Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1651


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1650) | Next Year (1652)

unknown61.0Jan BaikowskiAuxiliary Bishop of Poznań, Poland
unknownDominique BlanditiBishop of Umbriatico (Umbriaticum), Italy
unknownLodovico (Francesco) CentofioriniBishop of Nicotera, Italy
unknown49.0Giacinto Cevoli, O.P. †Bishop of San Marco (Argentano), Italy
unknown67.0Tommaso d’Aquino, C.R. †Bishop of Mottola (Motula), Italy
unknown48.0Nykyfor LosovskyjCoadjutor Bishop of Połock (Polotsk) (Ukrainian), Belarus
unknown56.0Cherubino Manzoni, O.F.M. †Bishop of Termoli, Italy
unknownGonzalo de RuedaBishop of Gallipoli, Italy
unknown56.1Talento de’ TalentiBishop of Montepulciano, Italy
unknown56.0Ambrosio Viola, O.P. †Bishop of Lacedonia, Italy
5 Jan71.0Alphonse d’ElbèneBishop Emeritus of Albi, France
7 Jan51.0Sallustio Pecólo (Pecoli)Bishop Emeritus of Venosa, Italy
9 Feb61.1René Leclerc, O.M. †Bishop of Glandèves, France
12 FebPablo DuránBishop of Urgell, Spain
Mar63.1Fabrizio CarafaBishop of Bitonto, Italy
8 MarRené de Rieux de SourdéacBishop of Saint-Pol-de-Léon, France
17 Mar65.2Giovanni Battista VercellinoBishop of Aosta, Italy
5 Apr56.2Timoteo Pérez Vargas, O.C.D. †Bishop Emeritus of Ispahan, Iran
8 Apr62.1Léonor d’Estampes de Valançay, O.S.B. †Archbishop of Reims, France
28 May75.4Jean de Plantavit de la PauseBishop Emeritus of Lodève, France
30 May65.4Luis Venegas FigueroaBishop of Almería, Spain
18 Jun61.0Francisco Rodríguez de ValcárcelBishop of Cartagena, Colombia
30 Jun53.4Michael Chumer (Chumberg), O.F.M. †Auxiliary Bishop of Ljubljana (Laybach; Laibach), Slovenia
14 Jul57.5Francisco Torres Sánchez de RoaBishop of Lugo, Spain
26 JulGirolamo Corio (Coiro)Bishop of Parma, Italy
30 Jul73.8Henri Louis Chasteigner de La RocheposayBishop of Poitiers, France
2 Aug60.5Thomas Fleming, O.F.M. †Archbishop of Dublin, Ireland
6 Aug65.5Juan de Espinoza y Orozco, O.P. †Bishop of Santa Marta, Colombia
15 Aug73.0Engelbert des BoisBishop of Namur {Namen}, Belgium
16 Aug65.7Filippo Benedetto de Sio, O.F.M. Conv. †Bishop of Boiano, Italy
22 Aug62.6Charles de MontchalArchbishop of Toulouse, France
25 Aug57.1Beat Albrecht von RamsteinBishop of Basel, Switzerland
3 Sep64.6Giovanni Giacomo PanciroliCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santo Stefano al Monte Celio
24 Sep82.7Johann SchönerAuxiliary Bishop of Bamberg, Germany
25 Sep69.1Ciriaco RocciCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Salvatore in Lauro
OctPietro MagriBishop of Policastro, Italy
Oct59.7John O’MollonyBishop of Killaloe, Ireland
Oct56.7Octavius RivarolaBishop of Ajaccio, France
Oct73.7Francesco TrainaBishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy
10 Oct76.7Philippus RoveniusVicar Apostolic of Batavia (Holland Mission), Netherlands
13 OctFrancesco Surgenti (Sorgente), C.R. †Bishop of Monopoli, Italy
17 Oct61.7Hernando de Lobo Castrillo, O. Carm. †Bishop of Puerto Rico (Porto Rico)
31 Oct50.8Bl. Terence Albert O’Brien, O.P. †Coadjutor Bishop of Emly, Ireland
Nov64.8Paolo TeutonicoArchbishop of Manfredonia, Italy
12 Nov72.7Nicolas DufiffBishop-Elect of Arras, France
17 Nov56.7Fausto CaffarelliArchbishop of Santa Severina, Italy
1 Dec78.9Pietro NiccoliniArchbishop of Firenze {Florence}, Italy
4 Dec69.9Bernardino Rodríguez de Arriaga, O.S.A. †Bishop of Guadix, Spain
8 Dec67.4Veit Adam Gepeckh von ArnsbachBishop of Freising, Germany


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