Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1572


See Also: Overview | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1571) | Next Year (1573)

unknownPedro Arévalos, O.S.H. †Bishop of Cartagena, Colombia
unknownAlonso Cristóbal ArguelladaAuxiliary Bishop of Sigüenza, Spain
unknownFilippo de Arighetti, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Nebbio, France
unknownFrançois BalaguerBishop of Bazas, France
unknown39.0Giovanni Andrea BelloniBishop of Massa Lubrense, Italy
unknownBartolomeo CapranicaBishop of Carinola (Calina), Italy
unknownTommaso Caselli, O.P. †Bishop of Cava (de’ Tirreni), Italy
unknown39.6Roland de ChauvignéFormer Bishop-Elect of Saint-Pol-de-Léon, France
unknownMassimiliano DoriaBishop of Noli, Italy
unknownPirro FrancoBishop of Boiano, Italy
unknownAlessandro GadalettaBishop of Nusco, Italy
unknown52.0Girolamo GaddiBishop of Cortona, Italy
unknownFrancesco Angelo Gazzino, O.P. †Bishop of Polignano (Polinianum), Italy
unknownJacques Leroy de Chavigny, O.S.B. †Archbishop of Bourges, France
unknown82.0Miguel Maiques Pérez, O.S.A. †Bishop of Ales e Terralba, Italy
unknownAndrea MinucciArchbishop of Zadar (Zara), Croatia
unknown51.0Matthais ObAuxiliary Bishop of Speyer, Germany
unknownJohn O’Neylan, C.R.S.A. †Bishop of Kilfenora, Ireland
unknownCamillo PeruschiBishop of Alatri, Italy
unknownAntonio Pintor CavaroBishop of Bosa, Italy
unknownPierre PontlevoyBishop of Maillezais, France
unknown64.0Paolo SadoletoBishop of Carpentras, France
unknownOrgantino Scarola (Scazola)Bishop of San Marco (Argentano), Italy
unknownFrancisco Thomàs de TaxaquetBishop of Ampurias e Civita, Italy
unknownMiguel TorcellaBishop of Anagni, Italy
unknownPierre d’UrreBishop of Viviers (Aps), France
unknownGiovanni Francesco VerduraBishop of Chiron, Greece
9 JanGiulio GentileBishop of Vulturara e Montecorvino, Italy
8 FebFrancesco PisaniBishop of Chioggia, Italy
10 Feb66.1Gabriel de BouveryBishop of Angers, France
19 Feb62.1Jean MilesAbbot of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland
23 FebGiovambattista RicasoliBishop of Pistoia, Italy
26 Feb60.0Pedro Agustín y AlbanellBishop of Huesca, Spain
7 Mar65.2Adriano Beretti (Valentico), O.P. †Bishop of Capodistria (Capo d’Istria)(Koper), Slovenia
7 Mar83.1Alfonso de Montufar, O.P. †Archbishop of México, Federal District
17 Mar66.2Marco Antonio AmulioCardinal, Bishop of Rieti, Italy
4 Apr47.2Costantino BonelliBishop of Città di Castello, Italy
12 Apr62.2Filip PadniewskiBishop of Kraków, Poland
1 May68.2St. Antonio (Michele) Ghislieri, O.P. †Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
8 MayPeter PerčićBishop of Seckau, Austria
1 JunPedro Carlos, O.S. †Bishop of Gerona, Spain
16 Jun38.4Vilém Prusinovský z VíckovaBishop of Olomouc (Olmütz), Czechia
29 JunMariano VittoriBishop of Rieti, Italy
24 JulGirolamo Ferragatta, O.S.A. †Bishop of Aosta, Italy
26 Jul74.5Martín Cuyper, O. Carm. †Auxiliary Bishop of Cambrai, France
29 JulAntonino FaraoneBishop of Catania, Italy
Aug60.5Giovanni Francesco LottiniFormer Bishop-Elect of Conversano, Italy
AugRodrigo PinheiroBishop of Porto, Portugal
16 AugPierre de MarcillyBishop of Autun, France
27 Aug48.6Walenty HerburtBishop of Przemyśl, Poland
5 Sep70.0Diego Espinosa ArévaloCardinal, Bishop of Sigüenza, Spain
9 Oct61.7Girolamo di CorregioCardinal, Archbishop of Taranto, Italy
17 Oct71.7Lodovico Beccadelli (Beccatelli)Archbishop Emeritus of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), Croatia
14 NovCristóbal Fernández ValtodanoArchbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
26 Nov65.9João Soares, O.S.A. †Bishop of Coimbra, Portugal
2 Dec63.2Ippolito d’Este (II)Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Novara, Italy


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