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The Year of Our Lord 1778


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1777) | Next Year (1779)

unknown61.7Gaspare BarlettaBishop of Venosa, Italy
unknown62.7Giuseppe CacaceBishop of Monopoli, Italy
unknownBasile JelghafArchbishop of Beirut {Bairut} (Melkite Greek), Lebanon
unknown52.0Josyf LepkovskyjBishop of Smoleńsk (Ukrainian), Russian Federation
unknown74.6Giovan Filippo Leonardo VitettaBishop of Castellaneta, Italy
Jan80.6Gaspar NegriBishop of Poreč (Parenzo), Croatia
11 Jan69.6Jan Dominik ŁopacińskiBishop of Žemaičiai (Samogizia o Tels; Żmudź), Lithuania
24 JanDaniel O’KearneyBishop of Limerick, Ireland
1 Feb79.6Filip Felicjan Wołodkowicz (Volodkovyc), O.S.B.M. †Archbishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine
4 Feb81.0Adam Wojna OrańskiAuxiliary Bishop of Kamyanets-Podilskyi (Kamieniec), Ukraine
8 Feb63.0Adam Dwertitsch (Dvertisch)Auxiliary Bishop of Wien {Vienna}, Austria
8 Feb53.1Ermenold Piesport, O.S.B. †Auxiliary Bishop of Fulda, Germany
9 Feb50.5Pedro Ángel de Espiñeira, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Concepción, Chile
16 Feb63.3Giuseppe de RossiArchbishop of Brindisi, Italy
1 Mar73.5Anton Ludovico Antinori, C.O. †Archbishop Emeritus of Acerenza e Matera, Italy
6 Mar71.2Francisco Pallás y Faro, O.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Fukien (Kuiceu), China
14 Mar45.3Francesco Lucerna Rorengo di RoràArchbishop of Torino {Turin}, Italy
21 Mar65.5Juan Lorenzo Irigoyen DutariBishop of Pamplona, Spain
24 Mar79.2Daniel O’ReillyBishop of Clogher, Ireland
25 Mar57.1Francesco Ignazio GuisoBishop of Ampurias e Civita, Italy
14 AprEmanuello Rao-TorresPrelate of Santa Lucia del Mela, Italy
18 Apr78.2Stanislaus WykowskiAuxiliary Bishop of Przemyśl, Poland
22 Apr73.0Guglelmo CamaldariArchbishop of Rossano, Italy
5 May63.2Scipione Ardoino Alcontres, C.R. †Archbishop of Messina, Italy
7 May100.3Peter O’DonnellanBishop of Clonfert, Ireland
11 May77.1Armand Bazin de BezonsBishop of Carcassonne, France
23 May69.7Heinrich Joseph von NitschkeAuxiliary Bishop of Bamberg, Germany
24 May64.4Govaart-Geeraard van EerselBishop of Gent {Ghent, Gand}, Belgium
26 May52.9Diego GenovesiBishop of Squillace, Italy
26 May78.4Eugene (Owen) GeogheganCoadjutor Bishop of Meath, Ireland
28 May67.5Anton Maria Martin von StegnerAuxiliary Bishop of Wien {Vienna}, Austria
Jun80.6Pietro Antonio ZuccheriBishop of Krk (Veglia), Croatia
8 Jun74.3Filippo MornatiBishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy
14 Jun78.7Michele Maria Capece Galeota, C.R. †Archbishop Emeritus of Capua, Italy
Jul84.2Francesco GuidiArchbishop of Pisa, Italy
1 Jul68.1Carlo GagliardiBishop of Muro Lucano, Italy
9 Jul59.9Nicola PugliesiArchbishop Emeritus of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), Croatia
12 Jul53.9Antoni Adam Młodowski-Struś, O.S.B.M. †Bishop of Volodymyr (Włodzimierz) et Brėst (Ukrainian)
9 Aug64.5Felice Antonio BianchiAuxiliary Bishop of Modena, Italy
18 Aug92.6Augustine Cheevers, O.S.A. †Bishop of Meath, Ireland
3 Sep73.8Antonio De CumisBishop of Catanzaro, Italy
19 Sep86.6Francisco Mendo TrigosoBishop of Viseu, Portugal
30 Sep70.9Domenico PoltriBishop of San Miniato, Italy
1 Oct70.1Gaetano FantuzziCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Pietro in Vincoli
3 Dec90.8Thomas FabianiBishop of Belcastro, Italy
3 Dec72.4James GrantVicar Apostolic of Lowland District, Scotland, Great Britain
10 Dec78.9Theophilus MacCartanBishop of Down and Connor, Ireland
26 Dec72.8John Joseph HornyoldVicar Apostolic of Midland District, England, Great Britain
31 Dec82.6Leopold Maria Joseph von SpaurBishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy


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