Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1816


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1815) | Next Year (1817)

unknown75.2Alfonso Maria FredaBishop of Lucera, Italy
unknownJulius-Antoine Bishop Emeritus of Diarbekir (Amida) (Syrian), Turkey
Jan68.5Angelo Antonio AnselmiBishop of San Severino (Marche), Italy
3 Jan59.2[Charles-François Dorlodot]Bishop Emeritus of [Mayenne (Constitutional), France]
16 Jan61.3Luis La Encina Díaz y PereiroBishop of Arequipa, Peru
16 Jan73.7Giuseppe MarraBishop of Nicotera, Italy
22 Jan81.6Diego Melo Portugal, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Jaén, Spain
27 Jan51.0John PowerBishop of Waterford and Lismore, Ireland
10 Feb64.2Giuseppe Maria Doria PamphiljCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
16 Feb84.5[Jean-Baptiste Aubert]Bishop Emeritus of [Bouches-du-Rhône (Constitutional), France]
16 Feb82.5Gianantonio Della BerettaBishop of Lodi, Italy
24 Feb72.0Jan Chryzostom KaczkowskiAuxiliary Bishop of Lutsk and Zhytomyr (Łuck and Zytomierz), Ukraine
26 Feb55.1Józef KrzysztofowiczTitular Bishop of Arca in Phoenicia
15 Mar73.4Vincenzo Rogadei, O.S.B. †Bishop of Caserta, Italy
23 Mar85.4Jerónimo María TorresBishop of Lérida, Spain
30 Mar65.6Lorenzo Algüero Ribera, O.S.M. †Bishop of Segorbe, Spain
30 Mar83.4Simón Casaviella LópezBishop of Tudela, Spain
31 Mar77.6Giuseppe Angeluni, B.C. †Archbishop of Durrës (Durazzo) (Albanian), Albania
Apr67.3Benedetto SinibaldiTitular Archbishop of Ephesus
3 Apr79.2[Nicolas Jacquemin]Bishop Emeritus of [Cayenne (Constitutional), Antilles]
11 Apr52.9Benito María de Moxó y Francolí, O.S.B. †Archbishop of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia
17 Apr88.8[André Garnier]Bishop Emeritus of [Hautes-Alpes (Constitutional), France]
13 May76.0Charles-Eutrope de La LaurancieBishop of Nantes, France
20 May72.1Karl Josef Jerome von KolbornAuxiliary Bishop of Regensburg, Germany
22 May65.3Charles La Mothe, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Western Tonking {Tonkino Occidentale}, Viet Nam
25 May71.9Vincenz Joseph Franz Sales von SchrattenbachBishop of Brno, Czechia
6 Jun70.1Louis-Mathias-Joseph de BarralArchbishop Emeritus of Tours, France
30 Jun73.5Antonin Malinowski, O.P. †Auxiliary Bishop of Žemaičiai (Samogizia o Tels; Żmudź), Lithuania
7 Jul64.2Paolo Antonio Roviglia, O.C.D. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Malabar, India
9 Jul51.9Arthur MurphyFormer Bishop-Elect of Kildare and Leighlin, Ireland
21 JulAntonio DodmasseiBishop of Shkodrë (Scutari), Albania
23 Jul74.4Michael Léopold Brigido von Marenfels und BresovizBishop of Spiš, Slovakia
26 Aug75.6Giovanni Battista Fonton, O.F.M. Conv. †Vicar Apostolic of Constantinople, Turkey
9 Sep81.7Wenzeslaus Ignaz von DeymAuxiliary Bishop of Salzburg, Austria
1 Oct69.8Claude-Marie Ruffo de LaricBishop Emeritus of Saint-Flour, France
3 Oct75.7Jan Jakub SzymonowiczArchbishop of Lviv (Armenian), Ukraine
10 Oct69.2Claude-François-Marie Primat, C.O. †Archbishop of Toulouse, France
26 Oct69.5José Vicente Silva Avilés y Olave SalaverríaBishop-Elect of Ayacucho o Huamanga (Guamanga), Peru
30 Oct78.4Francesco Ubaldo Maria RomanziBishop of Lacedonia, Italy
3 Nov71.9Ferdinando Maria SaluzzoCardinal, Prefect of the Roman Curia - Other
18 Nov48.9Francisco de São Damazo Abreu Vieira, O.F.M. Obs. †Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
3 Dec85.5Franz Philipp von InzaghiBishop of Gorizia e Gradisca, Italy
15 Dec77.9Francisco Gomes de Avelar, C.O. †Bishop of Faro {Algarve}, Portugal


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