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The Year of Our Lord 1585


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1584) | Next Year (1586)

unknownGiovan Mario de AlessandriBishop of Mileto, Italy
unknown70.0Nicolò Canelles (Canyelles)Bishop of Bosa, Italy
unknownNunzio Antonio de CapriolisBishop of Tricarico, Italy
unknownPedro CoderosArchbishop of Otranto, Italy
unknownGian Matteo Castaldo, O.S.B. †Bishop of Pozzuoli, Italy
unknownVincenzo de Doncelli (Donzelli), O.P. †Bishop of Valva e Sulmona, Italy
unknown55.0Paolo Giovio (il Giovane)Bishop of Nocera de’ Pagani, Italy
unknownAloisio GiustinianiPatriarch of Aquileia, Italy
unknownBasilio Gradi, O.S.B. †Bishop of Stagno (Ston), Croatia
unknownAlfonso Graniero AvalosBishop of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia
unknownGiovanni Antonio GrignettaBishop of San Marco (Argentano), Italy
unknownJorge de Lemos, O.P. †Bishop Emeritus of Funchal, Portugal
unknownMaurice MacBrienBishop of Emly, Ireland
unknown94.0Nicola Majorano (Maggiorani)Bishop Emeritus of Molfetta, Italy
unknownPaolo OdescalchiBishop Emeritus of Penne e Atri, Italy
unknownAnselmo Olivieri, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Vieste, Italy
unknownCostantino Piccioni, O.S.A. †Bishop of Cortona, Italy
unknownAdam PilchowskiBishop of Chełm, Poland
unknownJoão de PortugalBishop of Guarda, Portugal
unknownTarquinio PriscoBishop of Cariati e Cerenzia, Italy
unknownAlessandro RavaliBishop of Nicastro, Italy
unknownPedro Vélez GuevaraBishop of Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain
unknownPaolo da Zara, O.P. †Bishop of Shkodrë (Scutari), Albania
JanCesare ContardoBishop of Sagone (Sagona), France
7 JanSigismondo SaracenoArchbishop of Acerenza e Matera, Italy
26 Jan55.0Robert de BerghesBishop Emeritus of Liège, Belgium
31 JanVincenzo Luchi (di Luca)Bishop of Ancona e Numana, Italy
31 Jan71.0Benito Tocco, O.S.B. †Bishop of Lérida, Spain
6 Mar91.1Giovanni Tommaso SanfeliceBishop of Venosa, Italy
20 Mar54.2Jorge de AlmeidaArchbishop of Lisboa, Portugal
3 Apr75.2Thomas Goldwell, C.R. †Bishop of Saint Asaph, Wales, Great Britain
10 Apr83.2Ugo BoncompagniPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
20 Apr58.3Mikołaj PacBishop of Kyiv (Kijów), Ukraine
29 AprCharles d’AilleboustBishop of Autun, France
1 May59.1Niccolò Caetani di SermonetaCardinal, Administrator of Capua, Italy
3 May34.4Heinrich von Sachsen-LauenburgArchbishop-Elect of Bremen (and Hamburg), Germany
16 May47.9Guido Luca FerreroCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Vercelli, Italy
17 May46.8Alberto BolognettiCardinal, Bishop of Massa Marittima, Italy
18 MayFrançois de La ValetteBishop of Vabres, France
19 May57.5Tomás Dacio (d’Anio)Bishop of Orihuela, Spain
23 May58.2Marcin GerstmannBishop of Wrocław (Breslau), Poland
10 JunGirolamo DiedoBishop Emeritus of Crema, Italy
17 JunFernando RuedaBishop of Islas Canarias {Canary Islands}, Spain
25 JunCesare GromisBishop of Aosta, Italy
28 Jun70.4Felipe Urríes Urríes, O.P. †Bishop of Barbastro, Spain
10 Jul84.5Georges d’ArmagnacCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Tours, France
14 Jul52.5Gabriele Fiamma, C.R.S.A. †Bishop of Chioggia, Italy
18 Jul41.6Alessandro RiarioCardinal, Titular Patriarch of Alexandria {Alessandria}
AugMarino QueriniBishop of Concordia (Sagittaria), Italy
8 Aug30.6Wilhelm von Schenking zu BevernBishop-Elect of Osnabrück, Germany
26 AugBenedetto ManzoliBishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy
19 SepFrançois de NoaillesBishop Emeritus of Acqs (Dax), France
30 SepJuan Izquierdo, O.P. †Bishop of Tortosa, Spain
OctCesare BusdragoArchbishop of Chieti, Italy
6 OctCharles de Roucy-SissonneBishop of Soissons, France
6 Oct71.7Guglielmo SirletoCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Squillace, Italy
14 Oct62.7Richard CreaghArchbishop of Armagh, Ireland
6 Nov38.5Lorenzo CampeggiBishop of Cervia, Italy
13 Nov76.8Cipriano PallavicinoArchbishop of Genova, Italy
13 NovAndrés Santos Quintana (de Sampedro)Archbishop of Zaragoza, Spain
16 NovGiulio (Egidio) Soperchio (Superchio), O. Carm. †Bishop of Caorle, Italy
28 NovMaciej Wielicki, O.P. †Auxiliary Bishop of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland
29 Nov66.9Matthieu CointerelCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santo Stefano al Monte Celio
29 DecCostantino Barzellini, O.F.M. Conv. †Bishop of Foligno, Italy


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