Year | Age | Bishop | Event | Title | Current Title |
1934 |
| Luis Héctor Villalba | Born | | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Tucumán, Argentina |
1940 |
| Plácido Rodríguez, C.M.F. | Born | | Bishop Emeritus of Lubbock, Texas, USA |
1948 |
| Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson | Born | | Cardinal, Chancellor of the Roman Curia - Other |
1952 |
| João Francisco Salm | Born | | Bishop of Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil |
1953 | 16.5 | Michelangelo Riccardo Maria Tiribilli, O.S.B. | Professed | Member of Order of Saint Benedict | Abbot Emeritus of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Italy |
1955 |
| Luis Gerardo Cabrera Herrera, O.F.M. | Born | | Cardinal, Archbishop of Guayaquil, Ecuador |
16.7 | Francesco Pio Tamburrino, O.S.B. | Professed | Member of Order of Saint Benedict | Archbishop Emeritus of Foggia-Bovino, Italy |
| Matteo Maria Zuppi | Born | | Cardinal, Archbishop of Bologna, Italy |
1956 | 25.7 | Gérard Denis Auguste Defois | Ordained Priest | Priest of Angers, France | Bishop Emeritus of Lille, France |
1962 |
| Michel Proulx, O. Praem. | Born | | Bishop of Bathurst in Canada, New Brunswick |
1964 |
| Janusz Wiesław Kaleta | Born | |
| James Sean Wall | Born | | Bishop of Gallup, New Mexico, USA |
1968 |
| Rudolf Nyandoro | Born | | Bishop of Gweru, Zimbabwe |
1970 | 26.9 | Sarkis Davidian, I.C.P.B. | Ordained Priest | Priest of Institut du Clergé Patriarcal de Bzommar | Bishop of Ispahan {Esfáan} (Armenian), Iran |
23.3 | Teemu Jyrki Juhani Sippo, S.C.I. | Professed | Member of Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart | Bishop Emeritus of Helsinki, Finland |
1972 |
| Alejandro Adolfo Wiesse León, O.F.M. | Born | | Vicar Apostolic of Requena, Peru |
1974 | 19.4 | Miguel Fritz, O.M.I. | Entered | Member of Oblates of Mary Immaculate | Apostolic Administrator of Pilcomayo, Paraguay |
1976 |
| Cristiano Guilherme Borro Barbosa | Born | | Auxiliary Bishop of Boston, Massachusetts, USA |
1979 | 30.7 | Prakash Mallavarapu | Ordained Priest | Priest of Hyderabad, India | Archbishop Emeritus of Visakhapatnam, India |
1980 | 50.6 | Pedro Rosales Dean | Appointed | Bishop of Tagum, Philippines | Archbishop Emeritus of Palo, Philippines |
1981 |
| Cristian Dumitru Crişan | Born | | Auxiliary Bishop of Făgăraş şi Alba Iulia (Romanian), Romania |
1982 | 27.3 | Siphiwo Devilliers Paul Vanqa, S.A.C. | First Vows | Member of Society of the Catholic Apostolate | Bishop of Queenstown, South Africa |
1986 | 24.3 | Aurelio Gazzera, O.C.D. | Solemn Vows | Member of Order of Discalced Carmelites | Coadjutor Bishop of Bangassou, Central African Republic |
1991 | 49.4 | Germano Grachane, C.M. | Appointed | Bishop of Nacala, Mozambique | Bishop Emeritus |
38.9 | Goetbé Edmond Djitangar | Appointed | Bishop of Sarh, Chad | Archbishop of N’Djaména, Chad |
42.8 | Johannes Liku Ada’ | Appointed | Auxiliary Bishop of Ujung Pandang, Indonesia | Archbishop Emeritus of Makassar, Indonesia |
42.8 | Johannes Liku Ada’ | Appointed | Titular Bishop of Amantia | Archbishop Emeritus of Makassar, Indonesia |
42.3 | Juan Matogo Oyana, C.M.F. | Appointed | Bishop of Ebebiyin, Equatorial Guinea | Bishop Emeritus of Bata, Equatorial Guinea |
53.5 | Pierre Nguyễn Văn Nhơn | Appointed | Coadjutor Bishop of Ðà Lạt, Viet Nam | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Hà Nội, Viet Nam |
1992 | 46.7 | Antoine Audo, S.J. | Ordained Bishop | Bishop of Alep [Beroea, Halab] (Chaldean), Syria |
31.1 | Michele Petruzzelli, O.S.B. | Solemn Vows | Member of Order of Saint Benedict | Abbot of Santissima Trinità di Cava de’ Tirreni, Italy |
26.0 | José Rico Pavés | Ordained Priest | Priest | Bishop of Jerez de la Frontera, Spain |
1996 | 50.6 | Éric Marie Pierre Henri Aumonier | Ordained Bishop | Titular Bishop of Malliana | Bishop Emeritus of Versailles, France |
1997 | 53.8 | Leonardo Sandri | Ordained Bishop | Titular Archbishop of Aemona | Cardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches |
31.7 | Petko Valov | Ordained Priest | Priest of Sofia (Bulgarian), Bulgaria | Bishop of Saint John XXIII of Sofia (Bulgarian), Bulgaria |
53.7 | Christian Werner | Appointed | Titular Bishop of Wiener Neustadt | Bishop Emeritus of Austria, Military |
1998 | 62.1 | Antonio María Rouco Varela | Installed | Cardinal-Priest of San Lorenzo in Damaso | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Madrid, Spain |
2000 | 52.1 | Andrea Bruno Mazzocato | Appointed | Bishop of Adria-Rovigo, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus of Udine, Italy |
45.6 | Giuseppe Mazzafaro | Ordained Priest | Priest of Napoli {Naples}, Italy | Bishop of Cerreto Sannita-Telese-Sant’Agata de’ Goti, Italy |
50.2 | Jozef Daniel Pravda, S.D.B. | Appointed | Superior of Baku, Azerbaijan | Superior Emeritus |
2001 | 54.3 | Luigi Antonio Secco, S.D.B. | Succeeded | Bishop of Willemstad, Netherlands Antilles, Antilles | Bishop Emeritus |
2003 | 41.5 | Ibrahim Michael Ibrahim, B.S. | Installed | Bishop of Saint-Sauveur de Montréal (Melkite Greek), Canada | Archbishop of Zahleh e Furzol (Melkite Greek), Lebanon |
2004 | 56.6 | Luis Armando Collazuol | Installed | Bishop of Concordia, Argentina | Bishop Emeritus |
50.2 | Eduardo Maria Taussig | Installed | Bishop of San Rafael, Argentina | Bishop Emeritus |
2005 | 51.9 | Reinhard Hauke | Appointed | Auxiliary Bishop of Erfurt, Germany |
51.9 | Reinhard Hauke | Appointed | Titular Bishop of Flumenpiscense | Auxiliary Bishop of Erfurt, Germany |
2006 | 46.7 | Elie Bechara Haddad, B.S. | Selected | Archbishop of Saïdā (Sidone) (Melkite Greek), Lebanon |
2007 | 51.7 | Jaime Soto | Appointed | Coadjutor Bishop of Sacramento, California, USA | Bishop |
2008 | 45.8 | Enrique Eguía Seguí | Ordained Bishop | Titular Bishop of Cissi | Prelate of Deán Funes, Argentina |
39.2 | Armand Koné | Ordained Priest | Priest of Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire | Archbishop-Elect |
2009 | 56.8 | Renato Boccardo | Installed | Archbishop of Spoleto-Norcia, Italy |
68.2 | Marie Pierre François Auguste Gaschy, C.S.Sp. | Ordained Bishop | Titular Bishop of Usinaza | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Iles Saint-Pierre et Miquelon |
2010 | 50.7 | Emidio Cipollone | Appointed | Archbishop of Lanciano-Ortona, Italy |
76.4 | Carlo Ghidelli | Retired | Archbishop of Lanciano-Ortona, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus |
45.5 | Mario Iceta Gavicagogeascoa | Installed | Bishop of Bilbao, Spain | Archbishop of Burgos, Spain |
47.4 | Odelir José Magri, M.C.C.I. | Appointed | Bishop of Sobral, Ceara, Brazil | Archbishop of Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brazil |
66.0 | Cesare Nosiglia | Appointed | Archbishop of Torino {Turin}, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus |
2013 | 45.1 | Andrew Harmon Cozzens | Appointed | Auxiliary Bishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA | Bishop of Crookston, Minnesota, USA |
45.1 | Andrew Harmon Cozzens | Appointed | Titular Bishop of Bisica | Bishop of Crookston, Minnesota, USA |
69.8 | Tsegaye Keneni Derara | Appointed | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Soddo, Ethiopia | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus |
69.8 | Tsegaye Keneni Derara | Appointed | Titular Bishop of Maximiana in Byzacena | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Soddo, Ethiopia |
2014 | 62.9 | Michel Christian Cartatéguy, S.M.A. | Resigned | Archbishop of Niamey, Niger | Archbishop Emeritus |
72.7 | Ricardo Ezzati Andrello, S.D.B. | Installed | Cardinal-Priest of Santissimo Redentore a Valmelaina | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Santiago de Chile |
47.7 | Djalwana Laurent Lompo | Appointed | Archbishop of Niamey, Niger |
61.1 | Maurizio Malvestiti | Ordained Bishop | Bishop of Lodi, Italy |
44.7 | David Martínez De Aguirre Guinea, O.P. | Ordained Bishop | Titular Bishop of Izirzada | Vicar Apostolic of Puerto Maldonado, Peru |
59.7 | Pietro Parolin | Installed | Cardinal-Priest of Santi Simone e Giuda Taddeo a Torre Angela | Cardinal, Secretary of State |
66.1 | Vincenzo Pelvi | Appointed | Archbishop of Foggia-Bovino, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus |
61.7 | Jan Piotrowski | Appointed | Bishop of Kielce, Poland |
57.3 | Pablo Emiro Salas Anteliz | Installed | Bishop of Armenia, Colombia | Archbishop of Barranquilla, Colombia |
75.7 | Francesco Pio Tamburrino, O.S.B. | Retired | Archbishop of Foggia-Bovino, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus |
2015 | 73.4 | Ricardo Blázquez Pérez | Installed | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Vallicella | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Valladolid, Spain |
66.2 | Francis Xavier Kriengsak Kovithavanij | Installed | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria Addolorata | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Bangkok, Thailand |
76.6 | Alberto Suárez Inda | Installed | Cardinal-Priest of San Policarpo | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Morelia, Michoacán, México |
2016 | 54.1 | Moacir Aparecido de Freitas | Ordained Bishop | Bishop of Votuporanga, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
68.7 | Jean-Michel Girard, C.R.B. | Appointed | Abbot Primate of Confederation of Canons Regular of St. Augustine | Apostolic Administrator of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland |
2017 | 58.9 | Dulcênio Fontes de Matos | Appointed | Bishop of Campina Grande, Paraiba, Brazil |
56.2 | Silvester Tung Kiem San | Appointed | Apostolic Administrator of Ruteng, Indonesia | Bishop of Denpasar, Indonesia |
2018 | 59.3 | Michel Aoun | Appointed | Apostolic Visitor (Visitator) | Bishop of Jbeil {Byblos} (Maronite), Lebanon |
75.2 | François Eid, O.M.M. | Retired | Apostolic Visitor (Visitator) | Apostolic Visitor (Visitator) Emeritus |
53.9 | Marco Antonio Órdenes Fernández | Laicized | |
56.2 | Youssef Antoine Soueif | Appointed | Apostolic Visitor (Visitator) | Archbishop of Tripoli del Libano {Tarabulus} (Maronite) |
2019 | 57.5 | James Raphael Anaparambil | Succeeded | Bishop of Alleppey, India |
77.7 | Francisco Javier Del Río Sendino | Retired | Bishop of Tarija, Bolivia | Bishop Emeritus |
61.4 | Giampiero Gloder | Appointed | Apostolic Nuncio to Cuba | Apostolic Nuncio to Romania |
66.7 | Joseph Salvador Marino | Appointed | President of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy | President Emeritus |
73.5 | Christo Proykov | Appointed | Bishop of Saint John XXIII of Sofia (Bulgarian), Bulgaria | Bishop Emeritus |
51.1 | Jorge Ángel Saldías Pedraza, O.P. | Appointed | Bishop of Tarija, Bolivia |
2020 | 62.4 | Adriano Cevolotto | Installed | Bishop of Piacenza-Bobbio, Italy |
2021 | 54.5 | Jorge Cuapio Bautista | Installed | Bishop of Iztapalapa, México, México |
55.9 | Diego Giovanni Ravelli | Appointed | Master of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations of the Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff |
2022 | 64.4 | Peter Gwilym Collins | Appointed | Bishop of East Anglia, England, Great Britain |
74.7 | Ivan Devčić | Retired | Archbishop of Rijeka, Croatia | Archbishop Emeritus |
78.5 | Alan Stephen Hopes | Retired | Bishop of East Anglia, England, Great Britain | Bishop Emeritus |
55.0 | Mate Uzinić | Succeeded | Archbishop of Rijeka, Croatia |
2023 | 58.9 | Gregório (Leozírio) Ben Lâmed Paixão (Neto), O.S.B. | Appointed | Archbishop of Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil |
75.4 | José Antônio Aparecido Tosi Marques | Retired | Archbishop of Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil | Archbishop Emeritus |