishop of Kammin (Camin), Germany
4 JunAppointedMattias FoschiArchbishop of Manfredonia, ItalyBishop of Rieti, Italy
22 JunAppointedDonato de’ MediciBishop of Pistoia, Italy
27 JunAppointedJaime ForestaBishop of Terralba, Italy
56.4AppointedHugues of LusignanCardinal-Bishop of FrascatiPriest
1 JulOrdained BishopGiovanni NotabartoloBishop of Patti, Italy
4 JulAppointedOlivier du TillayBishop of Saint-Brieuc, France
AppointedJean PrigentBishop of Saint-Pol-de-Léon, FranceBishop of Saint-Brieuc, France
6 JulDiedAntonio SurracaBishop of Acerno, Italy
18 JulAppointedGiacomino BenedettiBishop of Nocera de’ Pagani, ItalyBishop of Penne e Atri, Italy
AppointedAntonio CanoBishop of Bisarcio, ItalyArchbishop of Sassari, Italy
30 JulDiedFriedrich von ZollernBishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
2 AugDiedFrédéric de Grancey, O.S.B. †Bishop of Autun, France
4 Aug38.5SelectedHeinrich von HewenBishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
6 AugAppointedMichele NataleBishop of Trebinje e Mrkan, Bosnia and Herzegovina
12 Aug90.6DiedJan Rzeszowski (Sr)Archbishop of Lviv, Ukraine
15 AugOrdained BishopPiotr z Chrząstowa (Chrząstowski)Bishop of Przemyśl, Poland
19 Aug46.6SelectedLouis de LuxembourgCardinal, Archbishop of Rouen, France
DiedHugues d’OrgesArchbishop of Rouen, France
20 AugAppointedJean GermainBishop of Chalons-sur-Saône, France
28.6AppointedJean RolinCardinal, Bishop of Autun, France
27 AugAppointedNicolas SolimeleBishop of Acerno, ItalyBishop of Venosa, Italy
2 Sep74.6DiedWojciech JastrzębiecArchbishop of Gniezno, Poland
3 SepAppointedThady MacCreagh, O.P. †Bishop of Killala, Ireland
19 SepAppointedWilliam AlnewickBishop of Lincoln, England, Great Britain
AppointedThomas BrownBishop of Norwich, England, Great Britain
38.7ConfirmedHeinrich von HewenBishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
AppointedWilliam WellsBishop of Rochester, England, Great Britain
22 Sep46.7DiedKrzysztof von RotenhanBishop of Lebus, Germany
23 SepOrdained BishopMaynard de ContrariisBishop of Comacchio, ItalyBishop Emeritus
26 SepAppointedFrancisco Moya, O.F.M. †Bishop of Rubicón, Spain
AppointedJean VivienBishop of Nevers, France
3 OctAppointedGiorgio Fieschi (Flisco)Cardinal, Archbishop of Genova, Italy
8 OctAppointedAngelo da Bologna, O.P. †Bishop of Krk (Veglia), Croatia
17 OctAppointedScipione ManentiBishop of Modena, Italy
AppointedDionysius Stephani, O. Carm. †Titular Bishop of Rhosus
24 Oct46.8ConfirmedLouis de LuxembourgCardinal, Archbishop of Rouen, France
25.8AppointedJean Le JeuneCardinal, Bishop of Thérouanne, France
27 OctOrdained BishopFrancisco Moya, O.F.M. †Bishop of Rubicón, Spain
28 OctOrdained BishopRobert GilbertBishop of London, England, Great Britain
5 NovAppointedMatthaeus de ChesellesBishop of Nisyros, Greece
AppointedJean ChevrotBishop of Tournai {Doornik}, BelgiumBishop of Toul, France
26.8AppointedFrancesco CondulmerAdministrator of Amiens, FranceCardinal, Bishop of Verona, Italy
AppointedJean d’HarcourtArchbishop of Narbonne, FranceTitular Patriarch of Alexandria {Alessandria}
19 NovAppointedMichele de GermanisBishop of Mariana, France
25 NovOrdained BishopThomas CheritonBishop of Bangor, Wales, Great Britain
28 NovAppointedJohann Anguli Wilkelmann, O.F.M. †Auxiliary Bishop of Hildesheim, Germany
AppointedJohann Anguli Wilkelmann, O.F.M. †Titular Bishop of DariensisAuxiliary Bishop of Hildesheim, Germany
12 DecAppointedLombardo di Solis, O.F.M. †Bishop of Andros, Greece
20 DecDiedJohann de Flekenstein, O.S.B. †Bishop of Basel, Switzerland
23 DecDiedWilbrand von HallermuntBishop of Minden, Germany
38.9Ordained BishopHeinrich von HewenBishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
SucceededAlbert von HoyaBishop of Minden, Germany
27 DecOrdained BishopJohann Anguli Wilkelmann, O.F.M. †Titular Bishop of DariensisAuxiliary Bishop of Hildesheim, Germany


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